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View Full Version : Stig's identity revealed!!!!!!

21 Jun 2009, 19:55

Tune in tonight, BBC2 @ 8pm

22 Jun 2009, 13:22
... for one lap in that Ferrari. Apparently the only black Fxx is owned by a Mr M Schumacher, coincidence? :))

22 Jun 2009, 14:04

A few weeks ago 5th gear on CH5 showed pics of the FXX saying they wanted to test it but Ferrari stipulated that it could only be driven by Schumacher, he being both the owner of the car being used for publicity and the driver responsible for the development work so they declined ( Personally I think it was because Tiff threw his dummy out at not being able to drive it )

2 reasons Stig is not Schumacher

1, When Schuey stood next to Jezza he was slightly taller than Jezza's shoulder but the real Stig stands next to Jezza even with helmet on he only just reaches shoulder height

2, Because the BBC is publicly funded they have to list all people working for them, their position and salary. For TG Ben Collins is the only person listed as being "High performance tester and Celebrity instructor". If you search on youtube for Stig there is an in car vid of him showing a celebrity round the track and you can clearly hear a Bristol accent, Ben being born and still living in Bristol.

Other little bits of info...

In jan 2009 a small article in The Times stated that there had been a low key court case stating that The Daily Telegraph had breached a confidentiality clause in printing an article officially naming Ben Collins as Stig

When TG got an exclusive worldwide test of a prototype Ascari A10 le mans sportscar Jeremy stated they only got it because one of the team had contacts with Ascari. BC was the development driver for Ascari and is still their official sportscar race driver.

It is public Knowledge that their is a clause in Stig's contract stating that if anyone reveals his identity officially that the contract will be terminated and a new colour Stig hired.

I think the biggest clue that it isn't Schumacher was at the end of the episode when Jezza laughed and said " I dont think Schumacher is Stig ". The whole thing was a smoke and mirrors affair to "reveal Stig" while giving a semi plausable reason for Schumacher driving the FXX

22 Jun 2009, 14:23
:shock: :faint: !!!!!!!!!!

22 Jun 2009, 14:29

A few weeks ago 5th gear on CH5 showed pics of the FXX saying they wanted to test it but Ferrari stipulated that it could only be driven by Schumacher, he being both the owner of the car being used for publicity and the driver responsible for the development work so they declined ( Personally I think it was because Tiff threw his dummy out at not being able to drive it )

2 reasons Stig is not Schumacher

1, When Schuey stood next to Jezza he was slightly taller than Jezza's shoulder but the real Stig stands next to Jezza even with helmet on he only just reaches shoulder height

2, Because the BBC is publicly funded they have to list all people working for them, their position and salary. For TG Ben Collins is the only person listed as being "High performance tester and Celebrity instructor". If you search on youtube for Stig there is an in car vid of him showing a celebrity round the track and you can clearly hear a Bristol accent, Ben being born and still living in Bristol.

Other little bits of info...

In jan 2009 a small article in The Times stated that there had been a low key court case stating that The Daily Telegraph had breached a confidentiality clause in printing an article officially naming Ben Collins as Stig

When TG got an exclusive worldwide test of a prototype Ascari A10 le mans sportscar Jeremy stated they only got it because one of the team had contacts with Ascari. BC was the development driver for Ascari and is still their official sportscar race driver.

It is public Knowledge that their is a clause in Stig's contract stating that if anyone reveals his identity officially that the contract will be terminated and a new colour Stig hired.

I think the biggest clue that it isn't Schumacher was at the end of the episode when Jezza laughed and said " I dont think Schumacher is Stig ". The whole thing was a smoke and mirrors affair to "reveal Stig" while giving a semi plausable reason for Schumacher driving the FXX

Or just a bit of a giggle lol

22 Jun 2009, 19:03
I heard once that there are lots of different Stigs, for example, when they throw a Ferrari round the track it's a guy from Ferrari with experience driving them, and when it's an Aston, it's someone from Aston with experience driving them, etc etc etc..... That would seem to make sense to me, and given that Jezza's been a little.... let's say unkind... in discussing Schumaker's interview techniques, I'd think it unlikely that he'd work for TG full time...

22 Jun 2009, 21:49
There are lots, it's usually Collins, but on occasion it's either a driver from the manufacturers of the car, or the owner of the car itself ... as in the case of the guy from Pink Floyd (who's name escapes me right now) who lent one of his supercars to TG.

If you look carefully at the lap from last night you can see Schuie's private jet in the background, it's not usually there.

duke knooby
23 Jun 2009, 01:10
i wish mr schumacher had done a quick lap in the reasonably priced car...

23 Jun 2009, 01:57
I was watching the show with my dad and we both went wow that was cool we didnt think it was going to be him.

23 Jun 2009, 07:33

A few weeks ago 5th gear on CH5 showed pics of the FXX saying they wanted to test it but Ferrari stipulated that it could only be driven by Schumacher, he being both the owner of the car being used for publicity and the driver responsible for the development work so they declined ( Personally I think it was because Tiff threw his dummy out at not being able to drive it )

2 reasons Stig is not Schumacher

1, When Schuey stood next to Jezza he was slightly taller than Jezza's shoulder but the real Stig stands next to Jezza even with helmet on he only just reaches shoulder height

2, Because the BBC is publicly funded they have to list all people working for them, their position and salary. For TG Ben Collins is the only person listed as being "High performance tester and Celebrity instructor". If you search on youtube for Stig there is an in car vid of him showing a celebrity round the track and you can clearly hear a Bristol accent, Ben being born and still living in Bristol.

Other little bits of info...

In jan 2009 a small article in The Times stated that there had been a low key court case stating that The Daily Telegraph had breached a confidentiality clause in printing an article officially naming Ben Collins as Stig

When TG got an exclusive worldwide test of a prototype Ascari A10 le mans sportscar Jeremy stated they only got it because one of the team had contacts with Ascari. BC was the development driver for Ascari and is still their official sportscar race driver.

It is public Knowledge that their is a clause in Stig's contract stating that if anyone reveals his identity officially that the contract will be terminated and a new colour Stig hired.

I think the biggest clue that it isn't Schumacher was at the end of the episode when Jezza laughed and said " I dont think Schumacher is Stig ". The whole thing was a smoke and mirrors affair to "reveal Stig" while giving a semi plausable reason for Schumacher driving the FXX

Okaaaay, taking it a bit too serious methinks :nuts:

23 Jun 2009, 14:03
Okaaaay, taking it a bit too serious methinks :nuts:

some may think so pud but I have both met Ben Collins and seen him race, he is one of those people that is so passionate about what he does that it is infectious. I think it's a little sad that someone so talented is only really known as a faceless name in his own country but in most of the rest of the world is well respected and in demand

23 Jun 2009, 14:25
I'm betting most people watching Top Gear don't care who the Stig really is and they don't believe it's Michael Schumacher. I for one don't care who it is and the fact that you tell me it's Ben Collins, a meaningless name to me, I still don't.

23 Jun 2009, 16:50

The Flying Mouse
23 Jun 2009, 17:07

:twisted: Learn to use a search engine RJ :p

The Stig (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stig)

23 Jun 2009, 17:28
"The Stig has also appeared on some of Jeremy Clarkson's motoring specials, such as Heaven and Hell"

why is this in off topic then?? :))