View Full Version : Official Time Of the Day Thread (Good Morning Good Night)
sorry i missed you, :( but got a last minuate job. :wink:
... good morning...actually afternoon over there..isn't it? glad to hear all are on the mend....
wonderful days to alll...
Good Morning, Afternoon all you lovely guys and gals
good afternoon one and all
Hi all , :D hi dottie nice to see ya :lol: hope you are all having a good day. :wink:
Hi all,
Just a quick visit. I was asleep on the sofa until some nutter started trying to ring me up so thought i would surf around here for a little while before having another nap (hey, it's a 67 hour week!! I've earned it!!)
Hope everyone is well.
Hello my children,
I do hope you are all behaving yourselves down there.
I am merely passing through this afternoon, between church services.
Did any of you catch sunrise this morning - one of my better ones i thought.
Adios folks,
time for my late afternoon anp to prepare myself for chat tonight!!!
The Flying Mouse
21 Sep 2003, 20:45
Hi all,
Just a quick visit. I was asleep on the sofa until some nutter started trying to ring me up
I don't know Chris,some people :roll:
awwwwwww, i gotta go to work :cry: hope to see you all very soon, :wink: gonna miss chat oh nooooooooooo to much. :(
21 Sep 2003, 22:29
Hello everyone!!!! :D
Hope ya'll is ok!! hope you've had a fab weekend!!!
:D Hi everyone
Finaly managed to get the computer!
I've had a busy day decorating :roll: . Thought it was about time we brought a touch of colour into our lives, as we have lived with magnolia on the walls for a year now. (not our choice, it was everywhere when we moved in! 8O )
Hope you have all had a great weekend!
21 Sep 2003, 23:33
Night all!!
have a nice evening!! Enjoy ya week :D
Bye bye
quick hello from me
Hi Dottie my little pipistrelle, i see you are flying around, hope all is well
Hiya my parent Bat Bren - keeping well hope you are :)
[quote="Chris"]Hello all,,
Dottie - Enjoy the concert, no throwing knickers at mick and co!!!!
Just Bra's Chris, just bra's :lol:
good night and sleep well
The Bat flies away into the night.........
Goodnight Dottie my little pipistrelle, i hope you had a good time last night
Well the time has come for me to fly,
nothing left for me to do,
but blow a kiss and say goodbye.xxxxx
seems like i missed you all again oh s..t, :( sorry guys cu soon. :wink:nite all sweet dreams. :D
hi all, :D just getting ready for work. :( Cu all later. :wink:
Good morning Mrs Mouse :D
Good morning one and all :D
Good Morning you lovely people, hope you are all well, going to work early today :(
....good morning all..try and enjoy a monday as best you can...
The Flying Mouse
22 Sep 2003, 16:36
:twisted: Mornin all :D .(hey,it's morning for me :lol: )
Hope everyone is well.
Good morning\almost afternoon guys. Its 11:06 here and I'm at school. I'm in Social Studies right now, I just got done biography on my president Jean Chretien. So now I'm just spending time on the good 'ol web. I know I'm not supposed to be on this site, at school that is. But its okay, I just wanted to say HI to everybody, yes you too fireball, I said everyone. Well see you guys when I get home, I'll post more later. :D
Heya Peoples :D
Hope everyone is doing good today - i is fine, just chillin before i do dinner :D
Hi folks,
Just doing a bit of sysadmin at work so messing around here while I wait for the latest windows patches to download and install!!!
22 Sep 2003, 22:26
Hello all!! hope u is all ok.
been a good day today, except the weather!!
22 Sep 2003, 22:34
Hi everyone,
It has been a 'sunny' day in Holland. Hope you are all well!
Hi Testify!
Finally we are online at the same time, girl I have missed you.
Are you saying 'you have been good' :lol:
Mariella (afraid I can't stay long, maybe better :lol: )
22 Sep 2003, 22:36
Hi everyone,
It has been a 'sunny' day in Holland. Hope you are all well!
Hi Testify!
Finally we are online at the same time, girl I have missed you.
