View Full Version : Official Time Of the Day Thread (Good Morning Good Night)
Hi everyone
.......loads of happy thoughts on the way........
07 Nov 2003, 15:32
missed ya again T. hmph....take care
hi folks :D
07 Nov 2003, 17:18
bye allllll........
Hi everyone,
Am praying madly for good news for Meat - really hoping all will be well with the big man.
I went and did it today - i bought my first christmas pressies.... :roll:
Hi folks
I went and did it today - i bought my first christmas pressies.... :roll:
First????? All done, bought wrapped and labelled!!! Just waiting for the alst one to arrive from and we have cracked it!!!
Also finished writing my Xmas cards and even looked up the last posting dates to Canada this afternoon!!!!!
Sometimes i scare myself I can be so organised!!
07 Nov 2003, 22:15
Tink said:
shhhh...pssst..Chris...i'll help you hide YOUR bodies..if you help me hide miiine....rolling...
You know what they say- a friend will help you move, but a true friend will help you move a body! :wink:
Chris- there is nothing wrong with being so organized! A sign used to hang over my desk at a former job: "Since when is obsessive compulsive disorder a disorder?" That's the level of organization I possess!
Hey! Flying visit tonight. Hope you are all well. I've also started christmas shopping, although my mum started a couple of weeks ago, our kitchen table is covered in plastic bags of all descriptions! But with birthdays and christmas coming up i've had to get going.
it's my first day of my new job tomorrow. i'm looking forward to it but i'm really scared!!!
take care all.
Cathie x
07 Nov 2003, 22:33
good luck C!! will all be fine.
evenin guys n gals, hope you is all well.
:D Evening everyone!
All the best Cathie, you'll be great!!!
Well I must be going for the umpteenth time today so :zzz: to my parent bat Bren and protege Testify, and anyone I'm sory I missed - c u tomorrow
08 Nov 2003, 02:05
Gnight all!
You'll do great C :D
Evenin/mornin all, pick whichever you like
Morning All :D
Hope everyone is good today - i've a busy day ahead - gonna watch the rugby (c'mon Australia!!!! - sorry Jen... :lol: ) then i'm making a big batch of shepards pies to put in the freezer. I dunno. A woman's work is never done.... :roll: :lol:
Good Morning to Terri, Jen, Heat and Sin, feel so much better after reading the reviews and feeling the happiness that exudes from the lucky fans who saw Meat last night.
original sin
08 Nov 2003, 11:35
hi all - looks like my lie in was blown again!
Yep Dottie , the weekend can start on a high..........
:D Hi Sin, Dottie, Heat & everyone,
:( No lie in for me either this morning, or any morning come to think of it :roll: since getting the puppy its like having a baby in the house all over again 8O
Hope you are all enjoying the weekend!
08 Nov 2003, 16:24
hey terri! puppy is keepin you busy then...good puppy :P
hey all! hope your weekend is goin ok. :D
Also goodmorning... hahaha...
Bye brennie the bat... sleep well.
Talk to you soon again.
09 Nov 2003, 01:47
goodnite all, tc, cya round
:D Good morning everyone!!!
:D Tim
bye .....bye....back later.....
09 Nov 2003, 15:39
hello all, hope ya'll have in a great weekend! tis horrible n cold here :cry:
Hello from my sickbed!!!!
As a true Meat fan!!! i have decided that he gets a cold, I must get a cold!!!!!
Hopefully I will be better in time for thursday concert!!
Hope you recover from your cold quickly Chris.
Good day all
Cold and dull here
Bye, bye my parent Bat Bren, c u later sometime
this time I have to go for good, this pipistrelle glides gently into the night, with a gentle flapping of her wings, to rest her weary head, upside down :lol:
Heya All
I'm in a crackin mood cos Akky Stanley have just knocked Huddersfield Town outta the FA cup!!!!!
Thats one in the eye for all you Yorkshiremen... You know who you are!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Hope everyone is feeling as good as me....
