View Full Version : I just walked in....
Walked into Kew Cafe,Kew, Nr. Richmond this morning for breakfast - guess what they were playing Meatloaf!!! They must of known I was coming - I couldn't keep still and I was singing - hubby told me politely or not so politely to shut my mouth- I couldn't have given a toss - The music justs lifts me when ever I hear him - just had to let you know - maybe some else out there has had the same experience tell us about it - it can be anywhere, anytime o.k.
26 Apr 2003, 16:01
hubby told me politely or not so politely to shut my mouth- I couldn't have given a toss
Such a friendly choice of words there :lol: Is there a polite way to tell someone to shut up?
Reminded me of that line "you can shut your mouth" from CHISB and I couldn't stop laughing He He
26 Apr 2003, 16:07
Reminded me of that line "you can shut your mouth" from CHISB and I couldn't stop laughing He He
thats exactly what i feel like saying when my friends start singing! Oh god they are terrible and they choose crappy songs! I never sing out loud because i'm pathetic at singing!
I'm not to bad if I say so myself - actually I love to sing makes me feel so happy - never bothers me what other people think about me - ther're the sad ones :lol: On holiday was listening to Meat by the pool with headphones on completely oblivious to anyone around me and singing too that made them laugh :lol:
I can't carry a tune in a bucket :lol: but i don't give a fiddler's fart!!!!
I love to sing - specially Meat Loaf, and if anyone has a problem i tell them, politely :twisted: , to shut thier ears.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Sapphire Lady
26 Apr 2003, 17:45
The secret is to play Meat at full volume and sing along. The loud music drowns out your own awful voice. That's what I do when I'm doing my ironing. Makes it more bearable.
26 Apr 2003, 17:51
I'll sing along in my mind :lol:
The very best time to play Meat is first thing sunday morning, about 8.30 am, FULL BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The neighbours probably won't like it - but who cares - you wont be able to hear them knocking anyways..... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I can't carry a tune in a bucket :lol: but i don't give a fiddler's fart!!!!
I love to sing - specially Meat Loaf, and if anyone has a problem i tell them, politely :twisted: , to shut thier ears.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I just love you Heat - just hope you're fingers never slip on the keyboard to the on position :lol:
I have my moments, dottie 8O :twisted:
The secret is to play Meat at full volume and sing along. The loud music drowns out your own awful voice. That's what I do when I'm doing my ironing. Makes it more bearable.
I can still hear you though Sapphire L 8O ady
I have my moments, dottie 8O :twisted:
Love this don't you - must go and have bath now - going to Windsor tonight to disco Oh Yeah - speak to you tomorrow heat
Love doottie - ooh ere! got that wrong dottie xxxxx
I ahve to agree with heat on this. I am tone deaf, flat as a fart and couldn't carry a tune if it had a handle....
Whenever I ahve to elave the shop to do a paperround, i always take my meatloaf CD in the palyer and walk round delivering papers and singing along totally oblivious to the world around me.
You wouldn't believe how annoyed people are when you sing on the doorstep at 6am!!!!
oh..the most polite way to "say" be with a "shhh" as Meat does in CHSIB...thing can DO it as sexily as he.. :-) ...
and chris..i'm a paper carrier also...doesn't it seem the world belongs to you at that time in the morn???'s hopin' me picture works..and if not..pardon
I'm with Tink on this one :wink:
NO ONE can do a shhhhhhhhhhhh as sexily as Meat :P , but then Meat's just a complete sex god anyways.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I'm afraid i won't be playing Meat full blast this morning :( I've FINALLY got the boys to sleep :) . Why don't babies come with teeth already???? 8O
why don't babies come with TEETH? hmmm ...spoken as a mum not breast-feeding ay heat?
and no worries...i'll keep the music down toooo..."shhhhh"... :-) ...
Shadows On The Wall
27 Apr 2003, 14:06
The only time ive heard a meat song outside of an album, is on that Mars bar advert, where the play BOOH
27 Apr 2003, 14:34
The only time ive heard a meat song outside of an album, is on that Mars bar advert, where the play BOOH
LOL But yeah i've heard it a couple of times outside of an album
oh..the most polite way to "say" be with a "shhh" as Meat does in CHSIB...thing can DO it as sexily as he.. :-) ...
