View Full Version : Man we're digging up a past here !!

09 Mar 2008, 15:14
I was tagged in a photo on facebook and I have to say that though this was a fab night this night in Leeds, 2003 was absolutely feckin' freezing :shock: !!

I'm Frank :lol: !!

I miss going to these things but ever since Sing-along-a took over they've thinned some what :-(.

09 Mar 2008, 21:34
cool pic emma sounds like fun

09 Mar 2008, 21:55
looks like fun too

10 Mar 2008, 01:53
Thanks :cool:.
We had a great time though we were not allowed lighters and water pistols that night if I remember correctly because the lighting was gas. But we threw rice and confetti when appropriate and Timewarped... Man it was fun though in those heels I could only manage a shuffel to the left and a shuffel to the right... I now know why Tim Curry was not part of that number :lmao: !!!