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30 May 2009, 00:40
I can't read the whole journal entry on the other site but it does give you a link to the REALMEATLOAF twitter page. This is all I can read

Follow Meat Loaf on his official Twitter page link text


It says something is happening in 4 days and counting.


30 May 2009, 01:01
Wow, that is very exiting! Maybe a new tour coming up...well, its okay to dream, right? :-)

30 May 2009, 01:06
Wow, that is very exiting! Maybe a new tour coming up...well, its okay to dream, right? :-)

or maybe something about the album but I don't know how to twitter, just read the stuff. I tried to send a message but couldn't. I'm GUESSING this is the new site???? Read the last twitter message...

30 May 2009, 01:12
Hope this is the real deal and not some deluded fan like the one on facebook. Becoming a fan of a fan is just so ridiculous.

30 May 2009, 01:17
Meat is the only one who can post in the Journal on the other site...don't know who's running the twitter thing but it's not a fan faking to be him like on facebook. I'm trying to get the whole message from his Journal to see what it says

30 May 2009, 01:19
I wonder which sack o'shite sad tw@t is pretending to be Meat Loaf this week? :roll:

Pud :twisted:

30 May 2009, 01:19
Meat is the only one who can post in the Journal on the other site...don't know who's running the twitter thing but it's not a fan faking to be him like on facebook. I'm trying to get the whole message from his Journal to see what it says

sorry but my account ran out months ago... still waiting on the "new" site to appear

30 May 2009, 01:20
[confused] ... how do you know the Twitter thing is not some deluded twit(ter)? Given the number of people who think it's a laugh to create fake accounts, the latter is more likely unless you know better.


30 May 2009, 01:22
[confused] ... how do you know the Twitter thing is not some deluded twit(ter)? Given the number of people who think it's a laugh to create fake accounts, the latter is more likely unless you know better.


Meat is the only one who has access to the journal...nobody can write in it but him...you can't even reply to it and it's also on the home page

30 May 2009, 01:26
Sorry, still don't get it. I think you're saying that the twitter message is the same as, or a condensed version, of whatever is in this journal thing. So, what's stopping someone who can read the journal from creating a twitter account and just copying the text over?

btw I wonder why it's "RealMeatLoaf" when "MeatLoaf" is free?


duke knooby
30 May 2009, 01:26
Meat is the only one who has access to the journal...

whats the point in that?? no one else could read it :D

meanwhile... i totally agree... 4 days time.. something might happen

30 May 2009, 01:28
Gullible is somewhere in the dictionary between Dumb :tard: and Retard :retard:

30 May 2009, 01:30
OK, now I see, the .net page LINKS to the twitter page.

Wish someone could have explained that simple thing earlier ...


30 May 2009, 01:32
Yeah, links to the official website would be useful. I'll take the :tard: & :retard: smilies back and save them for a rainy day :))

Pud :twisted:

30 May 2009, 01:34
It's not often long between showers ... ;-)

30 May 2009, 01:35
OK, now I see, the .net page LINKS to the twitter page.

Wish someone could have explained that simple thing earlier ...


Maybe it was because everyone else knew it was that simple, so they didnt think anyone couldnīt understand it ;-)

30 May 2009, 01:36
From how it's written "Follow Meat Loaf" I'd say it's been written by his management company and isn't a journal entry. I'd say they're jumping on the twitter bandwagon because I think .net's down to a handful of members and anything they put on there just wont reach enough people. It's as genuine as we're gonna get and I'm interested to find out what's gonna be said.

30 May 2009, 01:36

30 May 2009, 01:37
Sorry, still don't get it. I think you're saying that the twitter message is the same as, or a condensed version, of whatever is in this journal thing. So, what's stopping someone who can read the journal from creating a twitter account and just copying the text over?

btw I wonder why it's "RealMeatLoaf" when "MeatLoaf" is free?


No. The announcement that Meat has a twitter page is posted on the front Home page of his official site, and gives the link to the page which basically says there are lots of "surprises coming up for my fans. Stay tuned!", so I think it's most certainly Meat on the twitter page and not someone pretending to be him.

As to a tour .. he's already said that we should dust off our show shoes in readiness for a tour in 2010 :)


30 May 2009, 01:54
btw I wonder why it's "RealMeatLoaf" when "MeatLoaf" is free?

MeatLoaf (http://twitter.com/meatloaf) is not free/available... Its a girl by name Holly DeVooght from Michigan who uses that Twitter-ID...

It seems like shes a musician (http://www.myspace.com/12458504), but I dont know why shes using MeatLoaf as her Twitter-ID/name...

30 May 2009, 01:54
No. The announcement that Meat has a twitter page is posted on the front Home page of his official site, and gives the link to the page which basically says there are lots of "surprises coming up for my fans. Stay tuned!", so I think it's most certainly Meat on the twitter page and not someone pretending to be him.

As to a tour .. he's already said that we should dust off our show shoes in readiness for a tour in 2010 :)


Yes, I know, as I posted a few posts above. Up to that point no-one had mentioned there being a link from .net, a fact which of course nails any doubt about the authenticity. Some of us never go to .net on account of it never having anything worthwhile to read, you see.


30 May 2009, 01:56
MeatLoaf (http://twitter.com/meatloaf) is not free/available... Its a girl by name Holly DeVooght from Michigan who uses that Twitter-ID...

hmmm, must have mis-typed it earlier when I checked.

30 May 2009, 01:58
Maybe it was because everyone else knew it was that simple, so they didnt think anyone couldnīt understand it ;-)

Understanding it is easy; knowing it is the problem given the tiny number of people who bother with .net these days.

30 May 2009, 01:59
Understanding it is easy; knowing it is the problem given the tiny number of people who bother with .net these days.


30 May 2009, 02:13

Very true

30 May 2009, 02:13
But then it begs the question if he has never been on myspace or facebook why the the feck would he opt to go on twitter when it's possibly the worst of the three for a bad rep for having fakers on there ? OK there are the odd one or two genuine on there but unless Meat says if he is or he isn't then it is very unlikely and debateable I would of thought :shrug:.

30 May 2009, 02:18
Twitter sucks, but it is THEE thing at the moment :roll:

Maybe Meat has random thoughts he just wants to share in not very long sentences, rather than a long paragraph :shrug:

30 May 2009, 02:20
Possibly but personally I can't see him on that !!

Twitter is crap, I only have an account for one soul reason but if it wasn't for that I wouldn't bother, I can do that on facebook and have alot more fun :lol: !!

30 May 2009, 02:24
Well it wasn't Meat Loaf doing myspace so maybe it won't be him twittering, but it might. I can see the ease of twittering over facebook or myspace, it's more simple.

30 May 2009, 02:25
But then it begs the question if he has never been on myspace or facebook why the the feck would he opt to go on twitter when it's possibly the worst of the three for a bad rep for having fakers on there ? OK there are the odd one or two genuine on there but unless Meat says if he is or he isn't then it is very unlikely and debateable I would of thought :shrug:.