Are you saying 'you have been good' :lol:
Mariella (afraid I can't stay long, maybe better :lol: )
missed u to matey!!!
good?? dont know the meanin of the word. u'll have to check with nanna dottie. :lol:
shame u cant stay long, i'll pm ya sometime. :D
Hiya All
Hope the day has been kind to you!!!!!!!!
Hiya folks,
I am all fed and washed and just chilling before bed!!
23 Sep 2003, 00:28
Good night everyone!! have a nice day tomorrow!!! :D
Take care
night all, :D cu tomorrow . :wink:
Morning All - Um Chris chilling just before bed?
Yet again time has passed,
lonely bat flies to fast,
slow me down,
and I won't frown,
make me smile,
if only for a while.
23 Sep 2003, 13:29
Morning everyone!!
Just a quick visit as im at school.
Have a great day. :D
23 Sep 2003, 14:39
Best be off, need to catch up on my sleep. Enjoy your day :D
Hi all,
Its DINNER TIME!!!!! Jacket potato with baked beans!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes Dottie, I was just chilling before bed!! I posted that last night!!!!
Back to the grindstone!!!!
Seeya folks
Heya all :D
Just spent all afternoon makin 8 shepards pies to go in the freezer - just call me a domsetic goddess :P :wink:
Hope all is well with everyone :D
hi all my days been ok, :D hope you are all well. :wink:
Sounds yummy, My freezer is waiting!!!!!
Chris, :D heres pie in your eye, :D get to the back of the waiting list im before you :D the list is only 250 names ahead of us, :roll: i hope i get the last pie before you.Carols ate all the pies, no pies for chris :cry: , hard luck.never mind eh. :wink:
Now now lads...theres shepards pies aplenty for everyone.... :D :D :D
Just one question: Are they made with real shepherds!!!!!!!!
24 Sep 2003, 00:34
Night all :D
Good night to you all
The Bat flies away in to the night......sadly...........
night all cu soon, :D sorry about chat all :( ,i got kicked out so many times i gave up. :( Chris hope all goes well at the dentist, :( have a nice lazy day today. :lol: while some of us cant get a day off, :cry: only messin you work sooooooo many hours enjoy. :wink: cu all soon. Carol. :wink:
mornin all, :D just getting ready for work. :( Feeling bright eyed and wide awake,[yeah right lmao]. :lol: hope everyone has a great day[those who are working ] :wink: [ those who arent ],have a relaxing day :wink: and im jealous. :( cu all later ppl. :wink:
...goood morning all...mrs mousie..hope your day goes quick quick QUICK...and all the rest ..ENJOY...
ps i'm jealous
Hi Mrs Mouse. Hi Tink,
hope you both have a good day
Good morning all
Good Morning,
If people are going to be jealous, I won't mention that I am off work today and have only just got up!!!!!!!
However, I have got to go to the dentist and go to the ASDA today so it is not all fun adn games!!!!!!
caught up on all the messges so I will now toddle off to the ASDA!!!
Seeya later folks
Work to do must fly away
see you later
The Flying Mouse
24 Sep 2003, 15:22
:twisted: Hi all :D .
Hope you are all rambling happily today.
I am not a happy bunny!!!! :bunny:
I have just been to the dentists with toothache!! Apparently my filling has dropped out and needs replacing!! However, they were too busy to do it today and I cannot have another appoinment until the 8th October!! So i have to put up with the pain until then!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Just one question: Are they made with real shepherds!!!!!!!!
Of course!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hope the toothache is better soon hun :)
I am not a happy bunny!!!! :bunny:
I have just been to the dentists with toothache!! Apparently my filling has dropped out and needs replacing!! then!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Chris try some oil of cloves, apply with cotton bud to surrounding gum, and your'll find it will numb the area. Obtainable from all chemist and ASDA :lol:
I am not a happy bunny!!!! :bunny:
I have just been to the dentists with toothache!! Apparently my filling has dropped out and needs replacing!! However, they were too busy to do it today and I cannot have another appoinment until the 8th October!! So i have to put up with the pain until then!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
hi all, :D hope you all had a good day i have. :wink: awwwwwwwwwwww Chris i think thats terrible, :roll: making you wait till in pain till then shocking. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: .Try Dotties remedy it should work for now. :wink:
Evening all!!
