View Full Version : Named the big day.
The Flying Mouse
18 Sep 2007, 05:45
:twisted: As you may know, myself and Joanne (sexyeyes_jo) got engaged to be married a couple of months ago.
Two weeks ago, we had a little family holiday together (me, Jo, and both our mums) in Blackpool, and during which, i'm very happy to say, me and Jo set the date for our wedding :D
We will be getting married on the 21st August next year.
It's my birthday the day before, and Jo's birthday the day after.
This gives me two good reasons for being married on that date....
1. I'll never forget my wedding anniversary, thus spending less time in the dog house :lol: .
2. It's a good excuse for a three day piss up every year :mrgreen: .
Although she isn't online at the moment due to puter probs.....
my darling Joanne, I love you with every beat of my heart, and every breath in my body.
I'll always be yours princess.
Your loving hubby to be.
18 Sep 2007, 06:02
Congratulations :up: !!
18 Sep 2007, 10:30
Congratulations to you both!
Congrats Jo and Neil :cool:
Cpl Mickey
18 Sep 2007, 13:40
Congratulations Jo and Neil x
18 Sep 2007, 13:41
18 Sep 2007, 14:01
congratulations you two!
Lord Kagan
18 Sep 2007, 14:45
Nice one Neil, Congratulations!
Congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple.
duke knooby
18 Sep 2007, 15:24
18 Sep 2007, 15:26
*starts looking for suitable hat...*
Sapphire Lady
18 Sep 2007, 15:42
Awww how lovely. Congratulations to you both.
duke knooby
18 Sep 2007, 15:44
(you still haven't said what you named the big day... how about Eric?):lol:
18 Sep 2007, 16:19
That's lovely news, congratulations :D
Mick Loaf
19 Sep 2007, 21:31
Congrats, best of luck to you both.
19 Sep 2007, 23:52
Congratulations :cheer:
what the rest said -- congrats
Fallen Angel
21 Sep 2007, 14:22
Congratulations! Thats wonderful news:)
24 Sep 2007, 08:20
I don't want to cause offence, but is this a genuine wedding and not one of those cyber-weddings Neil has been known to have?
Pud :twisted:
Lord Kagan
25 Sep 2007, 21:42
I don't want to cause offence,
Pud :twisted:
Not like you Pud
26 Sep 2007, 02:08
I know, I feel like I'm out of my comfort zone...LOL
The reason I'm asking though is before I give any form of congratulations, I'd like to know if it's the real deal or not, or just another online messing about thing like what happened with Zina?
I don't really know Neil or Jo, never met them and (fingers crossed :pray:) probably never will, so I only know what I read on mlukfc, which is more than enough to be honest. I could be wrong, and probably am, but from what I have read on mlukfc, they haven't really been together that long....I honestly don't know.
If it is the genuine thing, then they obviously get my unequivocal congratulations.
Pud :twisted:
The Flying Mouse
29 Sep 2007, 01:27
:twisted: Yes, the wedding is a real wedding, and not virtual in any way :wink:
29 Sep 2007, 03:02
Cool :up: best of luck, hope everything works out.
May I suggest you get married abroad? That way you get the wedding AND the honeymoon for around the same price as a traditional church wedding and a sit down reception where miserable gits complain about the food etc. I got married in Barbados and honeymooned at DisneyWorld (Florida)
Pud :twisted:
best of luck to neil and jo ill get you both a drink at wembley :hic:
:cheers::cheers: Lovely news mouise and jo, congratulations to you both;)
05 Oct 2007, 00:02
thanks every1
05 Oct 2007, 01:44
congrats to Jo and Neil, welcome to the family Neil at last someone as crazy about meat loaf as me (not in the same way i hope lol) love you to bits
05 Oct 2007, 01:55
Welcome ToThe Neighbourhood Barb !!
Very nice to have you here :)).
16 Sep 2008, 19:24
We will be getting married on the 21st August next year.
whatever happened to this?
16 Sep 2008, 19:31
whatever happened to this?
It happens day after the 20th August 2009
The Flying Mouse
16 Sep 2008, 19:36
It happens day after the 20th August 2009
:twisted: Correct :up:
Really wanted to do it this year, but thought a bit more time to get our accounts in order and save some cash would be in order :wink:
Still intent on 21st August though.
Wedding in just under a year now 8)
16 Sep 2008, 19:55
good luck then :up:
16 Sep 2008, 22:00
Indeed...and sort of belated congrats, seeing as I wasn't around at the time you two got engaged! (well, I was...just not around on mlukfc, if that makes sense?!) so 21st August eh? You have plans, and outfits / venues picked out and all the rest of those capers yet?
The Flying Mouse
16 Sep 2008, 23:04
:twisted: Oh god no :shock:
That would mean being organized :shock:
I'll probably start getting things in gear around January/ February.
