View Full Version : Logic! Logic!!

05 Dec 2008, 15:08
From the Shannon Matthews case, apparently Michael Donovan was ...

"obsessed by cars but needed more than 100 lessons to pass his driving test before finding work as a delivery driver.

His boss sent him out one day to put £20 of diesel in his pick-up, then watched later in bemusement as Donovan repeatedly drove back and forth past the firm's premises.

When he eventually returned, he explained that he had only been able to fit £18.48 into the tank, so he kept driving around until he could return to the petrol station and squeeze in the remaining £1.52."

You couldn't make it up!

And Karen Matthews thought that two of her kids were twins, because those were the only two from the same father!

The whole extended family look like they were set fire to then put out with a shovel. That's one stagnant gene pool.

Dave (in end-of-week non-PC mode)

The Flying Mouse
05 Dec 2008, 15:39
:twisted: Why is it I have dueling banjos in my mind after reading that? :wtf:

07 Dec 2008, 05:49
:nuts: :wtf: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!