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original sin
29 Nov 2003, 19:08
Well my friends i'm so sorry i've been to busy this week to check on your problems :( I've had a few of my own to contend with :? but it's great to see the group therapy keeps working and we all support each other in our hours of need :)

Dear Aunty Sin,
Got a problem.... put a picture in the "what do i look like" thread. But now my question... i think it will ruin my name and impression that everybody got from me. What can i do about that????
The Butcher, Tim

Tim, my dear as the act is done and the pic posted it's rather late to worry about the consequences :?
I doubt a picture will change anyones impression or opinion, so no worries there.
As to worrying about ruining your name, I do wonder what kind of name you think you have :lmao:

For what it's worth Aunty Sin thinks it's a lovely picture and you're a cutie :wink: but then i never thought any different.
When I can figure out the technology I might join you :roll:

Bren the Bat wrote:-
Dear Aunty Sin,
The Bat she has a problem....there aren't enough hours in the day!!To get done all the things i have to at the moment i'm having to opt for a sleep free existence
any suggestions? 'cos it's beginning to take it's toll

Dear bren
Again, I'm sorry I never picked up on this earlier 8O
I think each and everyone one of us can relate to your current situation, which i find is heightened even more so at this time of year.
I would suggest that you start delagating tasks NOW.
Draw up a rota and get those angelic children of your to share the burden. :wink:
Look at all the things you think need doing then try to prioritise them, and deal with them in sizeable chunks.
If we are unrealistic in our aims or expectations we will feel defeated and have a whole different set of issues to then deal with.
Personally I find at times like this it can be best just to step back for a while, take so time out to draw breath and plan, you can then go back and start making inroads, rather than running around like a headless chicken" trying to do everything and getting nothing done."

29 Nov 2003, 19:30
Sin help me please..... don't know what it is, but i can't help it. I'm just buying to much CD's. Can't stop it, can't help myself. There is a lot of good music. Problem is.... don't have enough money for all the things i want to do....

The Butcher.

original sin
29 Nov 2003, 19:42
Sin help me please..... don't know what it is, but i can't help it. I'm just buying to much CD's. Can't stop it, can't help myself. There is a lot of good music. Problem is.... don't have enough money for all the things i want to do....
The Butcher.


Oh Dear Oh Dear! What a dilema 8O
I would suggest that you could try a few things, but i take NO responsibility for my suggestions you understand :wink:

* You could talk your friends into buying the CD's and copying them for you :?
* As we are only four weeks away from Christams you could write out a list now and circulate it to all your family and friends :idea:
* You could get some extra work :roll: there is normally a lot of seasonal work available around now. I can just see you being a part time Santa in the Grotto, I bet all the girls will line up to sit on your knee :twisted:
*How about writting some begging letters to major companies 8) you never know that might pay off
* Heress a good one :idea: go into a music shop and take a good look around there is bound to be something out of place or on the floor, casually walk that way and arrange to fall over the offending article :wink: Then let out a loud yell and get everyone running, ask to see the manager point out their floor was dangerous and ask what he's going to do to compensate you :oops: Don't accept anything under 5 albums :roll:

Thats all I can think of at the moment but I will add one further thing, also learn to live and be happy with what you have :wink: There is no point in longing for the unattainable in anything

29 Nov 2003, 19:51
Hahhaha :lmao: Original Sin, you got me.... Really love your answer. Thank you very much.

No i don't want copied disks. Only the real ones. I work over 45 hours a week, sometimes 50 hours. Christmas, due to no money we won't celebrate it. And the last one is an option... a very good option.

So thank you very much!!

Love you!!! :lol:

The Butcher.

29 Nov 2003, 22:30
Dear Aunty Sin,

I would suggest that you start delagating tasks NOW.
Draw up a rota and get those angelic children of your to share the burden.

Thanks for the advice, much appreciated, but the things i have to do are thingsI have to do, cannot be delegated.Just too much stress =no sleep = unhappy Bren, can't be helped...what will be will be.

i love this site, it's where i like to come to unwind, be among friends, have fun...then problems seem lighter.These days i rarely bump in to anyone i know,and the site is swamped with new members/strangers...so this does not happen....there's no place here really, for someone like me anymore.....that's the way it seems to me.
The Bat will fly away now and stop annoying people with her worries...

Thanks Sin

30 Nov 2003, 03:15
H Auntie Sin, :D my problem is nobody seems to speak to me much these days , :( please tell me what i have to do , :D i love everybodys company on here, :D please tell me where im going wrong , :( ppppppplllllleeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeee i havent got a clue am i too boring? :oops:, im not being funny against anyone just felt like this for a while please help Sin. :wink: best wishes Carolxxxxxx

original sin
30 Nov 2003, 15:20
Dear Aunty Sin,
i love this site, it's where i like to come to unwind, be among friends, have fun...then problems seem lighter.These days i rarely bump in to anyone i know,and the site is swamped with new members/strangers...so this does not happen....there's no place here really, for someone like me anymore.....that's the way it seems to me.
The Bat will fly away now and stop annoying people with her worries...

Dearest Bren

I think your reasons for visiting here are mirrored by most of us. The problem being is that we all have different “life” commitments and especially at this time of year find ourselves being pulled in many different directions.
Recent events in the life of our “Golden Thread” have caused this community to grow quickly and have slightly changed the emphasis of the boards. The number of posts & new threads has caused many of us to gasp.
Maybe we should all tweak our bat sonar’s (maybe via msm) to try to ensure that we all get to meet up.
Personally I think it is a sad day when a valued, respect and much loved member like yourself feels that she has no place in this community.
These boards have always been like a community and any member should be able to express their worries without feeling like they are being annoying.
Corny old phrase I know, but a problem shared is a problem halved. That’s what communities do, that’s what families do and that is what friends do.

I wish I could lift you up, please know how valued you are here, and use the channel of these boards to give you the R&R time you need.


original sin
30 Nov 2003, 15:25
H Auntie Sin, :D my problem is nobody seems to speak to me much these days , :( please tell me what i have to do , :D i love everybodys company on here, :D please tell me where im going wrong , :( ppppppplllllleeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeee i havent got a clue am i too boring? :oops:, im not being funny against anyone just felt like this for a while please help Sin. :wink: best wishes Carolxxxxxx

Dear Mrs Mouse

In some ways your problem is similar to Bren's.
I realy don't think it is a case of you having done or needing to do anything. i think it's just one of those phases where we all seem to be out of sync :?
The demands of Real Life pull us in all different directions and at this time of the year there are never enough hours in the day.
You are another valued community member, and I can understand how you along with others are feeling at the moment.
We really need to get our bat sonar's in good working order so we can all meet up rather than being passing ships in the night.
Whilst i have no ideal solutions the thing we do need to avaoid is thinking it is some way personal, I truely don't believe this is the case.


30 Nov 2003, 16:23
thanx for the advice Sin, :D it helps a bit just still a bit confused but its ok, see you soon. Carolxxx. :wink:

30 Nov 2003, 16:36
Heee Mrs Mouse.

well, if you want to talk to someone.... and you have MSN, then there is no point. :lol:

The Butcher.

30 Nov 2003, 16:59
Tim, what do you mean?

01 Dec 2003, 21:41
Thanks Sin, :D
will fly back here soon.


original sin
01 Dec 2003, 22:52
Thanks Sin, :D
will fly back here soon.


make sure you do! or i'll send out the bat catchers :twisted:

08 Dec 2003, 22:58
Dear Aunty Sin,

I have a problem...

The tax man has just sent me a bill! Must I pay it or will he notice if I hide it behind the mantle clock and pretend I never got it!!!


Hardship in halifax!!

original sin
08 Dec 2003, 23:28
Dear Aunty Sin,
I have a problem...
The tax man has just sent me a bill! Must I pay it or will he notice if I hide it behind the mantle clock and pretend I never got it!!!
Hardship in halifax!!

Dear Chris

Yes - he (or she) will notice if you hide it behind the mantlepeice :twisted:
and he(or she) will tell you that it should not be a surprise and you should have made provison for it 8O

depending on which type of tax it is there may be different ways you can plead poverty or payment by installments

If you need further advice.............you have my contact details :lmao:
as it's best not to divulge too many ideas on a public board :roll:

08 Dec 2003, 23:39
Round here we used to have the "Coiners of Cragg Vale" who used to scrpae the edges off coins to make new ones. That is why coins are now milled at the edges.

Anyway, they used to kill any excise men or taxmen who came near!!!

The possibilities are endless!!!!

original sin
08 Dec 2003, 23:45
Round here we used to have the "Coiners of Cragg Vale" who used to scrpae the edges off coins to make new ones. That is why coins are now milled at the edges.
Anyway, they used to kill any excise men or taxmen who came near!!!
The possibilities are endless!!!!

Oh Chris Indeed they are! just ask Ken Dodd or how about Lester Piggott? :lmao:

14 Dec 2003, 00:48
Dear Aunty Sin. :)

What do you think?

I found out from five people (at different times today) that this girl likes me. I like her too but I'm confused. She is good looking, great personality, she sings professionly, and full of personallity. I have a feeling she likes me. She doesn't know that I know. Do you think I should ask her if she does like me? How would I say it? If she does like me, I think we should wait until we are a bit older to make any sorta relationship. You never know one of us might have to move somewhere...far.

What do you think?


:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Well, do I ever feel stupid, I finally got the nerves to pull up my sleeves this week and talk to this girl about, you know. :oops: and well , I just found out she got a boyfriend. but i'm also confused, because she keeps winking at me and smiling at me, and she gave me a christmas card. she knew my friends for a while, and she didn't give them a christmas card. just thought i'd share. :roll: :??:

Rob The Badger
14 Dec 2003, 01:15
Anthony. . .she digs you. I suggest you take a hatchet to her boyfriend's ear. Or if that's too drastic, confront her.

14 Dec 2003, 01:40
Anthony. . .she digs you. I suggest you take a hatchet to her boyfriend's ear. Or if that's too drastic, confront her.

You should have your own column :lmao:

Rob The Badger
14 Dec 2003, 01:51
Anthony. . .she digs you. I suggest you take a hatchet to her boyfriend's ear. Or if that's too drastic, confront her.

You should have your own column :lmao:

I totally agree. :)

14 Dec 2003, 16:31
Dear Aunty Sin. :)

What do you think?

I found out from five people (at different times today) that this girl likes me. I like her too but I'm confused. She is good looking, great personality, she sings professionly, and full of personallity. I have a feeling she likes me. She doesn't know that I know. Do you think I should ask her if she does like me? How would I say it? If she does like me, I think we should wait until we are a bit older to make any sorta relationship. You never know one of us might have to move somewhere...far.

What do you think?


:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Well, do I ever feel stupid, I finally got the nerves to pull up my sleeves this week and talk to this girl about, you know. :oops: and well , I just found out she got a boyfriend. but i'm also confused, because she keeps winking at me and smiling at me, and she gave me a christmas card. she knew my friends for a while, and she didn't give them a christmas card. just thought i'd share. :roll: :??:

Sounds like this little lady has her cake and wants to eat it too - she wants the best of both worlds - her boyfriend and you too. So you gotta decide - are you willing to play 'the other man', or do you wait until she gets tired of her fella and make your move then? Either way she's playing you both like a fiddle....

original sin
14 Dec 2003, 16:36

I must admit I think Eyeore has given some sound advice :mrgreen:
Anthony. . .she digs you. I suggest you take a hatchet to her boyfriend's ear. Or if that's too drastic, confront her.

She obviously likes you!
Just because she has a boyfriend doesn't mean she actually wants to be with him :roll:

Some people just need to have someone even if it isn't the right person.

I think you need to keep yourselves rolled up and come out with it and ask her straight what her game is. :twisted:

Tell her you like her (a lot) and ask her what she wants to do about it 8)

Btw I do hope her current boyfriend isn't too big :roll: but don't worry i'm sure we can arrange a possy from the board to look out for you :lmao:

original sin
14 Dec 2003, 16:38
Anthony. . .she digs you. I suggest you take a hatchet to her boyfriend's ear. Or if that's too drastic, confront her.

You should have your own column :lmao:

I totally agree. :)

:lmao: WATCH IT :!:

14 Dec 2003, 17:01
:lmao: WATCH IT :!:
dont worry Sin , :D noone could ever replace our one and only Auntie Sin. :wink:

original sin
14 Dec 2003, 18:10
dont worry Sin , noone could ever replace our one and only Auntie Sin.

