View Full Version : NORAD tracks Santa Claus

24 Dec 2007, 13:24
Thanks to NORAD (http://www.noradsanta.org/) and starting on Monday, December 24th, at 1 am PST, you can watch Santa Claus fly making his yearly round trip. Several hundred of Santa's stops in over 200 countries and territories will be available online. The video footage will be embedded on Google Maps, viewable at the NORAD Tracks Santa YouTube channel (http://youtube.com/profile?user=NORADTracksSanta). NORAD (http://www.noradsanta.org/) also provides a downloadable Santa Tracker file to track several thousand of Santa's stops in Google Earth. Finally, a way to see how Mr. Claus pulls it all off in just one night!


24 Dec 2007, 20:16
It was nice animation but if I may say Santa lives in Finland... :roll: