View Full Version : tribute bands
10 May 2003, 00:58
this is a note to mlukfc
please block any more postings by any more tribute bands
i joined the fan club to see and read postings about meat loaf himself
i have just read 3 pages worth of p***.loaf web addy and tour dates
and generally selling himself on mlukfc
as i have wrote i have no time for tribute bands who are riding on the back
of probly the hardest working singer/preformer in the history of music
so please do something
how does any one else feel about this
ps (dont mention names as i feel this is free publicity)
10 May 2003, 02:12
DON'T ban the tribute bands! ANYTHING that brings attention to Meat and his music is a good thing!
I only discovered Meat Loaf last year after watching "To Hell and Back". Meat did not play the part of himself, although he did sing the songs (I think!). After watching the film I had to buy every Meat Loaf CD, Video and book I could get my hands on!
Had I seen one of the tribute singers, the effect would have been exactly the same!
I have see two tribute artists - Steve Steinman who had a good voice but was a bit sloppy (sorry!) and Dean ~~~~~~~~~~ (brilliant!). He would go far given the money to have a backing band. I have yet to see Peat Loaf.
Tribute bands keep Meat Loaf in the public eye, and bring his music to people who for one reason or another cannot see the Great Man himself so let them be.
10 May 2003, 02:28
sorry to disagree as you said you watched a film thats what got you in to meat loaf.myself a freind lent me booh when i was 11 i am now 36
as for tribute bands yes when the person is dead to keep the memory going but to make money out of it and not pay royalties nooo
a radio station has to and a tv channel has to so why not tribute bands
10 May 2003, 05:58
Thanks for the compliment heather!
first and foremost i know where i stand where meat is concerned IM NOT WORTHY!
After people have seen our show we get lots of people coming up to us after the show saying we are not meat loaf fans but having seen you we are going to buy his albums etc, so that cannot be a bad thing.
We bring a lot of joy to people who are meats fans , i am privelleged to do what i do and i love it , i pay royalties to meat i pay prs and 10% of our merchandise sales goes to left bank
kind regards Dean
ps i have also offered meat our website addy as i believe it should be his
recently valued at 18 grand!!!!!!!
this is a note to mlukfc
please block any more postings by any more tribute bands
i joined the fan club to see and read postings about meat loaf himself
i have just read 3 pages worth of p***.loaf web addy and tour dates
and generally selling himself on mlukfc
as i have wrote i have no time for tribute bands who are riding on the back
of probly the hardest working singer/preformer in the history of music
so please do something
how does any one else feel about this
ps (dont mention names as i feel this is free publicity)
Sorry if I sound mean, but if you came here to discuss Meat and ONLY Meat, then I think you'll be disappointed. However, I think this forum is more `on topic' than any other forum or list I know of (excluding the Off Topic section of this forum of course).
I don't regard tribute bands as riding on the back of Meat. In fact, they are sharing their joy of Meat with us. They're even promoting Meat himself in the process. Meat can't be everywhere all the time, so tribute bands can also fill a gap sometimes. If anyone mentions names, then great!
I'm not a moderator, but I don't think the people you're referring to should be banned. You don't have to read tribute band posts if you don't want to.
Well Heather, to be honest... we mods are thinking of it. There has already been a confrontation between the two tribute bands.... As long as they don't say stupid things or pull each others hair out... there is nothing we can do.
They bring the attention to Meat Loaf's music.... but they are not Meat loaf, and will never be him.
The problem with a forum is that everybody can give his opinion, and that you actually can't ban any members if they do nothing wrong.
We watch the both tribute bands very closely...
As a mod i will bring it under the attention of the other mods, and we will keep you informed.... But still.... R. is the real boss... it is his forum, so if he don't want to shut something.... it is his choice.... but we will discuss it again.
The Mod.
The Butcher, Tim
I honestly feel there is room in the market for tribute bands - no one is ever going to be confused between various look and sound alikes as to be confused with the MAN HIMSELF - I am a devotee of Meat for 33years so I don't feel I am speaking out of the back of my b.m.
Believe me there is room for everyone - and if seeing a tributeband/singer enlightens people to the man and his music - who should we be to deny them this - sometimes this is the way people who later become fans of Meat enter the market.
I have seen various lookalike/soundalikes and when feeling desperate because there's been a long gap in between concerts etc., they fill a much needed gap for people like myself and many others.
I'll get off my soapbox now :!:
you must be mad , to stop the tribute band , people who go to see a meat tribute band , in there local area or town , because they can't get to see meat loaf himself , maybe they can't travel , or they can't afford it , so when a tribute band travels to your town , they are trying there damm hardest to bring meat loaf into your life, so why try and knock that , look my mate dean tribute to hell & back , you might think here we go again greg is on dean's soap box again, but ill tell you how i see it i know dean travels the whole country to bring meat loaf into our lives he dosent advertise on here ,because he don't have to he has hes own site and is fully booked up all year the mount of miles he travels aweek is madness and why because he loves to see the look on your face , & i and many thousands of others thank you for that dean ,this is my verdict on a tribute band keep up the great work to all tribute bands ,
10 May 2003, 21:26
I think that tribute bands are are celebrating the music of meat and surely that is a good thing is'nt it? They also show how many people like meats music and that they are willing to preform this infront of other people. I personally have not seen any tribute bands to meat but some the preformers do have great voices and put on a really good show! Well thats what i think anyway!