Ahhhhh Mrs Mouse thank you - make me blush now :oops:

Rob The Badger
14 Dec 2003, 18:54
. . .I should call it "Badger's Problem Solving Corner Typee Thing - With Badgers (Warning: May Contain Traces Of Badgers)" . . .

That is until I think of something more catchy. . .

14 Dec 2003, 19:32
. . .I should call it "Badger's Problem Solving Corner Typee Thing - With Badgers (Warning: May Contain Traces Of Badgers)" . . .

That is until I think of something more catchy. . .



15 Dec 2003, 18:10
Anthony. . .she digs you. I suggest you take a hatchet to her boyfriend's ear. Or if that's too drastic, confront her.

You should have your own column :lmao:

I totally agree. :)

:lmao: WATCH IT :!: :lmao:

15 Dec 2003, 18:13
I likes all advice, I think I'm gonna go with

I likez you, LOTZ, so what are we going to do about it. :mrgreen: 8)

15 Dec 2003, 22:00
Anthony. . .she digs you. I suggest you take a hatchet to her boyfriend's ear. Or if that's too drastic, confront her.

You should have your own column :lmao:

I totally agree. :)

:lmao: WATCH IT :!:

Sorry Sin, I couldn't help myself :lmao:

No one could ever replace you :D

15 Dec 2003, 22:11
I likes all advice, I think I'm gonna go with

I likez you, LOTZ, so what are we going to do about it. :mrgreen: 8)

A man after my own heart!! With chat up lines like that you can't fail!!

original sin
15 Dec 2003, 23:00
I likes all advice, I think I'm gonna go with

I likez you, LOTZ, so what are we going to do about it. :mrgreen: 8)


One further piece of advice from Aunty Sin........................when it comes to chat up lines DON'T listen to Uncle Chris :wink: :lmao:

Yours is better than one used on me some years back which was........

"you wanna ccome back with me for a coffee? we don't have to have sex if you don't want to" 8O :roll:
Needless to say I told him I drink Tea 8)

original sin
15 Dec 2003, 23:01
Sorry Sin, I couldn't help myself :lmao:
No one could ever replace you :D

Now don't you go making me blush too :oops:

thanks x

Rob The Badger
15 Dec 2003, 23:21
The best chat up line ever has to be:

"Give in to lust"
"Darlin', you'll be old soon enough, but I want you NOW!"

(I've used the second one succesfully.)

16 Dec 2003, 22:12
[quote="original sin"

Yours is better than one used on me some years back which was........

"you wanna come back with me for a coffee? we don't have to have sex if you don't want to" 8O :roll:

Needless to say I told him I drink Tea 8)[/quote]

Sin, this had me crying with laughter thanx. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

original sin
16 Dec 2003, 22:22
[quote="original sin"
Yours is better than one used on me some years back which was........
"you wanna come back with me for a coffee? we don't have to have sex if you don't want to" 8O :roll:
Needless to say I told him I drink Tea 8)
Sin, this had me crying with laughter thanx. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:[/quote]

well they do say there is nothing more funny than the truth :twisted: :wink:

18 Dec 2003, 05:16
I was talking to her today, and like, she was telling me how her boyfriend is an idiot. Me just standing there nodding saying "Ya, ya, ya", and although I don't remember much what she said, she says, "Hey, you are a great listener!" I promise next time I will try to listen time, :lol: .

She gave me 5 BIG hugs and asked if I were going to the dance. I can't believe it but I said "no, I can't dance" How silly is that, I don't know why I act the way I do around her, it just sorta, well happens. :? :lol: .

Anyway, that's the end of my crush life, lol. If I have anymore agony I know where too.

Aunty Sin. :D

Hey Chris & Badger, you know any great pick up lines. :lol:

18 Dec 2003, 21:24
I promise next time I will try to listen time, :lol: .


The time has come for you to learn one of the most important things about men and women.

You must never reveal this to the women in your life!!

It is....

We never actually listen.

Regardless of what you learn from listening, your opinion will never actually be correct.

For example:

A lady has 2 dresses and doesn't know which one to wear. She starts talking and you listen and pay attention to what she is saying. At the end of the speeech, you will have heard all about this seasons fashions, what other people will be wearing adn so on adn so forth...
You will then be asked to say which dress you prefer her to wear. Regardless of what answer you give, you will be wrong. This is an accepted part of manhood and you will get used to it.

Therefore you have wasted several minutes and countless brain cells for no good reason!!!

Women are right in one thing. Men cannot multi task. We cannot listen while doing something else. Therefore, if we stand and nod politely while inserting the odd \"uh-huh\" or \"really\", our brain can be concentrating on other matters like the attractive blonde stood behind the lady!!

Now ask yourself, would you rather have five minutes in a fantasy or five minutes listening to why the woman in the hairdressers thinks that black is such an old colour and that beige is the new black???
I think you will agree, It's not a difficult choice!!


There is an exception to this rule. You must train yourself to filter the lady's speech for certain phrases to ensure ou do not miss something important. These phrases are generally along the lines of \"open-minded twin sister\", \"attractive female room-mate\" etc etc.

If you fail to spot one of these phrases, you will regret it for the rest of your life!!!


Uncle Chris

PS. Don't let the ladies know about this secret or we are all up shit-creek without a paddle!!


Chat up lines (http://www.mlukfc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1523&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)

18 Dec 2003, 23:53
I promise next time I will try to listen time, :lol: .


The time has come for you to learn one of the most important things about men and women.

You must never reveal this to the women in your life!!

It is....

We never actually listen.

Regardless of what you learn from listening, your opinion will never actually be correct.

For example:

A lady has 2 dresses and doesn't know which one to wear. She starts talking and you listen and pay attention to what she is saying. At the end of the speeech, you will have heard all about this seasons fashions, what other people will be wearing adn so on adn so forth...
You will then be asked to say which dress you prefer her to wear. Regardless of what answer you give, you will be wrong. This is an accepted part of manhood and you will get used to it.

Therefore you have wasted several minutes and countless brain cells for no good reason!!!

Women are right in one thing. Men cannot multi task. We cannot listen while doing something else. Therefore, if we stand and nod politely while inserting the odd \"uh-huh\" or \"really\", our brain can be concentrating on other matters like the attractive blonde stood behind the lady!!

Now ask yourself, would you rather have five minutes in a fantasy or five minutes listening to why the woman in the hairdressers thinks that black is such an old colour and that beige is the new black???
I think you will agree, It's not a difficult choice!!


There is an exception to this rule. You must train yourself to filter the lady's speech for certain phrases to ensure ou do not miss something important. These phrases are generally along the lines of \"open-minded twin sister\", \"attractive female room-mate\" etc etc.

If you fail to spot one of these phrases, you will regret it for the rest of your life!!!


Uncle Chris

PS. Don't let the ladies know about this secret or we are all up shit-creek without a paddle!!


Chat up lines (http://www.mlukfc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1523&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)

I think that you are already there :lmao:


original sin
18 Dec 2003, 23:59
I was talking to her today, and like, she was telling me how her boyfriend is an idiot. Me just standing there nodding saying "Ya, ya, ya", and although I don't remember much what she said, she says, "Hey, you are a great listener!" I promise next time I will try to listen time, :lol: .
She gave me 5 BIG hugs and asked if I were going to the dance. I can't believe it but I said "no, I can't dance" How silly is that, I don't know why I act the way I do around her, it just sorta, well happens. :? :lol: .
Anyway, that's the end of my crush life, lol. If I have anymore agony I know where too.
Aunty Sin. :D
Hey Chris & Badger, you know any great pick up lines. :lol:


Sounds like things are heading the right way :wink: you keep it up and I'm sure it will work out - and either way at least you vcan say you've tried your best.


original sin
19 Dec 2003, 00:04
PS. Don't let the ladies know about this secret or we are all up shit-creek without a paddle!!

Dear Chris

I think you need to start searching for a spare paddle - urgently :mrgreen:

I notice you posted this AFTER meeting ladies from this forum. :twisted:

Your card is marked :wink:

Aunty Sin xx

19 Dec 2003, 21:14
Hi Sin

My problem is - I am fairly new here and not that good, technically, with computers. :roll:

How can I put photos/images etc onto the forum :??:

I would appreciate it if you could possibly give me a step by step rundown

I would love to have more fun on the forum with photos etc :wink:


sharon xx :nuts:

original sin
20 Dec 2003, 10:52
Dear Fallen Angel1

Aunty Sin tries to help with many things life throws, HOWEVER computers are just not her field. Aunty Sin is a techo-thickie.

Now as far as I know, and If i've explained it right I expect a gold start, you can do one of two things:-

1/ If you want to use a picture that is already on the net you search for the one you want right click on it and chose copy short cut - you then paste that short cut into your post - highlight the url and click on and option at the top of your post message box.

2/ If you want a pic thats no on the net - find someone who has web space who will load it and give you and url, or use somehwre like [url]www.villagephotos.com - you can then upload the photo you want and get and url to post into the forum.

Sounds easy don't it :roll: but Aunty Sin hasn't managed to get her picture on here yet 8O

Still every cloud has a silver lining 8) so if you can't do it don't stress - turn that Meaty music up and crack open a beer :twisted:

20 Dec 2003, 11:43
Thanks sin

I will give it a go & see what happens :wink:

I have Meats music full blast - crack open a beer tonight - :beer
may speak later online :D

love sharon x

20 Dec 2003, 11:54

thanks sin - it worked - what a gorgeous picture - corrrrrrrrr !!!!!

original sin
20 Dec 2003, 16:14

thanks sin - it worked - what a gorgeous picture - corrrrrrrrr !!!!!

well it almost worked Fallen Angel - make sure you highlight all of the url next time before you click[url] but yessssss! a lovely pic! :wink:

black dog
20 Dec 2003, 22:24
That is a lovely picture Fallen Angel1. Thank you for posting it.


20 Dec 2003, 22:40
No probs Black Dog - hope to post lots more now I know how to.

Rob The Badger
20 Dec 2003, 23:02
There is no life left. . .why?

original sin
21 Dec 2003, 17:24
There is no life left. . .why?

Oh Dear Eyeore

There is so much life left - let me assure you.
You just need to make sure you are looking in the right place.
Some times we do need just to be happy with what we have rather than searching for the unattainable and being dissapointed.

There is life to be lived and fun to be had - go and garb it with two hands and don't let go.


21 Dec 2003, 17:59
There is no life left. . .why?

Eyeore my friend, what is wrong, that you should feel this way?
You know you have many friends here, who all love and care about you.


Rob The Badger
24 Dec 2003, 16:57
Everything's the same. . .and I'm going to spend Christnas alone. Literally. Merry f*cking Christmas, Rob.

24 Dec 2003, 21:00
[quote="Rob The Badger"]Everything's the same. . .and I'm going to spend Christnas alone. quote]

You have a voice Rob, You have a pen, You have the ability - use it :)

Your never truly alone - look around you - we're all here for you :)

A lot can happen in a year, just remember that - I know personally my year changed completely - just have a dream and smile :)

original sin
24 Dec 2003, 23:08
Everything's the same. . .and I'm going to spend Christnas alone. Literally. Merry f*cking Christmas, Rob.

Check you PM's

Rob The Badger
24 Dec 2003, 23:27
You people are truly great. . .love you all.

25 Dec 2003, 01:46
You people are truly great. . .love you all.

We love you too :lol:

04 Jan 2004, 04:09
Dear Aunty Sin,

Today is Saturday, and I go back to school Monday. I was going to join choir on Monday, because I love to sing, and this is a great opportunity for me. But the thing is I am very nervous.

What my friend might think, cause he thinks choir is, well not for guys. Although I don't believe that, I feel right nervous about performing in front of people, even though my whole life evolves around the big stage. Do you know anything I could do to feel less nervous? Bye for now :)

The Flying Mouse
04 Jan 2004, 05:22
Go for it :twisted: .
My favorite piece of advice (which just happens to come from Meat :wink: ) is don't think.DO.It's a very simple thing, but it's certainly worked for me :D .
Luckily, I don't suffer from stage fright.I do get nervous before I go on sometimes, but I always feel better when i'm performing 8) .
Don't worry about what your friend says.Being in a choir doesn't change who you are.If he is really your friend he will suport you.Don't let other people tell you what you can and can't do.Even dying a death on stage is a valuable learning experience (and will provide you with some great stories to tell the interviewers one day when your rich and famous :lol: ).
Enjoy yourself and don't forget to tell us all how you get on :wink: .

