View Full Version : What grinds your gears?

The Flying Mouse
15 May 2007, 20:56
:twisted:When I can't find the droids i'm looking for :evil:

Blatantly ripped off from Family Guy :p

15 May 2007, 21:31
Granny mobiles (don't know their proper name) occupied by young, overweight people too lazy to walk. :angry:

15 May 2007, 23:52
People who work in shops and don't say please or thank you when you're giving them the money that pays their wages - I used to work in a shop, and it ain't a difficult thing to do!

15 May 2007, 23:56
people who are dumb as hell, and think they're the smartest person on earth

15 May 2007, 23:59
People who work in shops and don't say please or thank you when you're giving them the money that pays their wages - I used to work in a shop, and it ain't a difficult thing to do!
it is when they are abusive, but manners are important, I always work for the customer, I know Argos employs me, but i agree You pay our wages. I consider myself to be the best at what I do

16 May 2007, 00:00
people who are dumb as hell, and think they're the smartest person on earth
you always get people like that!!!

16 May 2007, 00:04
what grinds me is, you're sitting on a bus and some ~~~~er has got a mobile phone with an mp3 player, and he or she thinks it's good to let the whole bus hear their music, and usually it's some rap, r'nb shit... you just just wanna shout "oy, you buy some headphones cause i don't think the whole of the bus wants to hear you're shit". jeez it pisses me off

16 May 2007, 00:06
it is when they are abusive, but manners are important, I always work for the customer, I know Argos employs me, but i agree You pay our wages. I consider myself to be the best at what I do

The one thing I learned from years working in a fruit and veg shop is that if you're polite and friendly to the customer, even if you've messed up big time, chances are they won't be nasty with you, but polite and friendly back... Okay, stepping out of my grumpy old woman persona, normal service will now be resumed...

16 May 2007, 00:06
People who think the world owes them a living

16 May 2007, 00:10
The one thing I learned from years working in a fruit and veg shop is that if you're polite and friendly to the customer, even if you've messed up big time, chances are they won't be nasty with you, but polite and friendly back... Okay, stepping out of my grumpy old woman persona, normal service will now be resumed...i agree, but if i've got someone one a mobile phone while serving, I just dont say anything, give there item out, stamp the receipt, and they can go cause to me, I'm trying to serve them and they cant be bothered to put their phone down for 2 minutes, so i respond back in that way

16 May 2007, 00:10
seems to work!!!

16 May 2007, 00:24
I personally take it that way:
I'm responding to people they way they are to me.
If they are friendly and smiling, I'll smile back, but if they're grumpy and loud, then I might scream at them.
Easiest way :))

Lord Kagan
16 May 2007, 00:39
people who are dumb as hell, and think they're the smartest person on earth

So basically yourself then?

16 May 2007, 00:51
So basically yourself then?

i knew it, I ~~~~ING KNEW, youd say that!

16 May 2007, 01:14
I hate people who ask for directions and after you give it to them, they tell you you don't know what you're talking about instead of thank you.

16 May 2007, 01:49
I hate people who ask for directions and after you give it to them, they tell you you don't know what you're talking about instead of thank you.


16 May 2007, 02:16

Not funny...happened to me a few times...and I really do know how to give directions if I know them...

16 May 2007, 11:36
The one thing I learned from years working in a fruit and veg shop is that if you're polite and friendly to the customer, even if you've messed up big time, chances are they won't be nasty with you, but polite and friendly back... Okay, stepping out of my grumpy old woman persona, normal service will now be resumed...

I'm sorry but that isn't the case.

Firstly, all my staff are trained to say please and thank you with every transaction. We took part around 6 months ago in a big survey in which we kept a tally of how many customers said please and how many said thank you. You can expect to hear one of both phrases from 35% of customers.

Personally what getrs me are the people who shout, swear, spit or ignore me while I am serving them.

And my biggest gripe, which commiting should be a capital offence, is people who put their money/lotto tickets/etc in their mouth before handing it over. I do not get their change and gob in it prior to putting it in your hand so why the hell do they think i want their slimy money! :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:(incidentally, around 65% of customers do that!!)

16 May 2007, 11:44
People who lose all sense of spatial awareness once they're pushing a shopping trolley in a supermarket.

I saw a guy a few weeks ago who in the car park stopped his car and waved me through as I was looking for somewhere to park. Not ten minutes later I was literally ran off the aisle as the same bloke crashed his trolley into my groin. :shock:

16 May 2007, 11:45
People who lose all sense of spatial awareness once they're pushing a shopping trolley in a supermarket.

I saw a guy a few weeks ago who in the car park stopped his car and waved me through as I was looking for somewhere to park. Not ten minutes later I was literally ran off the aisle as the same bloke crashed his trolley into my groin. :shock:

What you need to remember arre that these are the same folks who suffer from Automotive Anorexia - they look at their little Peugot 106 or whatever adn think it is the size of a chuffing bus.

16 May 2007, 12:00
What you need to remember arre that these are the same folks who suffer from Automotive Anorexia - they look at their little Peugot 106 or whatever adn think it is the size of a chuffing bus.

Not all of them. That's just a subset, supermarket spatial awareness syndrome affects 99% of the population in my experience. I think it's the affects of the automated revolving doors, the plastic coating on the trolley handles and the piped music that cause it.

Ageing Bat
16 May 2007, 12:05
I'd like to know who the 'One Sheet Wonder' is? You know, the person who leaves one sheet of toilet paper ....... the sheet that's stuck to the cardboard tube that you can't use anyway (I know, I've tried - it comes off in thin strips). That makes me soooo angry :evil:

16 May 2007, 12:06
supermarket spatial awareness syndrome affects 99% of the population in my experience. I think it's the affects of the automated revolving doors, the plastic coating on the trolley handles and the piped music that cause it.

You're also forgetting the ones who park their trolleys on one side of the aisle, and get stuff off the shelves on the other side, whilst HOLDING ONTO THEIR TROLLEY THE WHOLE TIME, just in case someone decides to steal their unpaid-for milk and tuna...

16 May 2007, 12:33
Stupidity, Religion, Ignorance.

16 May 2007, 13:21
What you need to remember arre that these are the same folks who suffer from Automotive Anorexia - they look at their little Peugot 106 or whatever adn think it is the size of a chuffing bus.

Automotive Anorexia...:lmao:

Thanks for the laugh Chris! :lol:

Lord Kagan
16 May 2007, 17:50
RJ :p

16 May 2007, 18:26
In America...people who own expensive cars...

Just because your car costs a fortune...doesn't mean it's a tank and you're, in fact, a god that can drive over other people with no consequences...

Just a note...in America people with expensive cars are DAMN BAD drivers...

I also hate people that weave from lane to lane in stand still traffic...and you're going WHERE exactly???

16 May 2007, 18:49
the general attitude in our country that were f#cked up, and everything sucks and we're probably the poorest people on earth with the hardest life, although we're one of the richest countries where people live longest and dont have a lack of anything.

Lord Kagan
16 May 2007, 23:03
Germans work too hard, youve got that stereotype