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View Full Version : Today is rubbish because ...

31 Jan 2010, 13:46
I hate shoveling the bloody snow! :bicker:

Tell us what ruined your day today!

31 Jan 2010, 13:59
Its better than taking care of ice.

My grandson waking up at 4 in the morning. LOL

31 Jan 2010, 14:17
slipped in the shower :shock:

31 Jan 2010, 22:40
The aftermath of the 10pm emergency dash to the vets on Friday evening to get the sewing needle removed from Scrabble's throat, god knows how or why he decided to eat that! The aftermath being the reduced food he's now on for a few days and the possible liver problems they diagnosed as well not to mention the near enough £1000 bill for the overnight operation!

31 Jan 2010, 23:08
The aftermath of the 10pm emergency dash to the vets on Friday evening to get the sewing needle removed from Scrabble's throat, god knows how or why he decided to eat that! The aftermath being the reduced food he's now on for a few days and the possible liver problems they diagnosed as well not to mention the near enough £1000 bill for the overnight operation!

That's a rough night

31 Jan 2010, 23:53
there was nothing good on tv to watch i think sundays are so long and boring

01 Feb 2010, 16:37
left me phone over at the bird's place :roll:

Evil One
01 Feb 2010, 16:42
there was more crap to hoover out of my car on the passenger side than on my side!

01 Feb 2010, 16:49
... it's Monday.

01 Feb 2010, 17:35
there was more crap to hoover out of my car on the passenger side than on my side!

obviously, cos you don't throw your empty drink cans/sandwich wrappers/crisp packets on YOUR side, do you? lol

Evil One
01 Feb 2010, 18:27
I was thinking of blaming it on my girlfriend but there is logic to your suggestion!

01 Feb 2010, 18:53
wouldnt go so far as to call the day rubbish...

01 Feb 2010, 18:55
because RJ just posted in this thread that his day wasn't rubbish rather than starting a "today wasn't rubbish because" thread ...

01 Feb 2010, 19:42
because RJ just posted in this thread that his day wasn't rubbish rather than starting a "today wasn't rubbish because" thread ...
That and the mother~~~~ing snow! :bicker: :bicker: :bicker:

02 Feb 2010, 04:24
I was actually having a good day until I've read about young fans loving buying teddy bears at the rock concerts...I suppose it is better than buying pot...but I'd still buy pot...not that I would...argh...see what I mean???

02 Feb 2010, 04:27
Off topic alert (that's just cause this thread is ripe with mods and admins)

Andy, I feel for you and I hope all of you are ok and doggie is well soon!

02 Feb 2010, 11:37
Thanks Zina. He's fine ... back to his usual trouble making self with no signs of the trauma of the weekend, apart from the restricted diet which he isn't happy about, but then who would be?

02 Feb 2010, 22:37
.,, I sliced a 6 inch kitchen knife through the third finger of my left hand earlier.

Evil One
02 Feb 2010, 22:57
You want to avoid that sort of thing. It hurts!

02 Feb 2010, 23:31
wouldnt go so far as to call today rubbish

02 Feb 2010, 23:57
.,, I sliced a 6 inch kitchen knife through the third finger of my left hand earlier.

You need to look for the upsides ...

Your fourth finger has now been prompted to third finger
Now you can get a part on The Simpsons


Evil One
03 Feb 2010, 00:29
3. It's the closest your hand has come to 6 inches in a while.

03 Feb 2010, 00:52
Today is rubbish cause I've seen the video and can't even recall where was last time I"ve seen the record store in the States - never mind been to one...is it something like Amazon???

duke knooby
03 Feb 2010, 19:40
dropped a dishwasher on my toe and it ~~~~ing hurts

Evil One
03 Feb 2010, 19:52
I have a feeling I'm going to get dumped in a couple of hours. :?

03 Feb 2010, 23:42
Today is rubbish because I'm a Leeds fan ...

... no, wait, I'm a Spurs fan :-)

I'd really hate to be a Leeds fan ... :lol:

03 Feb 2010, 23:52
wouldnt go so far as to call today rubbish

04 Feb 2010, 00:16
... because spurs fans are gloating that it took them 180+ minutes to do what they should have done in the first 15 ...

04 Feb 2010, 02:45
... because spurs fans are gloating that it took them 180+ minutes to do what they should have done in the first 15 ...

Whew...I was waiting to read that you chopped off you head by accident...I am relieved...now my day is made....

04 Feb 2010, 11:19
... because the new central heating we had installed last October isn't working!

05 Feb 2010, 04:00
... because the new central heating we had installed last October isn't working!

Right....but I've heard it's all good now...so it's all good?

Evil One
10 Feb 2010, 18:35
A couple of months after having the back of my car repaired I now find that some spastic has dented the front, broken the grille and scarpered. Shower of ~~~~~~~s.