Heya All
I'm in a crackin mood cos Akky Stanley have just knocked Huddersfield Town outta the FA cup!!!!!
Thats one in the eye for all you Yorkshiremen... You know who you are!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Hope everyone is feeling as good as me....
We was robbed!!!!!!
How on earth did Accrington Stanley beat us??? What happened?? Was the entire Huddersfield team sent off after the first minute!!!!!! Mind you, it is good that we graciously allowed you to win, must be the first time this season eh???
Off to bed night, night all my cyber friends....................
09 Nov 2003, 22:41
hello all, hope ya'll have had a great weekend!
:D Evening everyone, hope you are all well.
Wow that was one quick weekend!
09 Nov 2003, 23:13
:zzz: !
10 Nov 2003, 00:28
Hallo everyone
Hallo Bren :lol: ...that is Dutch! Very good to see this!
Hope you have had a good weekend. Think you will have a great week!
Hello everyone!!!
Rob The Badger
10 Nov 2003, 01:10
You're all beautiful. Good night.
Hallo Bren :lol: ...that is Dutch! Very good to see this!
Hope you have had a good weekend. Think you will have a great week!
Hello everyone!!!
:lol: i keep doing that Mariella,...i think something in English,and find i type in Dutch :lol: and i'm not aware i'm doing it until after i 've posted it
i had a good weekend thanks
concert tommorrow :D
Good morning everyone
10 Nov 2003, 16:51
Hi all, i've just got lost in ict, so i give up :P
Hope you is all ok and are havin a good day. :D
10 Nov 2003, 22:12
hey all! hope you all had a good day! :D :D
Good night all
:zzz: bat flies away.........
Meat Loaf concert tomorrow :bunny:
Hiya all,
Just got abck to the cinema and I am confused!!!
I have now seen all three matrix films and have to ask, What the chuff are they on about!!!! I do not get them!!!!
Is it me??
Hiya all,
Just got abck to the cinema and I am confused!!!
I have now seen all three matrix films and have to ask, What the chuff are they on about!!!! I do not get them!!!!
Is it me??
Don't ask me Chris ... I got lost halfway through the first one :lol:
Glad I am not the only one
Glad I am not the only one
The worst part is I actually bought the DVD ....
oh well, maybe I'll try watching it again sometime :roll:
Well i cannot sit around here all night enjoying myself!!
Got some serious coding to do!!
Night all
(PS. Does anyone know a good C++ compiler for windows similar to the command line ones for unix?????)
11 Nov 2003, 10:05
Goodmorning everyone!
I am very happy to read the first UK show was fantastic!!! :bunny:
Wish I could be there this evening, with everyone!
:D hallo Mariella,
de vleermuis is blij :D :bunny:
Hello everyone :D
Good Morning All, c u in a mo :)
11 Nov 2003, 12:27
Hello again, everyone...lovely day isn't it :bunny:
Well my time isn't quite done on here,
but I really do fancy having a beer,
something to eat,
vegetables would go down a treat,
So see you later my lovely friends
11 Nov 2003, 20:28
See you later, lovely Monday for sure!!!
Goodnight all you lovely people!
11 Nov 2003, 22:52
hey all! hope ya'll had a great day today!
Hello everyone! Hope you are all having a good evening :D
12 Nov 2003, 00:21
night all :D
12 Nov 2003, 00:23
Goodnight Testify! good :lol:
Hope to talk to you soon!
Goodnight Mariella, Bren, Chris and Testify and sorry for anyone I've missed, sleep tight and may your god go with you in your dreams
Aaaargh! Where's my picture gone :twisted:
12 Nov 2003, 12:14
morning all! hope you all have a great day! :D
Good Morning/Afternoon my parent Bat Bren :D to see you
Dottie my little pipistrelle :D good to see you
Meat sung Forever young last good
Oh Oh Oh Forever Young, did it make you feel all welled up inside Bren :( but happy for you, I hope we hear it on Monday
12 Nov 2003, 22:28
hey all!!! :D :D
Good day you all. Hope you will have a beautifull and nice day.