NO ONE can do a shhhhhhhhhhhh as sexily as Meat , but then Meat's just a complete sex god anyways....
Couldnt Have Said It Better Myself. :wink: :lol: , love that bit in the CHSIB video (also like the chair throwing and THE LOOK, after "little lady" (im sure you know which bit i mean)), and the two-handed "shh" on TOTP (sigh) well what can i say...
to go back to your original topic Dottie........
I went on holiday to Whitby....the first place we called into was a cafe..and yes they were playing Meat Loaf, Two Out of Three! :D We'd had a horrible journey so it really cheered us up.
to go back to your original topic Dottie........
I went on holiday to Whitby....the first place we called into was a cafe..and yes they were playing Meat Loaf, Two Out of Three! :D We'd had a horrible journey so it really cheered us up.
Don't you always get the urge to sing no matter where or who your with
- just cann't help myself :D
oh yes....most definately
Joy of Joys! Walked into Hounslow Woolwich Building Society this morning,
wearing my denim jacket with Meat Loaf badges (missing 2003 hint, hint Anne/Diane) :lol: The young cashier behind the counter asked me lots of questions about Meat Loaf, one being 'didn't he used to bite the heads of things, during the 70's' I replied ' Um I think you're thinking of Ozzy Osbourne' He asked for the address for the mlukfc forum, which I gave to him, and informed him that we also had a Fan Club, he wrote the address down and said he would pay us a visit.
Then totally unexpectedly he burst into song with Bat out of Hell, and I Would do anything for Love, I could not believe it, I blushed furiously, and I am sure the other customers enjoyed his rendition as well, maybe even made a few converts :lol:
Hope he does post on the forum, and did ask him to make himself known to me.
What a lovely start to the day :D
Nice story, it reminds me of something.
Back in august 1988 i was on holiday with my friends in Blanes, Spain.
We were standing on the balcony drinking beers. It was at the time when i had the feeling i was the one and only meat loaf fan in this world. Suddenly i sttarted to sing the first line from Modern Girl: "Once a beautiful miss America". At that point i heard a whole choir next to our apparment singing the next line. Then i sang the third line, they sang the fourth. We went on and on adn we couldn't see eachother. We were singing the whole song like that. When it was over we were hanging over the balcony and next to us was a group of english guys and girls and from that point we had a great time and singing lots of Meat stuf. It was my first meeting with Meatfans and it is memorable.
Great story Bart,
thanks for sharing it with us
Posted this elsewhere so forgive the repeat...
I was sat at the traffic lights not so long sicne in the sunny weather. Shades on, windows open and generally trying to look cool!!!
I had CHSIB onfull volume and it was playing Testify. I was singing along oblivious to the world when suddenyl, the lass in the car enxt to em started singing the "Poor boy.." lines adn we ahd a mini duet.
Really pissed off all the drivers queuing behind us because we finished the song rahter than set off as soon as the lights changed colour!!!
Bart and Chris - great stories :lol:
22 Aug 2003, 23:04
These are all great stories!
erm this one aint very good but my friend has started to wake up singing BOOH, n shes real mad at me cos i keep playing it when she comes ove.
As i said not v good, but hey it'll do :P
Every morning I travel by the H20 bus route to work, and every morning now for a month, a particular driver I know Kevin starts to sing Bat out of Hell to me, as soonas I alight the bus, he only knows the first first verse, all the passengers look at me a little ~~~~ eyed, their not quite sure if I'm all there or not :lol:
This serenading started about a month ago when Kevin and I got to talking about music in general and I mentioned I absolutely without question adore Meat loaf and his music.
Um me-thinks I will have to teach him another Meat Loaf song.