Any sooner than that would result in me twiddling my thumbs and pacing up and down from now to the wedding.
16 Sep 2008, 23:26
Hope all goes to plan for you both, we got married on the 21st August good choice!
17 Sep 2008, 00:45
:twisted: Oh god no :shock:
That would mean being organized :shock:
I'll probably start getting things in gear around January/ February.
Any sooner than that would result in me twiddling my thumbs and pacing up and down from now to the wedding.
Does this mean you're leaving Jo and Barb to do all the planning and looking at dresses and pretty table decorations, and you're saying 'yes dear' whenever she asks if you agree? ;)
The Flying Mouse
17 Sep 2008, 00:49
:twisted: I'll be pretty involved in the planning :wink:
A pal of ours said he put us in for that "Don't Tell The Bride" show where the groom has got to plan everything whereas the bride has no idea as to the preperations.
Would be pi$$ easy that :mrgreen:
17 Sep 2008, 10:31
All i can say
Lots of love and hugs to you both Jo and Neil and many Congratulations....
love dottie
29 Sep 2008, 01:15
Congratulations to you!
29 Sep 2008, 10:48
Many congrats Neil and Jo.:heart::D
Yeah, congrats.
Planning is all about timing. Leave somethings up to your friends though. Makes some of the best moments.....
07 Oct 2008, 13:44
i'm looking forward to next year now i've already got my eye on a dress we just got to do the rest now lol but we will start planning it in jan next year but since when has me and neil been organised lol
Belated Congrats from me, too.
So glad to hear you gave yourselves nearly a year to prepare. My immediate boss' only daughter is getting married the 3rd week of November, and that was just confirmed 3 weeks ago, as they are fitting it in between job moves, and one of the bride's brothers lives in Israel, and will be coming over with family, etc. They are planning a large wedding (the husband-to-be is from a family of 8 kids), with all the trimmings, in less than 3 months. Glad it's them and not me! So, Jo and Neil, take full advantage of the plentiful time you've given yourselves.
08 Oct 2008, 22:29
i'm looking forward to next year now i've already got my eye on a dress we just got to do the rest now lol but we will start planning it in jan next year but since when has me and neil been organised lol
Tell me about your strong
12 Oct 2008, 04:30
Nice one! Congratulations to you both!!
12 Oct 2008, 11:44
Neil,make sure you pick your best man very
The Flying Mouse
12 Oct 2008, 18:34
:twisted: I'm trying to think what Jo's reaction would be to such an occurrence at our wedding :shock:
Actually, I don't want to think about that :lmao:
Belated congrats Neil and Jo, hope you will have many happy years together:))
Neil i saw that show where the groom had to organise everything, i seriously wanted to slap the bride she was so ungrateful, so what he nearly forgot the bridesmaid dresses;)LOL....
Barb that video was too funny;)LOL...
13 Oct 2008, 10:03
Neil,lets hope we dont have a similar occurance what happened at your Johns wedding....a food and i wonder who could of started
13 Oct 2008, 13:04
the groom could have gotten in the pool too and continued the wedding in the pool....would have been a bit different... ;)
15 Jun 2009, 16:07
:twisted: Correct :up:
Really wanted to do it this year, but thought a bit more time to get our accounts in order and save some cash would be in order :wink:
Still intent on 21st August though.
Wedding in just under a year now 8)
whatever happened to this?
15 Jun 2009, 16:42
its still happening this year but at the moment my dad died so im trying to get through this we're sorting the wedding out a bit later probably be sorting it out few weeks later but i can't think about the wedding at the moment when i got other things on my mind looking after my mum is more important at the moment don't worry RJ you'll get your invite neil did put it on events about the wedding by the way but nobody replied to it
15 Jun 2009, 16:57
yeah...that's understandable
good luck with everything though :up:
15 Jun 2009, 17:07
thanks RJ
The Flying Mouse
15 Jun 2009, 18:33
:twisted: The wedding is going ahead as planned on Friday 21st August.
If anyone wants to pop down for a drink you're more than welcome.
As Jo said, with Steve passing away so recently, we're not really concentrating on wedding plans right now.
Making sure we're there for Barbara is much more important right now.
To neil and jo congratulations to you both with best wishes from lisa01
is working on it but on hols from 24/7
so maybe attending
The Flying Mouse
03 Jul 2009, 01:32
:twisted: Just to let interested parties know, after long thought Jo and I have decided to postpone the wedding until 21st August next year.
Being so close to Steve's death, it doesn't seem right going ahead at this time.
At least things will heal a little over the next 12 months.
It's not been an easy decission, but we do feel it's the right one.
Neil & Jo
thats ok the time has to be right
Congratulations Neil and his to be wife!
My girlfriend Sam (babybat) says "oh that is so sweet" Before Sam gets any ideas, I'm going to start my evening jog a little early ;)
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