View Full Version : Shadows On The Wall

Shadows On The Wall
22 May 2003, 21:56
hI, sorry i havent been on for a while, got alevel exams comming up. Anyway whats everyone been up to, FireBall made any recent posts, or any news about meets and greets?


22 May 2003, 21:59
Well, a lot happend here, and for Fireball's most recent posts read this thread on General: It don't mean a thing ....(if it ain't got that Jim).

Things have been a bith Hot here recently, anyway, other members can fill you in better.......


23 May 2003, 01:43
"All day, staring at the ceiling making friends with shadows on my wall......"

23 May 2003, 21:15
Well, lot's have been going one.... some stupid things, some post whoring, lot of new members, new forum parts, Fire Ball on the site.... concert in Amserdam and so on....

The Butcher, Tim