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The Flying Mouse
30 Apr 2003, 18:46
:twisted: We have a lot of Stephen King/horror fans here so....
Does anybody out there remember a comic from 1984 called Scream?
It only lasted 15 issues before it disapeared from the newsagents shelves :? .They did a few holiday specials after that,but not for long.
Regular story lines included The Dracula File and The 13th Floor.
Anyone remember it? :roll:

30 Apr 2003, 18:49
Mouse -i'm afraid i was only 6, so i don't remember it at all!!!!! :P :P :twisted:


30 Apr 2003, 19:32
I'm afraid was even younger, only 3. Sorry

30 Apr 2003, 19:38
well i was -3 beat that :lol:

The Flying Mouse
30 Apr 2003, 19:40
I was 8 at the time,but I was a very warped child :mrgreen: .

30 Apr 2003, 19:41
Alas I'm old enough to remember but didn't read comics that much - but am watching Rose Red on Sunday Nights on Sky - is this in print :??:

30 Apr 2003, 19:52
What is Rose Red?

30 Apr 2003, 19:56
Don't know what Rose red is either, is this stupid? :??:
Feel old now, was 'already' 16 in 1984.
But I've decided to stay 35 for the rest of my days!


30 Apr 2003, 20:05
Rose Red my darlinks is a Stephen King Book - The two episodes are playing on Sunday night on Sky - Its about a house called Rose Red that kills its men (Umm) but loves its women most of the time - very scary - group of physics (I'm sure I've spelt physics instead of Pyshics oh lord I cann't even spell now)are in the process of getting together to spend a weekend at Rose Red and thus the story goes.......


30 Apr 2003, 20:27
well i was -3 beat that :lol:

I was born in 1984. :)


30 Apr 2003, 20:27
Sounds like fun. I might watch it. The only Steven King film i've seen it IT and thats put me off clowns forever!

30 Apr 2003, 20:29
You'll only get next weeks JC then it finishes but I would dearly love to get hold of the book

30 Apr 2003, 20:43
Try Amazon.co.uk

The Flying Mouse
30 Apr 2003, 21:25
Sounds like fun. I might watch it. The only Steven King film i've seen it IT and thats put me off clowns forever!

When I was very young I was absoloutly TERRIFIED of clowns 8O .
Luckily for me,my nan got me a nice big circus poster with a bloody big clown on it :? .Mummy of corse put it up on my bedroom wall to show my nan how much I liked it :roll: .
Another poster I hated was my brothers picture of Mr spock.It was one of those pictures with eyes that follow you around the room 8O .
After those,Dracula seemed pretty tame :devil: .

30 Apr 2003, 21:32
Sounds like fun. I might watch it. The only Steven King film i've seen it IT and thats put me off clowns forever!

When I was very young I was absoloutly TERRIFIED of clowns 8O .
Luckily for me,my nan got me a nice big circus poster with a bl**dy big clown on it :? .Mummy of corse put it up on my bedroom wall to show my nan how much I liked it :roll: .
Another poster I hated was my brothers picture of Mr spock.It was one of those pictures with eyes that follow you around the room 8O .
After those,Dracula seemed pretty tame :devil: .
lol.. good thing they didn't make you watch "It", you would be serverely traumatized. :D

The Flying Mouse
30 Apr 2003, 21:46
:twisted: IT is a great film.If I had seen it in those days I would have screamed my head off :lol: .
Tim Curry was great as Pennywise.
The ending was a bit weird though.You have to press your suspention of disbelief button :wink: .

They all float down here:mrgreen: .

30 Apr 2003, 22:14
Yeah... Curry was great as Pennywise. IT is almost as good as "the Stand" 8)

30 Apr 2003, 22:38
IT is a classic - i love it :roll: Tim Curry is great in it.......BUT i really didn't like the Stand - much preferred Pet Sematary and Carrie. Pet Sematary 2 was more funny then scary :?


30 Apr 2003, 22:42
i still think that, although there are no 'monsters' etc, the shining is still the best SK film ever (the Jubrick version). Jack Nicholson is just so darn scary!

30 Apr 2003, 22:45
The thing is i've never liked clowns so that film just made it worse!

30 Apr 2003, 22:49
LMAO....poor James.....me thinks you're in need of extensive counselling 8O

Only £20 a hour - mates rates :wink:


30 Apr 2003, 23:06
Start the bidding. I'll be James' shrink for a mere 20 euro per hour :D

I loved the stand. The Shining too (with Nickelson, one of my favo actors). I never saw pet Semetary. Carrie was good too. And Christine.

30 Apr 2003, 23:15
I have never watched any of these films. Only Stephen King one i have seen was Dreamcathcer at the cinema last week. It is absolutely great!!!!

