View Full Version : RealMeatLoaf: Back in studio. Another video coming this afternoon. - roxanne Pers Ass

08 Jun 2009, 22:31
RealMeatLoaf: Back in studio. Another video coming this afternoon. - roxanne Pers Asst to Meat Loaf

More... (http://twitter.com/RealMeatLoaf/statuses/2080038528)

Evil One
08 Jun 2009, 23:37
Why would Roxanne Pers want to show a video of her ass!

09 Jun 2009, 00:21
Maybe it's a nice ass, and if it is, then more of those videos please :))

For crying out loud
09 Jun 2009, 00:35
im really enjoying these updates. definately like the idea of a weekly show, especially as he's usually so private. dont think it'll be like the osbournes, i think the cameras will stay firmly in the studio! but yay anyway :D

09 Jun 2009, 00:40
Maybe it's a nice ass, and if it is, then more of those videos please :))

it's certainly not bad from what I saw in London last year ;)