Cheers Dottie, It worked a treat!!!
Although, me being a big tough man i can cope with a little bit of toothy-peg pain!!!!!!!!
helloooooooooooo to everyone. :D
Hellooooooooooo Mrs Mouse :D
Hello all
:D Hi Everyone
Hope you've all had a good day!!!!!!!!
helllloooo Bren , my bat friend :D ,hope you are well. :wink: Hi Terri. :D
24 Sep 2003, 23:34
hello everyone!! hope you've had a great day!!
enjoy your evening :D
25 Sep 2003, 00:13
night all!!! sleep tight :D
Night everyone, sweet dreams! :zzz:
Good night all
i have had a really enjoyable evening here :D tonight
so The happy Bat says goodnight
Just back from the Beck, spent an evening with Derek Acorah, (medium)amazing man. Hoping to see Sharon Neill in November, who has been lbind since birth but manages to 'see' so much.
I've had a wonderful evening - my soul has been bared and I feel all the better for this - this bat quietly wings her way from the forum
25 Sep 2003, 06:32
It's bedtime here ( half past 11 PM), but I bet some of my early riser friends in the UK are just getting up. Here's wishing you the very best as you begin your day even as I am off to sleep. Hey, I had my second ML dream ever on Tuesday- I'm hoping for another! (Anyone know how to "program" your dreams? That would be a great talent to have!)
Goodmorning Sherrie
Good morning one and all...the sun is shinning, it's a new day....enjoy
Bye folks, have fun
see you soon
The Bat flies away.........until nightfall
Good Morning All - short stay this morning - but what a glorious day :D
The night draws near,
a drop of a tear,
away I must fly,
So say Goodbye
Bye Dottie my little postwhoring pipistrelle :lol:
see you later
The Bat must fly
The Flying Mouse
25 Sep 2003, 19:02
Hi all.
I was very late getting up today :oops:
Just couldn't get any sleep 8O :? .
Hey, I had my second ML dream ever on Tuesday- I'm hoping for another! (Anyone know how to "program" your dreams? That would be a great talent to have!)
I had a mad one last week.
I was on a coach trip tp Blackpool and Meat was on the same coach.
I vaugly remember walking round the fair talking to Meat and seeing Paul Crook on the big dipper :roll: .
Heya all - hope everyone is fandabbydosy today!!!
The Flying Mouse
25 Sep 2003, 19:37
Heya all - hope everyone is fandabbydosy today!!!
Hi Heat :D .
The fan,certainly :lol:
The dabby,erm maybe,dunno,what is it 8O .
The dosy,as always :zzz:
original sin
25 Sep 2003, 20:20
8) off to my Magic Class 8) see ya all later or tomorrow
The Flying Mouse
25 Sep 2003, 20:24
8) off to my Magic Class 8) see ya all later or tomorrow
You taking up magic Sin?
Who's teaching?
Heya all - hope everyone is fandabbydosy today!!!
Hi Heat :D .
The fan,certainly :lol:
The dabby,erm maybe,dunno,what is it 8O .
The dosy,as always :zzz:
Nothing changes then, eh??? :wink:
I think karen Carpenter may have got it right
I'm ont he top of the world
looking down on creation
adn the only explanation i can find
is the love that i've found
Ever since you've been around
your loves put em at the top of the world!!!!
25 Sep 2003, 22:56
Hello all!!!
hope u is all ok. :D
im good. Nearly the weekend!! :D
:D Hiya everyone!!!!!!!
Hope u is all well!
Did u say weekend, Testify 8) can't come quick enough :lol:
25 Sep 2003, 23:11
to rite T!! hehehehee :D
You got anything planned T?
night all, just got in been see how the boy is doing now he has started college, he's doing great so I guess I'll have to keep supporting him, no early retirement for me. Early night working Friday, Sunday and Tuesday night, no sleep for a while.
to rite T!! hehehehee :D
You got anything planned T?
Hi T
I plan to do as little as possible :wink:
BTW Luv the new avatar 8)
Time for me to go have a shower!!
Goodnight folks
25 Sep 2003, 23:41
to rite T!! hehehehee :D
You got anything planned T?