DON'T THINK.DO :twisted:

04 Jan 2004, 11:29
Mouse is right,...just do it.Be Yourself, do what you want, what is right for you, do not worry what other people think or say.
If it's something you enjoy and want to do, then do it :D

good luck with it

original sin
05 Jan 2004, 00:03
Dear Aunty Sin,

Today is Saturday, and I go back to school Monday. I was going to join choir on Monday, because I love to sing, and this is a great opportunity for me. But the thing is I am very nervous.

What my friend might think, cause he thinks choir is, well not for guys. Although I don't believe that, I feel right nervous about performing in front of people, even though my whole life evolves around the big stage. Do you know anything I could do to feel less nervous? Bye for now :)


Do what you feel is right - no matter what others think.
Life seems like a long road - but it is actually very short.
If we don't try something out we will never now and the worst thing to live with is regrets.

Go for it

Sin xx

BTW great to see the group therapy working well in 2004

05 Jan 2004, 00:24
you should never base your actions solely on what others will think. If it feels right for you, trust your instincts, go with it - if you don't you'll always regret it and think 'well what if i had...' As for the nerves, when i was doing a gig i'd just keep thinking to myself 'it'll all be over in an hour' (or whatever), guaranteed once i was on stage i never wanted to come off - the buzz far outweighs the nerves
lauren xx

05 Jan 2004, 04:40
Thank You's people for your support, I love that line,

"Don't think, DO!" Thank's again guys, I think I'm going to go down my room and play "Do It!" two or three times, because that song really motivates me into things. Especially the first verse, "stake your fakin' put your reputation to it!" :p

13 Jan 2004, 19:49
Hello aunty sin,

I've got a problem...

Why is it that every time i manage to solve a problem, another one is coming fast into my live. I mean... i've got enough problems as it is right now... and i only can handle 1 problem at the time.
It is not that i'm weak or a nerd or something like that.... i just can't manage it all.

And i know that you are gonna advise... Tim, take 1 problem at the time... but that ain't working anymore... it looks like i'm cursed!!

Maybe it is just me... and the way i'm behaving. Maybe i'm the person who attracks problems by the way i act or behave, and in my opinion i'm not behaving strange or bad, and i know a lot of other people are also thinking that way. Maybe i act / behave a bit different due to the problems.... Pff....

And maybe the strangest thing is that i put it here on the forum... well, with this message...

The misserable butcher.

13 Jan 2004, 21:30
Why is it that every time i manage to solve a problem, another one is coming fast into my live. I mean... i've got enough problems as it is right now... and i only can handle 1 problem at the time.
It is not that i'm weak or a nerd or something like that.... i just can't manage it all.

And i know that you are gonna advise... Tim, take 1 problem at the time... but that ain't working anymore... it looks like i'm cursed!!

Maybe it is just me... and the way i'm behaving. Maybe i'm the person who attracks problems by the way i act or behave, and in my opinion i'm not behaving strange or bad, and i know a lot of other people are also thinking that way. Maybe i act / behave a bit different due to the problems.... Pff..

And maybe the strangest thing is that i put it here on the forum... well, with this message...

The misserable butcher.

Dear Tim,
i'm not Aunty Sin, but i wanted to reply.......

I am sorry that things are not going well at the moment, and that you have so much to deal with.
Problems are a part of life, and unfortunately rarely come along one at a time
Do not blame yourself Tim...never do that don't think that it is your fault and that you "attract problems" by the way you act and behave.....just not true!!
I think we all feel that way at times, when swamped by too many problems, it's instinctive to think it must somehow be your fault.....but it's not believe me.
i'm here if you want to talk....
take care

original sin
14 Jan 2004, 22:44
Sorry it’s taken me so long, been rather busy. :roll:
I see Bren’s looking out for you and please listen to her sensible words.
I will start with your last line first. By posting here it shows you have friends you trust and however bad life gets it’s good to be able to share with friends even if it can’t change things.
Some people seem to sail through life on calm waters, but not many. Life I’m afraid has many up’s and downs and problems never seem to come alone.
You are quite right we can only deal with one thing at a time, so when we have too much to deal with we have to put them in order and sort out what we can do now and what we can leave until later
Also you need to remember that we cannot solve every problem and when you realise this you will know what to leave alone, so you don’t waste your energy on what you cannot change.
I don’t think it is about you personally how you act or behave, a lot of people have similar thoughts and experiences but either do not acknowledge them or are not brave enough to face up to them.
Maybe you need a break. Is this possible try to leave everything, even if its for a day just to treat yourself, build up your mental and physical reserves and then see how everything looks.

But never ever forget, you have a bunch of friends here with a shoulder and an ear.

17 Jan 2004, 19:59

How ya doing :??:

I have a problem with the extra smilies and how to use them :cry: I know you do too :(

THE FLYING MOUSE posted a reply on how to use them (great I thought) :D - I tried it - yes u guest it - nothing :twisted: :bicker:

can we start a self help group for the thick ones amoung us :wtf:

thank you for listening :oops:

The Flying Mouse
17 Jan 2004, 20:21
:twisted: I'll try and explain it again :wink:

If you want to copy this smilie


Quote THIS post.

Where the smilie is positioned on my post you will see this text (I have to post this with gaps or the smilie will apear instead of the text :wink: ) [ i m g ] h t t p : / / w w w .g i f s - p a r a d i e s . d e / s m i l i e s / 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 . g i f [ / i m g ]

Copy the text down.

When you want to use the smilie in your post type in the text without any gaps and the smilie will appear.

So any time you see a smilie on these forums do the same thing.
Quote, write down the text, type the text on your reply.

I hope i've explained it better this time :wink: .

original sin
17 Jan 2004, 22:06

like this?

Now here we have a dilema because Aunty Sin has absolutely no idea how to find these or use them - so yes Fallen Angel - i think a self help group may well be be a very good idea :roll:

Please don't think you are alone because i really haven't got a clue :twisted:

note I've had to edit to try to do it :roll:

black dog
18 Jan 2004, 00:22

like this?

Now here we have a dilema because Aunty Sin has absolutely no idea how to find these or use them - so yes Fallen Angel - i think a self help group may well be be a very good idea :roll:

Please don't think you are alone because i really haven't got a clue :twisted:

note I've had to edit to try to do it :roll:

I think you may end up with a problem Aunty Sin if you keep drinking like this http://www.gifs-paradies.de/smilies/00000444.gif Mind you I might join in.

Thanks for the help I'm so pleased I've managed to do that.

18 Jan 2004, 02:25

18 Jan 2004, 02:27
f**cking hell still don't work

someone hand me a rope

The Flying Mouse
18 Jan 2004, 02:39
OK.I'll try again.

Click qoute on the post that contains the smilie.

When you click the quote button, you get a text block with a copy of the post you are quoting already written on it.Right?

Where the smilie appears on my post you will see the text [img etc etc.

Write the passage of text onto a piece of paper.

Do not post.Make your way back to the thread.

Post a new reply and you will get a brand new text box.

Type in the text that you have just written down on the paper.


The smilie will apear.

18 Jan 2004, 07:21
:twisted: Mind if I join you http://www.gifs-paradies.de/smilies/00000444.gif

18 Jan 2004, 10:03
"original sin"http://www.gifs-paradies.de/smilies/00000444.gif

18 Jan 2004, 10:05

18 Jan 2004, 10:06

18 Jan 2004, 10:18

Congratulations, you got it :bunny:

18 Jan 2004, 18:29


The Flying Mouse
18 Jan 2004, 19:58

I knew you'd get there in the end.

I think i'll have a beer too


Party on.


Rob The Badger
18 Jan 2004, 21:50

18 Jan 2004, 22:27
FLYING MOUSE - have a http://www.gifs-paradies.de/smilies/00000444.gifon me



The Flying Mouse
18 Jan 2004, 22:32
:twisted: Thanks.


Hic http://www.gifs-paradies.de/smilies/00000438.gif


18 Jan 2004, 22:57
If you cant beat em ,join em. http://www.gifs-paradies.de/smilies/00000444.gif. Now back to Aunty Sins problem page. :wink:

original sin
18 Jan 2004, 23:06
Looks like group therapy is still working well! :lol:
Do you think we need an Uncle Mouse's Technical Problem Page?

Thing is I'm don't think I'm ever going to get the hang of getting these things over here! But i'm just about finished on a photo web page 8O and thats only like taken me 2days

The Flying Mouse
18 Jan 2004, 23:12
Looks like group therapy is still working well! :lol:
Do you think we need an Uncle Mouse's Technical Problem Page?

:twisted: OH GOD NO 8O

I'm terrible with computers.

18 Jan 2004, 23:22
FM wrote:

I'm terrible with computers.


NOT AS BAD AS ME :lol: :lol: :lol:

20 Jan 2004, 14:54

know any good quacks - just got ticket for 29th at Sheffield - will be a gibbering reck by then - so excited

Never thought would see him live again - seat better than the ones I had in Birmingham

Help me calm down - not used to all this excitment



original sin
20 Jan 2004, 21:57
Well FA congratulations.

I don't think you're going to need a quack :twisted: you will get through the next 9 days day by day. Just set aside some time to play his music loud and strong maybe a beer or two and before you know it the day will be upon you :wink:

But the real bonus is you might get to meet Aunty Sin - then you will be a gibbering wreck :lmao:

20 Jan 2004, 22:12
Sin, i'm in a terrible state :roll: :roll: I keep getting the urge to wave my knickers in the air :P only the red ones mind, but my main problem is I'm getting a draught. :oops:

can you help


20 Jan 2004, 22:16
Sin, i'm in a terrible state :roll: :roll: I keep getting the urge to wave my knickers in the air :P only the red ones mind, but my main problem is I'm getting a draught. :oops:

can you help


Sin , thank god this is your Agony Page because if mine, my reply would probably get me into BIG trouble 8)
Go for it girl and give her some advice :wink:

20 Jan 2004, 22:58
sin wrote:

Well FA congratulations.

I don't think you're going to need a quack you will get through the next 9 days day by day. Just set aside some time to play his music loud and strong maybe a beer or two and before you know it the day will be upon you

But the real bonus is you might get to meet Aunty Sin - then you will be a gibbering wreck


music on loud
beer ready

can't wait to meet you sin

8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O

docs got valium on standby :lol: :lol: :lol:



20 Jan 2004, 23:00

where can i get a red hanky ???

20 Jan 2004, 23:02
FA, Get a white hanky and then follow the advice given by mothers across the world

If you pick your nose, you'll make it bleed!


original sin
20 Jan 2004, 23:28
Sin, i'm in a terrible state :roll: :roll: I keep getting the urge to wave my knickers in the air :P only the red ones mind, but my main problem is I'm getting a draught. :oops:
can you help

Well Rosie a few suggestions come to mind but few are publishable.

I think the best suggestion would be to wave a spare and preferably clean pair :mrgreen: Or go without and wear trousers :wink:

20 Jan 2004, 23:30
trousers of course Thank-you :lol: :lol: :lol:


original sin
20 Jan 2004, 23:31
Sin, i'm in a terrible state :roll: :roll: I keep getting the urge to wave my knickers in the air :P only the red ones mind, but my main problem is I'm getting a draught. :oops:

can you help


Sin , thank god this is your Agony Page because if mine, my reply would probably get me into BIG trouble 8)
Go for it girl and give her some advice :wink:


Down boy!
I do think you have some deep rooted problems you need to address :twisted: when your ready you know where to come :wink:

original sin
20 Jan 2004, 23:34

where can i get a red hanky ???

A red hanky shop?

Try a good old fashioned tailors or mens wear shop, failing that buy a yard of silk and get sewing!

25 Jan 2004, 17:39
hi Sin,

its me again - the computer wizard
http://www.platinumrogue.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/smilies/006.gif NOT
How do i put my own picture into the panel below our names in the profile?

