View Full Version : Now that's a breakfast

19 Jun 2009, 21:47

The £10 Breakfast (http://www.sharenator.org/The_10_Breakfast/) :drool:

19 Jun 2009, 21:50
wot.........no tea??????????????????????

19 Jun 2009, 21:52
Saw that earlier in another forum. Apparently the breakfast is free if you can eat the whole lot in 20 minutes. :barf:

duke knooby
19 Jun 2009, 22:07
why did RJ take a pic of his breakfast???? :-P

at least he shared a bit with the person opposite, in the pic ;)

Evil One
19 Jun 2009, 22:31
Those sausages don't look cooked enough for my liking.

19 Jun 2009, 22:36

The £10 Breakfast (http://www.sharenator.org/The_10_Breakfast/) :drool:

OMG that's disgusting :barf: !!

I like a cooked breakfast once in awhile but that's really OTT !!!

Those sausages don't look cooked enough for my liking.

I agree they look very undercooked :shock: !

The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2009, 22:38
:twisted: Only plates i've ever seen like that is dinner at Barbaras :shock:

19 Jun 2009, 22:40
Though Michael's and your burger after the signing in 2006 was fairly large :lol:.

Still can't believe I managed to eat a pizza after that :shock: :lol: !!

19 Jun 2009, 23:10
so when we all going to do the challange then

The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2009, 23:15
so when we all going to do the challange then

:twisted: I will happily sit and watch anyone do this challenge :up:

As long as they've already made their will and left me stuff :bleh:

20 Jun 2009, 00:15

Or potential heart attack?:?

20 Jun 2009, 00:17
Probably both if you attempt to eat that sized portion !!

20 Jun 2009, 00:49
I reckon I could crack that breakfast, probably not in 20 minutes but I could probably do it, for £10 it's worth a go.

20 Jun 2009, 00:59
Haha no way! I have a friend that lives not far from the place which sells these, though I shalln't be taking up the challenge!

I can hand on my heart say I wouldn't succeed...for one I don't eat meat so that amount of meat would probably make me ill (and just thinking about the volume of greasiness is making me a little queasy!) and if that didn't finish me off, my allergy to tomatoes would cause considerably difficulty and severely impede my ability to finish it off!

20 Jun 2009, 01:00
for £10 it's worth a go.

Especially as if you had any left you could take it home for lunch and/or dinner!

20 Jun 2009, 01:03

Is that an actual word?

20 Jun 2009, 01:23
Is that an actual word?

I don't know. I was wondering that after I posted it. At a risk of going off topic, is it "shan't"?

Evil One
20 Jun 2009, 01:29

20 Jun 2009, 01:34
According to MS Word (do we trust it?), it is shan't.

So now I wish I'd done that BEFORE hitting post.

Evil One
20 Jun 2009, 01:38
Although technically I don't think it's a proper word. A bit like 'ain't' used to be before it caught on.

20 Jun 2009, 01:40
Its in the online dictionary as shan't Its the contraction of shall not!!

20 Jun 2009, 01:42
Ah but shan't (as I now know it to be spelled!) is a shortened version of "shall not" therefore I'd assume it to be as much a proper word (or abbreviated two words!) as "can't".

20 Jun 2009, 01:42
Yeah what Emma said. I'm just slower to post ;-)