View Full Version : Well what can I say.....

01 Mar 2008, 23:37
For two long years I had to wait to post again and rightfully so too, after all I deserved it. At certain stages I had forgotten totally about the place even for months at a time. But I still longed to be back on again, after all you're not a TRUE Meat fan until you're a MLUKFC member. ;)

Anyway it must have been late Febuary 2006 when I was shown the door after many ugly fights and several bannings. But enough of that, I was probaly going through one of the hardest times in my life in that period. Alot of depression and anxiety problems were slowly dragging me down, and it got very seriious in July 2006 when I took something that caused me to have multiple seziures don't really want to get into it too much cause it was a very frightening experience and I don't really like talking about it anymore. However in the aftermath of that I got very ill all mental. Could never sleep, terrible thoughts and feelings just hard to describe it really.

Then in August of that year I was hardly able to lift my head and move. I was seeing things that weren't there this really was horrrifying. Then I booked an appointment to see my local GP. This was a massive step for me to take at the time, but it was one of the greatest things I ever did. Completely changed my life around. I went in told him everything that had happened through the months, and even years. He was very good to me, and told me that I had GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and I was put on Anti-D's and I continued to take them and my life changed around in the space of weeks, I never felt as happy and energetic in all my life, I no longer worry like I use to I'm alot more relaxed. I have so many interests now. I even perfromed on stage last month in a big local production. I now feel like I should feel, and I'm happ again.

Just to finish things off. I'm very sorry about the things I said and done here two years ago, and the people I heard. I was 18 then I'm now 20 (I'm getting old) But I look forward the speaking to you all soon. Thanks again.

02 Mar 2008, 01:36
Welcome back Steve :up:.

03 Mar 2008, 22:55
W B Steve

Hope things stay good in your life for you

04 Mar 2008, 14:48
Welcome back Steve and so glad to hear your feeling better.

09 Mar 2008, 00:19
Hey steve not sure if we've met but i'd like to welcome you back to the Neighbourhod and hope everything runs smoothly for you in the years to come!!

10 Mar 2008, 01:52
welcome back

12 Mar 2008, 18:40
Welcome back,and good luck with everything,sounds like things are on the up

14 Mar 2008, 00:11
Steve, welcome back hun, as one of those people who reached out to you at the time only to be dissapointed again and again, i can honestly say it is really good to see you back, i hope things are much much better for you and thank you for your very honest explanation of whats been going on with you, it certainly explains alot and i look forward to re-establishing a friendship with you again.

I'm glad to hear you're doing well though :D

16 Mar 2008, 16:07
Welcome back Steve - good to see you hear again.....

20 Mar 2008, 23:36
I remember you well Steve.....good to see ya :D

21 Mar 2008, 13:00
Who could forget Steve :D

Glad things are better Steve. It's not a nice feeling to feel like you did.
