View Full Version : What is a MP4?

25 Mar 2009, 21:28
I been looking it up and I still don't get it. I mean I had a friend loan me a dvd and I couldn't play it on my dvd player so I tried it on my computer and it said it was mp4. What players play these types of movies? real player? window's media? Quicktime? I'm at a loss and hope you guys are much smater then me on this topic cause I am lost on this one.

25 Mar 2009, 22:04
Try VLC (http://www.videolan.org/) or Quicktime.


25 Mar 2009, 23:50
VLC is the best really.
Very small (MB-wise) and simple programme that plays literally everything!

26 Mar 2009, 00:54
isnt mp4 also the ipod format?

26 Mar 2009, 04:24
That's what I am coming across is it is Ipod format, but yet the 3 movies on this dvd are in mp4. So then Vlc is a good player to dl then? I never heard of it, plus I'm kinda scared when it come to dl software I don't know about. With that new worm out, and all and it's been awhile since I dl anything new.

I was looking on my computer I don't have quicktime, just media player, real player, and my nero dvd software.

26 Mar 2009, 09:36
theoretically you shuold also be able to play it with Itunes, but I've never tried that.

VLC is a good choice, i play all my videos with that player.

26 Mar 2009, 12:17
That's what I am coming across is it is Ipod format, but yet the 3 movies on this dvd are in mp4. So then Vlc is a good player to dl then? I never heard of it, plus I'm kinda scared when it come to dl software I don't know about. With that new worm out, and all and it's been awhile since I dl anything new.

I was looking on my computer I don't have quicktime, just media player, real player, and my nero dvd software.

download.com is a pretty trustworthy site, i had a few programmes from there, i used to use vlc but then found it didnt play everything so moved onto k-lite, comes as a package of many codecs and i have yet to find a format it cant play, however they are both available on download.com if you are worried about where to go

26 Mar 2009, 15:03
MP4, isn't that Andy's new car?

26 Mar 2009, 15:22
If it's good enough for Ayrton Senna or Lewis Hamilton ...


26 Mar 2009, 15:24
Well apparently it isn't and Hammi will get wapped by Brawn this weekend ..

26 Mar 2009, 15:41
True enough I should have probably picked a picture of the 23 or 22, rather than the newer one shouldn't I?

26 Mar 2009, 16:02
Indeed :-). So how many gallons to the mile does this new steed of yours do? ;-)

26 Mar 2009, 17:24
I't sabout 2/3 of an Elise, and neither can play media files of any type as well as VLC can! :p