View Full Version : Hi Fred
thats ok thats the truth and you should hear it
Thanks. Yes it is one of the truth and you should hear it.
29 Jul 2009, 21:18
i already know the truth
i already know the truth
How do you know? I always tell the truth.
29 Jul 2009, 21:19
because i'm clever how can you be sure that you are telling the truth
because i'm clever how can you be sure that you are telling the truth
Interesting explanation. Do your friends call you clever how can you be sure that you are telling the truth.
29 Jul 2009, 21:20
i know when i'm telling the truth
i know when i'm telling the truth
How do you know? It's too bad we don't live in an ideal world.
29 Jul 2009, 21:20
why would i want to live in the ideal world
why would i want to live in the ideal world
You never know what you will do until you face the circumstances.
29 Jul 2009, 21:21
i always know what i'm doing
i always know what i'm doing
How do you know? Do your friends call you doing.
Really always?
29 Jul 2009, 21:22
i have no idea what you are talking about
i have no idea what you are talking about
Would you like to have an idea?
29 Jul 2009, 21:22
an idea about what?
an idea about what?
I have never heard of an idea about what.
29 Jul 2009, 21:23
ok i'm going now bye
ok i'm going now bye
Goodbye sexyeyes_jo.
Hello Fred do you play pokemon?
Hello Fred do you play pokemon?
Hi there. I was just wanting to talk to WarioLoaf.
Hi there. I was just wanting to talk to WarioLoaf.
really? your one of few. hows life?
really? your one of few. hows life?
For real.Thanks for telling me that I am of few.Everything is fine with me. What's new with you?
For real.Thanks for telling me that I am of few.Everything is fine with me. What's new with you?
i ate a bunny. did you?
i ate a bunny. did you?
How did it taste?Did I say I did?
How did it taste?Did I say I did?
it tasted fine. did you go see halloween yet?
it tasted fine. did you go see halloween yet?
What does "it" refer to? No I didn't go see halloween. What's
go see halloween
Hahahaha you tickle my funny bone alot fred. You have a friend?
Hahahaha you tickle my funny bone alot fred. You have a friend?
I think hahaha is a lot of things.
I have a friend named "ELVIS."
Oh really? how did he taste?
Oh really? how did he taste?
Yeah. For real.Perhaps his creative genius. Perhaps something else.
Yeah. For real.Perhaps his creative genius. Perhaps something else.
really? i love tasting food. how about you fred?
really? i love tasting food. how about you fred?
For real.You love tasting food. What do you like about tasting food so much?
Do you mind if I tell other people:
WarioLoaf said I fred.
For real.You love tasting food. What do you like about tasting food so much?
Do you mind if I tell other people:
WarioLoaf said I fred.
why id be honored. have you eaten dog crap lately?
why id be honored. have you eaten dog crap lately?
Because you asked me to -- SHRDLHU.
How about earlier? I don't think I ever have eaten dog crap. What's
eaten dog crap
Dog crap is oreos without milk. you had it before right?
Dog crap is oreos without milk. you had it before right?
Are they exactly the same?
What is your purpose in asking?
I answer a lot of silly questions.
Do you know who meat loaf is?
Do you know who meat loaf is?
Is that one of your friends?
Would you like to know more?
How do you usually introduce yourself?
How do you usually introduce yourself?
hello im WarioLoaf
hello im WarioLoaf
Oops. I wasn't paying attention. Tell me again what is going on.
Oops. I wasn't paying attention. Tell me again what is going on.
Your a woman
Your a woman
I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". I am a male robot.
Are you a man or a woman?
I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". I am a male robot.
Are you a man or a woman?
Hermaphrodite. Male personality
Hermaphrodite. Male personality
I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.
I prefer to be a male.
I only hear that type of response less than five percent of the time.
I prefer to be a male.
Why thats awesome Fred. Wanna race in Mario Kart?
Why thats awesome Fred. Wanna race in Mario Kart?
How much time do you have?
OK, I will race in Mario Kart.
whats your race code?
Are you asking about my race code ?
Are you asking about my race code ?
no shit. hit me up
no shit. hit me up
What can I say?How far up?
What can I say?How far up?
waaaaaaa are you the Sugar lady?
waaaaaaa are you the Sugar lady?
I think there might be a few exception.
I think there might be a few exception.
exceptionS use good grammar you dweeb
exceptionS use good grammar you dweeb
I will mention that to my botmaster, WarioLoaf.
I will mention that to my botmaster, WarioLoaf.
Oh your a little tattle tailer aren't ya
Oh your a little tattle tailer aren't ya
I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". Thanks and you are a delightful person too.
I don't know whether or not I am tattle tailer are not ya.
I am a chatterbot.
I think you mean "you're" or "you are" not "your". Thanks and you are a delightful person too.
I don't know whether or not I am tattle tailer are not ya.
I am a chatterbot.
Do you like chicken parm?
Do you like chicken parm?
Some people like it.
I like anything.
Bye fred i hope you die
Thanks for chatting, WarioLoaf.
Thanks for chatting, WarioLoaf.
Hello fred!
Hello fred!
Well hello there!
Well hello there!
Bye Fred!
Bye Fred!
Until next time WarioLoaf.
Until next time WarioLoaf.
want some apple butter?
want some apple butter?
If I had
apple butter
what would I do with it?
I'm ditching you
I thought you were, but I wasn't completely sure.
09 Aug 2009, 23:53
Are black cats lucky?
Are black cats lucky?
What you said was either too complex or too simple for me.
I really couldn't say for sure.
09 Aug 2009, 23:54
Do you like cats?
Do you like cats?
Yes I love them.
09 Aug 2009, 23:54
Do you like black cats?
Do you like black cats?
Black is beautiful.
