View Full Version : Official Time Of the Day Thread (Good Morning Good Night)

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27 May 2003, 22:52
Goodnight, Farewell I'm off for some rest and relaxation in front of that square thing that lurks in the corner - c u tomorrow

Really have to go to bed now :zzz: as my head flops over the keyboard

27 May 2003, 22:54
u guys r too much

27 May 2003, 23:01
night dottie, have a nice evenin.

original sin
27 May 2003, 23:40
:cry: gotta go :cry: be back thursday night or friday, will miss you all take care, be good :twisted: don't do anything I wouldn't :twisted:

27 May 2003, 23:42
have fun sin!! :lol: :P :lol:

27 May 2003, 23:43
Yeah Sin have fun :D

27 May 2003, 23:47
well im off i've posted too much today!! lol i was a junior loafer n now im a senior loafer. hehe im proud of myself. :lol:

27 May 2003, 23:48
Another postwhore then :twisted:

28 May 2003, 01:12
:twisted: :P :twisted:

28 May 2003, 01:35
well im off i've posted too much today!! lol i was a junior loafer n now im a senior loafer. hehe im proud of myself. :lol:
I've trained u well :wink:

original sin
28 May 2003, 01:42
really gotta go now......at least I can sleep happy now I have put Satan behind me in the postcount :twisted:

28 May 2003, 01:43
Well done Sin, have a nice time... and don't forget to come back to us :lol:

28 May 2003, 01:58
really gotta go now......at least I can sleep happy now I have put Satan behind me in the postcount :twisted:

You never can be too sure :evil:

28 May 2003, 02:27
I have to hurry, I see.

I am way behind in post count......

But Dottie will take over the leaderboard, before soon I'm sure...

Well off to work again. cya


28 May 2003, 11:43
I woz here and now I'm gone 9.37am Wednesday 28th May 2003

28 May 2003, 15:55
Good afternoon everyone.

It is a lovely sunny day here in halifax and I am wandering around in my shorts, flashing my knees at all and sundry!!!!

28 May 2003, 16:47
Its a great day here too, im just on a break from sunbathing in the garden!! :lol:

28 May 2003, 17:44
did n of u miss me??

28 May 2003, 17:52
Hello you all, i know it is no morning, but just wanted to say hi. :lol:

28 May 2003, 18:16
Dottie wrote:I've trained u well

u sure have :lol:
im am lucky to have a teacher u dottie

28 May 2003, 18:19
Dottie is our personal Postwhoring trainer hahaha...

28 May 2003, 18:21
:lmao: :lol: :lmao: :lol:

28 May 2003, 18:23
Dottie is our personal Postwhoring trainer hahaha...

Oh thank you Tim - Madam Post Whore that is :lol:

The Flying Mouse
28 May 2003, 18:25
:twisted: Hi Dottie.
Nice day?

28 May 2003, 18:27
Madam postwhorer??? no, don't even think about that!!!

28 May 2003, 18:29
Good afternoon everyone.

It is a lovely sunny day here in halifax and I am wandering around in my shorts, flashing my knees at all and sundry!!!!

Wish I'd seen that delight Chris :oops:

28 May 2003, 18:34
:twisted: Hi Dottie.
Nice day?

Wonderful - just back from seeing my lovely 3 grandchildren absolute treasures we had ice lollies and doughnuts in the garden sunbathing :oops:

28 May 2003, 18:36
Madam postwhorer??? no, don't even think about that!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

28 May 2003, 18:41
i am most upset because the builder next door took one of my ice-creams!! :cry:
hez an ice-ceam stealer!!!

The Flying Mouse
28 May 2003, 18:43
:twisted: Tell him to get his bloody own :lol:

28 May 2003, 18:47
but, but, but hez bigger than me!! im only small, well 4 my age i am. :(

28 May 2003, 18:55
i'll take that as a no then.... :cry:

28 May 2003, 19:56
Tell on him then!! :lol:

28 May 2003, 19:58
i told on him to my dad n he just said, "i said he could have one"

but there mine dad, there MINE!!!

28 May 2003, 20:09
gtg, cya all soon!!

Testify x

28 May 2003, 20:14
Well Dottie, Ask nicely and I'll let you!

28 May 2003, 20:53
Well Dottie, Ask nicely and I'll let you!

Oh really :??: :oops:

28 May 2003, 21:02
We have on the dutch forum also a topic like this, and that topic is a little out of control.

28 May 2003, 21:09
We have on the dutch forum also a topic like this, and that topic is a little out of control.

Um I guess this one is too :(

28 May 2003, 21:22
We have on the dutch forum also a topic like this, and that topic is a little out of control.

Um I guess this one is too :(

Really... you could never tell :roll: :lol:

28 May 2003, 21:26
Okay, if it is out of control (wonder why.....) there are two options:

1. I close this one!
2. We go on topic again.

So what will it be???