Take care.
The Butcher.
13 Nov 2003, 00:54
night all. take care :)
First one I think to say Good Morning :lol:
.......and now I say Goodnight sleep tight :zzz:
Well I must as well use this goodnight :zzz: c u later I hope
Good Morning and what wonderfully marvellousday it is today!!!!
Thats right tonight with a little help from the Mousies and some Meat loaf chap it is a case of:
Change of plans:
Tonight with a little help from Mr Jack Daniels we are going to stop in with the CHSIB album and mildly shake the living room!!!!
Change of plans:
Tonight with a little help from Mr Jack Daniels we are going to stop in with the CHSIB album and mildly shake the living room!!!!
glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humour chris :lol:
Goodmorning my little pipistrelle :lol:
Morning Chris :D
Goodd Morning my parent bat Bren.
Change of plans:
Tonight with a little help from Mr Jack Daniels we are going to stop in with the CHSIB album and mildly shake the living room!!!!
glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humour chris :lol:
Well Dottie, you've got to keep smiling haven't you!!
Off to the chinese now for a "businessman's lunch"!!!!
13 Nov 2003, 23:23
hey all. hope you've had a good day. shame to hear meat isnt very well
good afternoon/evening/whatever :lol:
back later.....bye for now
:( shopping to do :(
14 Nov 2003, 23:08
hey all! hope you've had a great day.
hope yaz all have a great weekend!
and a good evening to you Chris
goodnight Tim,sleep well
goodnight all
The Bat flies wearily away.............
Good night All, going to rest my head upside down, after a very traumatic evening,
Good Morning everybody.
How are we all today??
I have just got the bath running (so i think i'd better chase it!!!) and am then going shopping!!! Becuase I have worked saturdays for the last 7 years, I have never been shopping for a day on a saturday!!!!!!
Just one problem: Meadowhall or the Trafford Centre!!???!?!?!?!?!
Rob The Badger
15 Nov 2003, 11:51
hello Eyeore :D
Hello to everyone :D
15 Nov 2003, 17:34
hey all! tis freezin here brrrr hope your havin a good day :)
Goodnight Bren.... take care, and good luck tomorrow.
16 Nov 2003, 00:43
we wish pleasant dreams...
had a good journey to London.
Mariella and LostSoul
16 Nov 2003, 00:51
night all, take care! :D
Right folks,
Busy day tomorrooow so I had better hit the sack!! If not, I will be sat on my horse falling asleep!!!!
Night folks
Good morning all
have a nice relaxing Sunday
i have to go to work now..... :(
Good morning you all.
Have a nice day, and Bren.... have fun!!
The Butcher.
Morning All,
Enjoy work Bren!!!!!
I am taking advantage of my last day of holidays by lying in bed with the rugby on reading the sunday papers with tea and toast!!!!!
16 Nov 2003, 13:06
A very good morning to you alLo!l from London!
Met lost soul!
16 Nov 2003, 13:14
Morning all,
Australia V England next week, reckon we will win Chris???
Have gd Sunday all,
16 Nov 2003, 13:21
hey all! hope your havin a great weekend! :D
Good evening one and all
16 Nov 2003, 22:03
hellooooooo :D off to london tomorrow :D
16 Nov 2003, 22:11
i will thanks bren, how are you?
Tired, i had to work all weekend.....but apart from that i'm ok thanks :D
Morning all,
Australia V England next week, reckon we will win Chris???
Have gd Sunday all,
Of course we shall!!!!!!
Evening all!!
Cpl Mickey
16 Nov 2003, 22:43
Bood Evening Chris, Bren & Testify. Seeing Meat Loaf tomorrow can't wait
Good night all
sleep well
very tired Bat flies away........
Hello Dottie my little pipistrelle :lol:
Good evening one and all
18 Nov 2003, 16:23
hi all, hope your all ok! :D
....and again.... :)
Goodmorning all
hope you all have a good day :D
Hello Dottie,
how are you today? hope all is well
bye from me......for now
21 Nov 2003, 11:30
morning all, hope you all have a great day today.....
