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View Full Version : Halloween, 2009 thread

25 Aug 2009, 09:01
Its that time of year Again! The halloween stores have opened where i am!

So what are everyone's plans for halloween.

Im thinking of being the Penguin from the Batman TV Series though im not too sure.

This thread is here to post your costumes and talk about HALLOWEEN!

three years from this Halloween i got bat3.

25 Aug 2009, 09:56
FFS it's only August! Are the Easter eggs in the shops too?

My plans involve locking the doors, shutting the curtains, and ignoring as much of this commercialised rubbish as I possibly can :))

25 Aug 2009, 11:03
I havent even thought that far ahead yet.... probably end up at my brothers an sis in laws having a party with the kids

25 Aug 2009, 13:21
My plans involve locking the doors, shutting the curtains, and ignoring as much of this commercialised rubbish as I possibly can :))

I'm with you on that one Mr King.
(so expect me at your door in a WarioLoaf costume at 10pm)

25 Aug 2009, 16:22
(so expect me at your door in a WarioLoaf costume at 10pm)

i really wanna see that :cool:

03 Sep 2009, 00:53
Its that time of year Again! The halloween stores have opened where i am!

So what are everyone's plans for halloween.

Im thinking of being the Penguin from the Batman TV Series though im not too sure.

This thread is here to post your costumes and talk about HALLOWEEN!

three years from this Halloween i got bat3.

Were too boring over here in the UK, to actually do anything good for Halloween. The little scrouts over here come knocking upto anything a week early, for money etc, and have the cheek to come back again, and again, not really a great holiday celebration over here to be honest.

03 Sep 2009, 02:42
The little scrouts over here come knocking upto anything a week early....

I've never heard of that happening here. :shock:
But yeah indeed I have witnessed a sure lack of creativity with regards to Halloween costumes and even seen a boy (probably 18!) just putting up his hood on his hoody kidding on it's a costume. :roll:

05 Sep 2009, 02:56
will be in whitby for goth weekend celebrating the pagan new year

05 Sep 2009, 14:35
I'll be doing a show in Basildon. I think there's one or two people from here coming...

05 Sep 2009, 23:16
I'll be doing a show in Basildon. I think there's one or two people from here coming...

We'll be there!! It was a brilliant night last time i just got to remember not to eat so much this time lol!!