10 May 2003, 23:43
can i get one thing straight i am not trying to ban tribute bands
just to stop selling themselves on mlukfc that is allif they want to advertise let them do it on their own website thats all.
i enjoy reading other forums about what people thick of meat
this is only my opinon as i thought i could voice it,but with the pm i got today i think i will keep them to my self
11 May 2003, 00:25
Hi Besty01,
So sorry to hear about your pm. Please don't let it stop you from speaking your mind. We live in countries were we are all allowed to do so.
I always try to look at things that are 'positive' I have found that if I focus on negative things, they only get 'bigger'. I don't want that. That is why you have never seen me react to this before.
But after reading this for some time now, I came to the conclusion that the tributebands are hardworking people, who are also great fans of Meat. So, that part of it is very good. Also the fact that all attention to Meat in any way is good and I can imagine a lot of people really enjoying these shows too. So, I salute that.
But, you knew there would be a but, I agree with you, to me it's also enough if I have their website. I personally don't have to know about every new show they do. If I want to check out their show, I will look it up on their website.
However, I live in Holland and I can imagine that this might be different for people in the UK.
Anyway, didn't want you to feel bad 'about speaking your mind'!
Great day to you,
11 May 2003, 00:30
Well said you should speak ur mind beasty after all this is a discussion forum aint it? did not mean that in a nasty way toward anyone! (sorry if it came accross that way)
11 May 2003, 02:38
A lot of you say you haven't seen Peatloaf. Maybe you should be aware of what is actually going on between Pete and Meat. See national Press for details! Why not go to the site - - and listen to the Radio Scotland interview and watch the video to find out why Pete is the No 1 live (and only live tribute) in Britain. Once you've seen and heard, then voice your opinions. Remember this is Meats last tour. Tribute bands are important because after this you won't hear his music live again. So you decide who's best. Keeping the music alive is what matters.
11 May 2003, 03:07
I hope you don't mind if I just take your word on that..
Great day to you,
11 May 2003, 06:26
Dean was treated like shit by Meat on Virgin Radio a few weeks back, I say all for Tribute Bands, Big cheers for Dean to go on with his band cause if I was treated the way I was by my Idol the way Meat treated him on radio I would have jumped of the nearest bridge. Did anyon hear that radio show, Meat was way out of line, I don't care who he is, he had no right to treat Dean like that on radio, who did he think he was.
well said winston , i could not agree with you more mate,dean was treated in a bad way . and for someone who has put his whole life into being a meat loaf act, to being spoken in that way ,was out of order , i know it f..... dean up for a while , & he nearly threw the towle in , he was nearly in tears on the phone.but dean is a big lad & with friends & his family he has carried on . because if he had checked it in we would have lost the best no1 tribute meat loaf act in my opinon, but a rember dean got an email from virgin saying meat loved you dean ,THANK F..K FOR THAT EMAIL . keep up the good work dean you have thousands of fans out there
11 May 2003, 11:13
Thanks for your support guys, greg when i see you i think its 16 double vodkas !! [you know what i mean]
A lot of you say you haven't seen Peatloaf. Maybe you should be aware of what is actually going on between Pete and Meat. See national Press for details! Why not go to the site - - and listen to the Radio Scotland interview and watch the video to find out why Pete is the No 1 live (and only live tribute) in Britain. Once you've seen and heard, then voice your opinions. Remember this is Meats last tour. Tribute bands are important because after this you won't hear his music live again. So you decide who's best. Keeping the music alive is what matters.
Exactly mutantx -and welcome to the forum
I'm on this forum for Meat Loaf, not for one of the Tribute bands... and certainly not for some kind of a as*hole.
Tribute band fine.... see the point that some people can only go to them... but he.... i'm here for the REAL MAN!!
