View Full Version : MLUKFC mobile?

12 Nov 2009, 21:29
Is there some way to access a stripped down version of the site that I can access with my mobile? I know there's the archive function but I dont know if I can post there or if it shows recent posts as well.

12 Nov 2009, 22:04
Is there some way to access a stripped down version of the site that I can access with my mobile? I know there's the archive function but I dont know if I can post there or if it shows recent posts as well.
Did you try with your mobile?

12 Nov 2009, 22:28
takes too long to load the front page alone.

12 Nov 2009, 22:42
takes too long to load the front page alone.
How about some more details, when did you try and what iy your mobile?

12 Nov 2009, 23:18
I've accessed the site with my mobile.... seemed to work quickly too as what ever page i wanted to go to aswell, think i even posted a comment from my phone but that was a while back now.

12 Nov 2009, 23:26
I've tried to access the website with a samsung s5230. it opens the top bar first (takes about 20 secs) and goes on to load the front page (about 30-40 secs). I'm using a GPRS connection.

12 Nov 2009, 23:31
The layout of the site is kind of whacked out on my Blackberry Bold 9000.

Thank you,


12 Nov 2009, 23:36
I've tried to access the website with a samsung s5230. it opens the top bar first (takes about 20 secs) and goes on to load the front page (about 30-40 secs). I'm using a GPRS connection.
There actually IS a light/mobile skin and it should be applied automatically once the forum detects a mobile device. Hence my questions. It does work with my Samsung, however it may not work with Windows CE properly. I have plans to change that, but not before vBulletin 4 gets released.

You can however manually select the light theme ...

12 Nov 2009, 23:48
Well, its not aß if it wouldnt work at all... gt actually works fine, its just painfully slow

12 Nov 2009, 23:52
Well, its not aß if it wouldnt work at all... gt actually works fine, its just painfully slow
Does the theme change to the mobile one?
And, don't get your hopes up while you are connnecting using GPRS. It will always be slow.

FYI, here's your phone's footprint:
SAMSUNG-GT-S5230/S5230XXIH1 SHP/VPP/R5 Jasmine/0.8 Nextreaming SMM-MMS/1.2.0 profile/MIDP-2.1 config

12 Nov 2009, 23:59
it does indeed change to the mobile layout. Think i'll stick to the mobile version when no computer is around for longer than a few days.
thanks anyway!

14 Nov 2009, 00:31
Until last week I used a Nokia N95 connecting via EDGE and it loaded not far short of as fast as my home internet connection.
Now use a Nokia N98 with EDGE2 and its even faster. GSM is too slow but most UK networks ( except Virgin ) support EDGE if you enable it on your handset