Hi T
I plan to do as little as possible :wink:
BTW Luv the new avatar 8)
think i'll do the same :D
thanks :D thought i'd get abit of colour :lol:
Hi Terri, Testify,
Hello everyone
25 Sep 2003, 23:43
right i better be off. im really tired. :D
take care everyone!!! :D
I'm the first today on the forum. :lol:
Goodmorning everyone.
How are you all?
Good Morning Michel, :D morning all im the second one on the forums , :lol: hope you are all well today, :D just getting ready for work, :cry: 5 oclock i finish and it cant come quick enough for me. :lol: Im looking forward to the weekend, :lol: cu all soon take care all. :wink:
The Flying Mouse
26 Sep 2003, 09:14
:twisted: Mornin all :D .
Hope your all well.
Sapphire Lady
26 Sep 2003, 11:05
Good morning. Friday again. Yippee.
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
Mornin All :D :D :D
Hope everyone is great today - i am - retail therapy this afternoon :D :D :D many up and raring to
everyone enjoy your....FRIIIIIDAAAYYYYS!!!!!!
Morning All - Smile and the world :) with you
Good morning???? I'm still in my dressing-gown. Oh well, another lazy day ahead :oops: :roll:
Good morning???? I'm still in my dressing-gown. Oh well, another lazy day ahead :oops: :roll:
Souns good to me, Plukie :D
Just popped in quickly before i head off into town :P
Shopping for anything in particular?? Or just a general blast around the shops? :twisted:
Just checking in in my lunch break (before u ask, i have a free from lessons so i came home for that and lunch!!). Hope everyone is having a great day!!
Cathie x
Shopping for anything in particular?? Or just a general blast around the shops? :twisted:
Well..i'm going to a ball next thursday,so i hafta have summat 'posh' for that, and the weekend after i'm gong to a birthday party in a snobby resturaunt, it's a black tie doo, so again something 'posh'. I'm not really into fancy clothes, i'm more of a jeans and a tee sorta gal, but hubby informs me that my BOOH tee wont be up to scratch, so needs must.
Hiya Cathie hun :P
Well good luck Heat!!! I only possess one black dress which gets tarted up for weddings and dressed down for funerals.
My clothes are black T-Shirts, black jeans and my lovely comfy Doc Martens. :devil:
I have to admit...that i don't actually OWN a dress!!!!
I have about 2 skirts, but i hardly wear them....Spose i'll hafta buy a dress or summat smart today :(
Hi Heat, Plukie, Cathie, Dottie and last but not least Tink :D
hope you are all well
Hi everyone
:D Hiya Pluckie, Cathie, Heat, Bren & Everyone.
I hope you are all having a good day!
I've had a busy one chained to the kitchen baking for a school fundraiser, why I volunteer for these things I never know :roll: I've got cakes coming out of my ears :lol: Choc fudge cake, butterfly buns & carrot cake, so far. Trouble is it doesn't end there cos there would be trouble to pay if I didn't make extras for my lot :roll:
Take care all and enjoy the rest of the day!!!!!!!!
hi all, :D hope you are all well, im sooooooooooooo happy its the WEEKEND , :lol: at last sorry just had to shout it. :wink:
No-one to post with,
No one to play,
I'm getting lonely,
so I won't stay.
Good Night :(
Hiya folks
HOORAY it is friday!!!!!!!
I am totally jiggered as I have been under a lot of stress at work today!!! That many peeps rang in sick i have been on my own most of the day!!!!!
I now have a cunning plan involving the sofa, a bottle of beer and a chinky takeaway!!!!!!
26 Sep 2003, 22:29
hello all!! hope u is good. :D
wooohoooo weekend!!!!! :D :D
Hi Chris,
hello one and all and a good evening to you all
Time for me to toddle off
Night all
26 Sep 2003, 22:32
Hi Chris,
hello one and all and a good evening to you all
hello Bren!! :D how are you? you had a good day?
Hi Testify,
yes thanks, a busy day but good....apart from the dreaded weekly shopping...i hate shopping
still i'm here now :D happy bat :D
and how are you Testify? Have you had a good week at school?
