View Full Version : Liverpool Ticket 02nd July Wanted Please

31 May 2008, 13:10
Hello all,

Just wondering if anyone has a spare Liverpool ticket for sale, I think there are still the odd few available from the venue, but I was after the best seat that I can get if possible?

Please drop me an im if you do have one for sale...

Many thanks in advance,


01 Jun 2008, 01:47
LOL you're looking in the wrong place. We didn't get them either. Liverpool front seats are a mystery :lol:

01 Jun 2008, 05:35
LOL you're looking in the wrong place. We didn't get them either. Liverpool front seats are a mystery :lol:

Did I just read that right...no one has Liverpool front seats...?? That's...odd... I guess is the only word I can think of to use (it's late for me!). Mystery is probably the right word!! :O

01 Jun 2008, 12:05
Yep as far as i'm aware. Apart from I think 4 or 5 from the fanclub that are at the far ends of the aisle almost in the car park. I think a few managed to get second row on the day but it was a handful :| Where the good seats in the middle block went will be a mystery till the day lol.

01 Jun 2008, 12:39
That feels wrong somehow...you lot seem to 'belong' on the first row!

The Flying Mouse
01 Jun 2008, 18:30
:twisted: Don't forget that Liverpool Pops was also doing their own VIP packages with priority seating :wink:

01 Jun 2008, 19:40
Yes Neil they did sell them, but as was posted at the time they had NO front seats. I think the best that was offered was about row 11 lol. If they had of had the goods ones we would all have bought them for the bar lol. As we did last time ;)

01 Jun 2008, 19:56
I got row 10 with the VIPs

01 Jun 2008, 20:16
My point exactly :-)

01 Jun 2008, 20:51
yeah we were offered 8th row i think and just couldnt justify the price with those seats.
As Deb said, unfortunatly you're asking about the wrong show, i know so many people who are going elsewhere because they couldnt afford decent seats or found front row at a different venue.

08 Jun 2008, 12:32
Anyway, I think I am getting the impression that noone has any spare tickets for sale ;-)

08 Jun 2008, 13:14
unfortunatley not hun, is another venue a possibility for you??

08 Jun 2008, 13:16
Anyway, I think I am getting the impression that noone has any spare tickets for sale ;-)

As impressionists we're pretty good here..

Sean does a good Meat...

Neil does a reasonable mod...

But I do a great drunk!!!!!!!

08 Jun 2008, 14:25
As impressionists we're pretty good here..

Sean does a good Meat...

Neil does a reasonable mod...

But I do a great drunk!!!!!!!

i do an impression of a beer drinker with a heavy irish accent!

11 Jun 2008, 17:32
Just now I was told there are still tickets for sale through the website of the venue. Very Great seats that is! Row E in one of the front blocks. Earlier on today she even found ones in row B of block C.....:shock:

11 Jun 2008, 18:08
you're right. They've got block B row E available, and block C row C, yet even though I opted for VIP, I only got block C row J. This is so wrong. I sense a very angry phonecall to the venue coming on.

11 Jun 2008, 18:11
I would too Sean, especially if you've only bought the one ticket for yourself and don't need a pair, get them called!

11 Jun 2008, 18:12
I bought a pair. There's at least SIX seats in block C row C available?! Why wasn't I given those!?

The Flying Mouse
11 Jun 2008, 18:29
:twisted: So the venue had the good seats after all? :shock:

Who'd have thunk it huh? :mrgreen:

11 Jun 2008, 19:00
I'm not entirely shocked that these seats have appeared but I'm shocked that they're 'normal' price

11 Jun 2008, 20:22
This doesn't necessarily mean the venue had them after all Neil. The promoters may have released more seats to them. They do it for lots of shows nowdays. Put the better seats out last. It sucks but it's the reality.

BTW Thank you Ankie :cool::D and thank you to my little Irish son ;)

You both made a crap day a whole lot better lol

11 Jun 2008, 20:27
I have 2 x row E block B (centre block) for sale. Thanks to over active fingers lol. Face value £108.50 It looks like these seats are aisle ones from the seating plan that came up when I bought them