....nearly the weekend :P
Good Morning All - be there in a jiffy
Hello Terri :D good to see you
and good afternoon-ish :lol: to you all
Good night all
very tired bat is going to fly away............
inspite of the number of people using the forum, it's very lonely on here tonight.....
Good night Bren......Night all!!!
Time to fly :lol:
bye bye........back later
22 Nov 2003, 16:17
helloooooooooo :D
See you all a bit later guys, :D gotta work. :(
How are all the beautiful people this evening??
And what about the rest of you??
Hope everyone is doing well!!
Goodnight everyone
I am very tired after work today so I am having an early night
23 Nov 2003, 00:24
Goodnight, I wont be going to bed for a while as I fell asleep after T
23 Nov 2003, 01:03
goodnite all, take care
Night all, :D soooooooooooo tired cu all soon mateys. :wink:
23 Nov 2003, 06:25
Night all, I seem to be the only one here at the moment!
23 Nov 2003, 07:39
Good night everyone and sweet dreams.
Love & Happiness
Autumn (BadAttitude)
23 Nov 2003, 12:52
morning all!!! hope your havin a good weekend :)
25 Nov 2003, 18:47
People of the planet earth i bid you greetings
25 Nov 2003, 22:14
hello, hope you've all had a good day. :D
Hello peeps.
I am hiding from stress, paperwork adn mad customers!!
I think there is a lot to be said for working in a shop where you cna ignore christmas!!!
Hello peeps.
I am hiding from stress, paperwork adn mad customers!!
I think there is a lot to be said for working in a shop where you cna ignore christmas!!!
....and breathe.....
I think there is a lot to be said for working in a shop where you cna ignore christmas!!!
:roll: Does one exist :o If only :lol:
Its a nightmare shopping at this time of year, everyone is so stressed and the Christmas spirit is lost!!! :x
Hope you are all well and having a stress free day :D
26 Nov 2003, 18:22
hey all, parent tutor nite tonite, hehe my time slot is up in a mo, better go. Take care
hi all hope your well. :wink:
26 Nov 2003, 22:43
hey all, hope ya'llz ok. :D
26 Nov 2003, 23:44
goodnite all. take care :D
27 Nov 2003, 10:46
Good morning. :D
:D Good morning,
Hope you are all well on this cold frosty morning!!!!
27 Nov 2003, 19:02
hey all. :D hope you all had a great day. :D
... good LOAF...i tell off this track againe...
but i'm back... to wish loverly days to all... :lol:
... good LOAF.. i fell off this track againe ...
but i'm wish all...a loverly day... :D
The Archangel Gabriel
28 Nov 2003, 22:15
Good evening and blessings upon you
28 Nov 2003, 22:48
helllooooooo anyone seen Jen or cathie or terri????
hi Testify, how are you?
28 Nov 2003, 23:15
hey Bren!!! im great thanks! and yourself?? :D
Bye from me........
.....maybe sometime i will never know.......
The Bat flies away................................bye
29 Nov 2003, 02:43
night all, have a great weekend.
take care :D
The Flying Mouse
29 Nov 2003, 03:52
:twisted: Time to catch some Z's :zzz:
Rock on and see you all tomorrow :D
30 Nov 2003, 01:23
night all :D
nite all, :D see you soon very tired. :wink:
30 Nov 2003, 03:47
Good night all! From across the ocean, I wish you pleasant dreams.
... gooooOOOOD MORNING/ AFTERNOON...meatie troops...
:D Hi everyone!!!!
Hope you are all having a GREAT weekend 8)
hi Terri, :D had a great weekend, :D hope you all have. :wink:
30 Nov 2003, 23:43
helloooooo, hope your weekend was great!! :D
hi all, :D just came in from work, :D it went very well cu all soon. :wink:
nite all. :D nite Meat, :wink: see you all soon hugs to you all. :D Carolxxxxxxxx. :wink:
:D Morning All!!!!
