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View Full Version : Who's your favourite movie serial killer?

13 Jul 2009, 11:22
I'm bored and thought I'd do a Wario

So, who's your favourite?

I went for Freddy Krueger, cause (depending on the movies) he's scary, funny and has a good sense of fashion :))

13 Jul 2009, 12:31
I went for Freddy too but it was close between him and Pinhead lol!!

13 Jul 2009, 12:47
I like Pinhead.. He got his soft side too.. :D

13 Jul 2009, 13:18
What about Dexter? He's my favourite, by far :D

13 Jul 2009, 18:44
yeah but wouldn't he be a TV serial killer, unless I've missed a Dexter movie?!

I went for Freddy too, grew up with those movies.

Elijah's way
13 Jul 2009, 18:47
Freddy Krueger :twisted:

13 Jul 2009, 19:09
my fav is candyman it use to scare the shit out when i was younger but it is my favourite now

13 Jul 2009, 21:26
Wow ... wish I'd thought of that ....

Leatherface totally. Goriest movie ever = TCM

What about Leprechaun?

13 Jul 2009, 22:51
tcm the beginning was a lot gorier than the first part. (assuming youre talking about the remakes). that movie nearly made me physically sick, and I'm not bothered that easily. Especially that part where he cut the grandpa's legs off nearly had me :barf:

13 Jul 2009, 22:52
I voted :wtf: because you forgot to mention Scorpio. :rly:

13 Jul 2009, 23:22

13 Jul 2009, 23:42
tcm the beginning was a lot gorier than the first part. (assuming youre talking about the remakes). that movie nearly made me physically sick, and I'm not bothered that easily. Especially that part where he cut the grandpa's legs off nearly had me :barf:

Oh yes. "remove that as well for balance". That was gross :barf:

14 Jul 2009, 00:10