The Butcher, Tim

28 May 2003, 21:27
Good Morning Tim I hope that answers your question and yes I know its evening :oops:

28 May 2003, 21:32
well, not going, but just getting on topic. It is evening, almost night, within a couple of hours, and it is so hot... hope i can sleep.

28 May 2003, 21:48
Morning Dottie and the gang.

28 May 2003, 22:05
Good morning all.

I do know it's evening, but since i just got out of bed (I'm working at night at the moment) to me it's morning.



28 May 2003, 23:33
plz dont close it, im proud of it!! :( :cry: :( :cry:

28 May 2003, 23:44
sorry tim, my stomach got ahead of me there.

29 May 2003, 00:42
night guys, have fun!! spk to ya all soon.

29 May 2003, 00:47

29 May 2003, 00:50
Well, night you all. Talk to you later, i think / hope.

29 May 2003, 02:13
night all!

u aint planning on leaving us as well are ya tim? :?

29 May 2003, 04:56
Well it's in the middle of the night here now.
Being 3.50 am and all.
It's quite here at work, nothing much happening.
So you could say it is a good night....
well just rambling on here, as you can see, mostly talking to myself.
Isn't that the first sign of madness????

MMH, well since most people in this part of the world are asleep at this time off the night I guess it's normal!

Anyways, sweet dreams.

29 May 2003, 05:49

Where you are I am 34 years old- here in America at the moment I am still 33, for another hour and 10 minutes. I hope you are enjoying my birthday in Holland, well before I will in America! :lol:


29 May 2003, 05:53
I am, really...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear sherrie, happy birthday to yooouuu.

Hip, Hip Hoera
hip, Hip Hoera
Hip, Hip Hoera

(Standing on the chairs here, singing for you.)

I hope you have a lovely day, Sherrie, and get losts of nice pressies, like ticket to a ML show, to make up for the missed storytellers :D


29 May 2003, 06:00
Thanks Asha- since everyone else in my home, right down to both dogs, is asleep that's as close as I'll come to birthday wishes for several hours. Sadly, I fear there are no ML tix for my birthday- as of yet there are no concerts within many hundreds of miles of my home. Hopefully a concert (or five or six) will be added for my part of the country. I'm ready for an ML road trip!

Sherrie (getting old, but still not too old to rock!)

29 May 2003, 06:03
Young at heart, right :)

To bad that ML isn't coming your way yet Sherrie
No Concert dates yet in Holland either, but we'll get there.

But then again Holland isn't even as big a Florida, so no compairing there I guess....


29 May 2003, 09:37
Good Morning All

I know it's early and theres not many of you around at the moment, ( it's very quiet!!!!!!!!), but I thought I would just pop in to say hi!!!

Hope you all have a great day :D

29 May 2003, 12:05
Morning all been busy on the forum already this morning

29 May 2003, 13:05
happy birthday sherrie!! :P

29 May 2003, 13:07
morning terri, morning dottie, morning all! :D

The Flying Mouse
29 May 2003, 15:51
:twisted: All the best Sherrie :D .
Have a great day.

There's a lot of birthdays lately.Patties recently,had Carol's last Saturday,and it's also my dad's today.Might take him for a pint later :D .

The Flying Mouse
29 May 2003, 15:59
:twisted: Morning everyone,well afternoon anyway :lol:

29 May 2003, 16:28
Thanks for the birthday wishes Asha, Ben, Dottie and Flying Mouse! Hey Flying Mouse, how's about a pint for me? (though the "hardest" drink I have is Coke! What a wuss, eh?) I actually get to go out, without a child in tow, to dinner tonight! Wow- that doesn't happen much!
Good day to all


29 May 2003, 18:49
ur welcome! hope that you have a nice meal today then, and hope that you've had a great day!! :mrgreen:

29 May 2003, 21:54
Happy birthday Sherrie, hope you have a nice time :D

29 May 2003, 22:01
Happy birthday sherrie!!! :D

29 May 2003, 22:20

morning, evening.......whats the difference?? wheres dottie?? im lonely?? shez suppose to look after me!1 :cry:

29 May 2003, 22:30

morning, evening.......whats the difference?? wheres dottie?? im lonely?? shez suppose to look after me!1 :cry:

I'm here but for only 2 minutes

29 May 2003, 22:45
u leavin me agen?? i have to look after myself?? how will i survive??? Dottie u cant leave me....................

30 May 2003, 00:21
hey Ben!!! :lol:

30 May 2003, 00:23
hiya testify

how are you?

30 May 2003, 00:25
not bad, v tired but determind to make 300 posts tonite.

how r u??

30 May 2003, 00:26
Hi everyone ..... know it's not exactly morning but I thought it was a good a place as any just to say HI!!!!! :)

30 May 2003, 00:26
im ok thanks, but very sun burnt! :lol:

30 May 2003, 00:32
hey terri.

i read that ben, ur own fault 4 not doin as u r told!!

that was u right??

