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The Flying Mouse
09 Sep 2008, 01:01
:twisted: Wednesday - End of the world :shock:


The thing with black holes is that they get bigger the more mass they consume.
Smaller black holes could therefore consume enough matter to quickly be beyond control and would continue to eat everything around it.

Some people don't know the meaning of playing it safe :nuts:

09 Sep 2008, 01:29
Well it's been good knowing you all!:??::shock::(

I think that I will wait until the day after tomorrow and see what happens next though.;)

Take care and here's to Thursday.:-):-P

09 Sep 2008, 01:34
and I was looking forward to that meat documentary on Thursday ...
Ruined my week that has lol

duke knooby
09 Sep 2008, 01:48
oct 17th... new album

09 Sep 2008, 15:00
I'm still here...anyone else?

Do we have a time for the end of the world? It's just that I could do with knowing whether I'm going to make it to the end of the day - because I ain't spending my last waking hours stuck in work!

09 Sep 2008, 15:12

The Flying Mouse
09 Sep 2008, 15:13
I'm still here...anyone else?

Do we have a time for the end of the world? It's just that I could do with knowing whether I'm going to make it to the end of the day - because I ain't spending my last waking hours stuck in work!

:twisted: It's ok hun, we don't all die until tomorrow so there's plenty of time to finish off any unfinished work :mrgreen:

09 Sep 2008, 15:39
See you all Thursday :))

09 Sep 2008, 15:39
They better get this whole ending the world thing over with before I finish my first cup of coffee tomorrow morning, at least that way I'll know nothing about it :lol:

09 Sep 2008, 18:27
Yeah I can see this happening tomorrow while in PayPal "Excuse me sir, i know you've just lost a case for an item for £3000 but i'll have to put you on hold as the world is about to end"

The other thing that I noticed was the ad at the top of the page telling us to remember the big hamburger meal we had last week because we can "flush 5-15 lbs of waste from your colon"...interesting way to go:twisted:

10 Sep 2008, 07:59
You might think I'm crazy but I'm not worried.. If world is going to end so what. We all are going to die someday so why don't we die with style.. :mrgreen:

10 Sep 2008, 11:15
*cough* Alright I'm a muppet. I have no concept of what day it is. This proves it. I clearly work too hard.

Well that or I'm just ahead of my time. But anyway... uh *checks* still here... ;)

10 Sep 2008, 11:17
Its actually tomorrow they start with the black holes!!

10 Sep 2008, 11:28
Well we're either all dead and in hell (why else did I have to come to work this morning?) or the press have got the wrong story and we're not going to die in a horrendous black hole incident caused by the Vogons as they create a hyperspace bypass through the area of space occupied by Earth on October 21st when the atomic particles actually start colliding.

10 Sep 2008, 11:35
Or perhaps there's a delayed reaction as the earth is sucked gradually in to the hole and it'll now hit us at a time we're not expecting it to and all that will be left is...

10 Sep 2008, 11:45
No delay at all ... the real experiments that the fear mongers are branding as starting the end of the world don't start until October 21st ... and then


BANG! and the Earth is gone :))

10 Sep 2008, 14:08
Just when I thought I could breathe again Andy!

Think I'm going to go eat some chocolate...

10 Sep 2008, 14:53
The real question now of course is; how would you know if the Earth is not already gone? Perhaps there is no difference between life and death, maybe you simply switch dimensions were everything is an exact copy. And if the earth was gone, how do you know it ever existed? How do you know you really existed and that the universe really existed?

This could all just be the matrix..... ;-)

No frikken scientist can prove jack shit on that scale in my opinion.

10 Sep 2008, 21:41
I'm with the dead & in hell theories. Day has been hellish enough anyway!

10 Sep 2008, 22:20
No frikken scientist can prove jack shit on that scale in my opinion.

What if the scientist is Professor Jack Shit?

10 Sep 2008, 22:31
Today IS the end of the world...because I am CLEARLY in hell...

10 Sep 2008, 23:08
My 10 year old daughter came home from school today crying her eyes out about this story!!! Apparently they've all been talking about it in her class including her teacher and have included it in a science lesson. But Georgia really believed the world was coming to an end!!! I tried to console her and told her everything was OK but she would'nt have it ... and then I rang Chris cos she just was'nt listening to me. She calmed down after talking to her Dad thank goodness. She's too sensitive bless her

11 Sep 2008, 08:21
Stephen Hawkins said the test is safe and not to worry. I believe him because he might be the smartest guy in the world.

11 Sep 2008, 11:33
My 10 year old daughter came home from school today crying her eyes out about this story!!! Apparently they've all been talking about it in her class including her teacher and have included it in a science lesson. But Georgia really believed the world was coming to an end!!! I tried to console her and told her everything was OK but she would'nt have it ... and then I rang Chris cos she just was'nt listening to me. She calmed down after talking to her Dad thank goodness. She's too sensitive bless her

Ah bless her,hope she is ok now,is Chris a calming influence.
They shouldnt really say too much to kids cos it does sound very frightening,i know a couple of adults that were panicing a bit !!
And did you see just how much money it cost and how much this country contributed OMG surely would have been much better put into hospitals or hospices !!

11 Sep 2008, 11:42
I'm surprised they mentioned it at your daughter's school, do you mind me asking if it's a C of E school?? I think it's great that schools talk about things in the news but with something like this that's questioning and discovering where we came from my Catholic school wouldn't have touched it with a barge pole :?

