View Full Version : Things that really get on your tits...

Evil One
02 Sep 2009, 14:42
Poor customer service. I was stood in front of the counter in Blockbuster for 10 minutes yesterday while the two sales people had a nice little chat about a party they were going to later. They both acknowledged that I was there, but just carried on talking. In the end I just walked out. :kickass:

People who drive ridiculously slowly for no reason other than their own lack of ability.

Anyone else...

02 Sep 2009, 15:07
People who drive everywhere at 40mph - holding everyone up on country roads but not slowing down when they get to a town or village.

People who won't overtake the car/lorry/tractor in front, and don't leave a gap for someone behind to overtake into.

People who flash when you dare to overtake. They probably think it's illegal.

People that think that mirrors are for checking hair/makeup/zits, and not for seeing what's behind them.

Should I go on .....? ;-)

Evil One
02 Sep 2009, 15:10
Really cheap, nasty bog roll that falls apart when you try to wipe your arse.

TV programmes that don't start or end when they are supposed to, therefore mucking up planned recordings.

02 Sep 2009, 15:22
People who drive everywhere at 40mph - holding everyone up on country roads but not slowing down when they get to a town or village.

People who won't overtake the car/lorry/tractor in front, and don't leave a gap for someone behind to overtake into.

People who flash when you dare to overtake. They probably think it's illegal.

People that think that mirrors are for checking hair/makeup/zits, and not for seeing what's behind them.

Should I go on .....? ;-)

To follow a theme ...


02 Sep 2009, 15:52
To follow a theme ...


:-) Though it was more "people who shouldn't be allowed in control of anything faster than a pogo stick" :-)

02 Sep 2009, 16:05
No. Just people in general. They're the root cause of anything that gets on my tits. Be it a driving related, a shopping trolley, an email at work etc etc etc it's always peopel that have initiated it. They're all a pain in the arse.

02 Sep 2009, 16:11
though not the worst, i find it rather annoying that you have pup up ads during youtube videos now.

02 Sep 2009, 16:22
No. Just people in general. They're the root cause of anything that gets on my tits. Be it a driving related, a shopping trolley, an email at work etc etc etc it's always peopel that have initiated it. They're all a pain in the arse.

Indeed ...

People who think it's cool to send out 5MB "funny" powerpoint attachments when I'm downloading on an expensive cellphone in the middle of nowhere.

Cold callers. Burn the lot of them.

The entire financial industry.

Anything that calls itself an "industry" when it doesn't actually make anything. Except almighty ~~~~-ups.

Telephone systems "Press 1 for accounts .... 9 if you're pissed off and just want to talk to a real person"


BT (= Bunch of ~~~~ers)

02 Sep 2009, 16:23

02 Sep 2009, 16:29
So, no Thai Curry, Chicken Korma or Bounty bars for you then?

mmmmm Bounty Bars ..... :-)

Evil One
02 Sep 2009, 16:39
Management speak

Poor quality food

Virgin Media

02 Sep 2009, 17:45
Nipple clamps

02 Sep 2009, 18:13
People who smell bad

people who make polls

People with damn dirty backpacks

duke knooby
02 Sep 2009, 20:00

people who hog the overtaking lane

red traffic light jumpers

persons who undertake


02 Sep 2009, 23:50
People who post giant pictures in posts because they're too f*cking lazy to resize them.
And blurry pictures
And pretty much all of what's been said above apart from coconut.

02 Sep 2009, 23:54
People who post giant pictures in posts because they're too f*cking lazy to resize them.
And blurry pictures
And pretty much all of what's been said above apart from coconut.

Woot! You love me !

03 Sep 2009, 00:16
What's not to love? :)) Maybe we should do a poll and find out :twisted:

03 Sep 2009, 00:48
People that pretend I said "nipple clamps" when I didn't ;-)

People who bring up 2-year-old threads for no reason at all

Microsoft rebooting my PC allegedly to fix a problem that Microsoft generated in the first place

Sales droids trying to sell me "extended warranties"

People who cant be bothered to lurn how to spell or use apostrophes' properly

People using flash on their teeny weeny cameras to take photos at concerts

03 Sep 2009, 01:50
I definitely agree with "people in general"!

People in queues who insist on standing right on top of you. (although this is where having a shoulder bag with a big hardback book in it comes in handy, swinging it back over your shoulder clears a little space...)

People who won't give a band a chance just because they didn't like ONE of their songs, several years ago.

People who insist on constantly using text speak and random symbols instead of using correct spelling and grammar. (Don't even get me started on apostrophe abuse!)

People at gigs/concerts who insist on getting drunk/high and/or throwing drinks/water over others. Throw them over yourself, I don't care, but throw them over my camera or my clean clothes which I will be wearing when I go out after the gig and I will not be amused.

Closed mindedness.

