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View Full Version : Apparently, I can't shop at Tesco's anymore

28 Jan 2010, 20:19
Customers at a Welsh branch of Tesco have been banned from shopping in their pyjamas or bare feet.

Notices have been put up in the St Mellons store in Cardiff saying: "Footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted".




I hope they still accept cheques. :lawl:

28 Jan 2010, 20:30
you didnt tell us about your new haircut!

The Flying Mouse
28 Jan 2010, 20:31
:twisted: Young women walking around in pyjamas is some sort of baffling trend :nuts:

Glad to see that at least someone is insisting their customers wear clothes inside the store :lol:

29 Jan 2010, 00:14
That's me in drag :D

30 Jan 2010, 11:31
Customers at a [I]Welsh branch of Tesco have been banned from shopping in their pyjamas or bare feet.

Notices have been put up in the St Mellons store in Cardiff saying: "Footwear must be worn at all times and no nightwear is permitted".

Sean, the new haircut suits you, not sure about the beard tho :p

30 Jan 2010, 18:18
They've shot themsselves in the foot here. One of their own TV adverts features Martin Clunes shopping for milk in his pyjamas! (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/2831701/Tesco-ad-turns-jim-jam-ban-into-sham.html)

30 Jan 2010, 19:13
thanks Betty, I'll shave tomorrow I promise lol

I heard about this on Radio 2 yesterday. They appeared to find the thickest woman they could have for the interview. But then again, she was from Cardiff :-P

The Flying Mouse
30 Jan 2010, 21:13
:twisted: :facepalm: