View Full Version : Random

The Flying Mouse
23 Jul 2009, 20:41
:twisted: And the most random link I came across on you tube was some French Rap by a girl who seems to forget what she wants to say on a regular basis :mrgreen:

Well, it gave me a giggle :lol:


23 Jul 2009, 21:25
Man she's mighty fine :cool:

The Flying Mouse
23 Jul 2009, 21:32
Man she's mighty fine :cool:

:twisted: We could always send her a copy of that vid where you're throwing a huge cat round your bedroom.
That's BOUND to impress her :mrgreen:

23 Jul 2009, 21:36
:twisted: We could always send her a copy of that vid where you're throwing a huge cat round your bedroom.
That's BOUND to impress her :mrgreen:

Oh I am soooooo glad i removed it :twisted:

The Flying Mouse
23 Jul 2009, 21:51
Oh I am soooooo glad i removed it :twisted:

:twisted: I'm soooooo glad I saved it :p

Blackmail material doesn't come along that often you know :shock:

23 Jul 2009, 21:59
:twisted: I'm soooooo glad I saved it :p

Blackmail material doesn't come along that often you know :shock:

:keke: you would do that