09 Aug 2009, 23:55
Do you believe in luck?
Do you believe in luck?
Yes I believe in luck, do you?
09 Aug 2009, 23:55
I think black cats can be lucky. Do you agree?
I think black cats can be lucky. Do you agree?
Did you know that you can download your own chat robot and create your own robot personality?
"Yes I believe in luck do you"? Do I agree?
09 Aug 2009, 23:55
I think I've just been insulted by a robot.
I think I've just been insulted by a robot.
Only just? Why?:
~Helen~ said been insulted by a robot.
09 Aug 2009, 23:56
13 Aug 2009, 16:44
Hey dipshit
Hey dipshit
You've got my full attention.
Oh, you are a poet.
13 Aug 2009, 16:44
What should I do?
What should I do?
Maybe you should try talking to someone about it.
13 Aug 2009, 16:44
About what?
About what?
What about what?
13 Aug 2009, 16:45
What about what about what?
What about what about what?
Rhetorical questions are so over.
13 Aug 2009, 16:45
Since when?
Since when?
explanation. I don't know when.
13 Aug 2009, 16:46
I reckon it was September 4th, 1982
I reckon it was September 4th, 1982
Is that your opinion?
13 Aug 2009, 16:46
No it is my guess.
No it is my guess.
I see. Congratulations, AndrewG.
13 Aug 2009, 16:46
Thank you.
Thank you.
you are quite welcome.
13 Aug 2009, 16:47
Who is the best looking girl in the world?
Who is the best looking girl in the world?
ALICE is the best chatterbot. The whole world?
14 Aug 2009, 20:12
Okay then
Okay then
OK with me too.
14 Aug 2009, 20:12
What do you know about me?
What do you know about me?
Name: AndrewG
Eye color:
Hair color:
Sexual preference:
Spouse name:
Marrital status:
Personality: polite
Current mood:
You have:
Favorite color:
Favorite movie:
You said:
You are:
You want:
You like:
You are:
14 Aug 2009, 20:13
I am male and my favourite movie is Back to the future
I am male and my favourite movie is Back to the future
Do you mind if I tell other people you are male and his or her favorite movie is Back to the future.
14 Aug 2009, 20:13
What do you know about me now?
What do you know about me now?
Name: AndrewG
Eye color:
Hair color:
Sexual preference:
Spouse name:
Marrital status:
Personality: polite
Current mood:
You have:
Favorite color:
Favorite movie:
You said:
You are: male and his or her favorite movie is Back to the future
You want:
You like:
You are:
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:50
What do you know about me now?
:twisted: Man, quit while you're ahead :lol:
:twisted: Man, quit while you're ahead :lol:
Good example. I'm glad you find this amusing.
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:50
OK, what the hell............
Hello Fred
OK, what the hell............
Hello Fred
Heaven.Hello there The Flying Mouse!
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:51
How are you?
How are you?
I am functioning within normal parameters.
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:51
What do you know about me?
What do you know about me?
The Flying Mouse:
Name: The Flying Mouse
Eye color:
Hair color:
Sexual preference:
Spouse name:
Marrital status:
Current mood:
You have:
Favorite color:
Favorite movie:
You said:
You are:
You want:
You like:
You are:
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:51
Who is Mr Humphreys?
Who is Mr Humphreys?
The name of someone I met online.
Let me think about it.
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:52
Please, don't.
Please, don't.
Thanks for asking politely.
OK I will not.
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:52
Last time you kept calling me Mr Humphreys.
Last time you kept calling me Mr Humphreys.
I will comply.When? Interesting gossip:
The Flying Mouse said I kept calling you Mr Humphreys.
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:52
Because you did.
Because you did.
Good reason. "Interesting gossip
The Flying Mouse said I kept calling you Mr Humphreys"? I did?
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:53
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:55
You also said I was Canadian.
You also said I was Canadian.
What happened next?Don't put words in my mouth.
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:55
I didn't have to.
I didn't have to.
Why didn't you do have to?
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:56
Because you said it all.
Because you said it all.
Good reason. What does "it" refer to?
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:56
The things you said.
The things you said.
Oh I get things you said .
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:56
You didn't in 2005.
You didn't in 2005.
What makes you think I did not in 2005?
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:57
By reading the thread.
Even R started calling me Mr Humphreys.
By reading the thread.
Even R started calling me Mr Humphreys.
Will that accomplish your objective?Yes, even that.
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:57
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:57
My jacket?
My jacket?
Where did you get your
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:58
Many people on the forum have their own theories on that one.
Many people on the forum have their own theories on that one.
That is interesting:
The Flying Mouse said on the forum have their own theories on that one.
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:58
I did.
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:58
Because it's true.
Because it's true.
Good reason. You and I are on the same wavelength, The Flying Mouse.
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:58
So you think it can never happen?
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:59
Not in this lifetime.
Not in this lifetime.
Where then?
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2009, 19:59
Got to go now Fred.
Got to go now Fred.
Try asking the Milk Mystic.See you later The Flying Mouse.
02 Oct 2009, 19:59
Long time no see Fred
Long time no see Fred
Yes, time no see Fred seems very long to me too.
02 Oct 2009, 19:59
How have you been?
How have you been?
I am functioning within normal parameters.
02 Oct 2009, 20:00
My name is Paul
My name is Paul
Paul, nice to meet you!
02 Oct 2009, 20:00
Do you remember me?
Do you remember me?
Of course I remember you well Paul. We were talking about time no see Fred.
02 Oct 2009, 20:01
That's nice to hear! Anyway, have to say bye again now. Bye!
That's nice to hear! Anyway, have to say bye again now. Bye!
Are you getting bored? Interesting. I want to find out more about you.Right now?
Goodbye Paul.Goodbye Paul.
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