8O Tis too early, but it's a case of too much to do & too lil time to do it in today :roll:
Have a good day everyone :D
01 Dec 2003, 15:58
hey Everyone. Hope your havin a good day.
Its pourin it down here.
Take care
The Flying Mouse
01 Dec 2003, 16:04
:twisted: Hi Terri :D .
Hi Testify :D .
Hi all.
Hope you're all well.
I'm knackered :( .
Last night I was once again baptised with beer at the altar of rock 8) .
01 Dec 2003, 16:11
im not too bad, a lil bit stressed. Doin spreadsheets in ICT at the mo.
Have a good day.
Hiya folks
Just sticking ym head in so you don't forget who i am!!!!
I am currently hiding from the stress monster as i have managed 95.5hours this week adn am getting mightily pissed off wiht the custoemrs!!!
Anyway, only 24 days to go and then i will be back on here and thanks to a new 512k broadband line i will be faster than ever!!
Knackered Newsie (with apologies to Rosie!!!!)
... good morning troops...
mornin tink
morning all
to all those going to dublin tonight raize hell and high water. sing till uze cant sing anymore ,and have a bl**dy good time
02 Dec 2003, 15:51
Hi everyone...for those going to the Point today...ROCK ON!!!! :D
03 Dec 2003, 00:09
hey all, hope you had a great day, take care
mornin all its a horrible day in yorkshire but i dont care!!!!!!
the boss is back
Night all, hope to cu all soon, :D its just not the same here anymore. :cry:
04 Dec 2003, 23:53
night all, take care
Well folks, my bed is calling. (shame it's just the bed and not some sexy leggy blonde but hey, live in hope!!)
Nighty Night Folks
The Flying Mouse
05 Dec 2003, 12:10
:twisted: Right, i'm off to bed for an hour or so :zzz:
I've got a really sore throat and it's kept me up all night :( .
I've got to go to work tonight.God knows how i'm suposed to sing :roll: .
Catch you all later.
05 Dec 2003, 18:10
hey all! weekend!!!! wooohooooo
06 Dec 2003, 01:08
nite all!! have a great weekend!! :D
Well folks, my bed is calling. (shame it's just the bed and not some sexy leggy blonde but hey, live in hope!!)
Nighty Night Folks
never mind Chris you will find her one day mate. :wink:
Yes Mousie and i sang ok tonite, :D nite all cu soon guys. :wink: :zzz:
mornin all cu soon. :zzz:
06 Dec 2003, 06:55
Good morning everyone...hope you all have a good weekend :D
Good Morning all my Meaty mates :D
black dog
06 Dec 2003, 11:06
Good Morning All!
Looks like it should be a good day today.
06 Dec 2003, 12:42
Good morning everyone and have a great day. :D
Love & Happiness
hey all! weekend!!!! wooohooooo
THANK all the powers that beee.... :D
and a goooOOOOD MORNING to all the meatie troops.... enjoy the day..
:D Hi all ....... enjoy the weekend 8)
Good night all. I'm feeling unusually happy and optimistic tonight, even the thought of work tomorrow isn't changing my mood. Hope I wake up feeling the same way tomorrow. Pleasant dreams everyone.
Nite all, :zzz: i also gotta work tomorrow, :cry: cu all soon take care you guys. :wink:
08 Dec 2003, 05:53
By the time I get here to tell eveyone goodnight it's almost moring in the UK! What a concept! :lol: So, good night, good morning- take whichever applies!
09 Dec 2003, 00:04
hey all!! hope you've all had a good start to the week :D
09 Dec 2003, 01:04
night all, long day tomorrow. take care :)
Good Morning All its now 00.05 - Come on your early birds, as this bat wings her way around the forum
This little bat flies off into the night to hang her weary head upside down :lol: flap, flap .........into the dark, dark night.............
black dog
09 Dec 2003, 10:29
Morning all. Have a great day. I've got to go to work now.:cry:
... good morning meatie troops.... :!:
09 Dec 2003, 16:14
hey all, hope your all havin a good day. tc
10 Dec 2003, 00:42
night all :P take care
black dog
10 Dec 2003, 07:07
Good morning everyone. I can't believe I'm on the internet at this time of the morning but my son's not been very well. So I'm wide awake. Won't be when I have to be at work at 9.
