View Full Version : Need infos for school essay

18 Sep 2007, 15:26
Firstly I thought it would be okay to post this here rather than the off-topic as it is meat Loaf related.

For school I have to do a persuasive essay and I wanted to do something totally different, than drugs, smoking ban etc.... so i thought I'd do an essay on- Is Meat passed his sell-by date?

The thing why I am posting this is that, I wanted your help, thats if you can help me or not.....

I need newspaper article, from websites etc... to state that meat is passed his best and some saying that he's good. I can find some but I need quite a bit of them as afterall this is higher SQA I am doing and not inetermediate so i want to make this essay good If I can and also to prove my teacher as the impression I got was, that he thought I was barking mad!!!! I might be but thats for you to decide :-)

If you can help, links would be nice

PS>> Once I have done it, thats If I can do it, I can add it to a pdf file and uupload for you all to read, might be intereting :-)

18 Sep 2007, 15:29
I'd have thought a good place to start would be any of the concert review threads on here, as people tend to put links to press articles in the thread relating to the relevant date..?

18 Sep 2007, 15:30

If this is for a "higher" then I presume you've already trawled through the tour talk forum and looked at all the links posted there to all the press reviews from the first leg of the tour? There's an abundance of material there for you to use in the first instance.

Oh, and don't forget to spell check your essay before you hand it in :p

18 Sep 2007, 15:44
Firstly I thought it would be okay to post this here rather than the off-topic as it is meat Loaf related.

For school I have to do a persuasive essay and I wanted to do something totally different, than drugs, smoking ban etc.... so i thought I'd do an essay on- Is Meat passed his sell-by date?

The thing why I am posting this is that, I wanted your help, thats if you can help me or not.....

I need newspaper article, from websites etc... to state that meat is passed his best and some saying that he's good. I can find some but I need quite a bit of them as afterall this is higher SQA I am doing and not inetermediate so i want to make this essay good If I can and also to prove my teacher as the impression I got was, that he thought I was barking mad!!!! I might be but thats for you to decide :-)

If you can help, links would be nice

PS>> Once I have done it, thats If I can do it, I can add it to a pdf file and uupload for you all to read, might be intereting :-)

ALL articles from this tour good and bad are on the bat III section of my site :D Not for the faint hearted ;)

18 Sep 2007, 18:07
thanks Deb - I'll check them all out..... this could be a challenge which I am not going to be defeated by :-) and yes Andy - I'll spell check it :-)

Thanks all

18 Sep 2007, 21:17
Oh, and don't forget to spell check your essay before you hand it in :p

"And then you took the words right outta my mouth"

No offense Ross but it's "Past" his best, not "Passed" (spell check wouldn't catch that one).

19 Sep 2007, 05:22
Sounds stupid but check tmz.com and read some of the comments people are saying...try dogpile.com and see if that turns up any interviews/articles you are looking for as well.

19 Sep 2007, 14:03
"And then you took the words right outta my mouth"

No offense Ross but it's "Past" his best, not "Passed" (spell check wouldn't catch that one).

oops - I type so quickly that sometimes I make mistakes and forget to read over.... now thats bad I know!:oops: