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View Full Version : Amazing places

White of High
01 May 2003, 16:34
What was/were the most beautiful place(s) where have you been?
I think the most heavenliest place is Bonifaccio in Corsica!
And the greatest historical place is Alhambra in Granada!

01 May 2003, 17:21
There are so many, it's really hard to choose just one.

My fave has got to be Perth, Western Australia. I have family living out there and went to visit a few years ago, and saw some amazing scenery. We went to a place called Wave Rock, and it was beautifull...just this big rock shaoed like a wave in the middle of nowhere...but amazing views.

Closer to home, i love Southern Ireland. Some fantastic beauty there, i've never been to the north so i can't comment, but i believ it's lovely.

I'm from just outside Manchester originally, and the countryside up there never ceases to amaze me. It was only after i left there that i really started appreciating it.

I'm living in wales now, and we have some beautiful places right on our doorstep - the Gower peninsula is stunning, and only a bus ride away.

It seems that in this world there is alway so much going on that we never really stop to look around at what we have got, and we don't appreciate it half as much as we should.


01 May 2003, 18:04
Anywhere but Hounslow - we even breed terrorists - see todays edition of the Sun newspaper - and awaiting confirmation that the school I work in is the place of education that this low life attended.

The Flying Mouse
01 May 2003, 19:36
:twisted: The most beautiful place I have seen is sailing up the Norweigen fjords at first light.
The sun reflects off the snow and ice and is very breathtaking 8) .

01 May 2003, 19:54
Hey, you guys all have to come to the San Francisco Bay area and look around! It's gorgeous here by the ocean!!

If any of you want to take me up on it, June 22nd in Saratoga (right down the peninsula from S.F.) might be a good date to do it!!! :wink:


01 May 2003, 20:28
Well, never been further away than Germany, Belgium, France and Luxembourg. To bad.

But you know, you are all telling about those far places you've gone to. But isn't it at home also nice? When i see the backyard by my parents... men, it is so nice there, so beautifull.
Or here, in Nijmegen, my own backyard, today it rained, but it smelled nice, and it looked beautifull. Call me crazy, but far doesn't mean nice or funny or... whatever you call it.

Places i want to go to are: the USA, Ireland, Norway, Japan and South Africa.

01 May 2003, 20:56
Half the fun of going away, is coming home again!

I really liked going on a school trip to Pompeii. Had to save up wages from my paperround for months but it was worth it.

I live in the middle of Yorkshire and driving 20 minutes in any direction puts me int he middle of a large open moorland.

I ahve family in Canada and really want to go out for Christmas one year, it always looks beautiful in the pictures they send us.

White of High
02 May 2003, 00:51
I've been in Pompeii too and it's fantastic. Those people in the lava...
And Sorrento & Capri are nice!
If you are in Sicily you have to go to Erice. It's a little village at 1600 meters high and it seems from the Middle Age!

Everybody - whose were all around the world - say Budapest is the most beautiful capital. The Parlament is the biggest and the most beautiful in the world. We have a basilic and a great Castle Hill with his ancient city and church and castle. We have Roman and Turkish ruins. Right side of the Danube (Duna) there is Buda with great hills and mountains. Left side of Danube there is Pest with a very very very long "rambla". You have to come here and you will dream about it... always!

My dream is Mexico, Yucatan!!!

02 May 2003, 21:37
I live in Edinburgh and it is a really beautiful city. It's great if you go up Arthur's Seat (it's a big hill in Edinburgh) you can see out over the city and down the coast for miles. And of course you can't forget Edinburgh Castle it's stunning, escpecially at night when it's all lit up.


02 May 2003, 22:09
My home area is a major international tourist destination- I live 10 minutes from Clearwater Beach, 30 minutes from Tampa/Busch Gardens and 90 minutes from Orlando/Disney World. Any yet, I hardly get to any of those places- once a year at best. I haven't been to Disney since my honeymoon, almost 10 years ago.
My favorite place is my birth state of Indiana, where it's cornfields and cows for as far as the eye can see. Living in a hectic city, I love the quiet of farm country so much that I spend the whole month of July there each summer.
I would love to see some of the places that you've all described in the UK- I've always wanted to go overseas but the closest I've ever gotten to a "foreign land" is Toronto, Canada- not terribly different from the US at all.


original sin
03 May 2003, 13:52
:twisted: last week we spent a few days by Loch Ness never been to the highlands before and it was truely beautiful....

For a really magical experience you want to try Stonehenge at the summer solsist I did this the year before last and it was amazing the dawn breaking and the sun rising up through the stones..... :twisted: :twisted: hope to see it again this year :twisted:

White of High
03 May 2003, 14:51
The best place and the best moment is changed last night! My garden!!!
My love of my heart has been with me under the stars next to the wood. We lay and spoke cause her boyfriend was sleeping in my room. We waited the dawn and smelt our fav flower, syringa. We lay together and I was cover myself up with her long curly blonde hair. I've been lot of place in the world but the country of our soul is the greatest. I wish she could love me... :cry:

Renegade Angel
03 May 2003, 19:02
Cottersloe Beach in Perth, Australia takes some beating, along with Sydney and Brisbane, especially the gold coast.