Couldn't disagree more actually...
Twitter is a HUGE trend throughout THE WORLD. There are A LOT of genuine famous people on there (Check out http://www.followfamous.com/) . I think it is a logical choice for Meat Loaf. I'm sure when Michael Ball gets round to Twitter you will follow him and forget about MySpace and Facebook for a second. ;-)

Facebook and MySpace contain a lot of unnecessary crap when you think about it. If you just quickly want to know what someone is up to Twitter is the best and that's why it is successful. It's rather amatuerish layout/usability (which thankfully is getting better now) is something both MySpace and Facebook had in their early days too.

I'd be interested to know what Meat would Twitter when he is on tour / in the studio. His site is getting a bit dated in my opinion so it is good he is following the new internet trend. Steinman should Twitter too, looks like his blog is dead anyway.

30 May 2009, 02:27
I'm sure when Michael Ball gets round to Twitter you will follow him and forget about MySpace and Facebook for a second. ;-)

LMAO :lmao:

30 May 2009, 02:33
Ooh I found Cesar Millan :cool: !!!

He's awesome !

30 May 2009, 02:35
i've come to the conclusion that i don't care and it'll be a big waste of time...i wouldn't get too excited but that's just me..meat barely has time to update his website, tell me how in hell is he going to update twitter when it requires at least once a day activity to be popular?

30 May 2009, 02:39
Amen to that :lol: !!

30 May 2009, 02:39
i've come to the conclusion that i don't care and it'll be a big waste of time...i wouldn't get too excited but that's just me..meat barely has time to update his website, tell me how in hell is he going to update twitter when it requires at least once a day activity to be popular?

I am afraid you are probably going to be proven to be correct on this. However Twitter is indeed easy to update. Just a sentence a day would be better than nothing. If he can't be bothered then that is fair enough. I just don't think he should be charging people to access a website that hardly gets updated and only has as benefit presales. There are a lot of people who cannot go to concerts but would still like to stay informed.

30 May 2009, 02:40
From how it's written "Follow Meat Loaf" I'd say it's been written by his management company and isn't a journal entry. I'd say they're jumping on the twitter bandwagon because I think .net's down to a handful of members and anything they put on there just wont reach enough people. It's as genuine as we're gonna get and I'm interested to find out what's gonna be said.

That's exactly what I was thinking. I'm very interested too :-)

30 May 2009, 02:50
meat barely has time to update his website, tell me how in hell is he going to update twitter when it requires at least once a day activity to be popular?

For a start Meat doesn't update his website, someone else does. You don't need to post once a day to be popular and even if you did, I'm sure if Meat posted that he just took a big shit or something else trivial, it would still have people salivating in the fact that Meat twittered about something.

its not stalkers r us...

Wanna bet?

30 May 2009, 02:53
I'm sure if Meat posted that he just took a big shit or something else trivial, it would still have people salivating in the fact that Meat twittered about something.

Lolololol. :D:D

30 May 2009, 02:58
yeah but that's exactly it pud, it's total BS, when you have "demi and ashton", twitter darlings, threatening to walk away because of possible changes to twitter then it must mean something is up cause they would post about taking a dump and admiring it.

i just don't see meat doing it (him or his management), he doesn't acknowledge myspace, barely acknowledges his own website, gets angry when posting here and stays under the radar most of the time.

30 May 2009, 03:06
Since it's official on dotty.net I guess we'll have to wait and see how it pans out. One things for certain though at least we know to some degree that Meat Loaf is involved in Twitter and not that sack o'shite asshole pretending to be him on Facebook the other week.

30 May 2009, 04:15
Initially I was angry when I found out about the "sack o' shite" as you put it on Facebook, but this girl evidently was reading things, as it said on the Facebook Page that it was nothing but a fan effort and my friend Shawn says she put out announcements to that effect after someone brought the posts on the Rockman to her attention.

30 May 2009, 05:54
Initially I was angry when I found out about the "sack o' shite" as you put it on Facebook, but this girl evidently was reading things, as it said on the Facebook Page that it was nothing but a fan effort and my friend Shawn says she put out announcements to that effect after someone brought the posts on the Rockman to her attention.

What has this got to do with Meat Loaf on twitter? Has someone got a guilty conscience?

30 May 2009, 13:45
Is it possible that in a few day's the new .net website will be launched...? That might be the big surprise...

30 May 2009, 13:59
Getting something for your $40 would be an even bigger surprise.

30 May 2009, 14:29
You don't need to post once a day to be popular and even if you did, I'm sure if Meat posted that he just took a big shit or something else trivial, it would still have people salivating in the fact that Meat twittered about something.

:lmao: Thank you.

I prefer useful info from time to time or when there's something important going on to "just a sentence a day".

At least it seems to provide the opportunity to read some news without having to pay $40. (I hope so.)

For crying out loud
30 May 2009, 19:10
gets angry when posting here and stays under the radar most of the time.

Meat loaf is a member of mlukfc and posts?!? :shock:

30 May 2009, 20:27
Where the hell have you been? He's FireBall.

30 May 2009, 22:22
Where the hell have you been? He's FireBall.

Why don't you bother to check when that user registered and when Meat Loaf left his last posting here?

31 May 2009, 00:26
Meat loaf is a member of mlukfc and posts?!? :shock:

Where the hell have you been? He's FireBall.

Yes Meat Loaf is a member here as Fire Ball (two words like his name ;), not to sound picky but it annoys me :lol:), though he has not visited since August last year as he likes to keep track of things being said while touring.

31 May 2009, 01:44
Fireball :raspberry:

31 May 2009, 02:01
Fireball :raspberry:

Meatloaf :raspberry:

31 May 2009, 02:34
Fireball :raspberry:

Meatloaf :raspberry:

:kickass::hand::keke::nuts: !!

31 May 2009, 08:38
Can somebody PLEASE explain to me how the heck I went to Twitter to see what it is and as soon as I've registered I am already following ML???

31 May 2009, 13:17
Because you clicked the 'Follow' button... :lol:

31 May 2009, 14:12
Twitter is pants. :D

31 May 2009, 17:55
Because you clicked the 'Follow' button... :lol:

Ermmm...thank you for that...although the only reason I am asking is that I haven't, in fact, clicked on ANY buttons...I just signed up and he was there waiting for me on my homepage or whatever the heck it's called...

31 May 2009, 17:55
Twitter is pants. :D

For a fact...lol...

31 May 2009, 18:05
Twitter is pants. :D

I just peed my Twitter

31 May 2009, 23:37
Ermmm...thank you for that...although the only reason I am asking is that I haven't, in fact, clicked on ANY buttons...I just signed up and he was there waiting for me on my homepage or whatever the heck it's called...

Did you join twitter from the Meatloaf page?, if so it might have automatically assumed you're joining it to stalk, I mean follow, I mean be interested in meatloaf :))

Pud :twisted:

01 Jun 2009, 00:11
remember when meat loaf was on this moring promoting bat 3 he said that him and jim were working on a project togeather and i recon it could be news of bat out of hell the musical ??????? who knows


01 Jun 2009, 00:23
Definitely not from Meat's page cause I put address into the browser and that's how I wound up on Twitter...

Dunno...curious, of course, but of no consequence...whatever somebody there is twittering one can read here...

My inner stalker woke up to quite a few like Kevin Smith and Borat...but I can't master that particular drive that makes a stalker a true professional...lol...so people are promptly "followed" and their "twitters" remain promptly unread...lol

01 Jun 2009, 00:31
but it goes to the same page its him , we should all be at our comps , 2 moro thats if your a real meat loaf of course :?

