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View Full Version : Banana phone

09 Jun 2007, 02:14
Okay, well, i'd just like to meet the person who put the song "bananphone" on here and shake their hand, followed by my hands shaking their neck (a la Homer and Bart Simpson).

Do they realise just how many versions there are of the said song? I don't think so.

Have they had to suffer said versions of the song ~ played over and over again when there's a "good one"? I don't think so.

So ~ thank you whoever it was ~ my 12 year old son now thinks you're God...... me ~ well what I think can't be put into words. :shock::shock:

Let's just say YouTube and bananaphone are now banned from this computer.

ames xx ;)

09 Jun 2007, 02:15
it wasn't me lol

09 Jun 2007, 02:24

I think I might know who that might be...

:lmao: ! Unless they fess up I'm, not saying a word... !

duke knooby
09 Jun 2007, 03:12
rainer, april fool tune 06 if i rem