View Full Version : outside the meat-world...

12 Aug 2009, 11:47
how much do you mention/talk about Meat Loaf and your fan life?

I have to say I dont mention it really often. People know that I'm a ML fan, I get the occasional jokes here and there, but they see it as somethiing totally normal. I mention Meat, of course, when I talk about my favourite music, but not really often beyond that.

How about you?

12 Aug 2009, 11:54
Is there an "outside of the Meat world"? :lmao:

Seriously, in reality Meat probably gets mentioned very rarely in real life on a day to day basis. There's usually too much going on in the real world these days. When Meat's touring then it's perhaps a different matter, but again it's not that every discussion centres around him or his music. People seem to accept it as the norm (for me) that I ~~~~~~ off round the country to see the shows, so it gets as much attention as the regular dog walks or the regular trips to the supermarket etc that also form part of life.

12 Aug 2009, 14:09
I hardly mention Meat at all, too busy looking after my kids and Meat is no competition to the Wiggles.

12 Aug 2009, 16:49
I had to really reflect on this question as it is a good one.

Meat comes up daily on my home front. I suppose it's more so now since he's been tweeting. I can honestly say, I'm not the one who brings Meat into conversation most of the time. My family knows what makes "mommy" tick to make me happy or come out of a grouchy slump. I'm definitely not a daily grouch by any means. But we do ensure each other is happy a majority of the time.

Professionally, Meat rarely comes up in topic but somehow all my coworkers know of my fan status with him. So, now I'm wondering how? It must've come up at some point.

Out and about, Meat will come up from time to time. If his music is playing on the store muzak or if it's winter and I'm wearing my Meat hoodie. People will strike up a conversation with me over the hoodie. More recently, while I'm at the gym, people will notice my videos that I have on my IPOD and ask me who it is. (The IPOD plugs into the treadmills and elliptical machines TVs). I am always enthusiastic when I'm in a face to face conversation about Meat outside of this virtual world.

I am in my own little world sometimes when it comes to being a fan of Meat. I'm not one to force feed what I like down someone's throat, but I certainly don't hide being a huge fan either.


12 Aug 2009, 18:11
I probably drive my poor Mom talking about him ... :roflmbo:

When my Dad was still alive, he used to tell all of our customers that I was a big Meat Loaf fan (fanatic). I would just stand there and laugh ... and he said that he wanted to make me feel like I was part of the conversation :lol:. Now the people who know me really well (one of our flag salesmen and my Doctor for example) have been asking me when the next concert will be :)) I always say that they know me too well :wink:

I have one of my M&G pics as the background on the computer at the store. If someone sees it and recognizes Meat, I put in a good word for him and the fact that he's working on a new CD.


12 Aug 2009, 18:38
I don't even mention him on here, ha ha!!! seriously, just occasionally when there's talk about rock music in general I happened to mention that I like his music, a very normal thing

12 Aug 2009, 18:54
often meat is in my mind. i talk about him whenever i get the chance. my family and friends knows that i am a little crazy of meat and ask me occasionally what´s the news about meat, so i tell them. even my dentist asked me about meat. that was great, so i ever lost my fear of the dentel treatment. but now my dentist is in pension...:(

12 Aug 2009, 20:06
Not so much outside of this forum...

12 Aug 2009, 21:04
i think i answered this.... ;)

12 Aug 2009, 23:19
My close family knows I enjoy Meat Loaf as both actor and man who records albums. Really, I keep it to my self unless it some how comes up in a conversation. On a personal basis, I'm always checking for twitters cause I am not doing anything lately. Every now and than I have a moment like now where I get really into the zone. Jumping around, singing along. I'm listening to Bad Attitude now.

Haha, sorry for a considerably large post. BabyBat, on the board, can vouge for me. This past weekend we sat and enjoyed 3 Bats Live together. We like how it starts off from the first few minutes through out the disc. Got myself really pumped while heavily headbanging to Black Betty. I'm always aware how funny it must look like to somebody else on the outside ;) ;)

13 Aug 2009, 00:20
I come from a family of meat loaf fans but iam the biggest fan of all. i love to collect anything from t shirts and keyrings and posters. i love going to meat loaf gigs i have seen him live four times in Newcastle over the years i love been a member of his fan club and i enjoy watching him on twitter. all my family and friends call me a meat loaf fanatic and iam proud to call myself a meat loaf fanatic.

13 Aug 2009, 00:27
BabyBat, on the board, can vouge for me.

I think you mean vouch ;) A vouge is an axlike, shafted weapon having a curved blade tapering to a point at the top, used by foot soldiers in the 14th century and after.