01 Jun 2009, 00:46

01 Jun 2009, 00:59
but I can't master that particular drive that makes a stalker a true professiona

There's a few on here that could give you tips if you want...LOL

Pud :twisted:

01 Jun 2009, 01:13
There's a few on here that could give you tips if you want...LOL

Pud :twisted:

Nah...I am just not interested...I guess I am more interested in my own life...lol...

01 Jun 2009, 16:58
i've come to the conclusion that i don't care and it'll be a big waste of time...i wouldn't get too excited but that's just me..meat barely has time to update his website, tell me how in hell is he going to update twitter when it requires at least once a day activity to be popular?

But it's not him updating is it? So far, the Twitter updates have been the same ones good old faithful RSS-bot delivers here. I'm presuming much in the same way my local council's website manages to Twitter selected newsfeeds to Twitter, RSS-bot is doing the same for .net? Though having said that, it would indeed be (I struggled to find suitable adjective for use here) interesting if the man himself posted his own Twitter, in particular during tours and recordings etc..

01 Jun 2009, 18:20
I'd be interested to know what Meat would Twitter when he is on tour / in the studio.

Though having said that, it would indeed be (I struggled to find suitable adjective for use here) interesting if the man himself posted his own Twitter, in particular during tours and recordings etc..

Blondes think alike... ;-)

01 Jun 2009, 19:58
btw I wonder why it's "RealMeatLoaf" when "MeatLoaf" is free?
This is typical on Twitter.

01 Jun 2009, 20:02
But then it begs the question if he has never been on myspace or facebook why the the feck would he opt to go on twitter when it's possibly the worst of the three for a bad rep for having fakers on there ? OK there are the odd one or two genuine on there but unless Meat says if he is or he isn't then it is very unlikely and debateable I would of thought :shrug:.
Actually, there are way more "real" celebrities doing their own Tweets on Twitter than I can find actually doing either facebook or myspace on their own. Usually the FB or MS is done by a management company.

01 Jun 2009, 20:51
I am at a loss as to why it is important whether it's actual celebrities post or "their people"...I mean...if posts/statuses are entertaining, funny and/or informative...what is the difference who typed the damn thing?

01 Jun 2009, 23:23
I am at a loss

There's a surprise :))

Of course it's important as it's the celebrities actual thoughts rather than the thoughts done on the celebrities behalf.

For example. If you went to a restaurant and thought it sucked you'd want to tell people not to go there because it sucked, you wouldn't want someone to write on your behalf saying you had an enjoyable evening, because that wouldn't be your thoughts and it wouldn't be true.

If it is Meat posting his thoughts then great, I might pop over there now and again, if it's some managed nonsense then I won't as it'll suck.

Pud :twisted:

01 Jun 2009, 23:40
Not Meat. The twitter account has been updated with ...

Hello from Meat. Will be uploading video later this afternoon with a message from him-roxanne personal asst to meat loaf

01 Jun 2009, 23:46
Those are either PR people or secretaries or whatever posting...and they would not express opinion contrary to the celebrity unless celebrity doesn't want their opinion to be known in any event...very often those same PR people, managers, etc...are much better educated, much funnier and much much everything than celebrity himself/herself...but that's just my personal opinion...never been particularly star struck...

Well, I can tell you one thing for sure...Paula Abdul is writing her own thing...no PR person of any kind will write this kind of nonsense...and if anybody asks me why I am following Paula Abdul...don't...it's a mystery to me...

01 Jun 2009, 23:47
Well given the excitement I hope this video is a good thing...what if it's 'Bat III was fab, you lot drive me mental, i'm starting a peaceful retirement goodnight!" ?!

01 Jun 2009, 23:50
I was thinking the same thing, Lucy, but then again...his first post said it would be surprises for his fans...it would of course be a surprise, but I interpret it as a good thing :-)

01 Jun 2009, 23:51
i would then know how he feels:D

01 Jun 2009, 23:51
To be fair that would be a bloody huge surprise! :lol:

01 Jun 2009, 23:55
Well given the excitement I hope this video is a good thing...what if it's 'Bat III was fab, you lot drive me mental, i'm starting a peaceful retirement goodnight!" ?!

Well the middle one is a cert, and the last one will happen eventually! As for the first, 2 outta 3 ....

02 Jun 2009, 00:25
we will see what happens tho, if anyone finds out please let me know its gona happen when im at work 2moz lol

duke knooby
02 Jun 2009, 00:31
Well given the excitement I hope this video is a good thing...

"jimmy's been busy writing me a bunch a new songs, and we're going in the studio to lay down the....."

nah... not gonna happen this time lol

02 Jun 2009, 01:10


the vid is being prosessed now so just have to wait for it

02 Jun 2009, 01:11

02 Jun 2009, 01:13
Looks like we're going to be getting a video diary for the album recording then.

02 Jun 2009, 01:15

02 Jun 2009, 01:16

meat loaf message on twitter was that they are starting recording a new album

02 Jun 2009, 01:18

No problems watching the movie here...

duke knooby
02 Jun 2009, 01:18
works for me... in the studio... 1st day recording, no album title yet, paul, john and kas are there

02 Jun 2009, 01:19
Nothing we didn't know already but nice to get something from the horse's mouth so to speak.

02 Jun 2009, 01:21
thank you but I'd like to see it, why can't I see it, I get X

02 Jun 2009, 01:27
Great to know Paul is there!

02 Jun 2009, 01:27
Hey...but he looks much better than he looked in a while!!!

02 Jun 2009, 01:28
RealMeatLoaf: Check out this video --> http://yttwt.com/v4pur

More... (http://twitter.com/RealMeatLoaf/statuses/1996447706)

Fantastic video !!

Ooh I'm excited now :cool: !!

Great to know Paul is there!

And Kasim :cool: !!

duke knooby
02 Jun 2009, 01:31
Fantastic video !!

Ooh I'm excited now :cool: !!

And Kasim :cool: !!

And Meat :-P !!

02 Jun 2009, 01:35
Good news!!

02 Jun 2009, 01:40
what the hell am I doing wrong...I can't watch it...I get the X...I can get Pearl's...why can't I get this one

02 Jun 2009, 01:42
what the hell am I doing wrong...I can't watch it...I get the X...I can get Pearl's...why can't I get this one

It's more than likely your browser settings, you tried the usual clear the cache tricks?

02 Jun 2009, 01:51
Also mentions John is there too... Awesome stuff :cool: !!

02 Jun 2009, 01:57
Fantastic video !!

Ooh I'm excited now :cool: !!

I'm guessing Twitter isn't crap anymore then :lmao:

02 Jun 2009, 02:12
No it is, but like many things it has it's perks !!

02 Jun 2009, 02:12
this flipping sucks, I can't watch the flipping thing...couldn't he just post a regular video so idiots can watch it too

02 Jun 2009, 02:16
Geez...no reason to get THIS upset...video lasts 2 seconds and he just says that he is making a new album...

