View Full Version : Best Rocky Horror Soundtrack?

04 Nov 2009, 00:42
I'm caught between teh Roxy Cast and the 2000 Broadway Revival.

Overall: The 2000 Broadway Revival.

Lea Delaria is sick as Dr. Scott and Eddie. No putting down meat, mind you.

Lea makes Eddie a Lesbian, while Meat makes Eddie straight.

04 Nov 2009, 00:47
i really dont like Rocky horror so i have no view on this :?

04 Nov 2009, 01:09
It doesn't do anything for me either. So, the first time Wario actually has a sensible poll, and I won't be voting ;-)

Evil One
04 Nov 2009, 02:26
Me three!

04 Nov 2009, 03:13
WTF? Does anyone on here like Rocky Horror????

Evil One
04 Nov 2009, 03:31

04 Nov 2009, 07:17
I own the cd/dvd 25th anniversity so yeah I'm a fan. Never seen the 2nd movie but kinda want to see it, but don't know what it is about?

04 Nov 2009, 11:13
Second movie not a patch on the first. The movie is based on Brad and Janet at this dodgy TV studio, in Denton. The storyline is too crazy to go through now, but lets just say, you are not missing much. Brad and Janet are not even played by the same actors.

05 Nov 2009, 02:45
Second movie not a patch on the first. The movie is based on Brad and Janet at this dodgy TV studio, in Denton. The storyline is too crazy to go through now, but lets just say, you are not missing much. Brad and Janet are not even played by the same actors.

:( That sucks, so I take it the story is really bad, is there singing as well?