View Full Version : Most Haunted - Do you believe ??!!??

19 Jun 2007, 12:31
I thought it would be cool to see who likes the programme Most Haunted (http://www.livingtv.co.uk/mosthaunted/) and who believes in the paranormal, being, ghosts, poltergeists etc.....

If you do believe in them, tell us your ghost stories that you know of!

I have done a poll too :-)

19 Jun 2007, 12:39
I'm afraid I don't believe at all, I think it's a rubbish program and does nothing for anyone who genuinely believes they have 'psychic' abilities, and as for Derek Acorah.... he's a muppet....

One of my favourite sites is this one:

Bad Psychics (http://badpsychics.com/thefraudfiles/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=4&storynum=30)

they have some very funny clips from Most Haunted of them cheating their pants off.... oh, and you must check out the 'Mary loves Dick' clip they have, the bit that was edited out of the program.... I'll say no more... :lmao:

Mary loves Dick (http://badpsychics.com/thefraudfiles/modules/news/article.php?storyid=232)

19 Jun 2007, 12:44
i watch the most haunted programme, yeah i believe in ghosts, well my house is very haunted as it was built on a grave yard. when i was 2 years old i actually saw my grandad and he died in 1989 and before he died he said to my dad if i don't get the chance to say goodbye to jo i will come and back and say goodbye to her, in 1990 i was playing with some toys up stairs and i saw this man smile at me and he then said goodbye to me i then told my dad what happened and then he said it was my grandad.

19 Jun 2007, 12:45
I'd like to think that there's "something" after death, I don't like the thought that I'm going to spend my time working and hopefully making my mark in the world, and then I'll die and that'll be it, but I'm not sure what it is I think is out there...

In regards Most Haunted I think it's one of the biggest loads of crap on television.

19 Jun 2007, 12:52
My flat is def haunted, some times I even wake up with a blinding headache and the ghost has been in during the night and taken the whisky outta the bottle never to be seen again!!!!!

19 Jun 2007, 12:53
I'm not sure that's para-normal so much as completely-normal in your flat!

19 Jun 2007, 12:54

19 Jun 2007, 13:03
another time in my house my parents had gone out for the day and i was in all day on my own, and all day i kept hearing a man calling my name from upstairs i went up the stairs to see who was calling me when i got there, there was no one there and as i turned around to walk down the stairs, i saw this man stareing at me i started to follow him and he just dissappeard and the front door was locked as well it bloody scared me lol

19 Jun 2007, 13:43
Mary loves Dick (http://badpsychics.com/thefraudfiles/modules/news/article.php?storyid=232)

oh my god, thanks for that! laughing my ass off here!! :lmao:

Did you read the first reply to that article? Makes the whole thing even funnier! :lol:

Lord Kagan
19 Jun 2007, 15:38
Ghosts? Nah

duke knooby
19 Jun 2007, 18:39
i love a good ghost story, just heard where theres a possible haunted house yesterday

19 Jun 2007, 19:07
carls loo?

19 Jun 2007, 20:11
it's all a load of b*ll*cks, if you ask me.

19 Jun 2007, 20:56
defintely, but damn funny :lmao: especially that guys face

19 Jun 2007, 21:27
:nope: Don't believe

20 Jun 2007, 05:57
Ok here I go yep my house is haunted there is a lady in white here. Seen her every now and then in the hallway, felt a chill in one spot sometimes it moves. Have heard footsteps on the deck outside, in the kitchen, yes I got a dog and 3 cats and they are usally outside or asleep so it's not them. Have heard my name called so has my sister heard her name get called when noone was here. Things will fall down with no reason or even keys that are usaly hung up with disapper. When stuff does apper it will be somewhere in the open like had a ring appear after it was gone more then a week just sitting there on the bed. So your answer is yeah I do believe...I don't care what people say I do think Silivia brown, and most psychics out there are hoxes. I hate watching shows like that cause they bore me but at the same time I do like it when they can explain what people are hearing making the sounds.

20 Jun 2007, 09:49
One thing that does work for me, and I can't explain how, is that if I lose something, and I've hunted high and low for it, if I stand in the middle of the room and ask for it back it shows up in the next day or so....

Perhaps it just jogs my memory and I remember where I left it..?

Lord Kagan
20 Jun 2007, 10:53
carls loo?

people live there? you germans are weird

20 Jun 2007, 12:07
not necessarily....people :bleh:

Lord Kagan
20 Jun 2007, 14:22
Crazy RJ, Veeery crazy

20 Jun 2007, 17:48
how do I know whats living (or in this case not living) in your loo?

20 Jun 2007, 18:15
how do I know whats living (or in this case not living) in your loo?

And by not living, we mean.... dying...? I'm not sure I want to know what's dying in Carl's loo, nor the reasons for it!!!

20 Jun 2007, 18:18
not dying, but from the inspiration of this thread, being dead, and living :devil:
(yes, we're still talking about Carl's loo)

Lord Kagan
20 Jun 2007, 18:22
Uhm why?

20 Jun 2007, 18:27
you really wanna ask this?
I dont know, it's your loo, not mine :p

Lord Kagan
20 Jun 2007, 19:57
Why bring it up in the first place? Weird topic

20 Jun 2007, 23:02
Why bring it up in the first place? Weird topic

Why the need to post it, couldn't we just have "sensed" the thread?

20 Jun 2007, 23:16
One thing that does work for me, and I can't explain how, is that if I lose something, and I've hunted high and low for it, if I stand in the middle of the room and ask for it back it shows up in the next day or so....

Perhaps it just jogs my memory and I remember where I left it..?

Can I PM you at least one request?