View Full Version : songs in films

03 Apr 2002, 00:16
Meat Loaf has had his music put in many
movies , he did the theme songs for the major
picture films "Thrashin" and "Car Trouble" ,
Paridise was used in "Josie and the Pussycats" & "Leap Of faith", Life is a Lemon in "Neverending Story 3" and in Rocky
Horror. Meatloaf doesn't always get alot of
credit for his contribution to soundtracks
though and I was wondering if there we're
any I missed ?

PS is there any site that has a good quality
mp3 of "Thrashin" ????

03 Apr 2002, 01:41

I've been told that there aren't any copies of "Thrashin" available at all, but I haven't actually researched it yet. As for Meat's credit, The songs are of course listed in the credits, I think it's just too bad that there aren't more realeased to radio or at least easier to find. I didn't even know "Thrashin'" existed until a few weeks ago.

30 Apr 2002, 14:08
Blind Before I Stop is in the 80s movie "The Squeeze" in which Meat Loaf plays a minor character who doesn't say a word in any of his scenes until the very end when he...oh wait...I shouldn't tell you about that!!!

Anyway, the song is playing in a nightclub-type place, with people dancing along to it. Meat is in the scene in which the song is playing! At first I didn't notice that it was Blind Before I Stop, and just thought "Oh, this sounds like some 80's song"...and then a moment later I thought "Wait...I know what this is!!".

Coincidentally, I would like to hear Meat do a remake of this song in a `punk' style, like a Greenday or Blink-182 type sound.

Apparently some of Meat's songs also made it into TV programmes. A couple I know of are Melrose Place (who used "I'd Lie For You And That's The Truth", and Miami Vice, who used "Standing On The Outside" and others). I haven't seen the episodes containing these songs.