I have a few nice ones I'd like to play around with, but do not know how to get them onto the image section :??:

by the way got a red hankie/scarf for thursday - see ya there :wink:

original sin
25 Jan 2004, 19:12
hi Sin,
its me again - the computer wizard
http://www.platinumrogue.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/smilies/006.gif NOT
how do i put my own picture into the panel below our names in the profile?
I have a few nice ones I'd like to play around with, but do not know how to get them onto the image section :??:
by the way got a red hankie/scarf for thursday - see ya there :wink:


You ask me!!!! I think we really need a seperate Uncle Mouse's Techno problem page :twisted:
I think you need to have the pic you want on some web space and then copy the url into the avatar part of your profile. BUT don't ask me how!!

Really pleased the red hankie problem is solved :lol: I have brought a large part piece of red silk and IF I have some time be thursday wil make up a couple 8) any buyers? :lmao:

25 Jan 2004, 19:16
I have brought a large part piece of red silk and IF I have some time be thursday wil make up a couple 8) any buyers? :lmao:

Count me in, Sin!!!! :roll:

And maybe if you ask Chris very very very nicely he might be able to run an 'Uncle Chris' techno problem' page, as he did do a degree in computers and stuff like that...

25 Jan 2004, 21:57

whats a URL ?

Told u I was think when it came to puters :oops:

25 Jan 2004, 23:03

whats a URL ?

Told u I was think when it came to puters :oops:

URL = Uniform Resource Locator

The link that identifies a page. Eg. The URL for this site is http://www.mlukfc.com


25 Jan 2004, 23:38
Thanks chris

understand that - but still not accepting site - can I paste it to something else first ?

27 Jan 2004, 08:08

Me again :lmao:

You'll probably know this one - I just want it clarifying.

I have sent a couple of PM, which are sitting in the "outbox" not the "sentbox" - does this mean the individual has not opened it yet, and it will be transfered over to the "sentbox" when they do?

27 Jan 2004, 12:57

27 Jan 2004, 14:03
Thanks Chris :D

original sin
27 Jan 2004, 21:59

Me again :lmao:

You'll probably know this one - I just want it clarifying.

I have sent a couple of PM, which are sitting in the "outbox" not the "sentbox" - does this mean the individual has not opened it yet, and it will be transfered over to the "sentbox" when they do?

I see Uncle Chris has answered your Techno problem. Why didn't we get his page set up months ago?

27 Jan 2004, 22:44
Hi Sin, :D just writing for your advice were thinking of a MLUKFC convention , :D just got to think of more ideas, :D Saturday was brilliant but now im missing everyone like crazy, :wink: you are all great guys, :D also cant wait to meet the rest of you guys, :D heres hoping soon, :wink: never say never. :wink:

28 Jan 2004, 00:00
Everyone - can't we get a conference set up - there must be enough of us wanting to do this 8)

The Flying Mouse
28 Jan 2004, 00:12
:twisted: All discussion for a Meat Loaf convention is in the Events forum.
Please continue there.
Incidently, i've got a great venue in mind that has it's own theatre :wink:

original sin
28 Jan 2004, 00:32
:twisted: All discussion for a Meat Loaf convention is in the Events forum.
Please continue there.
Incidently, i've got a great venue in mind that has it's own theatre :wink:

FM you took the words........................ :lol: 8)

Aunty sin thinks it's a great idea but a lot of discussion has already gone on in the events forum. However if we are any nearer to it actually coming off then maybe a new thread within that forum would be a good idea :wink:

Aunty Sin will still be on hand to help with the trials and tribulations that any planing and organisation may bring 8)
examples -
Transportation problems - Can't you start walking now? :twisted:
Oh I don't know what to wear :roll: individual answers available :lmao:
etc etc etc :mrgreen:

28 Jan 2004, 21:05
Auntie Sin, I need some help!!!

In General Messages there is a Spanish Topic.

How do i resisit the temptation to post a reply there saying "Que?? I am so sorry, he is from barcelona" before hitting myself with a frying pan!!!!

What can i do!!!!

original sin
28 Jan 2004, 22:06
Auntie Sin, I need some help!!!

In General Messages there is a Spanish Topic.

How do i resisit the temptation to post a reply there saying "Que?? I am so sorry, he is from barcelona" before hitting myself with a frying pan!!!!

What can i do!!!!

Well Chris

This is interesting news. I must check it out. :wink:
As to your dilema, I think it's going to be extremely difficult for you to resist tempation. :twisted: So you need a staged plan of action.

Firstly I would suggest that you hide all frying pans and cooking pots :mrgreen:
If you find that you are suddenly taking exagerated long strides and generally walking funny, you'll need to sit down in a quiet and darkened room immediately :lol:
If you start calling your female aquaintances Sybil, seek medical attention straight away :roll:
What ever you do, Don't mention the war :!:
Of course you could always take up a crash course in the language so realise just what a beautiful language it is and will no longer have the urge to jest.

Or then again you could say "to heck with the consequeces" make the post and take it as it comes :mrgreen: I would say take it like a man but we have enough discussion around copyright at the moment without getting into The Trades Description Act :lmao:

02 Feb 2004, 02:21
Dear Aunty Sin,

The Bat she is much saddened,by the way things are on the forum at present :cry:
Just about every topic i've been on today has been like walking in to a battle ground.......i don't like it at all.
The Happy community spirit on the forum,seems to be fading fast,its getting so that you feel you must tiptoe around and not post your opinion.....that can't be right,can it.?
i come here to relax and be among friends, discuss things.....not to walk into a battle ground all the time.
...so no place for me here while things are as they are,

i hope that things will improve, .....i really do

Bye for now..

02 Feb 2004, 03:41
Ditto Bren, :D i feel exactly the same way hun, :D but unlike you ive given up, :( not gonna be round much now so you can add yourself to my msn ok :wink: ill speak to you there, :D it used to be a happy, jolly site logging in here was great, :wink: now you can feel the tension as soon as you log in, :( till or if it gets better i wont be visiting much, :( ill miss you all terribly, :cry: i just cant do it anymore, :( its getting me down and causing many a sleepless night. :cry: Take Care Bren, :wink: cu soon on msn i hope. :D
Best Wishes Carol. xxxxxxxxxxx :wink:

native texan
02 Feb 2004, 04:07
It makes me sad to read that both of you will be gone or around less. I can understand, however. I have been reading posts over the past couple of days that have made me consider leaving too. However, I'm new here, and wouldn't be missed as much as you two. I have been reading the forum for a while, long before I registered as a user, and can say that it has definitely changed. I used to be impressed with how well you all came to each other's aid. Now, it seems that the gloves are off and everyone is fair game. I don't understand what has happened. Everyone has an opinion, and should be respected. There were times in the past couple of days that I have wanted to post something, but haven't, for fear that I would open myself up to attacks and ridicule. That's something I don't need. I hope things improve soon so that you will both want to come back, and so that no one else feels they need to leave in order to protect themselves emotionally. There is enough stress and discord in the world- I always thought this was a refuge. :cry:

02 Feb 2004, 22:38
The Happy community spirit on the forum,seems to be fading fast,its getting so that you feel you must tiptoe around and not post your opinion.....that can't be right,can it.?
i come here to relax and be among friends, discuss things.....not to walk into a battle ground all the time.
...so no place for me here while things are as they are,
i hope that things will improve, .....i really do
it used to be a happy, jolly site logging in here was great, :wink: now you can feel the tension as soon as you log in, :( till or if it gets better i wont be visiting much, :( ill miss you all terribly, :cry:
Ditto Carol/Bren, what more can I say :cry:

Rob The Badger
02 Feb 2004, 23:39
I too have noticed this surplus of tension. . .However, I'm not going to compromise my integrity for the sake of other less well inclined members.
As for Bren and Carol, don't stay away too long, I'll always be here ~~~~ing things up if you ever want to come back.

original sin
03 Feb 2004, 00:36
"Dear Bren, Carol, Native Texan, terri & Rob

I’m truly sorry you feel this way. Hopefully R’s actions today will resolve issues, and if posts are made, irrespective of what view they are, within the global forum rules, this should be the case.

Even though you are feeling the way you do, it's good to see you have still come here to say how you feel and have had the wonderful group therapy we have always referred to :wink:

Stick with it - The sun always comes out from behind the clouds

04 Feb 2004, 09:09
I hope I can post this here, it is quite off topic, and kind of emotianal for me to say. :roll:

Well I was talking to my friend (anomynous) tonight. And well he was fearing that he will breaking up with his unloving girlfriend who is also my friend. My friend who called me, was totally commited to his relationship, but she wasn't. Well he was telling me how he was going to plan his weekend, with suicide.

I (not a very bright person) didn't know what to say. So I really was thinking how to convince him not too. And I told him, straight up how he will be missed by many. He didn't believe me. See the story he is, his dad is a BIG jerk, even more so than my dad. And well his mom sees him maybe twice a month if he's lucky. He lives on his own. And this kid has to work and goto school, so its pretty tough.

I don't feel, I really got through to him. I don't want him alone this weekend, do you think I should invite him to my house. Please any idea, it would MEAN a lot. Because, I've only known him since September, and I already think he is my BEST friend. I need help talking to him, I was hoping if someone could suggest something for me. He's staying over today (Wednesday) do to something that is happening in town.

Sorry if I can't post this here, but I feel he needs some advice, I just don't know how to give :(

original sin
04 Feb 2004, 14:59
What a difficult position you are in. It shows what a caring kind soul you are to want to help your friend in his time of need.
Firstly I feel that IF you seriously believe your friend may take his own life, this is maybe not something you can handle by yourself. You cannot take on everything and need support yourself, it’s a hell of a lot of emotional baggage to be carrying around.
Do you have a friend or relative you can share your worries with?
I think that by having your friend over to stay, you may well be able to show him that he is a valued friend and help him see that there can be fun and joy to be had in life.
But, sometimes people for some reason cannot accept help, and you need to be very careful that you don’t get in a position where you are taking on too much responsibility or guilt.

Are there any help line phone numbers over there where you can talk to someone for advice? In the UK we have the Samaritans and Childline a phone line where people can phone and talk when they feel like this.
Can you try to get your friend to speak to a counsellor or doctor?
This might sound daft too but can you get him on line and show him us here?
Your friend needs support and so do you!
And don’t worry about what you say, it’s being there that counts you can show how you feel by just being there sitting in silence.

You know where we are use us!

04 Feb 2004, 15:33
RSG - i've sent you a PM, but please know that you're not on your own with this at all - we are all here for you.

05 Feb 2004, 02:51
RSG, im with the others on this, you are definatley not on your own, were here ,whenever you need someone to talk to dont forget.

05 Feb 2004, 12:42
thanks bunches guys. really i means it. i think he had fun last night, i haven't heard him laugh so hard, when we were playing cards, listening to meat loaf & his japanese music (which sounds pretty cool). he's my only friend in my town who i can actually be myself around. i can listen to meat, and he don't get mad and tell me to shut it off. (like someone who i used to think was a best friend) i did mention your offers of talking to him about, but he wasn't sure. but i did tell him i was there for him, and you's are there for me, so really, thank you ever so much. :) it means a lot, that i can have someone to turn too. and i am glad i can do that for someone else as well. we played many card games, played dominoes, singing to meat loaf, and him learning the words, was pretty funny :lol: . then we would play his linkin park, and some japanese game songs, and it was even more funnier , trying to get me to sing things in a complete different language, :lol: . thanks again guys, really.

( if i can share, i have tears of happiness :cry: :D ) never really felt more important to someone.

PS, he really likes rock and roll dreams come through 8)

05 Feb 2004, 19:33

it's my first post here... I really need it!
Why are people so mean to each other on the Glasgow thread? :(

... thinking serioulsy of converting herself to boudhism since she's been reading the Glasgow thread... 8O

original sin
05 Feb 2004, 20:37

It may help you to look at things in a broader scope, this community is a small fragment of society and it is understandable that what happens in real life should happen here. Look in any workplace, bar or recreation area, and you will see some degree of unpleasantness or unrest.

The majority of homes or relationships will at some time have disagreements.

In fact it would be a pretty boring old world if we all were drones spouting the same ideas and views.

However as too meanness, R. has now defined our Global Forum rules and I am sure he and our moderators will deal with anything that violates these.