11 Sep 2008, 11:47
I think thats right Lucy..

11 Sep 2008, 12:40

11 Sep 2008, 17:14
CERN WebCams (http://www.cyriak.co.uk/lhc/lhc-webcams.html)

11 Sep 2008, 17:16
Sod :p

11 Sep 2008, 17:20
lol, good one

11 Sep 2008, 17:21
strangely enough, on two forums I visit, people have pointed out that they read hadron as hardon... both were women.

11 Sep 2008, 17:41
That webcams thing is pretty damn good :))

11 Sep 2008, 17:41
strangely enough, on two forums I visit, people have pointed out that they read hadron as hardon... both were women.

Now you don't have to watch the movie "What Women Want"...

11 Sep 2008, 18:03
that should've been renamed the Never Ending Story 4 :What Women Want

something that men have been trying to listen repeat and understand for centuries...

11 Sep 2008, 18:05
I don't know why, it's not that difficult...

11 Sep 2008, 18:07
that's cause you know what you want (some of the time) you just don't tell men!

11 Sep 2008, 18:08
Ever heard of "The Ladder Theory" ? :))

11 Sep 2008, 18:11
that's cause you know what you want (some of the time) you just don't tell men!

Shouldn't need telling!

11 Sep 2008, 18:13
i've learned when I'm on a losing battle...which is pretty much a regular occurance with women...ask zina, Claire, Anji and Helen:D

11 Sep 2008, 18:34
i've learned when I'm on a losing battle...which is pretty much a regular occurance with women...ask zina, Claire, Anji and Helen:D


Wouldn't worry about that...there is a transvestite for every man who doesn't want to understand women...

13 Sep 2008, 00:44
Ah bless her,hope she is ok now,is Chris a calming influence.
They shouldnt really say too much to kids cos it does sound very frightening

She's fine now Barb thanks ... Chris is great ... a few words from her Dad and she was fine.

I agree ... I think teachers should be careful what they say at school because Georgia really belived the world was coming to an end!!!

The Flying Mouse
13 Sep 2008, 00:50
:twisted: I heard about one dude (fully grown adult) who flipped and started phoning the police because he saw a news item on TV that there was an alien invasion.

He obviously didn't realize that his TV was on the Sci Fi channel, and this "news item" was an advertisement for an alien invasion season of films :lmao:

13 Sep 2008, 00:51
I'm surprised they mentioned it at your daughter's school, do you mind me asking if it's a C of E school?? I think it's great that schools talk about things in the news but with something like this that's questioning and discovering where we came from my Catholic school wouldn't have touched it with a barge pole :?

Do'nt think it's C of E Lucy as it's not sponsored by the Church ... but it's not a catholic school either just classed as Primary school.

13 Sep 2008, 00:52
:twisted: I heard about one dude (fully grown adult) who flipped and started phoning the police because he saw a news item on TV that there was an alien invasion.

He obviously didn't realize that his TV was on the Sci Fi channel, and this "news item" was an advertisement for an alien invasion season of films :lmao:

there's always one!!!

13 Sep 2008, 19:03
My 10 year old daughter came home from school today crying her eyes out about this story!!! Apparently they've all been talking about it in her class including her teacher and have included it in a science lesson. But Georgia really believed the world was coming to an end!!! I tried to console her and told her everything was OK but she would'nt have it ... and then I rang Chris cos she just was'nt listening to me. She calmed down after talking to her Dad thank goodness. She's too sensitive bless her

My daughter goes to a C of E school and they had all been talking about the world ending while in school all day. When I tried to reasure her she got very upset. I found that even telling her the world wont end on her birthday only had a small effect on claming her down. But like all children she woke the next morning with only one thing on her mind...

13 Sep 2008, 23:40
Aahh bless ... hope she's ok now. Hope she had a lovely birthday!

Georgia has'nt mentioned it for a while and I think she's alright now thank goodness.

14 Sep 2008, 09:41
am I dead yet?

14 Sep 2008, 11:55
am I dead yet?

No, but are you feeling light headed? They've lost a black hole and I think I know where it is

14 Sep 2008, 13:30
ooooh brave

14 Sep 2008, 19:05
This reminds me of the famous Orson Wells radio narration of the War of the Worlds...LOL...

The Flying Mouse
16 Sep 2008, 19:05
am I dead yet?

:twisted: Let me answer your question with a question :bleh:

Do you possess a life?

Thought not :p

You dead dude :mrgreen:

24 Sep 2008, 02:51
Ladies and Gentlemen...

Please advance your calendars...

updated 2:35 p.m. EDT, Tue September 23, 2008

GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) -- The European nuclear research organization says repairs and the onset of winter will delay the startup of the world's largest particle collider until spring.
The collider's ALICE experiment will look at how the universe formed by analyzing particle collisions.

The collider's ALICE experiment will look at how the universe formed by analyzing particle collisions.

Spokesman James Gillies of the European Organization for Nuclear Research says it will take too long to finish announced repairs before the November shutdown.

Gillies said Tuesday that it will take several weeks to warm up the damaged area from near absolute zero before experts can go in and make repairs.

Then the machine will have to be rechilled over another month.

He told The Associated Press that the decision was made Tuesday that this will take until the winter shutdown starting in mid-November.

Gillies says the resumption of the Large Hadron Collider should proceed quickly next spring.