... wishing all a good day....
The Flying Mouse
10 Dec 2003, 11:51
:twisted: Mornin all :D .
Hope it's a good one :wink: .
Good morning to you Mousie, :D
Yes i'm having a good day
how is my little pipistrelle today? hope all is well
10 Dec 2003, 20:23
hey everyone! hope you all had a good day and ur all ok :P
10 Dec 2003, 21:47
helloooooo bren! howz you matey?
i am ok thanks Testify :D
How are things with you?not working too hard i hope :lol:
Goodnight from The Bat, must fly :lol: ...things to do
The Bat flies away................
10 Dec 2003, 21:54
working??? whats that??
things are ok ty
10 Dec 2003, 21:54
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE :twisted: :twisted:
10 Dec 2003, 23:21
hey chris, u gota say hello in the where are u all thread, just to make sure your not lost.
It is turned 10pm and is now past my bedtime
Goodnight all!!
... good morning meatie troops... :!: ...
Good morning from me,
The Bat waves to her friends...can't speak/shout , have lost my voice!!
Morning Mousie :D
Morning Dottie :D
The Flying Mouse
11 Dec 2003, 12:29
:twisted: Hi Bren :D .
Sorry to hear about the voice :( .
Fortunatly, I speak fluent bat....
eeeeek, eek ek eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk :wink: .
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek :lol: .
:lol: :lol: Mousie
thanks for making me laugh...not feeling too good at moment, been a very tough afternoon at work, squeaking at people :lol:
11 Dec 2003, 21:23
hope u is better soon Bren...
...hey all!! :D
:D Hi everyone
I've not been around for a while, had a few probs with my internet connection.
Very frustrating time :evil: .....Good to be back tho 8)
Sorry to here you are feeling poorly Bren, Get well soon
12 Dec 2003, 01:22
g'nite all :D take care
... goooOOOD MORNING MEATIE TROOPS... :!: :!: :!:
Hiya All - hope everyone is ok today :D
12 Dec 2003, 21:23
hi all!! :D hope your all ok
hi everyone, :D all my meaty mates :wink: its the weekkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeennnnnndddddddddd whooooooooooooooo, :lol: enjoy all. :wink: gotta work or should i say{rock} 8) cu soon. :wink:
13 Dec 2003, 02:54
night all :zzz:
goodnight Testify and anyone else who's around :zzz:
Morning All - This little Bat can't sleep, even though her eyelids are drooping...... If I fly around the Forums a while maybe I can drop off......
This little bat flies off into the night to hang her weary head upside down :lol: flap, flap .........into the dark, dark night.............
Well its 1.36am guess I'd better be flying off into the night, flap, flap.......
... hope all had good days..and now.....YAAAAY....tis the weekend inDEED.... :lol:
To bed, to bed, to rest thy weary head. :zzz:, nite all you lovely ppl. :wink:
13 Dec 2003, 09:11
GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
... goooOOOD SATTIDAY MORNING....meatie troops .... :!: :!: :!:
13 Dec 2003, 13:37
Good morning, Im not long up, lazy lazy
Good morning, Im not long up, lazy lazy
naww...that's not lazy... that's called...reLAXing... :D
tink...queen of relaaaxing.... :lmao:
13 Dec 2003, 18:50
Morning all! (OK, 'afternoon to the UK) I am on my own today, miracle of miracles. My son has gone shopping with my parents and husband is at work. I scarcely know what to do with myself! So, it's ML blasting (WTTN) and a bit of house cleaning fit into periods of checking out the forums here.
13 Dec 2003, 20:51
hey all! hope you had a good day :D
:D Hi Everyone, hope you're having a good weekend!
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