02 Jun 2009, 02:21
Chris, go on a facebook...everybody who isn't lazy posted video there...

02 Jun 2009, 02:21
I agree with Zina, it's only a very short video. Someone needs to visit the Good Advice thread about getting a life :roll:

02 Jun 2009, 04:53
Well, I guess the "lots of surprises" are yet to come. ;)

02 Jun 2009, 08:20
at least this way we are gonna get updates on the album from time to time:D
better than all the guess work? im very curious about this project [ just like the rest of you ] i must admit a bit nervous too

evil nickname
02 Jun 2009, 10:00
Well, I guess the "lots of surprises" are yet to come. ;)

We have a winner.

02 Jun 2009, 12:11
short vid but least we know where he is at, he is looking well to, bring on the next tour!!! lucy have you got them t shirts ready yet??????

02 Jun 2009, 18:36
It's nice to see Meat's face on video again with a bit more news. Luv cx

02 Jun 2009, 20:14
In my opinion if it is done by Meat Loaf I know I will love it either way. I am just glad we heard something about what he is doing now. :))

02 Jun 2009, 21:04
I think Meat looks better than he has done for a while on that video. Good to hear that they are finally recording the album.

Hope they decide to keep the BIACS title I like it and think it just sounds right

02 Jun 2009, 23:39
I'm not understanding how some are gushing over the video saying "at least we know what he's doing" we've known what he's been doing for months, he's kept it no secret he's going to be in the studio in June...:wtf:

Anyway, "C'mon Meat I'm a sad git and want to know what you had for breakfast...TWEET DAMN IT!...TWEET!"

Evil One
03 Jun 2009, 00:06
"C'mon Meat I'm a sad git and want to know what you had for breakfast...TWEET DAMN IT!...TWEET!"
If I had to guess then I would say food.

03 Jun 2009, 00:34
I think Meat looks better than he has done for a while on that video.

Agreed - and although he only speaks, not sings, his voice sounds stronger than it has done, and his breathing doesnt seem so laboured... good signs, I would say.

03 Jun 2009, 01:11
Of course the only reason Meat's on Twitter is for publicity, and judging by the fact that this is the busiest thread on MLUKFC for a while it's worked lol

03 Jun 2009, 02:10
I don't think a Meat Loaf fansite is the correct unbiased gauge for publicity. No matter what does or wherever he does it, it'll always be popular on one of the websites dedicated to him...at a guess ;)

03 Jun 2009, 03:37
I don't think a Meat Loaf fansite is the correct unbiased gauge for publicity. No matter what does or wherever he does it, it'll always be popular on one of the websites dedicated to him...at a guess ;)


03 Jun 2009, 04:18
I don't think a Meat Loaf fansite is the correct unbiased gauge for publicity. No matter what does or wherever he does it, it'll always be popular on one of the websites dedicated to him...at a guess ;)

Depends what it's aimed at, it's aimed at the Meat Loaf fans so it's reaching what it's aimed at.

03 Jun 2009, 09:49
Anyway, "C'mon Meat I'm a sad git and want to know what you had for breakfast...TWEET DAMN IT!...TWEET!"

it's all fine as long as he doesnt go for Tweety :shock:

03 Jun 2009, 12:05
Next little installment posted by John on MySpace, which I'm assuming links to Greg's Beatles thread?!?!


***Just spotted this on the Newsfeed forum, I never think to look there!

04 Jun 2009, 04:17
Here is a brand new video of Meat sitting outside with Rob Cavello and talking about cars :shock::lol: !!

The vid (http://yttwt.com/ai3tj)


04 Jun 2009, 05:14
And it seems Cavallo is having Porche Blues. Should have bought a Mercury :P

04 Jun 2009, 07:10
Porches' are crap but they look like a globule of sperm on four wheels.

04 Jun 2009, 11:05
:wtf: Porsche talk? Now I know what Cavallo's garage door looks like. I wonder what he will talk about tomorrow. :roll:

04 Jun 2009, 12:14
Porsche? It's the wrong car :))

04 Jun 2009, 12:27
I think Meat's still got "we've worked out how to post video" novelty :lol:

04 Jun 2009, 19:08
which is about as interesting as...well nothing

04 Jun 2009, 20:51
Are they actually going to get some work done or just play around with their new toy??? :lol:

duke knooby
04 Jun 2009, 20:59
it amused me.. hope they're having fun!! :-)

05 Jun 2009, 00:41
wish they would work out how to do a vid longer than 31 seconds lol

05 Jun 2009, 01:09
it amused me.. hope they're having fun!! :-)

I second that :))

05 Jun 2009, 03:14
Next installment... BUBBLE TWEET :shock: :lol: !!!

GO HERE !! (http://bbltwt.com/a3f5r)

05 Jun 2009, 03:37
Next installment... BUBBLE TWEET :shock: :lol: !!!

GO HERE !! (http://bbltwt.com/a3f5r)

It made me jump when it popped up :lmao:
But I'm glad to see Meat's enjoying himself :))


05 Jun 2009, 08:17
Meat is just so funny...

06 Jun 2009, 01:01
The next installment;

Meat in the studio for real this time !!! (http://yttwt.com/4mnbc)


06 Jun 2009, 01:10
That was a great little video in my opinion. I enjoyed that one best so far. :))

06 Jun 2009, 01:16
yeah me too. You could say it was "Imformative" - explaining what certain equipment does in the studio - I guess if your not already used to it, then you might of learnt something.... And the TV Series - could be interesting?

06 Jun 2009, 01:19
What like ordering Sea Bass ?! :lol: :lmao: !!!

06 Jun 2009, 02:01
The first video that's really interesting. Thanks. Keep it up! :D

06 Jun 2009, 02:26
I've really enjoyed all of them, but this was my favorite so far :-)
Very informative and funny. Thanks Meat !

06 Jun 2009, 02:36
great stuff mr. loaf:D

06 Jun 2009, 02:59
Best quote from Meat Loaf so far - "That is the tick track and that's supposed to keep me in time, but those of you who know me know that's ridiculous."


06 Jun 2009, 03:09
Yes I agree, love that bit :lol: !!

06 Jun 2009, 04:45
Best quote from Meat Loaf so far - "That is the tick track and that's supposed to keep me in time, but those of you who know me know that's ridiculous."


click track ;)

06 Jun 2009, 10:19
That was a great little video in my opinion. I enjoyed that one best so far. :))

I agree, the other video's seemed to be just made because they were bored or something, this one had some informative information at least, with some Meat humour. :D

06 Jun 2009, 11:09
It ain't that they were bored. Meat knows alot of us are really into these videos and well he's just being Meat !

06 Jun 2009, 13:24
It ain't that they were bored. Meat knows alot of us are really into these videos and well he's just being Meat !

I still think they were bored. ;)

07 Jun 2009, 12:35
Perhaps Meat is just having a bit of fun by sharing whatever he's doing with all and sundry, surely something is better than nothing and if you prefer nothing then don't watch the f*cking videos...simple really

I think some peoples comments are a bit retarded :retard:

07 Jun 2009, 15:37
Perhaps Meat is just having a bit of fun by sharing whatever he's doing with all and sundry, surely something is better than nothing and if you prefer nothing then don't watch the f*cking videos...simple really

Again we agree .. lol

Meat's giving us something fun that he really doesn't need to bother with, and letting us share what he's up to. It's the kind of thing people have often said they'd like .. a brief and regular word from the performer they follow.

