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View Full Version : Heaven Can Wait complete score??

17 Apr 2002, 23:06
Hello there.

I need to find a complete piano score of Heaven Can Wait but I haven't succeeded in it yet. Is there anyone who could help me? Sheet music is preferred, but a midi file would be OK as well.

- Pertti.

18 Apr 2002, 14:04
Hi there,
In the local book store at the music department here in Rotterdam, I saw the complete sheet music of the Bat out of Hell album, so also heaven can wait.
So I recomend to pay a visit to a store which sells sheet music.
Greetz Timewarp.nl


18 Apr 2002, 16:00

I do have sheet music of the Bat Out of Hell-album. But I found that its version of Heaven Can Wait is not the complete one which you can hear in the album. It is sort of easier one and I am looking the one with complete piano score including that instrumental passage which is not found in that easy version.