26 Sep 2003, 22:40
its been a great week thanks. I dont mind doin the food shop with me mum. Give me a list n i'll go and do all your jobs :D
glad your a happy bat :D
I dont mind doin the food shop with me mum. Give me a list n i'll go and do all your jobs :D
Thanks Testify :D can do my shopping any time you like :D
Glad you've had a good week.
The Bat must flee
The Bat must flit
only for alittle while
be back in a bit :lol:
Soooooooo glad it's the weekend. Been an awful week. Far too much work for my liking. The weekend will make up for it. I'm doing my own spot of retail therapy tommorrow (although it is mainly stuff for school), gonna watch my new dvd of Trapped, plus Meat's birthday and just the general weekendedness makes for better times. some REALLY GOOD NEWS that makes up for the bad week...well...almost. And I'm having a great time on here. So all is sweetness and light for the time being.
Cathie x
Good night off to work, why do I do this? for the money I'm no saint
27 Sep 2003, 00:32
night all, enjoy your evening :)
Good night Testify
The Bat must fly home to her roost.........sleepy Bat says goodnight
night Bren, :D sleep well my friend. :wink: , nite T, nite Rosie :wink:
Goodnight everyone!!
See you all soon.
Cathie x
nite Cathie , :D cu soon mate :wink: .
Well good nite all, :D cu all soon, :D you lovely ppl. :wink:
Just got home from work I think I've had the worst night of my career useless locum doctors, I'm so tired I think I could cry, may even given up and study full time, sick of the responsibilty of the only registered nurse on the floor Try and get some sleep (what's that) and catch up with the birthday party later
The Flying Mouse
27 Sep 2003, 11:02
:twisted: Have a good sleep Rosie.
Sounds like you've earned it :( .
The party will still be here when you get back :wink: .
Mornin all :D
Hope everyones ok today :D
hi all, :D hope your having a good day, :D and are still partying on. :wink:
hi all, :D hope your having a good day, :D and are still partying on. :wink:
I'm partying like its....2003!!! is 2003... :oops: :wink:
... goooood morniiiing...goooood afternoon..... and
hi all, :D hope everyone is fine, :D and has had a good day. :wink:
hi all, :D hope everyone is fine, :D and has had a good day. :wink:
I'm having a FAB day, Mrs. M. :D
It's Meats birthday and it's
PARTY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay its partytime whoooooooo.
nite all , :D gotta go to work cu soon. :wink:
27 Sep 2003, 22:11
hey everyone!!!!!! hope u is well today!!!! :D :D [/b]
hey everyone!!!!!! hope u is well today!!!! :D :D [/b]
Hiya Testify :D
I is fandabbydosy today hun - really enjoying celebrating Meat's birthday!!!
How's you???
27 Sep 2003, 22:48
im all smiles!!!!and im fantastic!!!!! im well happy!!! wooohoooooo :lol:
im all smiles!!!!and im fantastic!!!!! im well happy!!! wooohoooooo :lol:
And would that just be because it's Meat's Birthday? Or is there another reason you are so chuffed????
27 Sep 2003, 22:55
meats b'day, weekend, n im with friends that are also nuts :wink: :D
wanna join us in chat?? theres a few of us in there with beer :D
Good evening people!!!
Hope everyone is doing well today
Good evening people!!!
Hope everyone is doing well today
Good Evenin Chris hunnie :D
Goodevening Heat, Chris Testify, Mrs Mouse
...and everyone
27 Sep 2003, 23:57
hey Bren how are you?? :D
I'm ok thanks Testify :D
And you?
28 Sep 2003, 00:01
im great thanks!! tis a great day!!!!!! :D :D
hope your weekend is goin great!!!
28 Sep 2003, 01:33
night all!!! :D :D
Goodnight Everyone - Don't have nightmares
hate missing everyone, :cry: and on such a wonderful day yesterday too, :( anyway we had lots of lager and cider for Meat anyway, :lol: we even raised our glasses to him coolllllll. :wink: Chris seeya today mate, :D we wont be hungover dont worry, :wink: we cant wait buddy. :wink: Good Morning to you all my friends wherever you are, :D take care cu all today on the forums. :wink:
28 Sep 2003, 03:40
Night all! Chris, I have strictly Meaty dreams on schedule!