10 Feb 2010, 18:46
You weren't parked near a Toyota dealership were you?

10 Feb 2010, 18:49
"The crash in front is a Toyota"

Evil One
10 Feb 2010, 19:17
I have absolutely no idea where I was parked. I noticed it this morning, but it's highly unlikely to have happened overnight in my garage! :wacko:

28 Feb 2010, 04:05
because ive been to the pub,had loads of vodka and im not pi**ed...lol

28 Feb 2010, 17:18
Because it's not last Friday.

28 Feb 2010, 17:22
because i got the flue, feel like crap, and its been raining the whole day. welcome to my life!

28 Feb 2010, 17:26
Its sunday nothing to do its raining out side and iam bord

28 Feb 2010, 17:31
because i have to iron my clothes

01 Mar 2010, 19:19
... I got the phone call of doom: A woman was yelling at me for one hour! :wtf:

01 Mar 2010, 20:13
... I got the phone call of doom: A woman was yelling at me for one hour! :wtf:

thats funny...lol..sorry i bet you didnt think so though..:mad:

01 Mar 2010, 20:14
cos all the idiots have yet again found me and now i have another headache !!!

01 Mar 2010, 20:16
...cause i had to go to the dentist today....:(

02 Mar 2010, 15:29
Because people are disappointing creatures

duke knooby
02 Mar 2010, 23:48
my tour has ended and im back in work tomorrow

06 Mar 2010, 09:32
because im up at stupid oclock again....cant sleep!!

07 Mar 2010, 16:39
Today is rubbish because I woke up feeling ill.

08 Mar 2010, 10:01
because it's Monday......

09 Mar 2010, 10:14
because i am gonna have yet another row with the idiots at the halifax home insurance...

12 Mar 2010, 04:12
I decided that my life isn't rubbish after all cause since the beginning of this thread I don't seem to have anything to post here...

12 Mar 2010, 13:00
My big big big boss miss took what I said, causing him to think I was being a smart arse, and then proceed to call me a smart arse in email. Lovely lol

12 Mar 2010, 13:02
Better to have a smart ass than a dull one Mel ;)


12 Mar 2010, 13:08
This is true!!

13 Mar 2010, 02:20
My big big big boss miss took what I said, causing him to think I was being a smart arse, and then proceed to call me a smart arse in email. Lovely lol

Sue for harassment...


13 Mar 2010, 04:23
I decided that my life isn't rubbish after all cause since the beginning of this thread I don't seem to have anything to post here...

I shouldn't have posted this...now today sucks...argh

13 Mar 2010, 06:57
Sue for harassment...


Not worth it, plus I think he just genuinely miss took what I said. He can be in one of those moods quite often.

14 Mar 2010, 01:19
as i have felt like total crap all day !

15 Mar 2010, 23:11
I went back to work today after being ill and things just kept going wrong, then I get home and go to make myself a coffee and the machine is not working properly either.

15 Mar 2010, 23:21
I went back to work today after being ill and things just kept going wrong, then I get home and go to make myself a coffee and the machine is not working properly either.

RJ's got one, he'll make the coffee

15 Mar 2010, 23:39
RJ's got one, he'll make the coffee


my day was sort of rubbish because for no apparent reason I got into a fight with a person I acutally get along with quite well... still dont know what that all was about. At least I didnt let it get out of hand and walked away when I found out it led nowhere...

still, wouldnt go so far as to call the whole day rubbish...

18 Mar 2010, 02:46
Cause I am stuck in the house for 4 days straight and working from home for 3 days now cause everything here is flooded and state of emergency is declared...

If I have to work from home one more day I will start barking at my laptop....

18 Mar 2010, 09:13
Cause I am stuck in the house for 4 days straight and working from home for 3 days now cause everything here is flooded and state of emergency is declared...

If I have to work from home one more day I will start barking at my laptop....

Ah, don't worry. I work from home pretty much every day and I'm perfectly normal ... http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:q6QlrlrHdEGhjM:http://www.radiotimes.com/content/features/galleries/blackadder/13/mainImage.jpg

18 Mar 2010, 16:47
My Boss (No not the one mentioned further up the page, my direct boss) is resigning to go to Brisbane to run a new branch of our company. I like my boss and am going to miss driving his car lol, nice big 4x4 he he

19 Mar 2010, 04:34
Ah, don't worry. I work from home pretty much every day and I'm perfectly normal ... http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:q6QlrlrHdEGhjM:http://www.radiotimes.com/content/features/galleries/blackadder/13/mainImage.jpg

I have to admit that this sexy picture of you got me going...

Evil One
19 Mar 2010, 18:55
Going "wibble?"

19 Mar 2010, 19:09
I have to admit that this sexy picture of you got me going...

Yeah, it put lead in my pencil(s) too ...

19 Mar 2010, 19:11
Going "wibble?"

Wibble, wibble.

20 Mar 2010, 19:41
Do I want to know what Brits mean by Wibble...I distinctly remember asking what Grave Dodger means and then not really liking the answer....

And then again...I might grow up one day and finally form that band I've never dreamt of...then I can call it...Wibble Wibble, Grave Dodger...

Evil One
21 Mar 2010, 08:12
Do I want to know what Brits mean by Wibble...
You're not really mad if you have to ask. Wibble.

21 Mar 2010, 08:32
You're not really mad if you have to ask. Wibble.

I am...I am in America...