Just enjoy and appreciate it or don't bother with them .. to me they're fun and a welcomed few words from Meat each day .. and he takes the trouble to record a brief video which is much more fun than just a few words tweeted.


07 Jun 2009, 17:53
suprisingly I agree with Caryl as well :shock:

07 Jun 2009, 19:36
suprisingly I agree with Caryl as well :shock:

Not really that surprising if you're speaking out in favour of something Meat's doing .. ;)


09 Jun 2009, 03:51
We are treated to two videos and a pic of Meat playing Croquet today :lol: !!

VID 1 (http://yttwt.com/rbrxw)

Vid 2 (http://yttwt.com/vpx9k)



:cool: :lol:

09 Jun 2009, 04:21
Perhaps Meat is just having a bit of fun by sharing whatever he's doing with all and sundry, surely something is better than nothing and if you prefer nothing then don't watch the f*cking videos...simple really

Exactly :-)

09 Jun 2009, 04:36
We are treated to two videos and a pic of Meat playing Croquet today :lol: !!

Damn you beat me to it, cos some people on here aren't smart enough to check twitter themselves :roll:

09 Jun 2009, 09:16
More videos have been added.
Just go to this youtube page and you can see all the videos. If you have an account, then subscribe..then you dont have to check Twitter:


Im happy to see Kasim in 2 of the videos :-)

Cheers Sarah

09 Jun 2009, 09:58
~~~~ing hell, that video of "neither do I" of Kasim just had me in hysterics! :lmao:

09 Jun 2009, 10:01
~~~~ing hell, that video of "neither do I" of Kasim just had me in hysterics! :lmao:

"John playing drums!!!!!!!!!" had me lol

09 Jun 2009, 10:44
Perhaps Meat is just having a bit of fun by sharing whatever he's doing with all and sundry, surely something is better than nothing and if you prefer nothing then don't watch the f*cking videos...simple really

I think some peoples comments are a bit retarded :retard:

I don't think anyone said, they don't want to watch, any of the video's, or appreciate them in any way. Just that, I found this video more informative than the first few, where they were horsing around, maybe for something to do. I don't think there is any cause, to call people's posts retarded, pretty uncalled for imho. Sometimes, I think individuals on here, post before thinking.

And I agree, something from Meat, is better than hearing nothing, although, real good info, about album, tours etc, is the real good stuff I like to hear.

09 Jun 2009, 17:58
I'm enjoying any of these videos, and so thanks to anybody who botherd to post them. Luv cx:lol:

10 Jun 2009, 01:27
New video (http://yttwt.com/00tvq)

10 Jun 2009, 05:42
Folks, that's mean, showing what you're gonna eat while I'm sitting here with just a cup of tea and some Danish butter cookies. :drool:

10 Jun 2009, 07:23
I thought he'd have a bigger kitchen, nice pans though.

10 Jun 2009, 10:06
These vids are a great start to the day for me. :))

10 Jun 2009, 12:51
I thought he'd have a bigger kitchen, nice pans though.

It's not the size, Pud, it's what you do with it.

But it's always good to have nice pans ...


10 Jun 2009, 20:24
Well that's given me an idea for supper!

10 Jun 2009, 20:25

11 Jun 2009, 04:45
He mentioned a song! :cheer: But I'm really getting hungry now, LOL.

11 Jun 2009, 07:20

11 Jun 2009, 11:59
Have watched all Meat's short vids so far. Meat seems really happy in them and that is a big difference from the version of Meat we have heard about before while he is recording. Meat himself says he is miserable while in studio recording so lets hope that his apparent high spirits rub off on the music and make this extra special

11 Jun 2009, 12:39
Have watched all Meat's short vids so far. Meat seems really happy in them and that is a big difference from the version of Meat we have heard about before while he is recording. Meat himself says he is miserable while in studio recording so lets hope that his apparent high spirits rub off on the music and make this extra special

It may be Rob Cavellos studio's setting (in his house) which has something to do with it. It comes across as a chilled out place which is good.

11 Jun 2009, 17:20
Meat is an actor too ;-)

11 Jun 2009, 17:23
I agree, the other video's seemed to be just made because they were bored or something, this one had some informative information at least, with some Meat humour. :D

Bored?? I think they are a bit busy recording an album to be bored :bleh: and i bet more thought went into those vids than you might realise!!

I agree with pud's statement. I just see it as he is just having a bit of fun and keeping in touch with his fans with some little bits to amuse us while he is 'off the scene'

11 Jun 2009, 17:43
Amuse us?

This is just a preliminary inexpensive publicity...got you all jumping, didn't he?

Publicity is a great thing...

11 Jun 2009, 18:00
I didnt mean literally so take that word how you want but it's got people watching! I highly doubt its because he's bored though!!

Maybe something got lost intranslation or i didnt word it right but you have just said exactly what i meant lol

Meat is all about publicity no one can deny that which is why i dont think we can take the mention of song titles too seriously. As i said, i bet more thought went into those vids than people think, every subject and sentence designed and staged so we talk about it non stop.
I'm not expecting to happen with .net until they wanna sell something now Meat had found twitter :bleh:

11 Jun 2009, 22:13
i think the truth lies somewhere in between...

11 Jun 2009, 22:16
Between what and what??? Rock and a Hard Place???

11 Jun 2009, 22:49
between Meat being bored and not knowing what to do, and every single line in this vids being scripted

11 Jun 2009, 23:00
between Meat being bored and not knowing what to do, and every single line in this vids being scripted

I honestly don't know about being bored and not knowing what to do...plus it is sort of a paradox...not knowing what to do and every line scripted...if every line is scripted then you do know what to do...except when you forget the lines and teleprompter is broken...

11 Jun 2009, 23:02
that's exactly what I said lol

One opinion is that he's bought and doesnt know what to do
Another opinio is that this is a publicity strike and every single line is scripted
I think it's somewhere between....get it?

11 Jun 2009, 23:05
that's exactly what I said lol

One opinion is that he's bought and doesnt know what to do
Another opinio is that this is a publicity strike and every single line is scripted
I think it's somewhere between....get it?

What happened to your vocabulary????

Yeah, I get it...dunno about scripted lines but this is definitely publicity...

11 Jun 2009, 23:23
Why does it have to be classed as 'publicity' if a celebrity posts?

There's quite a few people on here who have blogs of one form or another (twitter, myspace etc) who post a lot of shit daily, there's no reason why Meat can't do the same without it having to be classed as publicity surely.

11 Jun 2009, 23:35
because incidently this video blog started with the first day of recording the new album.

(that said, I dont think it's a bad thing, I just think it's good to be aware that this is done mostly for publicity reasons)

11 Jun 2009, 23:41
because incidently this video blog started with the first day of recording the new album.

(that said, I dont think it's a bad thing, I just think it's good to be aware that this is done mostly for publicity reasons)

Yeah, I am of the same opinion...

12 Jun 2009, 00:01
In the last vid- is it my imagination or does that 'creation' infront of the pot with his sauce in look like the 'tuna surprise' Meat made with Gordon Ramsey last year?

I think it is the crushed crisps on top that caught my eye.