Mornin All :D
I have such a hangover this mornign, but it was soooooo worth it!!!!
I haven't had such a singsong in ages - Fel, you is definately a bad influence, girl :twisted: :wink:
..(tink whispers..) shhhh...good morning all....
Morning all
Just about to set off to the Mouse house!!!
Heat, It was all feleena's fault!! Although it was a great sing song
Morning All -
lonely bat wants to stay,
but no young'uns
want to come out to play :(
Hey Dottie :D
Hangover has now dissapered, and i'm ready to start all over again!!!!
Hiya Heat, afraid I didn't have a hangover, but I cann't remember everything we all did last night :oops: we were all as bad as one another, but what a laugh :lol:
:D Hiya Everyone
Hope you are all enjoying the weekend!!!!!!
Sounds like some of you have certainly been having some fun this weekend :wink:
Have fun!
hi Terri, :D hope you is well. :wink:
Hiya Heat, afraid I didn't have a hangover, but I cann't remember everything we all did last night :oops: we were all as bad as one another, but what a laugh :lol:
It was a laugh indeed, i went to bed last night with a warm merry glow, that wasn't just from all the tequila i'd consumed!!!! :roll:
Hope everyone is ok this afternoon and up for chat later tonight??? - i promise i won't sing..well..maybe just a bit!!! :twisted: 8O
28 Sep 2003, 20:14
Hiya Heat, afraid I didn't have a hangover, but I cann't remember everything we all did last night :oops: we were all as bad as one another, but what a laugh :lol:
It was a laugh indeed, i went to bed last night with a warm merry glow, that wasn't just from all the tequila i'd consumed!!!! :roll:
Hope everyone is ok this afternoon and up for chat later tonight??? - i promise i won't sing..well..maybe just a bit!!! :twisted: 8O
You can sing as much as you want to Sweetheart :!: I would love to hear you sing since I missed it last night :D
Goodnight finally going to get some sleep had to work last night to cover as the locum doctor screwed up big time on friday night I now have to give evidence at a coroners hearing. You know I can honestly say I am truly p..... off.and I'm not giving my tickets back.
28 Sep 2003, 22:22
Hello everyone!!!
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend!!!!!! :D
hiya T, :D hope you are well tonite. :wink:
28 Sep 2003, 22:34
im great thanks and how are you??
Hope ur well. Jen, Terri and myself are in chat if u wanna come by. :D *hint hint*
original sin
28 Sep 2003, 22:42
Ohh Rosie, not pleasant I know - you take it easy and calmly.
and my tickets aint going back either :wink:
I'm off for a curry :lol: hope to be back later
good night Sin
goodnight one and all
and goodnight Tim...good to have you back :D
The Bat flies away into the night.......
28 Sep 2003, 23:05
night all. Take care!! :D
have a great evenin
:D Goodnight all!!!!!!
The weekend's flown by...........time to start the week all over again!
Hope you all have a good week ahead of you :wink:
Hiya folks
I have managed to escape from the mouses whilst they weren't looking!!!!!!!!!
Only Kidding!!!! :P :lol: :lol:
Had a great day seeing the sites of liverpool!!
This is where the cowoby rides away
Night folks
The Flying Mouse
29 Sep 2003, 03:32
:twisted: Well me and Mrs Mouse had a great time showing Chris round Liverpool today 8) .
Glad you got back home safe buddy :D
It's time to get some sleep.
See you all tomorrow :wink: .
29 Sep 2003, 05:32
Goodnight everyone. I'm off for a hot bath and some sweet Meaty dreams :wink:
Maria :twisted:
Morning All - Gotta go to work early today :(
Morning All :D
Its raining and pouring here....i think Noah may be thinking about a comeback... 8O
Glad to hear you had a good time at the Mousies Chris :D
Hi all,
I am feeling in a very good mood today!!! Don't know why, it must be what carol puts in the tea!!!!!!
It is glorious sunshine here so i have just called in at lunch to put my short sleeved shirt on!
29 Sep 2003, 15:55
Hello all, im at school at the moment and i have two hours straight of AVCE ICT, yay the joys. :)
Hope you all are well. Catch ya later 8)
:D Hiya everyone
Hope you are all having a good day!