13 Aug 2009, 00:34
thanks. ;)

13 Aug 2009, 11:56
Most of the people who know me really well, know I love Meat. I don't tend to just bring him up for no reason, but if it comes up in conversation what music I like or something I say I love his music. Most people at work would have realised I liked him as I would be on his fan club every lunch time, but those who didn't, realised it when I went to England last year to see him. I was wearing one of his neckaces last week when I had to do the banking for work, and the lady who served me saw it and said oh you like Meat Loaf do you, you don't look like you'd be a fan of his. Then she laughed and said, not that I know what they would look like. People often comment when I'm wearing his t-shirts or when they see my bag with the 'I'd Rather Be At A Meat Loaf Concert' sticker. I love to collect as much memorabilia as I can too.


16 Aug 2009, 23:24
Professionally, Meat rarely comes up in topic but somehow all my coworkers know of my fan status with him. So, now I'm wondering how? It must've come up at some point.

I am the opposite on this one. I help open stores for a retail chain and there is usually about ten of us in these stores for two or three day at a time. During openings we usually rotate peoples ipods over the stereo system, so my coworkers get a heaping helping of Meat, I think I probably drive them nuts because of it.

Personally, I don't talk about it all that much because anyone who knows me, knows I am a huge Meat fan, but if it does turn up in a conversation, I am not afraid to show how big of a fan that I am.

Elijah's way
16 Aug 2009, 23:47
My dad got me into Meat Loaf's music when I was a kid and now I'm getting my nephew into his music but I never really talk about Meat unless there's a conversation about music and movie's.

18 Aug 2009, 15:07
I talk about quite often and that's why i get called obsessed!!!
I've just left High school and i have had 5 years of people talking the mick out of me just for liking Meat's music!

08 Dec 2009, 04:28
True story: So now it is winter. Sporting my Meat Loaf long sleeve shirt while Christmas shopping, I had the inevitable happen. A lady stopped me to discuss Meat. After finding out that she was a fan from the first Bat and so on and she hadn't heard about him lately....I felt like a total PR person, letting her in on looking for the new CD that was coming out in the spring, to listen for his promo work beginning in January-May, and a tour upcoming. I didn't have time to explain why or how I had all my info. but she was very thankful to be in the know. I felt warm and fuzzy that I was able to help her and overall helping spread the works of Meat.


08 Dec 2009, 04:40
That's great Suzi, I had a similar thing happen when I was wearing one of his shirts and the lady serving me was a fan so I told her all he's been doing and that he has a new album coming soon. It's great when you can keep people in the loop.


08 Dec 2009, 04:51
That's a great story Suzieq :))

Today I had another customer come in the store and ask me if I had been to a Meat Loaf concert lately. I told him that the next one wouldn't be until sometime next year, and that Meat was working on another CD :-)

I told my Mom later that people know me too well :lol:

08 Dec 2009, 05:02
That's great Suzi, I had a similar thing happen when I was wearing one of his shirts and the lady serving me was a fan so I told her all he's been doing and that he has a new album coming soon. It's great when you can keep people in the loop.


That's a great story Suzieq :))

Today I had another customer come in the store and ask me if I had been to a Meat Loaf concert lately. I told him that the next one wouldn't be until sometime next year, and that Meat was working on another CD :-)

I told my Mom later that people know me too well :lol:

:) Makes me so very happy, for Meat.

08 Dec 2009, 05:09
I didn't have time to explain why or how I had all my info.

You could have told her to join mlukfc.com ;)

08 Dec 2009, 05:39
:) Makes me so very happy, for Meat.

Me too :-)

08 Dec 2009, 05:40
You could have told her to join mlukfc.com ;)

Excellent suggestion ;)

08 Dec 2009, 10:08
I mention Meat when I'm talking about music.. People don't know him very well here in Finland.. When I mention his movies like Fight Club they goes "Oh, HIM".. But I don't know many of modernbands, these teenagers favourites. So I can't blame about knowing nothing about Meat.. :roll:

This is a true: When I call to my younger sister, phone says "Meatball" :lol:

She knows that I'm a fan of Meat and I'm big boned person.. :D

08 Dec 2009, 20:22
You could have told her to join mlukfc.com ;)

A great idea .... sure wish I would have thought of it myself. Darn..here I thought I was doing so good. :nag:


08 Dec 2009, 22:01
who's Meat Loaf?

08 Dec 2009, 22:14
you mean, what's meatloaf?

Meatloaf is a dish made with groundbeef, crackers, ketchup, sometimes mustard, onions and a guitar!

08 Dec 2009, 22:40
you mean, what's meatloaf?

Meatloaf is a dish made with groundbeef, crackers, ketchup, sometimes mustard, onions and a guitar!

Oh great, now you made me hungry :lmao:

08 Dec 2009, 22:53
Oops, :lmao: Nothing wrong with a sidedish of meatloaf :)

08 Dec 2009, 23:38
Oops, :lmao: Nothing wrong with a sidedish of meatloaf :)


09 Dec 2009, 01:09
I'm still in high school, so most of the kids around me know relatively nothing by Meat. A few know "anything for love", but almost nothing beyond that. It's kind of sad really. I'm basically the only one that is obsessed with classics like Bat Out Of Hell, and not techno or rap. I try to spread the word about Meat whenever I can. Saving my generation from modern music is priority number one though.