(Watches while everyone goes back to have a look at the vid again!!:lol:)

12 Jun 2009, 00:07
It is !!

If you have read Joe's update then it is confirmed ;) LOL

Joe Libretti

Ready to sit down to Meat Loaf's Tuna-Surprise at the Cavallo home:)

12 Jun 2009, 02:28
is it my imagination or does that 'creation' infront of the pot with his sauce in look like the 'tuna surprise' Meat made with Gordon Ramsey last year?

He announced "surprises", didn't he? :))

12 Jun 2009, 03:18
because incidently this video blog started with the first day of recording the new album.

(that said, I dont think it's a bad thing, I just think it's good to be aware that this is done mostly for publicity reasons)

If it was purely for publicity reasons then there'd be more substance in the video's and information posted on the twitter site. The majority of Meat fans are going to buy the album regardless, any new fans aren't going to get turned on from the video's, therefor the whole notion that it's purely for publicity doesn't work with me.

12 Jun 2009, 04:09
Exactly. I don't see it any more than Meat just having fun, like when Kasim used to post his "backstage" videos when they were on tour.

12 Jun 2009, 04:46
Well OK seems to be a technical fault but you get sound at the end of it :shock: !!!

Meat's hurt (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8gqShvLfvY&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fyttwt.com%2Fv3d2h&feature=player_embedded)

And in the studio NOT the kitchen :roll: :lol: !!

In the studio (http://yttwt.com/fz30t)

12 Jun 2009, 05:03
Sorry Meatgril, just got my update from Mr.RSSRobot, I guess you're sacked for being too slow.

I like the intro Meat played, hope to God it isn't part of Los Angeloser as I might have to eat my own words :tard:

12 Jun 2009, 09:39
I like the intro Meat played, ...

Me too! :up:

12 Jun 2009, 10:33
If it was purely for publicity reasons then there'd be more substance in the video's and information posted on the twitter site. The majority of Meat fans are going to buy the album regardless, any new fans aren't going to get turned on from the video's, therefor the whole notion that it's purely for publicity doesn't work with me.

not neccessarily. (I spelt that wrong, didnt I?)
If they really were to put a lot of substancial info in these videos, they could hardly cover one week, without giving away everything. At the moment he's posting about two vids a day, and at that rate you cant really put more info in. Besides this is a video blog, not a documentary, so it's purpose is not to inform, it's to give an impression of the recording process.
And besides, I said this is done for publicity reasons, not for marketing reasons. That's a difference. If it was for marketing, they'd try to enlarge the group of possible album buyers, while these videos only help his image.
He might win a lot of twitter freaks over as fans by this, or at least people who were casual fans/interested in his music so far. So theyd stay faithful, look for updates and might consider to buy the album.
Let's face it: 99% of people who know there's a new album coming out are either on this site, or on twitter.

12 Jun 2009, 15:19
And another pro for publicity is that this is definitely NOT him twittering...it even said on one entry that it's his assistant. In any event, whoever is doing it doesn't know the first thing about internet...the format in which this all is coming out would have been so much better served on facebook fanpage in my opinion

12 Jun 2009, 15:35
And another pro for publicity is that this is definitely NOT him twittering...it even said on one entry that it's his assistant. In any event, whoever is doing it doesn't know the first thing about internet...the format in which this all is coming out would have been so much better served on facebook fanpage in my opinion


I completely disagree as I believe facebook fanpages are not viewable for people who don't have a facebook account. Why in God's name would you restrict yourself to a specific logged in audience. Twitter is the best tool for this job currently if you can't use a website imo.

12 Jun 2009, 15:44
That was my opinion...primary purpose of Twitter ain't posting videos as twits...

12 Jun 2009, 15:49

I completely disagree as I believe facebook fanpages are not viewable for people who don't have a facebook account. Why in God's name would you restrict yourself to a specific logged in audience. Twitter is the best tool for this job currently if you can't use a website imo.

What I think she means, and I agree, is that the general idea of twitter is to post short text messages to keep twiterees informed as to what the twittererererer is doing. If I twitted it'd be things like "Had a crap. Wonder why sweetcorn doesn't get digested" and similarly exciting posts, so it's fortunate I don't bother. It's even more fortunate that I don't post videos of such exciting happenings ... :twisted:


12 Jun 2009, 15:55
That roxanne has set up a youtube account though with all the videos. It is just not as easy to stay up to date with that as it is with Twitter imo. But yeah Twitter doesn't allow embedded videos. It may do at some stage I guess.

12 Jun 2009, 16:03
Dunno how easy it is to keep up with new tweets (is that what they're called?), but you can easily follow a youtube account by using an RSS feed. Then any new videos will soon result in a new item in your RSS client. Once set up it looks after itself.


12 Jun 2009, 16:04
That roxanne has set up a youtube account though with all the videos. It is just not as easy to stay up to date with that as it is with Twitter imo. But yeah Twitter doesn't allow embedded videos. It may do at some stage I guess.

You got it now...where you can do a lot more on Facebook fan page...and reach a whole lot more people...celebrities on Twitter either themselves or through others post updates/news in their lives for fans...videos and promotional stuff is usually posted on facebook or ILike...

evil nickname
12 Jun 2009, 16:30
That was my opinion...primary purpose of Twitter ain't posting videos as twits...

Twitter is the aloe vera (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aloe_vera) of the internet: you can apply it any way you want too, and if it doesn't help, at least it sounds kinda interesting.

The primary purpose of Twitter is whatever the user wants it to be, provided it can be executed in 140 characters or less. If someone wants to tweet links to videos, that is just as valid a purpose as tweeting about what you are doing.

12 Jun 2009, 16:35
I don't disagree with what you're saying...I just think that Twitter should compliment facebook or/and ILike rather than being primary source of video links posting...it just there is something that tells me that whoever is in charge isn't very internet savvy...that's all...

evil nickname
12 Jun 2009, 16:36
Dunno how easy it is to keep up with new tweets

If you're not using Twitter yourself, the easiest option would probably be the RSS feed (http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/38344185.rss).
If you're using Twitter, you get all the tweets of the people you're following on your Twitter-homepage, or in your Twitter-app of choice. I do most of my tweeting (http://twitter.com/evilnickname) from the TwitterFox plugin (http://twitterfox.net/) for Firefox.

12 Jun 2009, 16:42
If you're not using Twitter yourself, the easiest option would probably be the RSS feed (http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/38344185.rss).
If you're using Twitter, you get all the tweets of the people you're following on your Twitter-homepage, or in your Twitter-app of choice. I do most of my tweeting (http://twitter.com/evilnickname) from the TwitterFox plugin (http://twitterfox.net/) for Firefox.

I don't follow bezillion people...I think maybe 17 because I stopped adding them...I just can't keep up with twits even if they show up on my homepage...people twit constantly...

12 Jun 2009, 16:49
just use links from here i do cant do twitter as well would never be off the computre

evil nickname
12 Jun 2009, 16:52
I just think that Twitter should compliment facebook or/and ILike rather than being primary source of video links posting

I do disagree with that, on the same grounds as AndrewG: for what I've seen as a non-facebook user, Facebook gives you nothing useful at all if you're not logged in. (I don't know anything about iLike, but if that's also only open to users, the same thing applies.)

Twitter is open to everyone, logged in or not, and therefore much more suited for this kind of public updates. Why would you as an artist choose to only inform some of your fanbase? And as you can integrate twitter-updates in numerous ways in websites (like Facebook), it can be used to compliment Facebook.

