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18 Sep 2009, 16:11
Revealed: The most dangerous biscuit in Britain is.. the Custard Cream
Sep 8 2009 By Janice Burns

CUSTARD creams are Britain's most dangerous biscuits, it was revealed yesterday A study claimed an estimated 25million people in Britain had been injured by biscuits.

Hidden dangers included flying fragments and daredevil dunking in scalding tea. And custard creams were the worst offenders, posing the biggest risk to innocent dunkers.

Around 500 people a year need hospital treatment because of biscuit injuries.

The study by Mindlab found 29 per cent of adults had been splashed or scalded by hot drinks while dunking or trying to fish the remnants from hot tea.

They also found 28 per cent had choked on crumbs and 10 per cent had broken a tooth or filling biting a biccy.

More unusually, three per cent had poked themselves in the eye with a biscuit and seven per cent were bitten by a pet or "other wild animal" trying to get their biscuit.

One man ended up stuck in wet concrete after wading in to pick up a stray biscuit.

Mindlab have now devised a Biscuit Injury Threat Evaluation, or B.I.T.E. Custard creams get a risk rating of 5.63.

The study was commissioned by Rocky - which was rated the country's third riskiest type of biscuit.

Mindlab International director Dr David Lewis said: "We tested the physical properties of 15 popular types of biscuits, along with aspects of their consumption such as dunkability and crumb dispersal.

"Then a mathematician correlated these findings with a nationwide survey of over 1000 adults."

Mike Driver, of Rocky, said: "Working with biscuits every day, we'd long suspected they're not as innocent as they look - and we were right."

Evil One
18 Sep 2009, 16:35
I don't like custard creams anyway. Either shortbread fingers or chocolate digestives for me.

18 Sep 2009, 23:06
Give me a chocolate Hobnob any day of the week....

18 Sep 2009, 23:24
Give me a chocolate Hobnob any day of the week....

Or, indeed, any hour of the day :D :drool:

duke knooby
20 Sep 2009, 04:29
chocolate digestives for me.

Give me a chocolate Hobnob

either works for me ;)

20 Sep 2009, 22:01
I am glad you're all safe...lol...how do you poke yourself in the eye with the cookie???