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original sin
16 May 2003, 22:36
www.pestcontrolcanada.com/ bats.htm

fingers crossed :!: :!:

original sin
16 May 2003, 22:39
:evil: :evil: back to the drawing board

original sin
16 May 2003, 22:44
www.pestcontrolcanada.com/ bats.h2.gif

I wonder :??: :??:

original sin
16 May 2003, 22:47

original sin
16 May 2003, 22:49
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!!

17 May 2003, 00:50
Nice one.... wonderfull!!! Good Job, Brave, Ole Ole OleOleeeeeee, Jipieeeeeee, Wow!!!!

original sin
17 May 2003, 00:54
Thank you Tim....you realise there will be no stopping me now :twisted: 8) :lol: :wink:

17 May 2003, 01:41
well done sin, u got there in the end! :D

17 May 2003, 16:45
Hi sin,

Very well done, I knew you could do it - there'll be no stopping you now

love dottie

18 May 2003, 16:11
Good work, Sin.

original sin
18 May 2003, 16:37
Thank you folks!!!! couldn't have done it with out you :wink: