View Full Version : So disapointed

13 May 2007, 01:03
I just thought i'd keep everyone up to date that theres someone on ebay selling fake meat loaf dvds or what i tend to think is a fake, I Bough the Bat out of hell DVD & got it through the post this morning it came unwrapped and i was thinking it was dvd that i hadnt seen before so i opened & put it in the dvd player and found out that it was a copy of MSO but with a different title and cover who ever made the dvd just took clips from the MSO dvd to make up another dvd is was disapointed that i wasted my money on that dvd :( so guys dont buy it its a wrip off!! heres the link to it

Meat Loaf dvd (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DVD-MEAT-LOAF-BAT-OUT-OF-HELL-LIVE-IN-CONCERT-NEW_W0QQitemZ200108053838QQihZ010QQcategoryZ59009QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrd Z1QQcmdZViewItem)

13 May 2007, 01:07
I would suggest that you return it and say that you falsley advertised the product and state that you want a full refund. Explain to the seller why and then if he gets funny contact ebay, I do not even know any DVD with that cover and it looks highly suspicious to me and you are right to be concerned.

That is what I would do in this case because I would feel really cheated and let down.

13 May 2007, 01:20
The DVD came from germany & i bought another from the same person Meat Loaf dvd (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DVD-MEAT-LOAF-BAT-OUT-OF-HELL-NEW_W0QQitemZ200109233560QQihZ010QQcategoryZ59009QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrd Z1QQcmdZViewItem) im just hoping i dont get wrip of this time because ive bn trying to get my hands on that dvd for a while now!!

13 May 2007, 01:28
They did a pretty good job on the artwork.

Pud :twisted:

13 May 2007, 01:31
The DVD came from germany & i bought another from the same person Meat Loaf dvd (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DVD-MEAT-LOAF-BAT-OUT-OF-HELL-NEW_W0QQitemZ200109233560QQihZ010QQcategoryZ59009QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrd Z1QQcmdZViewItem) im just hoping i dont get wrip of this time because ive bn trying to get my hands on that dvd for a while now!!

This IS a bootleg !!!!

It's got clips from Hits and a few other concerts...

13 May 2007, 01:37
Thanks for Letting me know, Lets hope i dont have any of it i've got a lot of Meats Bootlegs. Im counting down the hours until monday cant wait :D

13 May 2007, 01:45

Hit's Out Of Hell

I do not have this DVD you posted and I refuse to buy it as I prefere to buy the real deal ;).

13 May 2007, 01:50
I dont mind buying bootleg dvds i just dont like ppl false advertising it really p*ss's me of!!

13 May 2007, 01:51
That's true...

13 May 2007, 02:00
Printers come in Handy was just having my dinner couldnt finda place to put the plate so its sitting on top of the printer.

Last years i spent like £250 on meat loaf Bootleg VHS & DVD
This year i spent £300 on Meat Loaf Concert tickets (Thats not including Travel & Accomaditon everyone say im mad)

13 May 2007, 02:13
Ok I think this conversation is getting a bit too much...
I have never spent that amount :shock: !

evil nickname
13 May 2007, 12:29
This IS a bootleg !!!!

It's got clips from Hits and a few other concerts...

That one is legit. Compare it to all those cheap compilation CDs.

The first one does look like a bootleg, however. But if the description matches with what was received, well, you got what you payed for.

13 May 2007, 14:12
Hello all...

Just wondering where else I can find piccies of the tour. I've seen a few on here, but I'd like one of the two ladies as my signature for some of the other forums I frequent.....any ideas?


14 May 2007, 09:35
The DVD came from germany & i bought another from the same person Meat Loaf dvd (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DVD-MEAT-LOAF-BAT-OUT-OF-HELL-NEW_W0QQitemZ200109233560QQihZ010QQcategoryZ59009QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrd Z1QQcmdZViewItem) im just hoping i dont get wrip of this time because ive bn trying to get my hands on that dvd for a while now!!

Mmm... it a dvd that came from HOLLAND (The NETHERLANDS)!!! Just to correct you!. And it is not a bootleg i believe.. just a compiler dvd. But indeed it is to expensive for what you get.

14 May 2007, 09:55
I heard somewhere that that DVD is a mix between MSO and Hits out of Hell. It certainly looks that way from the track list.
If you're gonna spend 250 quid on "bootlegs" obviously you are going to get disappointed at some stage I'd say.

14 May 2007, 20:56
Seen something like this before called Bat out of Hell with the MSO thought that was a bootleg to. Never bought it cause again I look up what I am going to buy and sometimes ask about the item on here. Thats why I'm always glad to know what's good and not a bootleg and thankful for the folks on here. :smile:

evil nickname
27 May 2007, 17:52
Well... seems to be legit after all (http://www.mlukfc.com/forums/showthread.php?p=345676#post345676).

27 May 2007, 18:51
why would you buy a dvd that has all the same footage on..... I got one from germany once - as it had all the same footage as hist out of hell and mso dvd I have :-)

native texan
28 May 2007, 00:45
I dont mind buying bootleg dvds i just dont like ppl false advertising it really p*ss's me of!!

I may be wrong, but if you're buying bootleg DVDs, that means that Meat isn't getting any of the profit. Also, he has no control over the quality of the product, meaning that someone can put out a bunch of crap under his name.

Personally, if someone is going to accept cheap, and, in my country at least, illegal versions of a product, they get what they deserve, IMHO.