I would recommend maintaining a sense of humour though out and my usual recommendation of a few drinks preferably Bud. or or Tequilla and Meat's music blasting out long and strong

05 Feb 2004, 21:10
I would recommend maintaining a sense of humour though out and my usual recommendation of a few drinks preferably Bud. or or Tequilla and Meat's music blasting out long and strong
Thanx Sin.
Sounds good for me... :))
If only swiss chocolate could fix everything! :p

... in need of swiss chocolate NOW 8O

07 Feb 2004, 11:25
hi Sin,

Hope you are ok

my problem is - i think I'm becoming addicted to this site (not the addiction confession you was expecting from me - was it :lol: )

My other issue under control - for now :roll:

original sin
07 Feb 2004, 14:48
hi Sin,
Hope you are ok
my problem is - i think I'm becoming addicted to this site (not the addiction confession you was expecting from me - was it :lol: )
My other issue under control - for now :roll:

I'm fine thank you.

Your problem is indeed a sad one, but not one uncommon to this page :roll:
Forum addiction and depravation has been a problem for many.
You may want to read back over this page, at the very least this will give you a humourous five minutes :lol:

I think that the forums can be a refuge and sanctuary from the trials and tribulations of daily life (although sometimes it may not seem this way :twisted: )

To test out your addiction you need to pace your self and set yourself strict time limits and parameters. Limit your on line time and find other things to occupy your spare time:-
You could try :-
Listening to music – Meat Loaf of course – played loud and strong
Having a nice cold beer with friends – (Did I give you my number by the way?)

Of course any or all of these could lead to other addictions so care is needed.

At the end of the day if you are really addicted and can’t break out, that’s not such a bad – you could be doing far worse.

Sin xxx

07 Feb 2004, 16:22
Thanks sin,

All good advice and will take it on board

Been Shopping :D
Don't like gardening :(
Music on 24/7 - obviously ML
Will definately have a few beers - tonite :P

Will go and watch wrestling now - sado - I know but at least I'm not on Forum :lol:

maybe speak later

07 Feb 2004, 17:35

I've done something stupid - I replied to a comment someone wrote after my initial post; but because it did not stay on topic Mike has locked it.

I feel guilty now - first time it has happened. Hope it's not locked for long


Its the Glasgow review

original sin
07 Feb 2004, 18:59
I've done something stupid - I replied to a comment someone wrote after my initial post; but because it did not stay on topic Mike has locked it.
I feel guilty now - first time it has happened. Hope it's not locked for long
Its the Glasgow review

FA -
1/ Don't cry - pull yourself together woman :twisted:
2/ That thread was off topic way before your post - just had a read of it :lol:
3/ Coincidences do happen - that Michel took action just after your post - I think is just that - coincidence
4/ I seriously doubt that anyone will blame you - ergo you have nothing to feel guilty about.

If you continue to be troubled by this you could do the sensible thing and PM Michel about it or....................
put the music on loud and crack open the beer.................. 8)

07 Feb 2004, 20:44
2/ That thread was off topic way before your post - just had a read of it :lol:
:roll: it's good to laugh a bit after all this animosity on that thread! :))

... not feeling guilty at all 8O

07 Feb 2004, 20:55

Having a bad day - you may have guest - feeling a bit low for some reason :??:

haven't really read the topic much as was finding the posts too much

Don't as a rule drink before 7pm (Sheffield different) so wine & beer chilling for hubby to get home from work

Don't feel guilty now - ta - words of wisdom & thinkin about it works

i'll have ML cranked up - drinks ready and chatroom on later

may see you there

original sin
07 Feb 2004, 21:02
... not feeling guilty at all 8O

Dear Patricia

Auntie Sin wonder's if you are in denial? :mrgreen:
Or maybe you've never been to Egypt :lmao: :lmao:

07 Feb 2004, 21:11
... not feeling guilty at all 8O

Dear Patricia

Auntie Sin wonder's if you are in denial? :mrgreen:
Or maybe you've never been to Egypt :lmao: :lmao:

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Sin... that quip is almost a thread lockable offence, if I hadn't have laughed it would have been :lmao:

original sin
07 Feb 2004, 21:15
... not feeling guilty at all 8O
Dear Patricia
Auntie Sin wonder's if you are in denial? :mrgreen:
Or maybe you've never been to Egypt :lmao: :lmao:
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Sin... that quip is almost a thread lockable offence, if I hadn't have laughed it would have been :lmao:

Auntie Sin has to admit that she did cringe when she typed it.

Hope R doesn't amend the Global Forum Rules to include bad jokes 8)

07 Feb 2004, 21:16
Hope R doesn't amend the Global Forum Rules to include bad jokes 8)

If he does, then I'm banned, along with the majority of the residents of Off Topic I'd imagine :lol: :lol: 8)

07 Feb 2004, 21:42
Hope R doesn't amend the Global Forum Rules to include bad jokes 8)

If he does, then I'm banned, along with the majority of the residents of Off Topic I'd imagine :lol: :lol: 8)

... thinking that is maybe a good thing she hadn't understood that 'bad joke' at all... 8O

07 Feb 2004, 22:57
Auntie Sin,

I need help!!

I am bored silly here!!!

If it gets much worse, i may be forced to tidy out the wardrobe and clean the airing cupboard!!!

Help!! What should I do?

Also I am very worried, if Bad Jokes are banned under forum rules, what will i do?? Will I have to leave the forums??

08 Feb 2004, 11:00
Hi Sin

You'll be glad to know that I am back to my "normal" self today - not that jibbering idiot that was around yesterday. :oops:

Thanks for the advice thou. :wink:

Off to study now 8O

08 Feb 2004, 12:35
chris said
Also I am very worried, if Bad Jokes are banned under forum rules, what will i do?? Will I have to leave the forums??

i have an answer to that chris just send them to me :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

08 Feb 2004, 12:37
hi aunty sin :twisted:
i also have a problem :evil: :evil:
i cant seem to get enough of the chat room here :? :?

do i need help??? or am i ok

original sin
08 Feb 2004, 19:31
Auntie Sin,
I need help!!
I am bored silly here!!!
If it gets much worse, i may be forced to tidy out the wardrobe and clean the airing cupboard!!!
Help!! What should I do?
Also I am very worried, if Bad Jokes are banned under forum rules, what will i do?? Will I have to leave the forums??

Hi Chris

First things first :-
I need help!!
You've need help for such a long time I aint too sure what Auntie Sin can do for you :twisted:

So you're bored! well get out and do something! pull yourself together and stop contemplating you navel :roll:
Spring is in the air and it is a good as time as any to tidy up that wardrobe and clean out the airing cupboard. You could donate to a charity shop or get ready for a car boot.

You could wash the car, move the rooms around, rent a video there's plenty to do if you put your mind to it :wink:

I wouldn't worry too much about bad jokes being banned I think if this should happen the forums would rather resemble the Marie Celeste :twisted: So I think you are safe for a while.

original sin
08 Feb 2004, 19:50
draconia]hi aunty sin :twisted:
i also have a problem :evil: :evil:
i cant seem to get enough of the chat room here :? :?
do i need help??? or am i ok


The honest straight answer is yes you probably do :mrgreen: :lmao:

Seriously though, as long as there's food in the fridge, clothes on your back, a bottle of beer in your hand and Meat Loaf on the CD player then you have very little else to worry about.

So if you get pleasure from chatting with friends what the heck! If it is taking over your life to the detriment of the necessary functions 8O then maybe we need to talk again :wink:

08 Feb 2004, 20:38
I am bored silly here!!!
Wanna come to Paris? :p

Maybe 2 bored people will feel less bored... :roll: or DOUBLE BORED! 8O

... thinking about changing her job into 'sightseeing guide' 8O

08 Feb 2004, 21:44
Wanna come to Paris? :p

Great minds think alike!!

I was just looking this afternoon at the cost of doing a beer run to Calais while I am down south next weekend!!!!!

original sin
08 Feb 2004, 21:45
I am bored silly here!!!
Wanna come to Paris? :p
Maybe 2 bored people will feel less bored... :roll: or DOUBLE BORED! 8O
... thinking about changing her job into 'sightseeing guide' 8O


Aunte Sin thinks you need to be very very careful here!!
Didn't your mummy warn you about propositioning strange men?

And believe me they don't come any stranger than our Chris

How can you be bored in a beautiful city like Paris??

Auntie Sin, thinks maybe you've been spoiled by your recent travels and concerts and are maybe suffering post tour blues. If you think this maybe the case let me know and we'll try to work something out for you :lol:

08 Feb 2004, 22:25

Aunte Sin thinks you need to be very very careful here!!
Didn't your mummy warn you about propositioning strange men?

And believe me they don't come any stranger than our Chris

Really? 8O He seems 'mentally balanced'!

How can you be bored in a beautiful city like Paris??

Auntie Sin, thinks maybe you've been spoiled by your recent travels and concerts and are maybe suffering post tour blues. If you think this maybe the case let me know and we'll try to work something out for you :lol:

Well... :| :roll:

Meat! it's your fault! come back to the UK, NOW! :twisted:

... lying on Auntie Sin's couch :nuts:

09 Feb 2004, 21:04
Wanna come to Paris? :p

Great minds think alike!!

I was just looking this afternoon at the cost of doing a beer run to Calais while I am down south next weekend!!!!!

Cancel that plan!!! I ahve lost the Smart Car Card which gets me 50% off ferry prices!!!!!

Maybe another time!!

original sin
09 Feb 2004, 22:13
Wanna come to Paris? :p

Great minds think alike!!
I was just looking this afternoon at the cost of doing a beer run to Calais while I am down south next weekend!!!!!
Cancel that plan!!! I ahve lost the Smart Car Card which gets me 50% off ferry prices!!!!!
Maybe another time!!

Can I just point out here that this is an Agony Page NOT a Dating Agency :lmao:

Do we need another sticky - "Lonely Hearts" :??: :lmao:

09 Feb 2004, 22:55
Sorry sin,

Perhaps if i worded that a bit better:

Help Sin!!

I cannot find the Smart Car Card without which i am ineligible for my 50% ferry discount.

What should i do???


original sin
09 Feb 2004, 23:01
Sorry sin,
Perhaps if i worded that a bit better:
Help Sin!!
I cannot find the Smart Car Card without which i am ineligible for my 50% ferry discount.
What should i do???


I would suggest that you stop being such a skinflint and pay up :wink:

Either pay up..................or...................................swim

09 Feb 2004, 23:34

I've got a bit of a problem. Toothache. I've had it for a few weeks since my temporary dressing came out of my tooth and laft my nerve exposed. It's rather painful (understatement) and has been keeping me awake at nights. I'm used to being kept up at nights, but not by toothache :roll: I have tried paracetamol, ibuprofen, co-proxomal and dihydracodiene painkillers and none of these have been remotely effective. I'm a little worried as the pliers are starting to look more and more appealing as each night passes - please don't tell me oil of cloves help as it makes me gag - what is a gal to do???

Sleepless in Swansea...

09 Feb 2004, 23:37

Daft anser but plug it with a bit of sugar free chewing gum.

You would be amazed as to how well it works!!!

original sin
09 Feb 2004, 23:44
I've got a bit of a problem. Toothache. I've had it for a few weeks since my temporary dressing came out of my tooth and laft my nerve exposed. It's rather painful (understatement) and has been keeping me awake at nights. I'm used to being kept up at nights, but not by toothache :roll: I have tried paracetamol, ibuprofen, co-proxomal and dihydracodiene painkillers and none of these have been remotely effective. I'm a little worried as the pliers are starting to look more and more appealing as each night passes - please don't tell me oil of cloves help as it makes me gag - what is a gal to do???
Sleepless in Swansea...


I would suggest an emergency dentist :roll: I can't understand why they wont see you the same day :roll:
If oil of cloves makes you gag - at least give it a try the gagging will take your mind off the pain :twisted:
Otherwise if you get some dispersable asprin in lukewarm water and swill it around the tooth before swallowing that might help.

Failing all of the above I would wholeheatedly recommend at least two bottles of Tequilla and...............where are the pliers?

14 Feb 2004, 22:02
For you Heat...as Aunty Sin recomended


19 Feb 2004, 02:48
Dear auntie sin

My lifelong dream of becoming an ameoba have been shattered as I have been told humans cannot transform into ameobas. Can you give me a list on what humans can tranform into?



original sin
19 Feb 2004, 22:12
Dear auntie sin
My lifelong dream of becoming an ameoba have been shattered as I have been told humans cannot transform into ameobas. Can you give me a list on what humans can tranform into?