09 Dec 2009, 01:21
you mean, what's meatloaf?

Meatloaf is a dish made with groundbeef, crackers, ketchup, sometimes mustard, onions and a guitar!

Crackers? :wtf: :barf:

09 Dec 2009, 01:22
I'm still in high school, so most of the kids around me know relatively nothing by Meat. A few know "anything for love", but almost nothing beyond that. It's kind of sad really. I'm basically the only one that is obsessed with classics like Bat Out Of Hell, and not techno or rap. I try to spread the word about Meat whenever I can. Saving my generation from modern music is priority number one though.

Funny: I said the same thing way back when I was in high school. I was the only one listening to Bat I, Dead Ringer etc. all Pre-Bat II. These were back in the boy band New Kids On The Block days. I was in college when Bat II released...I made a bunch of phone calls that fall (because internet was just not like it is today :) dating myself again).

When Meat releases this CD in the spring...you'll have your chance to slap your generation around a little bit. A new Meat hit should set things right, at least for peeps in high school right now. Keep spreading the word.


09 Dec 2009, 01:22
Crackers? :wtf: :barf:

or breadcrumbs.

09 Dec 2009, 01:23
I was the same way only 3 years ago in high school. I took some white out once and on a desk I wrote "Meat Loaf '06"
Actually relative to high school, in a 1994 year book I found a page for music. In a column for best concert come to the city was actually Meat Loaf.

@ youngJB, Welcome to the boards.

09 Dec 2009, 01:23
or breadcrumbs.

I really don't notice it. Don't it absorb moisture or something?

09 Dec 2009, 01:25
Don't it absorb moisture or something?

It's supposed to absorb moisture so you get a loaf type consistency, hence meatloaf ;)

09 Dec 2009, 01:26
I really don't notice it. Don't it absorb moisture or something?

Crackers or breadcrumbs absorb the excess moisture from the meat (so we don't have runny meatloaf).

09 Dec 2009, 01:32
could have helped TMIL project ;) I kid!!

09 Dec 2009, 02:39
Funny: I said the same thing way back when I was in high school. I was the only one listening to Bat I, Dead Ringer etc. all Pre-Bat II. These were back in the boy band New Kids On The Block days. I was in college when Bat II released...I made a bunch of phone calls that fall (because internet was just not like it is today :) dating myself again).

I listened to all different kinds of music during high school :-)
I had heard of Meat Loaf, but I didn't really know who he was (or his music) until I saw him on Storytellers in 1999. It's hard to believe I've only been a fan for 10 years :shock:

When Meat releases this CD in the spring...you'll have your chance to slap your generation around a little bit. A new Meat hit should set things right, at least for peeps in high school right now. Keep spreading the word.


I second that :))

09 Dec 2009, 03:02
And I third. Cannot wait for this new CD. I'm really hoping it will be released no later than March. He has a great line up of musicians behind him and Rob Cavallo is a very great choice as producer. I'm looking forward to turning up the volume on the surround system. What scares me per usual, is I don't know what to expect. I remember hearing the demo for 'Pig' and the song 'Break It'
It was these 2 tracks that showed me how Paul and Meat can meet one another halfway and give us a song that is not only rocking, but one that I'll be listening to a very long time.

09 Dec 2009, 03:25
And I third. Cannot wait for this new CD. I'm really hoping it will be released no later than March. He has a great line up of musicians behind him and Rob Cavallo is a very great choice as producer. I'm looking forward to turning up the volume on the surround system. What scares me per usual, is I don't know what to expect. I remember hearing the demo for 'Pig' and the song 'Break It'
It was these 2 tracks that showed me how Paul and Meat can meet one another halfway and give us a song that is not only rocking, but one that I'll be listening to a very long time.

I know what you mean :-) But not knowing what to expect doesn't scare me .. it actually makes it more exciting :))

09 Dec 2009, 04:07
Meat Loaf is a very friendly man. But when it comes to his work and what he does best. He makes even a 22 year old invincible young man scared. lol :) Honestly, I would love to goto one of his shows just once. And by the looks of your picture Vicki, you met the man.

If I met him, it would probably wind up like when I met David Suzuki. Hand shake, 5 second face to face and no words.

09 Dec 2009, 04:28
Meat Loaf is a very friendly man. But when it comes to his work and what he does best. He makes even a 22 year old invincible young man scared. lol :) Honestly, I would love to goto one of his shows just once. And by the looks of your picture Vicki, you met the man.

If I met him, it would probably wind up like when I met David Suzuki. Hand shake, 5 second face to face and no words.

:lol: I really hope you get the chance to go to one of his shows and meet him during the next tour :-) He really is nice and down to earth.

Yes, I've met him several times. The first time I met him (in September 2001), I was a little nervous and didn't know what to say. But now I feel more comfortable and love to joke around with him :))