03 Sep 2009, 02:11
I also don't like tramps, beggars and old people who stink of piss. People with nicotine fingers, rotting teeth and fat bints who insist on wearing tight clothes are also on my cringeworthy list.

duke knooby
03 Sep 2009, 03:15
People who bring up 2-year-old threads for no reason at all

theres always a reason, you may not understand it though

03 Sep 2009, 09:39
To follow a theme ...


I agree. As a matter of fact, I've got them all on my little list :))


03 Sep 2009, 11:18
Aggressive big issue sellers who wont take " sorry I dont carry cash" as an answer

The builders who are doing upgrade work to my apartment building who start drilling and hammering at 7am and then do quiet things like plastering in the afternoon

03 Sep 2009, 13:00
Impolite people, especially in shops.... My buying things in your shop is helping to pay your wages, I don't HAVE to shop here, I can go somewhere else and pay someone else's wages... How much effort does it take to say please or thankyou? I always do....


03 Sep 2009, 20:31
Speed cameras. Can't believe I didn't mention them earlier! Especially the sneaky mobile ones.

The stupid biddy doing 40mph on the M4 earlier whilst she was on the phone. Nearly caused a pile-up. Actually, she probably has by now.

03 Sep 2009, 23:55
Rudeness/ bad manners/ inconsiderate behaviour I think just about covers it.

Oh and people who will argue for the sake of arguing despite the facts proving them wrong!

04 Sep 2009, 02:15
just when you are about to sit down and the door bell goes and its a door to door sales man trying to offer something you dont really need i hate it when that happens

04 Sep 2009, 23:59
Plenty of things, including the majority of the things previously listed here.

And as an addition to "People in queues who insist on standing right on top of you", in particular, people in queues who insist on standing right on top of you, and have really bad BO - or a particularly smelly dog with them.

And retired people who go to banks / the post office / Marks and Spencers (at the latter they invariably buy a ready meal, one banana, and a cake) between the hours of 12 and 2pm which are the only times between which I can take my lunch break at work - whereas they could go at quieter periods of day (morning / afternoon) when I would prefer to go but don't have that option.

People saying "I was sat" instead of "I was sitting". Having said that, I'm a lot more relaxed with this than I used to be.

And why do teenagers reppppeattt letterrrs in worddsss without any evident logic to it? I could understand perhaps, typing "haaaaappy biiiirthdaaay" to demonstrate drawing out certain syllables in pronunciation but the apparently random repetition is beyond me.

And someone's said text speak already?

05 Sep 2009, 02:10
Impolite people, especially in shops.... My buying things in your shop is helping to pay your wages, I don't HAVE to shop here, I can go somewhere else and pay someone else's wages... How much effort does it take to say please or thankyou? I always do....

Good point. There's a miserable hag at my nearest supermarket who has a facial expression of constant constipation. She doesn't say please, thank you and practically throws your groceries in a bag, then chucks your change at you. A letter to her manager has been sent :))

People saying "I was sat" instead of "I was sitting". Having said that, I'm a lot more relaxed with this than I used to be.

Over here a lot of Kiwi's say 'woman' as the plural of 'woman' instead of 'women' that gets on my tits. They also don't pronounce known correctly instead they pronounce it 'no-wen' That gets on my tits when the woman thing isn't on my tits.

05 Sep 2009, 13:46
That gets on my tits when the woman thing isn't on my tits.

You should just grow biugger tits then Pud, that way you've room for more things to be grumpy about :))

Evil One
07 Sep 2009, 19:08
When some arsehole decides to shred an important document for no apparent reason. :wall:

08 Sep 2009, 23:23
Dirty, lazy customers. They come into our restaurant at busy times and bleat at us because the table they have chosen to sit at (that has just that second been vacated) still has the previous customer's rubbish on it. Though it's not our rubbish and we haven't had time to get to it. They bleat at us then have the cheek to leave their own rubbish at the table and on the floor. We have SEVEN bins on the floor for heaven's sake. They're not a million miles away from the table and it's not rocket science to put your waste in the bin. :angry:

09 Sep 2009, 16:19
I somehow forgot to mention when people from other countries insist on calling the UK "England". Scotland, Wales and Ireland exist too y'know.
On a similar theme, bands missing out Scotland on their so called "UK tour" or only doing one date in London. Much as I love London, I can neither afford nor get the time off work to keep flying down there for gigs.

Completely agree with those who mentioned impoliteness. It's amazing how many people act surprised when I say please & thank you or hold open doors for them etc. Good manners seem to be rare these days.

Evil One
09 Sep 2009, 18:45
It amuses me how older people tend to criticise the younger generations about manners and rudeness, when in my experience older people are far ruder and impolite.

15 Sep 2009, 14:17
It amuses me how older people tend to criticise the younger generations about manners and rudeness, when in my experience older people are far ruder and impolite.

Completely agree with those who mentioned impoliteness. It's amazing how many people act surprised when I say please & thank you or hold open doors for them etc. Good manners seem to be rare these days.

<----- is always polite.

17 Sep 2009, 21:50
Other motorists when you give way to them and they don't bother to thank or acknowledge you ... no, don't mind me... I haven't got anything to do with my day, I'm just sitting here waiting for you, you know, for fun.

Evil One
18 Sep 2009, 01:30
Other motorists when you give way to them and they don't bother to thank or acknowledge you.
and then they take forever to do whatever maneuver it is they need to do!