View Full Version : Question for the S King fans.

The Flying Mouse
04 Aug 2009, 21:17
:twisted: Was watching the movie version of Needful Things last night, and Jo thought she spotted Stephen King.
I know he's well known for making cameos baised on his work, but this one is uncredited, and a quick look on the web sheds no light on wether it's him on not.

Interestingly, at the end of the cast credits is.....

Raider - K. Gin.

An anagram of King. :bleh:
Coincidence, or is it him?

The dude in question is in this clip.
Pause the vid at 2.31, and see what you think :wink:


Debbi V
05 Aug 2009, 14:55
Hmmm . . . certainly looks like him for a second in the quick "full face" shot but I'm not sure. Let me do some checking.

06 Aug 2009, 19:44
Nope, that's not him, the guy in the clip is too young to be Steve...

And IMDb doesn't credit him with it either...

06 Aug 2009, 20:16
Not SK in my opinion...and IMDB does list actor by the name of K. Gin also known as K-Gin and credits him with Needful Things...

07 Aug 2009, 00:46
its not him as claire said he's way to young