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View Full Version : Meat Loaf Poka table

04 Jan 2009, 04:13
I found this while surfing tonight;









It's kinda cool but as I do not play poka, I don't really understand why you'd want it, except that it has Meat artwork and signature on it :lol:.

04 Jan 2009, 04:46
And I guess it's my turn to ask what this is...

The Flying Mouse
04 Jan 2009, 05:09
:twisted: I'm guessing this is a ML POKER table.

As an item, it's fecking GORGEOUS :drool:

I'll have one right now, pretty pretty pleae :pray:

04 Jan 2009, 06:59
Poker...wasn't sure what poka is...

The Flying Mouse
04 Jan 2009, 07:05
:twisted: Well, thought it could either be poker, or polka, and I wouldn't fancy dancin on that thing :wtf:

04 Jan 2009, 07:06
omg that is hideous :shock:

The Flying Mouse
04 Jan 2009, 07:08
omg that is hideous :shock:

:twisted: Really? :shock:

I really think it looks good.
It's like a cross over between Bat II & III

Each to their own I suppose lol

04 Jan 2009, 07:09
omg that is hideous :shock:

It IS hideous...

The Flying Mouse
04 Jan 2009, 07:12
:twisted: I'm in the minority, which is good if it comes up on e bay :lmao:

04 Jan 2009, 11:37
:twisted: Really? :shock:

I really think it looks good.
It's like a cross over between Bat II & III

Each to their own I suppose lol

yep..i can see where you're coming from but i'm not a collector, something has to look good for me to want it and while its intersting for me to see as a ml fan, its still an ugly looking table to me :p

even though i wouldnt bet a half penny on this i would still worry very much that i would find it in my living room one day :bleh:

but definately go for your life if you lke it, i wont judge you in the slightest :p

04 Jan 2009, 11:39
It's kinda cool but as I do not play poka, I don't really understand why you'd want it

to hold the drinks at a ml fanclub new yrs bash thingy :roll:

04 Jan 2009, 15:02
Well, it's a nice piece of... uh... pretentious kitsch. :))

Elijah's way
04 Jan 2009, 21:09
it's f:D:Dking amazing

04 Jan 2009, 21:13
As a collector I've got to admit that that is pretty tacky

04 Jan 2009, 21:43
As a poker player, I want one for my poker evening on Tuesday!