The Butcher, Tim
Peat Loaf
11 May 2003, 15:54
Hello There
If I could just say that I have been involved with this fan club for 6 years now letting people know about it and raising money for CLAPA through the fan club in that time I have amassed a very big following through the fan club so forget any ideas that I am using this site to sell myself by posting information about Peat Loaf yes Peat Loaf not Peet Loaf all I am doing is letting those people know what is going on with the band as to what is going on with me and Meat well that is between Meat and my Promoters nothing to do with ME or ANY ONE ELSE!!! the sorry fact is I am the pawn in the middle of something that was nothing at all to do with me or anything that I had control over or a say in when you get to the level in this business that I am at and you are dealing with the big boys you have no control over what’s said done or written but you are the one that it affects most it's the old domino effect it's always the innocent parties that are hurt the most but hey that’s Rock n Roll you just have to pick your self up dust your self down and get on with it and you can be ASURED ATHATS EXACTLY WHAT I INTEND TO DO :D :D :D
My aim is simple and that is to keep Peat Loaf a 100% LIVE band together and take Meat Loaf and his MUSIC to the people less fortunate than myself and most of you on this site who can not afford to go see the man himself people that cant afford to spend £25 on a ticket travel hundreds of miles to the gig and in some cases an over night stay those of you who know the Peat Loaf story and yes there is a STORY will understand were I am coming from this is not about MONEY for me if it was then I would be doing what Dean and the rest of the other Meat tributes are doing witch by the way I have no objection to if that’s the way they want to do it fine best of luck to them I am doing it the way my heart is telling me to do it I have worked long and hard at doing what I do and the way I do it and that is putting together as close and accurate Meat Loaf Concert as I can and I can assure you Meat has made a lot more money out of me than I have made out of him and that’s a FACT !!! and by the way no I do not think I am Meat or better than Meat in anyway how can you possibly be better than the person you are emulating lol and I don’t care who is the best who does the most gigs and who gets the most money or how big your house is or how expensive your car is lol as I have said that's not what it is about for me that is NOT what Meat Loaf is about and all you real BIG Meat fans will know exactly what I am talking about so going back to what Besty was talking about banning Tributes that’s crazy Meat comes over here what every 3 or 4 years ?? how much do we hear about him in-between that time how often do we see him on TV or hear his music or his name even mentioned NOT VEREY so in doing what we are doing is constantly promoting Meats name and his music wither it's Peat Loaf. To Hell and Back or Steve Steinman who gives a Feck who's the BEST!!! it’s the constitution MEAT LOAF that's the important thing and god forbid if this is the end of the road for Meat in a touring sense then we are all you guys have left as there is no way you can get the same out of listening to a CD or watching a video or DVD as seeing and feeling these songs played LIVE!!!
Pete 8)
Well said, hun :P
11 May 2003, 19:38
can we calm down on this subject
all i would like is for tribute bands to stop advertising on mlukfc thats all
i joined mlukfc to learn and read about meat in forums
im not talking about banning them in what they are doing outside
everyone has to earn a living
ok some tribute bands are paying royalties which is good
but there are pleanty who arent
so if i have offened any body i apoligise
i still have my views and opions
can we calm down on this subject
all i would like is for tribute bands to stop advertising on mlukfc thats all
i joined mlukfc to learn and read about meat in forums
im not talking about banning them in what they are doing outside
everyone has to earn a living
ok some tribute bands are paying royalties which is good
but there are pleanty who arent
so if i have offened any body i apoligise
i still have my views and opions
THink everybody has his own opinions... that's great. I almost got banned here. for my opinion... and on another site also... But i say it in a more hateted way...
Keep it nice to each other...
The butcher, Tim
Sapphire Lady
11 May 2003, 22:22
I've lost count of the number of times I've seen Peat Loaf over the last 6 years. It has to be experienced to be believed. Close your eyes and you would swear it was the real thing. I've also seen some of the other UK tribute acts who use backing tracks and there's just no comparison.
Peat Loaf is the only 100% live tribute because quite simply that's the only way to do justice to Meat's music. Pete puts his heart and soul into what he does and he should be admired for that - not banned from this forum !!
Peat Loaf is making Meat's music available to the masses. And they love it. I've been at many of his gigs and seen how the crowd react. They just can't believe what they're seeing and hearing.
Please remember the meaning of the word "tribute" - respect and admiration for another. Pete is by far and away the most fitting tribute Meat could ever have.
Well said, Sapphire :twisted:
Peat Loaf
11 May 2003, 22:35
Please peeps don't turn this into a who's better than who comp thats not what this is about :D
Thank You
Pete 8)
11 May 2003, 22:42
Hey saphire , i see you come from petes neck of the woods SCOTLAND!! [MMMMMMMM] by the way which venue have you seen our show , i would be very interested to know??
11 May 2003, 22:43
yes i agree with pete
this is not about whos better than who
so please please dont
thank you
Wow that took a while to read! Can I lend you a few fullstops? :D
Back on subject: I have up and down feelings about tribute acts, but I think it is all down to the people that do them. I haven't been here long, and I think I joined the board kind of in the midle of whatever happened, but from what I can tell Peat Loaf is a big Meat fan. He always seems to want to mention that he is a fan and wants to share/publicise Meat's music and not steal it. (sorry if it sems I am talking as if you are not here Peat, it is weird writing when someone may or may not be reading!)
Anyway, I don't really know the situation, and I have never seen Peat, but that is my two cents, or pence.
At the end of the day, everyone here loves Meat's music and so we all share something very special. We should always let that be at the front of our minds as we are not just fans, we are a community :)
Can we close this topic also??
The Butcher, TIm
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