Dear airhead

I had always thought that a male human could transform to this level quite easily given sufficent sport on TV, beer nd junk food :twisted:

If you are looking for a life style transformation I would suggest the "The Party Animal" is your best bet. To achieve this effect you will need to invite the whole forum around to your place on Saturday nigh, get in copiuos amounts of alcohol and play Meat Loaf extremely loud until at least the following Saturday. You will then be a fully fledged Party Aminal.

19 Feb 2004, 22:31
Dear Aunty Sin!!
I can't stop dreaming about the future! I can just sit around all day and plan on how i want my life to be like when i'm older, or what I'm going to say when I first meet Meat Loaf or Kasim or Patti! I couldn't sleep last night (for dental reasons) so i just layed in bed thinking of ways to ask Steve Steinman if I could come mega early to one of the venues he's playin at to watch rehearsals or sound check!! What can I do to stop myself daydreaming about the future and live in the realy world???

Please help me!! I want to live in my future so much!!!

20 Feb 2004, 17:27
Dear Aunty Sin

Jen and I have a problem. She is going to go home in two hours and i dont want her to gooooooooo :cry: :cry: :cry: I need her to stay with me, or at the very least come back to me v v v v v v fast. I need her here with me, she's far too far away in Edinburgh. Any suggestions as to how to get her to move in with me?

Also, when we take her to the station i'm going to be crying buckets and am gonna be really upset, have been all day. i need something to take my mind off it, and also possibly a good brand of tissues and a mop. any suggestions?

Not overly sure i'm going to be able to let her get on that train. :cry:

Need help.

Cathie x

original sin
20 Feb 2004, 23:30
With what my present is like I can quite understand you wanting to be in the future, I feel the same myself.
Day dreaming can be a good and healthily thing, it is a time to plan and dream. What you need to keep in perspective is that some things you can create and they may come to pass but other things may remain just a dream. However things that stay in the dream world are no less precious.
I can promise you that you can make all the plans you like for the first time you meet Meat but believe me if you do you’ll probably not manage any better than me and not manage a coherent sentence. The what if scenario is part of an active intelligent brain so you stay with it.
Just one word of warning, the danger is always that we can spend so much time thinking about what could or might be that we miss out on the here and now.

Sieze the day!

original sin
20 Feb 2004, 23:31
Dearest Cathie and Jen
Sorry I didn’t get to you earlier, I’ve been a bit preoccupied myself. I would imagine that the train has already left the station, and the tears are flowing all around.
You will keep in touch and as the old saying goes “absence makes the heart grow fonder”.
You have had some very precious time together that will be in your memories forever and if I may say so some rather lovely people also shared this time, mentioning no names of course.
The next step is to start planning the next break/holiday and the excitement you can get from planning that. So if you want to cry don’t be afraid to do so, but don’t forget also to smile and laugh at the time you’ve had, (like me trying to walk in those heels!)
Distance is really no object in this day and age, although I’m rather worried about the potential cost of your phone bills.
So stock up on the hankies if you need to, pour a glass of coke or a nice cold Bud, crank the music up and get the maps out and start planning.
But don’t forget absolutely NO ROAD TRIPS without Auntie Sin. xxx

black dog
20 Feb 2004, 23:36
Dear Aunty Sin

I don't know what to do. I came on the computer tonight looking forward to chatting to friends in the chatroom and :( it was closed.

I really don't know what to do with myself. :?

The shoutbox just doesn't seem the same somehow.

Please, please can you help me :??:

Best wishes


original sin
20 Feb 2004, 23:58
Black dog

if only you knew how much I needed chat tonight too.

We have a few options we can all sign up to msm and have our own invited chat.
we could use th epostwhore or 100000 post thread - but i agree just like the shout box they aren't quite the same.

I think i'll have to fall back on my usual recommendation of the music (Meat) of course full blast and a few cold beers.

black dog
21 Feb 2004, 20:29
Hi Aunty Sin

Thank you for your reply. I think I'll try the music and drink tonight.

I have signed up for windows messenger. Don't know if this works with msm but will send you my address.

I hope you are feeling a bit better today.

Best wishes


Lady B
22 Feb 2004, 10:52
Dearest Auntie Sin,

An old boss of mine (who's 2 years younger than me) is now single tho' still pining some for his lost love. We've become very close in the last couple of weeks (now that we've found each other again on the net). Problem ~ HOT physical attraction after all these years and there's many hundreds of miles between us. (Altho' that may not necessarily be a bad thing in light of the attraction.)

I need your advice . . . HELP!!!

Lady B

original sin
22 Feb 2004, 18:51
Lady B

You’ve found each other. Now you will find a way around the distances involved. :wink:
I also think you are right, the distance at this stage will ensure that you can re-establish a non-physical relationship before you get all wrapped up in the messy stuff. :twisted:
Boring I know but I hope this will mean that you can built a friendship and relationship that will stand the test of time and works out for the both of you. 8)
Meanwhile get searching for some cheap flights and make your plans, this planning time can make the excitement and expectation build and give you a great deal of fun too. :lol:


22 Feb 2004, 23:04
Dear auntie sin.

My computer and I do not get on. Just yesterday it jumped on me and tried to swallow me whole. The printer pulled my hair and the scanner tried to bite my leg. I've tried giving it a pork chop to distract it but it just ignored it.

please help me!


Rob The Badger
23 Feb 2004, 01:21
Dear auntie sin.

My computer and I do not get on. Just yesterday it jumped on me and tried to swallow me whole. The printer pulled my hair and the scanner tried to bite my leg. I've tried giving it a pork chop to distract it but it just ignored it.

please help me!


Hammer, darling. Or a nail gun.

23 Feb 2004, 18:09
dear sin

i have a problem, the truth is i am havin a few diffulculties in the computer department, i dont understand how to attach pictures to the messages i put on here :( i also dont know how to change the pic that is displayed under my username :cry: please help

love a picture lovin meat loaf fan :??:

original sin
23 Feb 2004, 21:56
Dear auntie sin.
My computer and I do not get on. Just yesterday it jumped on me and tried to swallow me whole. The printer pulled my hair and the scanner tried to bite my leg. I've tried giving it a pork chop to distract it but it just ignored it.
please help me!

Have you tried the little button that says OFF/ON??
I would recommend you try the dog zapper a little device that emits a high pitched fequecy that stops dogs brking I'm sure it will work wonders.
or you could try throwing magnets at it
or you could visit your local circus and borrow the lion tamers chair and whip
Failing that chuck the thing outta the window and start again

original sin
23 Feb 2004, 22:00
dear sin

i have a problem, the truth is i am havin a few diffulculties in the computer department, i dont understand how to attach pictures to the messages i put on here :( i also dont know how to change the pic that is displayed under my username :cry: please help

love a picture lovin meat loaf fan :??:

Dear Kirstynic

Depends what type of picture you are talking about to change you avatar pic under your name you can choose various preset ones in your profile it is possible to upload your own pic here too - but you will need other help 'cos I have no idea.
To get a pic in your message you copy the url and paste it into your message then click the URL button at the top.

This is really basic 'cos Aunty Sin is a techno thickie - if you need further help please visit Uncle Chris' techno page.[/u]

24 Feb 2004, 19:56
Dear auntie sin.
My computer and I do not get on. Just yesterday it jumped on me and tried to swallow me whole. The printer pulled my hair and the scanner tried to bite my leg. I've tried giving it a pork chop to distract it but it just ignored it.
please help me!

Have you tried the little button that says OFF/ON??
I would recommend you try the dog zapper a little device that emits a high pitched fequecy that stops dogs brking I'm sure it will work wonders.
or you could try throwing magnets at it
or you could visit your local circus and borrow the lion tamers chair and whip
Failing that chuck the thing outta the window and start again

Omg help meeeee it's eating meeeeeeee i tried to do that and i tried throwing out the window the screen is sucking me iiiiiiiiin............

Ps do you think i should visit uncle chris's tech page? :idea:

original sin
24 Feb 2004, 22:06

go to the garden shed...........get the hedge clippers..................then cut the cables :devil:

24 Feb 2004, 23:44
Dear auntie sin.

I am stuck in the computer. It won't let me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooooooh, cyberspace is weeeeiiiirrrrd....

How can i get out of a computer?

Rob The Badger
25 Feb 2004, 18:09
Dear auntie sin.

I am stuck in the computer. It won't let me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooooooh, cyberspace is weeeeiiiirrrrd....

How can i get out of a computer?


original sin
26 Feb 2004, 01:49

Aunty Sin thinks that Rob has come up with the best advice Esc key never fails me :wink:

don't you just love this group therapy - Thank you rob

Man of Steel927
26 Feb 2004, 20:19
My girlfriend is in love with Meat Loaf and it is killing me! All she does is stare at pictures of him on her computer screen and go "Isn't he gorgeous? Isn't he? And doesn't he just have the most dreamy voice? And those eyes...", etc. I am going to throw her computer out the window!!

original sin
26 Feb 2004, 20:26
My girlfriend is in love with Meat Loaf and it is killing me! All she does is stare at pictures of him on her computer screen and go "Isn't he gorgeous? Isn't he? And doesn't he just have the most dreamy voice? And those eyes...", etc. I am going to throw her computer out the window!!

Hi Man of Steel927
Welcome :lol:
I really don't think you are asking the right Agony Aunt here :lmao:
I don't think I have ever actually said this and meant it on this page but......................
I don't see you problem :twisted:
You obvioulsy have a girlfiend with exquiste taste and should be honoured and proud to have such a treasure :wink:
you touch her computer and they'll be plenty of like minded ladies here wanting words with you :mrgreen:
I actually think it should be your girlfiend posting here asking for help and advice on her insensitive boyfriend :lmao:

Keep smiling

Woman of Steel
27 Feb 2004, 16:41
you touch her computer and they'll be plenty of like minded ladies here wanting words with you :mrgreen:
I actually think it should be your girlfiend posting here asking for help and advice on her insensitive boyfriend :lmao:
That can be arranged. :twisted:
Dear Original Sin:
I have an evil boyfriend who just can't seem to figure out that nothing can stop me from having a crush on Meat. :twisted: I've already tied him up in the computer cables 8) --what should I do now? :lol:

...Maybe I should put him in time out. :lmao: The nerve of implying there was something wrong with me--I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it. :twisted: :lol:

original sin
28 Feb 2004, 19:57
Dear Woman of Steel

You do have my sincere sympathy. This situation must be a great trial and tribulation for you. As you all ready have him tied up in the computer cables you could try a few different things now.
Strip the plastic coating from the cables and plug it in :twisted:
Lock the door and set up all your Meat Loaf albums to play on repeat – kill or cure :wink:


28 Feb 2004, 20:23
My girlfriend is in love with Meat Loaf and it is killing me! All she does is stare at pictures of him on her computer screen and go "Isn't he gorgeous? Isn't he? And doesn't he just have the most dreamy voice? And those eyes...", etc. I am going to throw her computer out the window!!

Just start posting more photos of yourself on "one for the girls..."!!!! That'll soon take her mind off things!! Unless you can arrange a big power cut in you area!!

01 Mar 2004, 14:43
Dear sin.

as you can see i eventually escaped from my recent escapade in cyberspace. But now i have a serious prob....

me and my friends were watching rocky horror, and when eddie come on, I hugged a pillow and apparently i went bright red, and I was wearing an evil litle grin something that looked like this. :twisted:

They worked it out that i fancy the pants of him (ooooh, yeah :twisted: :devil: ) But the problem is, young meat looks like a male version of one of my friends, who's a girl.

They now think i fancy her (which i don't because i'm straight and i like my men too much). How can i get the message across that i fancy meaty boy and not my friend?



Rob The Badger
01 Mar 2004, 20:22
Dear sin.

as you can see i eventually escaped from my recent escapade in cyberspace. But now i have a serious prob....

me and my friends were watching rocky horror, and when eddie come on, I hugged a pillow and apparently i went bright red, and I was wearing an evil litle grin something that looked like this. :twisted:

They worked it out that i fancy the pants of him (ooooh, yeah :twisted: :devil: ) But the problem is, young meat looks like a male version of one of my friends, who's a girl.