16 Dec 2003, 01:54
Dont you just hate it when work puts you off singing Meat. If a Meat song comes on I refuse to do anything til its over
Dont you just hate it when work puts you off singing Meat. If a Meat song comes on I refuse to do anything til its over
I cann't alas listen to Meat at work, not even with headphones, I'd have them confiscated :lol: and I'm not a pupil, just an adult. :lol:
16 Dec 2003, 06:19
When my daughter was younger, about 3 or 4, I had taken her to Banff to visit a friend and we went to the Hard Rock Cafe. We were waiting for a table and Paradise came on. Tiara started singing at the top of her lungs. The maitre'd thought it was quite hilarious :D
there's benn several times when i thought my bus was empty and ive started singing a meat track only to find there are still people on the bus but i dont give a toss they can allways get off if they dont like it
20 Dec 2003, 19:21
My car is like a mobile Meat Loaf Karaoke machine .... my hubby tells me that I'm waiting to be discovered at the traffic lights!! :D (More like arrested!!! :lol:) People hate it when they get in my car, especially if I was in it on my own the last time I went out!! Because it's usually high level Meat!!! Just the way it should be! :)
You can't but help sing when Meat Loaf comes on, it's just the effect he has on you! :)
I don't know if I'm a good singer or not, but hey if it makes you happy then do it!! 8) :D :wink:
Shelly xxxxxxxxxxx
black dog
20 Dec 2003, 22:22
A friend and I used to sing 2 out of 3 to one of our work colleagues. He wasn't very impressed but then I suppose we should have been working.
I just walked into W.H. Smith in Hounslow high street, I was persuing the Meat loaf cd's and re-arranging :oops: when a young lass by the name of Yolande, began to talk about Meat Loaf, and enthused as to how great he was, and that she loved his singing, I couldn't let a moment like this slip away, so I wrote the address of the down on a piece of paper for her, and said come join us :D she promised she would, so we wait a while.............
My good deed for the day :lol:
19 May 2004, 01:17
I walked into a shoeshop about a month ago and BOOH was on. the assistant behind the counter was wearing a big dirty smile, I was wearing a big dirty smile, and my friend just rolled his eyes. He just turned around and said, "You have that aura, wherever you go that song comes on" A sign????
21 May 2004, 00:51
i always have a meat loaf tape on in the car,if i pick my friends up to go out ,they say have you not got any other tapes, 8O ,i sing along all the time,a bus driver i know said he seen me speaking to myself in the car , :roll: , i told him i was singing along to meat loaf :D ,he looked at me like i had lost my marbles and said you like meat loaf, :roll: , My local radio station plays meat loaf a lot sometimes once a week,now and again they play one every day, :P , :lol:i play the local radio station all the time in my work, so woe betide any person that walks in to just ask daft questions or sell me something i dont need or want, 8O
not quite meat but i walked into the restaurant in the students union today and they were playing bonnie tyler.
i forget which one.... :oops:
01 Feb 2005, 08:18
I always start my day with a bit of Meat. I have a 2 bus trip (that takes roughly an hour) into work - so I ensure I have enough CD's - batteries & my CD player with me.
The other day I took a detour on the way home as needed to do some shopping. I was sitting nicely on the front seat listening to CHSIB - when a blind man & his dog sat next to me & started talking - so I politely took out my earplugs.
He said " Is that Meat Loaf you are listening to?"
I replied "Yes"
We had a great conversation about the Meat concert he went to on his last world tour. (Sheffield) He became blind about 10 years ago - so had seen Meat before & just imagined him through the gig. He started laughing & said - it did not matter where he sat as he could not see Meat & the band - but said just loved to sound as that is more accute for him.
He asked me to describe Meat - how he is now 8)
I nearly missed my stop - I could have spoke to him all night :wink:
was walking back from lectures this evening when a learner driver drove (very slowly) past.
looking at the car i had to chuckle when i saw the words
"Bat out of "L""
written on the side.
i shall lay in wait for it and attempt to gain photgraphic evidence ;)
07 Feb 2005, 22:33
The very best time to play Meat is first thing sunday morning, about 8.30 am, FULL BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The neighbours probably won't like it - but who cares - you wont be able to hear them knocking anyways..... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
My philosophy exactly!!!!!! :D That way you're being honest when you say the neighbours don't complain about the volume :wink: :twisted:
Walked into Music Zone yesterday to hear the final notes of FCOL from Meat live with the MSO. for the length of time i was in there i also got to hear Bolero and the opening of Bat.
took my meet and greet photo's from Blickling Hall to be enlarged into Snappy Snaps today, when I collected them the guy said to me, Meat Loaf! how did you manage that? I replied that some of us lucky people had a meet and greet and this was one of the bonuses....... we then spent the next 10 minutes talking about Meat and I was late for work (only by 5 minutes):lol:
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