View Full Version : Tools

17 Jan 2010, 17:01
Just out of curiosity, I'm getting some sort of tool bar appear at the bottom of my screen on this site now, if I close it I get a little box with site logo and "tools" in it. Is this something I've missed in my absense or sumfink new?

And can it disababubbled lol

17 Jan 2010, 17:19
'tis new. If you look to the right of the bar, there's a button with 2 down-arrows on it. That hides (most of) the bar, which is as close to disababubblation as you can get (as far as I know).

17 Jan 2010, 17:26
It's new, experimental and might vanish again.
And it can't be disabled for now. :sneaky:

17 Jan 2010, 17:29
Cheers R, probably something you'd get used too but at the moment I'm for a disababubblationing option lol

17 Jan 2010, 18:03
User CP -> Edit Options -> Scroll down -> Scroll further down -> Choose wether to disababubblate or not.

17 Jan 2010, 19:59

17 Jan 2010, 20:46
Just out of curiosity, I'm getting some sort of tool bar appear at the bottom of my screen on this site now, if I close it I get a little box with site logo and "tools" in it. Is this something I've missed in my absense or sumfink new?

And can it disababubbled lol

*Rubbing her eyes*...Montstro???

17 Jan 2010, 21:46
I think it should stay :))

18 Jan 2010, 08:58
That was cool idea.. I like it.. :D