Hi Testify......working hard I hope :lol:
Hi Chris......glad to hear you had a good time at the mousies :D
If your good mood is something to do with what Carol puts in the tea, do ya thinks she could let me have some :wink:
Hi Heat......Sounds like the weather aint being so kind to you today :roll: hate to tell you this but it's a glorious day here :D
Take care all!
29 Sep 2003, 16:38
hope your day gets better Terri :D
hope your day gets better Terri :D
:D Thanks matey! Enjoy the rest of your day!
Catch ya later :D
The Flying Mouse
29 Sep 2003, 17:30
:twisted: Hi everyone :D .
Hope your all well today.
It was a lot of fun yesterday showing Chris round town,and of course listening to some Meat Loaf at home :wink: .
Don't even mention Noah,we've already got too many biblical characters round here already :lol: .
hi all, had a fab day yesterday meeting Chris, brilliant, got in work today at 11 oclock 8O , when i should of been there at 8.30 lmao :lol: . My boss said why did you bother coming in, :? then i said ok can i go back home? :lol: he said no just go and work. :? And do you know what i just didnt even care lmao,
because we all had such a great day on Sunday, it was all worth being late lmao. :wink:
29 Sep 2003, 22:00
Glad you had fun :D
evenin all!! hope u had a brill day and that your all ok. :D
Evening all
Just a quick visit while i sit watching Eastenders!! He's back today!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you is all fine
right folks
Places to go,
things to see,
people to do
It's been a blast
catch ya later!!!!!!
Goodevening to you all
29 Sep 2003, 23:24
early night tonite, very tired. night all :D
night night everyone
Nite Rosie ,cu soon matey. :wink:
The Bat bids you all good night ....
and flies quietly and sadly away.....
Just a quick visit while i sit watching Eastenders!! He's back today!!!!!!!!!!!
But then...i was doing something far more enjoyable.... :wink: :D
The Flying Mouse
30 Sep 2003, 10:27
:twisted: Mornin dudes :D .
Hope everyone is well.
Have a rockin day 8) .
Good morning Mousie,
Hope you have a good day too
Good morning everyone hope that the day is good to you all
The Bat flies away....much to do today
must fly away now ...lots to do
The Bat flies away................
Morning one and all :D
Hope everyone is fab today, i feel like the walking dead :roll:
Hope you find a nice one Heat
still think it's aliens, that's where Trigger went back to the mother ship
Hello all,
Just a quick visit as I won't be around tonight
Got a Smart Car owners Club meeting!!! Basically it's an excuse for a night playing pool!!!!!!!!
:D Hi everyone :D
Hope you are all well and having a good day!!!!!!
Hiya Terri - Hope you is having a good 'un too :D
30 Sep 2003, 17:53
:D Hi everyone :D
Hope you are all well and having a good day!!!!!!
ahhhhh damn it i missed ya. :(
Hey all, got lots of coursework to do so i thought i'd pop in here and escape :D shhhh dont tell anyone im here....
Hey all, got lots of coursework to do so i thought i'd pop in here and escape :D shhhh dont tell anyone im here....
Iwon't say a word, T :wink: :P
30 Sep 2003, 17:57
good girl :lol: heres a some choccie.
You ok heat?? howz your day? still like the walking dead?
:D Hi Heat!
:D Hi Testify!
Hope you've both had a good day :D
30 Sep 2003, 18:03
Hey T, hope u is ok.
Hello one and all :D
Hi there, one aching back greeting you today
OKay, i would say goodnight to you all!!! Lots to do!
Night night, off to watch Enders and then off to work, sad muppet that I am
hi all, :D hope everyone has had a good day. :D I have. :wink:
30 Sep 2003, 23:48
Night all. have a great night. take care :D
:D Night T
:D Night night all :zzz:
nite Rosie, T and Terri, :D sleep well all. :wink:
helloooooooooooooo . :wink:
Goodnight out there...wherever you are!!!
Well had a wonderful night,
nows the time for a bite :twisted: ,
Flap, flap of wings,
as this pipistrelle,
flies off into the night.
