View Full Version : RealMeatLoaf: Rob signs his life away..............http://bit.ly/jhy8z

29 Jul 2009, 03:10
RealMeatLoaf: Rob signs his life away..............http://bit.ly/jhy8z

More... (http://twitter.com/RealMeatLoaf/statuses/2899912338)

29 Jul 2009, 04:59
Wonder why the video was taken down, maybe Rob wasn't happy with the contract after he said he was?

29 Jul 2009, 09:44

29 Jul 2009, 21:38
I never got a chance to see this before it got took down...what exactly was the video?

29 Jul 2009, 23:02
It showed Meat filming Rob looking through and signing parts of the contract, a contract that looked to be an inch thick. Meat asks Rob if he's happy (something like that) and Rob says he's 'very happy' and gives a big smile, but it looked like Rob hadn't fully read all the way through and was only near the beginning of reading the contract.