View Full Version : CHSIB AND THE OIFC

24 Apr 2003, 01:29
i am not getting at anyone from the OIFC, i believe it is a great site, but the advert for the new album and single which is appearing in the national papers has the OIFC's address. Surely then they could update their site with regards Meat loafs single. This is a MAJOR bad fault here. According to the OIFC Meats single is Did i say that? WHY HAVENT THEY UPDATED IT??? They even give a link to the video etc. The site is updated all the time with info such as the latest CD Signing, yet they can't update the most important thing of all. Simply their address is in the advertisement for everyone to read and when you go there there is absolutely no info on the CHSIB single. WHAT ARE THEY PLAYING AT. THIS IS HIS OFFICIAL OIFC AND IF THEY CANT PROMOTE THE SINGLE AND ALBUM PROPERLY WHAT HOPE IS THERE!!!!!

24 Apr 2003, 11:43
I agree completely!

When I first saw the paper advert i noticed that it was only the international fan club that was mentioned, not the UK fan club.

You are completely right! This site is much slicker, easier to use and is filled with info on Meat AND is BANG UP TO DATE!! What more could you ask for?!!

Well, at least this site is credited in the CHSIB booklet in the album!
That's something!!

Yours, Greavzyboy

Sapphire Lady
24 Apr 2003, 15:29
I heard that Meat is setting up his own official website due to be finished in June. Does anyone know about this? If it's true it will probably mean only that site will be credited in future instead of the oifc or mlukfc sites.

Juan Llanos
24 Apr 2003, 15:39
www.meatloaf.de is the official web in english and german...

24 Apr 2003, 17:45
The official site is one of the worst websites I have ever seen in my life.

It's so bad I sent them an e-mail listing everything I felt was wring with it. (One hideously long page, massive graphics etc... I pity anybody viewing it with a 56K connection or less)

Oh, and no reply to the e-mail of course...

I'd be embarrased if I was represented by a site as poorly designed and implemented.

And don't ask me if I could do any better, because I could probably do it with my eyes closed.

24 Apr 2003, 19:05
You are completely right! This site is much slicker, easier to use and is filled with info on Meat AND is BANG UP TO DATE!! What more could you ask for?!!

I could not agree more with your comment on difference between OIFC and this site.

I love ROL and MLUKFC, but rarely visit OIFC. It does not have the friendly welcoming atmosphere of the other two sites.

24 Apr 2003, 19:25
The official site is one of the worst websites I have ever seen in my life.

It's so bad I sent them an e-mail listing everything I felt was wring with it. (One hideously long page, massive graphics etc... I pity anybody viewing it with a 56K connection or less)

Oh, and no reply to the e-mail of course...

I'd be embarrased if I was represented by a site as poorly designed and implemented.

And don't ask me if I could do any better, because I could probably do it with my eyes closed.

I agree with this. That website is just 1 long page. If you wanna know how NOT to build a website, then go there.....

25 Apr 2003, 02:31
i wasnt trying to start a whos best debate here? I was just saying the OIFC needs more updating. But i do agree this site truely is a great one that all Meat Loaf fans should be aware off. I have a lot more respect for R and Co now than when I first strted posting here. They do a really good job

25 Apr 2003, 02:56
Another thing which shouldn't go unnoticed. If you want the latest Meat info thats not a forum then the only sie to go to is Mirror Of The Soul.
http://www.mirrorofthesoul.com/greymatter/index.htm Anything thats not on the site that you need to know or would like to see the staff of the mirror of the soul are more than happy to help.....they can also be found on this site as well......they aren't competitive people...... Meat Loaf hasn't got a lot of different sites...instead hes got a communuity!!!

25 Apr 2003, 14:43
please remember that maintaining a website a tough job (sometimes).

We do have the same problems as the OIFC.
If you don't receive official information you have nothing to post as everything else is just a rumour.
Just think of the release date nightmare.

Luckily this situation has changed for mlukfc.com recently, as one of our active members seems to have access to insider information. :))

And please remember that designing a website is a hard job too. I'm pretty sure they had their reasons to do it like it is.
So please be so kind and show some respect for other people's work - even if you don't like it.

07 May 2003, 15:59
Sue must be thrilled, if you go to the OIFC tour page you will see kasiminfo as Kasims official site. Also the OIFC is missing a lot of tour dates but claims to be up to date, if anyone from OIFC is reading, you're missing the ireland and northern ireland dates.

07 May 2003, 17:12
Sue must be thrilled, if you go to the OIFC tour page you will see kasiminfo as Kasims official site. .

Well, it's actually listed as "Kasim's official homepage" so maybe it's the homepage of his computer???! Although if you click on the photo of Kasim, it takes you to Cyndi Lauper's official website!

Also the OIFC is missing a lot of tour dates but claims to be up to date, if anyone from OIFC is reading, you're missing the ireland and northern ireland dates.

They also have things like them coming to Europe in June when it's in July, the Muskegon Festival is still listed when it says on that site that Meat has cancelled, Mystic Lake is shown as 2nd July but the link to Ticketmaster shows 20th July, the ticketing links for Idaho and Redmond both link to tickets for the Saratoga concert and it lists the venue "San Diego County Fair" as the place that they are playing in both San Diego and Anaheim!

Thank goodness Meat Loaf is getting a proper official website next month!!


Sapphire Lady
07 May 2003, 22:38
Thank goodness Meat Loaf is getting a proper official website next month!!

So you've heard that too? I suspect it might have been yourself who told the person who told me :wink:

Do you know any more about this new official website?

08 May 2003, 02:23
Meat Loaf hasn't got a lot of different sites... instead hes got a communuity!!!

You know, (insert goofy cliche here) I Couldn't Have Said It Better (Myself)!!! It is all about spreading the love around. There is too much good stuff for just one person to help out with. I started my site as an honest effort at learning HTML and other web languages, little did I know that my humble efforts would grow to be so important to anyone, other than myself and a few close friends. I am truly shocked, humbled, and honored to provide a good portal for the Meat Loaf community. I must give some major kudos to Jules for her invaluable assistance, to Rainer for being one of the first to venture into the world of news-blogging, to Sue for being such an awesome friend and helping steer my course. There are many more people out there I would like to mention, but I really do not wanna take more of your time. Big love to all of you out there!

08 May 2003, 02:34
Awwww.... thanks Dave!

Jules 8)

08 May 2003, 02:35
There are many sites and names, well known in the Meat Community.I think I know all of them and your site is one of them too, David. :P

Me? I've only just begon. Because for the Dutchies, there was nothing. No fanclub, no Dutch site, no nothing. So I founded my forum and registered the name. We have NOTHING over here in the Netherlands. Totally Meat-starved... but hey, I'm trying to change that. :wink:

08 May 2003, 02:38
David and Jules do an awsome job with MOTS!! Hats off to you both! 8)

Love and Laughs..
~Gina :)

08 May 2003, 02:41

And please remember that designing a website is a hard job too. I'm pretty sure they had their reasons to do it like it is.
So please be so kind and show some respect for other people's work - even if you don't like it.
Well said. It is hard.... hey you can't put rumours at your site, because people will think it's the truth... I respect your effort.

08 May 2003, 11:13
www.meatloaf.de is the official web in english and german...

Nice site however, I'm surprised to see an official site list Meat's date of birth in the biography section as 27/09/51 when in his autobiography it says 1947, and no folks I am not opening up the debate for how old Meat is or isn't, I would just expect an official site to be consistent with the book.