Farewell my little pipistrelle
We love your company, you know that well
Sleep well my friend, i bid you good night
she calls as Dottie flies out of sight :lol:
Friends one and all i bid you goodnight
it's time for The Bat now to take flight
good night Tim , missed you again...hope all is well
good night Dottie, mrs mouse ,Terri , testify
good night all.....The Bat flies away into the night.........
Good Evening everyone
I am feeling much better
I am feeling much better
Glad to hear it, Hun :D
Having trouble sleeping, :( anyways Good Morning to you all. :wink: ,hope you all have a good day. :wink: Also for all you ppl in work today :( ,dont work to hard. :wink: And for those who are off :P only messin, relax and enjoyyyyyyyy.
Goodnite all its time to go, :( gonna try the second time, to get some sleep. :wink: Hope to see you all soon, :lol: nitey nite sleep tight all. :wink: take care of you all. :wink:
01 Oct 2003, 06:05
Night all! I'm trying really hard to stay awake, my beloved Atlanta Braves are in the baseball championship series, down by 3 runs right now. I'd normally be heading to bed about now, but I somehow believe that they will do better if I just keep watching the game! :roll: I guess it doesn't really work that way, but I keep watching nevertheless.
Morning beautiful people :D
Hope all's well with everyone today :D
Just gonna have a quiet morning and then off for a hosp appointment this afternoon :evil:
Hope you get on ok at he butchers, i mean, dentists, Chris :wink:
Night all! I'm trying really hard to stay awake, my beloved Atlanta Braves are in the baseball championship series, down by 3 runs right now. I'd normally be heading to bed about now, but I somehow believe that they will do better if I just keep watching the game! :roll: I guess it doesn't really work that way, but I keep watching nevertheless.
Did they win, Sherrie???
:D Hiya All!
Hope you are all well.
It's a beautifull day and out there and I've got a couple of days off work yipeee 8)
Hope you all have a good day
Enjoy your days off Terri - i'm sure you've more than earned them... :wink:
:D Thanks Heat, sure have earned them :wink:
Problem is I've got a mountain of housework to get through YUK! Thats day one delt with :cry:
Nevermind there's always day two 8)
:D Hope u enjoy your day and things go well this afternoon!
Good Morning peeps
The tooth is OK (for now) so I should be OK at the dentists!!! Besides, she shouldn't hurt me as I haven't worked her paperbill out yet!!!!!!
Anyone (like me) whose isn't working - enjoy the day
Anyone who is working - LOL :lmao: ROFL :lmao:
Right i ma off to meet the dentist!!
01 Oct 2003, 17:22
bloody computer wont let me do anything!! i swear im gonna kick the damn thing!!!! :x :x
hope your all havin a better day than i am :cry:
hi everyone, :D hope youve all had a good day. :) Chris hope your tooth is feeling better , :wink: and the[ butcher] i mean the dentist wasnt too rough. :lol: .
:D Hi Everyone!
Hope the day has been really kind to u :wink:
I flew lonely as a cloud,
over topics brash and loud,
came to rest upon this page,
So goodnight its all change :oops:
01 Oct 2003, 23:05
hello all, at least this comp works.
Hey T n J. Hope you've had a good day. :D
02 Oct 2003, 00:26
night all!!
have a great day tomorrow!! byeeeeeee...........
Rob The Badger
02 Oct 2003, 00:29
Good night my Darlings!
02 Oct 2003, 04:36
sherrie87 wrote:
Night all! I'm trying really hard to stay awake, my beloved Atlanta Braves are in the baseball championship series, down by 3 runs right now. I'd normally be heading to bed about now, but I somehow believe that they will do better if I just keep watching the game! I guess it doesn't really work that way, but I keep watching nevertheless.
Heat said:
Did they win, Sherrie???
Alas Heat, they did not win yesterday, but they are ahead today with only two innings to go. Nor did Meat's beloved Yankees win- it just wasn't a good day for either team yesterday!
Sapphire Lady
02 Oct 2003, 11:04
Just thought I'd say good morning seeing as I'm first today. :D
02 Oct 2003, 11:55
morning all!!
Have a great day!!
im in college at the moment, i've got ICT for the next 2 hours. :)
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