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27 May 2007, 18:45
Hi I have a few questions I want to ask and I apologize in advance if these have been asked 436 times before by other newbies but here goes anyway.

1- Is there a DVD with all of the promotional videos on it? or is there somewhere I can download them (legally) from?

2- This is the forum for the Fan Club is there more as in a Fan Club to join which costs £££ or is this it ?

3- How do I get considered for a Meet and Great ?? ( who do I pay and how much ) :D

4- I want a large cloth patch ( 8 -10 inches across) of the Meat Loaf logo on to go across the back of my jacket ( like the Harley Bike ones you see) does such a thing exist?

I think that's it for the moment
Thanks XD

27 May 2007, 19:50
Ill try to answer those for you:

meat loafs records have been released on various labels, so its hard to get them all on one DVD.
The closest you can get is the "Hits out of Hell" DVD, it has most of the BOOH, DR and MATLAF stuff. The "Bat out of Hell 2 Collectors Edition", released last autumn, has the BOOH2 videos on DVD.
you can see most of them on youtube tho, take a look around the forum, theres a thread with links to all of them floating around somewhere....

2. This is the site of the UK Fanclub, theres also the "official" fanclub, (www.meatloaf.net), which takes 40$ a year.

3. If youre a paying member on meatloaf.net, you can join the competition, theres a competition for every concert of the tour.
There are also VIP packages sold, but Im not sure if they contain m&g's. take a look over at meatloaf.net for more info. Tho I think most of them are already sold out.

4. no idea.

hope i could help you and welcome to the forum!

28 May 2007, 11:36
Thanks for the answers I will keep looking for a jacket patch.
Cheers XD

Lord Kagan
28 May 2007, 15:06
Try Ebay, Amazon etc?