View Full Version : RealMeatLoaf: Meat gives Lonni a bra! http://bit.ly/fD4nm

30 Jul 2009, 00:50
RealMeatLoaf: Meat gives Lonni a bra! http://bit.ly/fD4nm

More... (http://twitter.com/RealMeatLoaf/statuses/2917593565)

30 Jul 2009, 01:19
waiting for all the female responses of "he can sign my bra anytime"

but hey at least it's for charity

30 Jul 2009, 02:12

Are the bras from the shows a decade back or more? Sorry, I don't know any more details to clarify. Someone might catch on what I'm trying to say. :)

30 Jul 2009, 02:36
Someone might catch on what I'm trying to say. :)

And then again :tumble:

Such an hard life being a Rock Star. One day you're in the studio, the next you're making apple pie with the wrong apples :)) then you go to an All Star game, then you're signing bra's.