The internet is just like a world wide web, as you can access the same information via different routes. Unless you choose to hide that information behind some website that requires people to log in. Then your content is locked up, which imo isn't helping anyone.

12 Jun 2009, 17:09
If you're not using Twitter yourself, the easiest option would probably be the RSS feed (http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/38344185.rss).
If you're using Twitter, you get all the tweets of the people you're following on your Twitter-homepage, or in your Twitter-app of choice. I do most of my tweeting (http://twitter.com/evilnickname) from the TwitterFox plugin (http://twitterfox.net/) for Firefox.

Thanks for the info Mr Vera sir :-)

12 Jun 2009, 18:48
I am offended. You don't think Aloe Vera works? Well I've got news for you, you either haven't used enough of it, or not used it for long enough. I am an agent for a well known company and have many customers who know that it DOES work. I know this is the wrong thread to be posting this, but this is a sensative subject for me, and am very interested in alternative medicine. So the more I see Meat Loaf on Twitter, the better he gets, and he can be applied as often as I require Luv cx

evil nickname
12 Jun 2009, 18:59
Is this the part where I get to use that smiley that does that eyeroll thing?

12 Jun 2009, 19:18
Is this the part where I get to use that smiley that does that eyeroll thing?

Oh go on then. Luv cx:roll:

12 Jun 2009, 19:27
I am offended. You don't think Aloe Vera works?

Shame it's not effective at improving reading comprehension then, because if you take a bit more care reading Evil Nickname's post he doesn't say it doesn't work.

It may have some positive effects, but like most of the rest of herbal "medicine" the actual scientific basis for that is contradictory to say the least.


evil nickname
12 Jun 2009, 19:34
Shame it's not effective at improving reading comprehension then, because if you take a bit more care reading Evil One's post he doesn't say it doesn't work.

Ehm, Dave, speaking of reading skills: I am not the Evil One. ;)

12 Jun 2009, 19:37
I had to fall out out of THIS argument...I've understood and appreciated everybody's opinion so far except I must have hit some kind of cultural ignorance with original person...if anybody cares to explain her point, I would appreciate it...I am lost...

12 Jun 2009, 19:39
Ehm, Dave, speaking of reading skills: I am not the Evil One. ;)


Whoops ...

12 Jun 2009, 20:50
That roxanne has set up a youtube account though with all the videos.

Joined: August 19, 2008
Age: 59 :??:

I do disagree with that, on the same grounds as AndrewG: for what I've seen as a non-facebook user, Facebook gives you nothing useful at all if you're not logged in. [...] Twitter is open to everyone, logged in or not, and therefore much more suited for this kind of public updates. Why would you as an artist choose to only inform some of your fanbase?

I agree. I don't want to register on pages like Facebook just to view some short videos. I think the current solution is okay, he's on Twitter and YouTube, two very popular pages, available to anybody, that should be sufficient for now. I actually prefer a professional official homepage but we all know it's been neglected...

I am offended. You don't think Aloe Vera works? Well I've got news for you, you either haven't used enough of it, or not used it for long enough. I am an agent for a well known company and have many customers who know that it DOES work.

Seems as if someone's pride has been injured. :mrgreen:

12 Jun 2009, 20:54
to get back on topic:
I think the big advantage of twitter is that it's simple. This way everyone who wants can access the Loaf's video blog, or whatever it's called, whenever something new is posted.

If it was on facebook, you'd have to:
- sign up
- create a profile (i know its not necessary, but you'll hardly be able to avoid it...)
- find the right fanpage among the tons of fake ones
- sign on to the fan list
- and do all of this again everytime he'd post a vid...not to mention the immense data mass that one session of facebook requires, you have to be very patient to get where you want...and a mobile user would be practically unable to access it, without spending a fortune in money and time.

12 Jun 2009, 22:10
Oh my god...I feel like a total dunce...I finally found Aloe Vera reference on previous page...JAYSUS...I was SO lost...from Twitter/Facebook to Aloe Vera - just couldn't make a connection...

12 Jun 2009, 22:24
Oh my god...I feel like a total dunce...I finally found Aloe Vera reference on previous page...JAYSUS...I was SO lost...from Twitter/Facebook to Aloe Vera - just couldn't make a connection...

There is no connection between Aloe Vera or Meat Loaf on Twitter, it's just that I am an agent for Aloe Vera and someone had offende me that's all. Luv cx

12 Jun 2009, 22:29
There is no connection between Aloe Vera or Meat Loaf on Twitter, it's just that I am an agent for Aloe Vera and someone had offende me that's all. Luv cx

That was part of my problem finding the connection...I haven't noticed any offense...no offense...

12 Jun 2009, 22:58
I like the intro Meat played, hope to God it isn't part of Los Angeloser

I like chocolate pudding. As well as that vanilla intro. However Los Angeloser just reminds me of rice pudding. :roll: I'm just not quite sure about it.

I talk like I have Nothing To Lose :twisted:

duke knooby
13 Jun 2009, 00:56
I like chocolate pudding. As well as that vanilla intro. However Los Angeloser just reminds me of rice pudding. :roll: I'm just not quite sure about it.

I talk like I have Nothing To Lose :twisted:

are you on drugs?? :-)

13 Jun 2009, 02:00
I am offended. You don't think Aloe Vera works? Well I've got news for you, you either haven't used enough of it, or not used it for long enough.

Aloe Vera only works if you're a middle-aged fat bloke with a stack of porn mags or a lonely woman with a dodgy cucumber.

duke knooby
13 Jun 2009, 02:03
Aloe Vera only works if you're a middle-aged fat bloke with a stack of porn mags

so you've tried it?? and given it the pud seal of approval!!

13 Jun 2009, 02:16
Not in New Zealand, I can't say I've seen it in the shops and we don't get any pain in the ass avon women knocking on the door trying to sell total shit.

duke knooby
13 Jun 2009, 02:19
Not in New Zealand, I can't say I've seen it in the shops and we don't get any pain in the ass avon women knocking on the door trying to sell total shit.

would you get a pain in the ass with soothing aloe vera???

13 Jun 2009, 02:20
would sooth the pain lol

13 Jun 2009, 02:21
no, I just like pudding.

13 Jun 2009, 02:26
would you get a pain in the ass with soothing aloe vera???

Probably and it might make your fart smell nice.

13 Jun 2009, 12:37
I do disagree with that, on the same grounds as AndrewG: for what I've seen as a non-facebook user, Facebook gives you nothing useful at all if you're not logged in. (I don't know anything about iLike, but if that's also only open to users, the same thing applies.)

Twitter is open to everyone, logged in or not, and therefore much more suited for this kind of public updates. Why would you as an artist choose to only inform some of your fanbase? And as you can integrate twitter-updates in numerous ways in websites (like Facebook), it can be used to compliment Facebook.

The internet is just like a world wide web, as you can access the same information via different routes. Unless you choose to hide that information behind some website that requires people to log in. Then your content is locked up, which imo isn't helping anyone.

Agreed, imo facebook is a shite site, i tried it and deleted my account, didnt compliment my life at all and imo says alot more about those one there than those not.
Although i'm not a fan of twitter either i agree that it is the best social place as you dont have to be a member or even following meat to see the his twits/tweets, whatever the term is lol.