They now think i fancy her (which i don't because i'm straight and i like my men too much). How can i get the message across that i fancy meaty boy and not my friend?



Go around wearing a T-Shirt that says 'DAMNIT, I'M NOT GAY!'.
I have one similar, only without the 'NOT'. ^_^'

01 Mar 2004, 23:52
Dear sin.

as you can see i eventually escaped from my recent escapade in cyberspace. But now i have a serious prob....

me and my friends were watching rocky horror, and when eddie come on, I hugged a pillow and apparently i went bright red, and I was wearing an evil litle grin something that looked like this. :twisted:

They worked it out that i fancy the pants of him (ooooh, yeah :twisted: :devil: ) But the problem is, young meat looks like a male version of one of my friends, who's a girl.

They now think i fancy her (which i don't because i'm straight and i like my men too much). How can i get the message across that i fancy meaty boy and not my friend?



Go around wearing a T-Shirt that says 'DAMNIT, I'M NOT GAY!'.
I have one similar, only without the 'NOT'. ^_^'

So your gay then? Cool, my best friend is! We literally sit up in my room, gushing over who loves what men more. Me, i gush over meat and jack black while he swoons over Him...(a bloke in a band) :D Basically, i don't really see the attraction over Him, but hey, neither can he over my Jack and Meatloaf...!

sorry, sin, we'll get back on topic now!

Rob The Badger
02 Mar 2004, 00:14
The guy in HIM (Ville Vallo) is apparantly quite the heart-throb. . .I don't see the attraction either. . .Jack Black on the other hand. . . :wink:

02 Mar 2004, 00:33
mmmmmmmm jack black........ I wonder if he comes on this site cos ive heard hes a meaty fan..... if he does, it looks like he's got you, me and heli to fight over him!!!! :lol: :wink:

Rob The Badger
02 Mar 2004, 00:36
yum-yum :D :wink:

02 Mar 2004, 00:43
I should have asked him to marry me yesterday... oh well, roll on next leap year!!!

03 Mar 2004, 18:07
WOW!!!!!!!! Ville Valo is hot!! sorry don't kno wher that came from *looks nervous n then starts to walk backwards* :oops: :P :D

The Flying Mouse
03 Mar 2004, 19:09
:twisted: Back on topic please folks :lol:

Rob The Badger
03 Mar 2004, 20:55
WOW!!!!!!!! Ville Valo is hot!! sorry don't kno wher that came from *looks nervous n then starts to walk backwards* :oops: :P :D

:nuts: :wtf: anyway, I don't see the attraction. . .

original sin
03 Mar 2004, 21:39
:twisted: Back on topic please folks :lol:

thank you Flying Mouse :wink:

original sin
03 Mar 2004, 21:41
Dear sin.

as you can see i eventually escaped from my recent escapade in cyberspace. But now i have a serious prob....

me and my friends were watching rocky horror, and when eddie come on, I hugged a pillow and apparently i went bright red, and I was wearing an evil litle grin something that looked like this. :twisted:

They worked it out that i fancy the pants of him (ooooh, yeah :twisted: :devil: ) But the problem is, young meat looks like a male version of one of my friends, who's a girl.

They now think i fancy her (which i don't because i'm straight and i like my men too much). How can i get the message across that i fancy meaty boy and not my friend?



Dear airhead

Has the group theraphy resolved these issues or do we need to deleve further? :twisted:

04 Mar 2004, 17:18
Sin, i'm being serious!!!!! Please give me a solution... :cry:

Fallen Angel
12 Mar 2004, 19:56
I cant believe Him!!
My b.f now ex comes out with i belong to him.. yeah rite.
Guys, i need your help im not good relationship wise but..
i dropped enought hints have explained to him whats happening but he still wont take it.

12 Mar 2004, 20:18
Tell him to get over it and move on!

Fallen Angel
12 Mar 2004, 20:22
Thank you!!!

12 Mar 2004, 20:26
No problem! Men are a pain in the ass sometimes :wink:

luv and paper lanterns,

Fallen Angel
12 Mar 2004, 20:29

Rob The Badger
12 Mar 2004, 22:04
i dropped enought hints

There's you're problem. . .

native texan
12 Mar 2004, 22:15
Forget about hints. Tell him it's over, and that's that.

black dog
12 Mar 2004, 22:53
I think they're right. You're just going to have to tell him straight up and then there can be no confusion.

12 Mar 2004, 22:59
Give him a swift kick in the Bollocks and a drumstick up the nose and he should get the hint then! :twisted:

Sheriff Spud

Rob The Badger
12 Mar 2004, 23:05
Or put on some music, wait till you calm down. Then have a frank dicussion with him. Without shouting. If you don't shout, he won't. If he's still an ass, kick him, if he's ugly to boot, that's extra reason.

12 Mar 2004, 23:24
Poke him in the eye and stamp on his foot :evil:

Rob The Badger
12 Mar 2004, 23:30
Or put on some music, wait till you calm down. Then have a frank dicussion with him. Without shouting. If you don't shout, he won't. If he's still an ass, kick him, if he's ugly to boot, that's extra reason.

13 Mar 2004, 01:39
Or put on some music, wait till you calm down. Then have a frank dicussion with him. Without shouting. If you don't shout, he won't. If he's still an ass, kick him, if he's ugly to boot, that's extra reason.

:twisted: I love your logic :lmao:


14 Mar 2004, 20:37
Why are you worried if they think your Gay I would play along it makes it fun, anyway they'll soon get bored and leave you alone.

Now its my turn: Dear anyone, my friend has just told me for the second time that she fancies me and well I don't like her but she still hasn't got the picture from the last time she told me. Please help!!!

Rob The Badger
14 Mar 2004, 21:03
Why are you worried if they think your Gay I would play along it makes it fun, anyway they'll soon get bored and leave you alone.

Now its my turn: Dear anyone, my friend has just told me for the second time that she fancies me and well I don't like her but she still hasn't got the picture from the last time she told me. Please help!!!

Give her a hug and tell her you'll never feel that way about her. She'll appreciate the hug and get the message.

14 Mar 2004, 21:41
Why not do what most woman do........empty bank account and ~~~~~~ off :wink:

15 Mar 2004, 16:56
Right ok then where to start well i guess the beginnin. i went out with this girl called kayleigh for 11 months and we split little under a year ago now but she still likes me and i think she wants to go back out with me but i'm out of practice and if i did go back out with her i wouldn't know wat to say or do so gimme some help here people

The Flying Mouse
15 Mar 2004, 17:46
:twisted: To put the problem in it's simplest form, ask yourself these three questions.....

1.Why did you break up in the first place?

2.Was there a good reason for breaking up?

3.Is it still a valid reason?

If you can answer these questions to yourself (honestly) and you still think it's worth getting back together, go for it.If she feels the same way it will happen.

Hope that helps.
Good luck :up:

15 Mar 2004, 22:15
Right ok then where to start well i guess the beginnin. i went out with this girl called kayleigh for 11 months and we split little under a year ago now but she still likes me and i think she wants to go back out with me but i'm out of practice and if i did go back out with her i wouldn't know wat to say or do so gimme some help here people

What you think and what is the truth can be two completely different scenario's. Look at the facts:

1) She still likes you - that shows that there's no animosity towards you and for whatever the reason you split up in the first place was, she still wants to be friends.

2) You think she wants to go back out with you - this is presumption on your part. You don't know for certain until you ask her and it would seem that you want to go back out with her more than she does with you because you've made the assumption and she hasn't.

3) You're out of practise - so what, who isn't? and those who aren't are the ones who can't hold down a long term relationship. Everyone gets in the same boat one time or another and there's no solution except to 'get in practise'. There's no shortcuts in a relationship.

4) You wouldn't know what to say to her - try "Hi how are you?" or "Hello it's been a longtime" or crack a joke "Did hear the one about the nun who smoked? she couldn't kick the habit!". No doubt there's a lot of catching up to do so starting with a simple 'Hello' would probably break down any barriers.

I think you need to speak with her, not with her mates or her Mum but her and find out what she's thinking. Ask her out for a meal and maybe a drink where you can talk in a relaxed environment. By the end of the evening you'll know exactly where you stand and you've had a night out as well.

Sheriff Spud

15 Mar 2004, 22:36
:twisted: To put the problem in it's simplest form, ask yourself these three questions.....

1.Why did you break up in the first place?

2.Was there a good reason for breaking up?

3.Is it still a valid reason?

If you can answer these questions to yourself (honestly) and you still think it's worth getting back together, go for it.If she feels the same way it will happen.

Hope that helps.
Good luck :up:

That is some really good advice :wink:

I went out with some girl this summer, that I used to go out back with in middle school. What a disaster, but I gave love another try, even let her live with me because she had nowhere to go. She screwed me in the end and I regretted the whole thing. Honey cheated on me :roll: ya i was more angry than upset for being foolish and going back with her again.

Well anyway when it comes to the advice. Honey e-mailed me, after I blocked her a month ago. (blocked her from my MSN lisit, after she was trying to hint to me she wanted to get back together) well she e-mailed me yesterday through hotmail saying all that crap about her loving me. I replied back, "LEAVE ME ALONE" and that's all I said.

i guess that phrase is right

fool me one, shame on you
fool me twice, shame on me

take mouse's advice. :D

just so you know, there is a thread run by Original Sin, who is there to answer any life questions you may have. we all contribute, and try to help this BIG MLUKFC family :) don't be afraid to ask anything there. if you want to keep it personal with someone you trust here, PM them, I'm sure that will help you as well, PS, i'm there for ya, i'm not good with relationship advice tho :roll:

well take care, :twisted:

16 Mar 2004, 00:10
Go back with her and see what happens ,as you will always be wondering what if....

Do what YOU want to do, as my dear old nan used to say ' you're a long time dead!!'

16 Mar 2004, 00:21
Maybe just maybe give us men the benefit of the doubt once in a while!!
It might not be him after all!!!

Oh well I have now turned every female in the forum against me!! :(

16 Mar 2004, 03:46
i didn't want to broadcast this onto the forum, so i thought i'd share it here :x so ya, as u can tell by the lil face, i'm pretty upset.

my mom got a call from my doctor, and he said to her, they found nothing. nothing about these frequent terrible pains i have been getting a lot lately. i told a few people about my problem, and i just got to say, this thing where they have no idea, just makes me sick. well, just thought i'd share, and release some steam.

yours always,

Rock Star Guy
(Anthony Eatman)

black dog
16 Mar 2004, 10:33
I understand how you feel RSG. It would be much easier to deal with the pain if you knew what was causing it. Not knowing always seems worse somehow.

Where are you getting the pain?

My thoughts are with you and maybe now you know there isn't anything serious wrong you may stop getting them.

16 Mar 2004, 14:44
Dear auntie sin.

I am very very upset. My ex (who i never had proper feelings for anyway) is going out with my friend. I know it sounds ok but it just feels weird. But they are both boys. Thats a bit of a double kick in the teeth, and then i learned that it was five days after me and stephen (his name) had split up he asked george (my friend) out. and that was three weeks ago! They didn't tell me because they thought it would be funny to see how long it would take me to find out. They do not know how insulted and betrayed i feel at the moment. And stephen didn't even say sorry! that is what i'm really big time upset and angry about!

I feel torn between strangling them both for not telling me these things or just not talking to them. And i am moving next week so i don't want to leave on a bad note. HELP!!!! :cry:

Love eddie.

*why is my life like eastenders?

16 Mar 2004, 15:52
like u my friend, i have had some serious men issues lately.....

and from experience ive learned that if its bad now then it
will only get worse so get out of it while you can and while he hasnt
completly messed up your head.

find someone u truly deserve cuz u only live once.....love yourself
and know that u dont have to put up with someone like that - u deserve


and while ur at it....kick him where it hurts!! :roll:

16 Mar 2004, 15:58
just follow ur heart....
you must have some idea deep deep down as to what
you would like to do......
good luck!! and if it doesnt work out then at least you
have learned. unfortunatley "experience is a hard teacher becuase
u get the test first and the lesson afterwards!!
but just follow your heart and stop worrying!! im sure it will work
out for the best whatever the outcome!!

Rob The Badger
16 Mar 2004, 19:01
Dear auntie sin.