01 May 2003, 13:00
Whats the name of the Stephen King Book/Film with the slobbering St Bernard dog - Ukk! for all the wrong reasons - My sister in law has had 3 of these dogs and they slobber all over your clothes and if shake themselves YOU RUN :lol:

01 May 2003, 13:54
well i was -3 beat that :lol:

I was born in 1984. :)


Yeah i was born in 1984 too, hense my user name!

01 May 2003, 15:20
Dottie - It's called CUJO.

Crackin book - crap film.


01 May 2003, 15:59
Are any of you SK fans also fans of his series The Dark Tower? The next book of it comes out in November, after a near decade long wait since the previous book in the series. He's going to finish the series of Roland's adventures as he seeks the Dark Tower with a flourish, releasing the last 3 books (Wolves of Calla, Song of Susannah and The Dark Tower) within 18 months. My favorite SK books- Bag of Bones, Insomnia, The Drawing of the Three.


01 May 2003, 17:53
Dottie - It's called CUJO.

Crackin book - crap film.


Thanks Heat - :)

01 May 2003, 21:31
I ahve never really got in to the Dark Tower series. Tried to read it on several occasiosn but not really my kind of book.

Just finished reading "From A Buick Eight" last night. Absolutely cracking book

01 May 2003, 21:46
Are any of you SK fans also fans of his series The Dark Tower? The next book of it comes out in November, after a near decade long wait since the previous book in the series. He's going to finish the series of Roland's adventures as he seeks the Dark Tower with a flourish, releasing the last 3 books (Wolves of Calla, Song of Susannah and The Dark Tower) within 18 months. My favorite SK books- Bag of Bones, Insomnia, The Drawing of the Three.

Me me me... I didn't read the originals though, I read the Dutch translations. Last one I read was "Tovenaarsglas"... don't know the original title, but it is the fifth in the Dark Tower cycle.

01 May 2003, 22:24
Guppie, glad to know that there is another Dark Tower fan here. The fifth book was originally titled "Wizard and Glass" in English. The sixth book comes out in America on November 4, but I don't know when they will have translations out.

Chris, you might like it if you start with the second book, "The Drawing of the Three". The first book, "The Gunslinger" is rough to get through while the second is one of SK's best. There is also a bit at the beginning to tell you anything you missed by not reading Gunslinger.


01 May 2003, 22:33
Cool! if they don't translate quick enough, I'll buy the original. My English is good enough to be able to read it. thanks for telling me. Can't wait to find out how the story goes on. :D

01 May 2003, 22:38
Chris - completely agree with you there, hun. Although i love Stephen King, i never got into the Dark Tower books either, they just didn't do it for me.
I loved 'From A Buick 8' though, one of his better books definately.

Has anyone read 'The Talisman' and the follow up 'Black House' ? I really enjoyed them, they were a really good read.


01 May 2003, 22:57

When Black House came out I went back and reread the Talisman, a good 15 years after my last reading of it. Then, I went straight into Black House from there.
It's now been a year since I read Black House, but that darn Fisherman still gives me nightmares! I'm the parent of a six year old son, so the child murderer storyline hit my hard, as I'm sure it would most parents. Despite that, I really liked Black House. I think it may be the most gruesome SK book, though. Very bloody and messy.
Black House is FULL of Dark Tower references, especially toward the end, so that just added to my enjoyment of it. Seriously, as I suggested to Chris, try starting the Dark Tower series with the second book and I bet you'll be hooked!


01 May 2003, 23:08
I have read Black House but not Talisman. I have tried all the dark Tower series, read books 1 - 4 in full but didn't enjoy them. I f i start a book, I will finish it!!!!!

I really like the Bachman Books, Misery and The Stand

I'm Stephen Kings number One Fan!!!!!

Chris (not a dirty birdie!!)

The Flying Mouse
01 May 2003, 23:27
:twisted: The unususl thing about SK is that he is very resalistic about life.Every character has an even chance.Nobody is too young,too old,too nice or too bad to die.Although very disturbing,it does make for a more riveting read.You never know what will happen next and your certainly not guarenteed a happy ending 8O .

01 May 2003, 23:30
I have now finished reading Stephen king Can anyone reccommend another author who does similar horror?

02 May 2003, 12:04
I have now finished reading Stephen king Can anyone reccommend another author who does similar horror?

Maybe Graham Masterton - starting with Tengu - One of my favourites - Graham Masterton kindly autographed my book when I attended a book talk of his in Feltham many eons ago - although over the last couple of years he has appeared to have dropped out of the literary circle - haven't had anything new for a while :)

02 May 2003, 14:22
if you like grusome horror films then i would suggest the living dead triliogy, by George Romero. which are Night Of The Livind Dead, Day Of The Dead and Dawn Of The Deam. Also try Return Of The LIving Dead Parts 1, 2 and 3.

has anybody seen any of these films?? what do you think of them?