Personally it's just nice to see Meat doing something even short vids, instead of a long silence then 'poof' an album hits the shelves. And in the lack of an official website i guess he has chosen the best way to get his messages out there.

duke knooby
13 Jun 2009, 12:39
instead of a long silence then 'poof'


13 Jun 2009, 15:08
Agreed, imo facebook is a shite site, i tried it and deleted my account, didnt compliment my life at all and imo says alot more about those one there than those not.

Facebook is shite when you get the boring sad c*nts posting utter crap. I like the idea behind Facebook as I've made contact with a lot of old friends, but I aint interested on if they should put the kettle on or what Jedi name they should be :roll:

14 Jun 2009, 04:36
I think I'm just having fun and keeping in touch. Scripted? LOL We will have something everyday we are in the studio. Rob Cavallo is the best. Yes , at his house makes the studio fun for me. Someone has to post them I don't keep up with that stuff. This album might just pin your ears to the wall. A good start but a long way to go.

14 Jun 2009, 04:47
I think I'm just having fun and keeping in touch. Scripted? LOL We will have something everyday we are in the studio. Rob Cavallo is the best. Yes , at his house makes the studio fun for me. Someone has to post them I don't keep up with that stuff. This album might just pin your ears to the wall. A good start but a long way to go.
sure am enjoying your videos, Meat! And I'm looking forward to having my ears pinned to the wall, lol! Thanks so much.

14 Jun 2009, 05:01
Well, as a fan of Meat Loaf and an active Twitterer... It is fantastic to see Meat Loaf active on Twitter. Twitter is beyond fun for me. I enjoy it. I like seeing Meat Loaf on there.

14 Jun 2009, 05:15
I think I'm just having fun and keeping in touch. Scripted? LOL We will have something everyday we are in the studio. Rob Cavallo is the best. Yes , at his house makes the studio fun for me. Someone has to post them I don't keep up with that stuff. This album might just pin your ears to the wall. A good start but a long way to go.

Why are we having someone pretending to be Meat Loaf :wtf: where the hell is Fireball?

cowboy has had 3 posts in total the first one ---> HERE (http://www.mlukfc.com/forums/showpost.php?p=330371&postcount=21) talks about Meat Loaf and not as Meat Loaf, unless Meat usually talks about himself in the third person.

Admin can you confirm please.

14 Jun 2009, 05:16
I think I'm just having fun and keeping in touch. Scripted? LOL We will have something everyday we are in the studio. Rob Cavallo is the best. Yes , at his house makes the studio fun for me. Someone has to post them I don't keep up with that stuff. This album might just pin your ears to the wall. A good start but a long way to go.

Thanks for keeping in touch... Love the videos. Please keep making them, as they are great fun. :D
I'm glad that having the studio in Robs house makes you more comfortable. Can't wait to hear the new album, when it's done. :D

Jeanie xo

14 Jun 2009, 05:22
LOL if *I* know Cowboy is Meat, probably everybody else does too (including you, Pudding)

-Kathy, who rarely knows anything

14 Jun 2009, 05:30
Why are we having someone pretending to be Meat Loaf :wtf: where the hell is Fireball?

cowboy has had 3 posts in total the first one ---> HERE (http://www.mlukfc.com/forums/showpost.php?p=330371&postcount=21) talks about Meat Loaf and not as Meat Loaf, unless Meat usually talks about himself in the third person.

Admin can you confirm please.

The style of writing is quite similar, note the spaces in front of commas and periods, for example. I thought multiple accounts are not allowed? ;)

14 Jun 2009, 05:31
I think I'm just having fun and keeping in touch. Scripted? LOL We will have something everyday we are in the studio. Rob Cavallo is the best. Yes , at his house makes the studio fun for me. Someone has to post them I don't keep up with that stuff. This album might just pin your ears to the wall. A good start but a long way to go.

you can already tell thats not meat. I dont think he would use the internet slang "LOL"

If you are in fact Meat I'm sorry, but your guilty until proven innocent. too many fakes out there.

14 Jun 2009, 05:42
you can already tell thats not meat. I dont think he would use the internet slang "LOL"

Maybe he has a ghostwriter? :))

14 Jun 2009, 05:50
The style of writing is quite similar, note the spaces in front of commas and periods, for example.

The fact there are commas and periods makes me question that it's Meat.

And still why haven't we got Fireball ?

14 Jun 2009, 06:32
You guys are funny. LOL use it al the time. Just getting better at email. Can't remember the password for fireball. It was was on my desk top. and it crashed. Monday on the Video I'm telling Pudding I'm getting better at email.

14 Jun 2009, 06:35
My 1st post ? Well Meat loaf was talking about Meat. Still crazy after all these years

14 Jun 2009, 06:47
I think I'm just having fun and keeping in touch. Scripted? LOL We will have something everyday we are in the studio. Rob Cavallo is the best. Yes , at his house makes the studio fun for me. Someone has to post them I don't keep up with that stuff. This album might just pin your ears to the wall. A good start but a long way to go.

Thanks for keeping in touch Meat ... I'm really enjoying all your videos :))
I'm glad to hear that everything's going so well in the studio, and I'm really looking forward to the CD !


14 Jun 2009, 08:09
Monday on the Video I'm telling Pudding I'm getting better at email.

Don't forget my poem about daffodils and when Meat is coming to New Zealand whilst you're at it, as it was 5 years ago when Christchurch last rocked :shock:

14 Jun 2009, 10:18
your guilty until proven innocent.

If that's your understanding of human rights and law, I just hope you'll never become "presedent":p

14 Jun 2009, 12:08
I think I'm just having fun and keeping in touch. Scripted? LOL We will have something everyday we are in the studio. Rob Cavallo is the best. Yes , at his house makes the studio fun for me. Someone has to post them I don't keep up with that stuff. This album might just pin your ears to the wall. A good start but a long way to go.

Thanks for posting Meat,
It's nice to have you back and it's nice to see the video's, keep them coming !!


You guys are funny. LOL use it al the time. Just getting better at email. Can't remember the password for fireball. It was was on my desk top. and it crashed. Monday on the Video I'm telling Pudding I'm getting better at email.

I hate when that happens.

The Flying Mouse
14 Jun 2009, 14:50
Admin can you confirm please.

:twisted: Consider it confirmed.

14 Jun 2009, 15:41
You guys are funny. LOL use it al the time. Just getting better at email. Can't remember the password for fireball. It was was on my desk top. and it crashed. Monday on the Video I'm telling Pudding I'm getting better at email.

i forget my passwords all the time...lol...thought it was age catching up, but now just think its me being an airhead..lol..:-)

14 Jun 2009, 16:45
welcome back meat!!

14 Jun 2009, 17:11
:twisted: Consider it confirmed.

Thanks Mouse :))

14 Jun 2009, 17:40
I think I'm just having fun and keeping in touch. Scripted? LOL We will have something everyday we are in the studio. Rob Cavallo is the best. Yes , at his house makes the studio fun for me. Someone has to post them I don't keep up with that stuff. This album might just pin your ears to the wall. A good start but a long way to go.

hey cowboy, hows your pal wagner?