I am very very upset. My ex (who i never had proper feelings for anyway) is going out with my friend. I know it sounds ok but it just feels weird. But they are both boys. Thats a bit of a double kick in the teeth, and then i learned that it was five days after me and stephen (his name) had split up he asked george (my friend) out. and that was three weeks ago! They didn't tell me because they thought it would be funny to see how long it would take me to find out. They do not know how insulted and betrayed i feel at the moment. And stephen didn't even say sorry! that is what i'm really big time upset and angry about!

I feel torn between strangling them both for not telling me these things or just not talking to them. And i am moving next week so i don't want to leave on a bad note. HELP!!!! :cry:

Love eddie.

*why is my life like eastenders?

- Men are assholes.
- Eastenders would never, ever show a homosexual couple.
-Talk to him and tell him how you feel.
-How are these guys?

Rob The Badger
16 Mar 2004, 19:05
and while ur at it....kick him where it hurts!! :roll:

1 of three.

- His groin.
- His wallet.
- His ego.

16 Mar 2004, 19:55
Dear auntie sin.

I am very very upset. My ex (who i never had proper feelings for anyway) is going out with my friend. I know it sounds ok but it just feels weird. But they are both boys. Thats a bit of a double kick in the teeth, and then i learned that it was five days after me and stephen (his name) had split up he asked george (my friend) out. and that was three weeks ago! They didn't tell me because they thought it would be funny to see how long it would take me to find out. They do not know how insulted and betrayed i feel at the moment. And stephen didn't even say sorry! that is what i'm really big time upset and angry about!

I feel torn between strangling them both for not telling me these things or just not talking to them. And i am moving next week so i don't want to leave on a bad note. HELP!!!! :cry:

Love eddie.

*why is my life like eastenders?

- Men are assholes.
- Eastenders would never, ever show a homosexual couple.
-Talk to him and tell him how you feel.
-How are these guys?

1. I know that, apart from some.
2. Oh yeah, good point!
3. George is as stubborn as a mule.
4. I don't know! I knew they flirted a little while i was with him but i thought that was harmless. What if they were going behind my back? What if what if what if???????????

Rob The Badger
16 Mar 2004, 20:26
No. You must come to the bitter side, Luke. . .er. . .Eddie.
Repeat after me: "ALL men are assholes!"

16 Mar 2004, 20:29

Ok then... ALL MEN ARE ARSEHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

phew i feel better!!! (your not an arsehole rob!)

original sin
16 Mar 2004, 21:02
Dear auntie sin.

I am very very upset. My ex (who i never had proper feelings for anyway) is going out with my friend. I know it sounds ok but it just feels weird. But they are both boys. Thats a bit of a double kick in the teeth, and then i learned that it was five days after me and stephen (his name) had split up he asked george (my friend) out. and that was three weeks ago! They didn't tell me because they thought it would be funny to see how long it would take me to find out. They do not know how insulted and betrayed i feel at the moment. And stephen didn't even say sorry! that is what i'm really big time upset and angry about!

I feel torn between strangling them both for not telling me these things or just not talking to them. And i am moving next week so i don't want to leave on a bad note. HELP!!!! :cry:

Love eddie.

*why is my life like eastenders?

1/ Not all of anything is bad - only some types/parts of any any genre

2/ Eastender has explored homosexual relationships on different occasions, with both sexes.

3/ I think you need to sit down with both of them - and say exactly what you have here - that you feel hurt and betrayed. Sometimes people do not tell their thoughts and feelings because they are worried or scared of being dismissed or made fun of, so bear this in mind for both how you are feeling and how they might be feeling.

4/ You say they didn't tell you because........ I need to ask if they have told you this directly or if someone else has told you this? Never take anything told to you by a third party as gospel truth especially in this type of situation!

5/ Remember talking it through ,may not resolve anything, but as you are moving away next week you need a degre of clouse on the situation. Sometimes there are just not any answers only more questions

17 Mar 2004, 03:12
Ok then... ALL MEN ARE ARSEHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


17 Mar 2004, 13:39
Ok then... ALL MEN ARE ARSEHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ahhh not you either RSG! *hugs*

Fallen Angel
17 Mar 2004, 17:41
Folks...I owe you all a big hug.. after cooloin down alittle and explaining the situation abit more clearly he now understands!!
hugs and love

Rob The Badger
17 Mar 2004, 21:53
Dear whomever.
I've noticed recently that I'm becoming increasingly irritable and stubborn and arrogant and not very nice in generaly. This is partly due to a downswing emotionally. But I don't like myself when I'm like this. . .what do I do?

The Littlest Man.

17 Mar 2004, 21:58
I know how you feel. I did it myself for five months when my nan was ill in hospital. Is something bothering you in your life hun? Maybe take some time out. A break from a tedious circle can do wonders. It took me a while but these swings can truely make you stronger but you've got to heave yourself out of it.

Good luck!

love eddie

Rob The Badger
17 Mar 2004, 22:00
I can't take time out. . .exams coming up and all that shit. . .

17 Mar 2004, 22:07
thats why !!!!!!!

Your nervous!!!!!!!!!!!

You also have low esteem by the sound of it.
your qoutes:

Little man,

your title hmph

and a whole lot more things. Ask yourself what is your most favorite thing in the world? Then do it. If you can't then think about you doing it. Work on being nice and just punch a wall if you get angry. But the only way things will get better is when the subject of your troubles go. ie exams. When they go then you will feel better. Don't hate yourself, look in the mirror and say "I love you" every day.

Rob The Badger
17 Mar 2004, 22:12
No. Exams are not my worry. They are a minor irritation. They stop me from taking time out from the system.

17 Mar 2004, 22:17
tell Auntie eddie! I'M A GOOD LISTENER...

original sin
17 Mar 2004, 22:33
Dear whomever.
I've noticed recently that I'm becoming increasingly irritable and stubborn and arrogant and not very nice in generaly. This is partly due to a downswing emotionally. But I don't like myself when I'm like this. . .what do I do?

The Littlest Man.

Dear Rob

Believe 'ole Aunty Sin - we all have a period in our lives when we feel like this.
You need to try to indentify the main point that is causing the "downswing" this maybe coming direct from yourself or as a result or behaviour pattern of others. Can you pin point something that has caused upset/concern/trauma?

The really great thing that you need to hang on to is that you recognise that you have changed and you don't like the way you are. Many many people cannot reach this stage of acknowledgement.

I think the thing you need to consider is what/how you want to be, and try (I know it's hard) not to let others and incidents influence you. At the end of the day you have to live with yourself and in my book that means you have to be true to yourself, your feelings and emotions.

You say you have exams coming up and you don't need me to tell you that this is one of the top stress times in anyones life. However as difficult as it appears to be you really do need to find some time out time - this doesn't need to be dayus maybe just half and hour but it needs to be YOU time! listening to favorite tracks or watching a film you need to seperate and be yourself.

Hope this helps


original sin
17 Mar 2004, 22:41
uuummm OK Aunty Sin just needs to check on a few things AndyK has done a brillainbt job of spring cleaning the Off Topic section - so now I just need to check doing we have any ongoing issues with in the agony page or are there still any unresolved issues we need to revisit?

18 Mar 2004, 04:18
Ok then... ALL MEN ARE ARSEHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ahhh not you either RSG! *hugs*

:D :D :D, okee.

badger, i hope things get better, shit sucks, believe me i know, i been feeling similar feelings lately, really upset & frustrated with reality, but things are slowly turnin my way. i hope things with you go the same

meat loaf is my god
25 Apr 2004, 23:33
Hay Sin

My problem my seem a bit minor to the other ones butthe problem is that in 3 weeks i am doing a showcase for my end of year performing arts corse at college and i have to do a Meat song and i carnt stop being nervous can u help me get over the nerves thanks sean :D

original sin
29 Apr 2004, 14:55
Hay Sin

My problem my seem a bit minor to the other ones butthe problem is that in 3 weeks i am doing a showcase for my end of year performing arts corse at college and i have to do a Meat song and i carnt stop being nervous can u help me get over the nerves thanks sean :D

Hi Sean

I don't consider this to be a minor problem at all. Being nervous can have all kinds of effects on how you feela nd how you act or perform.

I must say i personally believe a degree of nervousness is a healthly thing.

All you can do is be well prepared, believe in yourself and as you have chosen to do a Meat Loaf song enjoy. I would hope that the emotions and love of music that flows from his work can be tapped by you to use in yours.

Do you have the opportunity to trial the performance for friends or family? That may help you reduce the nerves.
You could imagine that you're up on stage with the man himself singing along. Although I know that would scare me silly :wink:
My usual recommendation is to crack open the beer :twisted: but in excess this one might backfire if you fall over or forget the words :roll:

The main thing is enjoy, try to relax and chill out before hand listening to your favourite songs or deep breathing whatever relaxes you.

Good luck and enjoy

02 May 2004, 19:43
Dear Sin

I am very depressed. What i had what i called the spirit is gone from me. I am no longer bouncing off the walls with energy, and wanting a motorbike any more, but I am crying, and I feel sick and so that is affecting my eating habits.

I have received a harley helmet but even now something is missing. Even meat songs aren't what they used to be, even any music. I feel if I drop my biker wannabe image I'll have nothing to be intresested in. And Its depressing me because I want that spirit back When i came home from a concert I was buzzing, I was jumping off the walls, i had the spirit, for two whole months. Then everything went... I just want it back. Please help.

love eddie xxx

original sin
04 May 2004, 00:21
Dear Sin

I am very depressed. What i had what i called the spirit is gone from me. I am no longer bouncing off the walls with energy, and wanting a motorbike any more, but I am crying, and I feel sick and so that is affecting my eating habits.

I have received a harley helmet but even now something is missing. Even meat songs aren't what they used to be, even any music. I feel if I drop my biker wannabe image I'll have nothing to be intresested in. And Its depressing me because I want that spirit back When i came home from a concert I was buzzing, I was jumping off the walls, i had the spirit, for two whole months. Then everything went... I just want it back. Please help.

love eddie xxx


God dang it!!!! I know just what you mean. Do what I've done and order yourself a Custom Built Trike........................ Or be nice to me and I'll give ya a spin when it's delivered :twisted:

Eddie - we all need a purpose and focus in life and I know that after the concert run had finnished many we're feeling that something was missing.

You need a hobby and purpose....................I would suggest getting totally wrecked, listening to all the ML albumns you have full blast, booking an appointment at the local tattoo parlour and buying a drum kit.

This should keep you occupied and focused for the short term and give you a chance to figure out the direction you want to go in. If not then please pop back to Aunty Sin . x

14 Jun 2004, 22:29
Thought I'd pop Sin's page up to ask.........WHERE R YOU :D .

How can the forum survive......advice nedded :hic:

15 Jun 2004, 00:33
Have to agree with you there Gerry

24 Jun 2004, 19:26
Dear auntie sn.

I am even more depressed!!!!
My head is in a permanent spin, I have a headache and backache, i have just moved and I miss my nan. I just want to get my head back into gear and don't know what is wrong with me. I have lost a stone in weight too by no eating.

I'm not myself. i just want to shut away from the world. How can I start a new school when I'm like this???? :cry:

love, eddie

Rob The Badger
24 Jun 2004, 20:03
Dear auntie sn.

I am even more depressed!!!!
My head is in a permanent spin, I have a headache and backache, i have just moved and I miss my nan. I just want to get my head back into gear and don't know what is wrong with me. I have lost a stone in weight too by no eating.

I'm not myself. i just want to shut away from the world. How can I start a new school when I'm like this???? :cry:

love, eddie

Is it wrong to want to live on your own ?
No, it's not wrong - but I must know
How can someone so young
Sing words so sad ?

Sheila take a, Sheila take a bow
Boot the grime of this world in the crotch, dear
And don't go home tonight
Come out and find the one that you love and who loves you
The one that you love and who loves you
Oh ...

Is it wrong not to always be glad ?
No, it's not wrong - but I must add
How can someone so young
Sing words so sad ?

Sheila take a, Sheila take a bow
Boot the grime of this world in the crotch, dear
And don't go home tonight
Come out and find the one that you love and who loves you
The one that you love and who loves you

Throw your homework onto the fire
Come out and find the one that you love
Come out and find the one you love