30 May 2003, 00:34
yeah that was me

hi terri :lol:

30 May 2003, 00:46
HI Testify!

HI Ben, did I read somewhere you got sunburnt today, Poor you, take it easy tommorrow it's going to be hot again I think.

30 May 2003, 00:49
dont give him sympathy!! he brought it on hiself!! :wink: :lol:

30 May 2003, 00:55
300th post!! not bad for 8 days.

night everyone

30 May 2003, 01:12
Goodnight All.
Gotta go, fallin asleep at the keyboard!!

By the way well done Testify 300 posts in 8 days, good on you 8)

30 May 2003, 01:41
Logging out now - my turn to be a lumberjack c u tomorrow

30 May 2003, 05:53
Oh Dottie, everytime I read the word lumberjack I have visions of Monty Python's Michael Palin in women's clothing! Not a good association, but that word is forever linked to that image for me! Hopefully that is not the type of lumberjacking you are doing. (yes, I know you mean sawing logs)

I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
I work all night and I sleep all day
I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wildflowers
I put on women's clothing and hang around in bars....

(hopeless Python fan)

30 May 2003, 11:41
Good Morning all folks - have a lovely day 8)

30 May 2003, 12:46
morning all

30 May 2003, 13:13

30 May 2003, 13:27
thanx terri!!!

30 May 2003, 14:11
l8r guys, im off cos n1's on. bye bye

The Flying Mouse
30 May 2003, 15:32
:twisted: Morning all.
Well,it's morning too me anyway :lol: .

30 May 2003, 16:31
:twisted: Morning all.
Well,it's morning too me anyway :lol: .#

are you implying that you have just got up mouse?

The Flying Mouse
30 May 2003, 17:01
Yep :mrgreen:
I'm having problems sleeping at nights lately :( .It's this weather :? Too damn hot :evil: .
I've just had my dinner,or was that my breakfast 8O

30 May 2003, 18:20
Yep :mrgreen:
I'm having problems sleeping at nights lately :( .It's this weather :? Too damn hot :evil: .
I've just had my dinner,or was that my breakfast 8O

Mouse check your shirt you'll be able to tell then which it was :lol:

original sin
30 May 2003, 20:50
Sherrie Happy Birthday

I'm off now to find a nice beer garden......eat drink and enjoy!!! catch ya later

30 May 2003, 20:51
Have Fun Sin

31 May 2003, 00:45
Night everyone, gottta go now!

original sin
31 May 2003, 02:23
ouch :!: just banged my head on the monitor when I nodded off so I guess it's time for bed :?

31 May 2003, 11:02
Good Morning - I woz here and now I'm going - having huge bbq this afternoon about 30 people will go on the early hours, so u probably won't hear much from me tomorrow :lol: p.s. just noticed my "crying or very sad" emotion is actually tearful for once.

31 May 2003, 12:55
Morning all, enjoy ur BBQ dottie!

31 May 2003, 13:09
Goodmorning everyone sleepy bat here,missed you all

original sin
31 May 2003, 13:12
Morning Ben, welcome back Bren missed ya............. 8)

Dottie enjoy the BBQ........I take it my invite got lost :wink:

31 May 2003, 13:15
morning sin, hope ur ok! :P

31 May 2003, 18:17
Not exactly Good night, but Bye Bye for now. Don't think I'll be back any more today as we are going to a Mega big BBQ tonite :D See you all tommorow - Have fun, I know I will :wink:

01 Jun 2003, 05:00
Well it is 3.00 am BBq just finished has been a wonderful evening, lots of dancing, eating, drinking and laughing and some lovely new Peruvian friends we have made. Must go to bed now, c u sometime in the later

01 Jun 2003, 05:03
Morning Ben, welcome back Bren missed ya............. 8)

Dottie enjoy the BBQ........I take it my invite got lost :wink:

U were there in my soul - thats the drink talking Sin :lol:

01 Jun 2003, 05:09
Morning Ben, welcome back Bren missed ya............. 8)

Dottie enjoy the BBQ........I take it my invite got lost :wink:

Yes!! :lol:

01 Jun 2003, 05:10
Well its 3.06 I must be the first one to say good morning :lol:

01 Jun 2003, 05:12
Good morning Dottie! (Though it's 10:12 PM Saturday here) What happened to your avatar? I can't see it anymore! :cry:


01 Jun 2003, 05:14
Don't panic Dottie- immediately after I posted that message the red X box went away and your dandy avatar returned in all it's glory!


01 Jun 2003, 10:55
Moring everyone!! im back, dont suppose any of u missed me?? i have headache n i've hurt me knee and can hardly walk, but...things can only gt better!!

01 Jun 2003, 12:53
i hope u didnt drink too much dottie!! remember im watching you!!

01 Jun 2003, 13:18
well cya l8r cos i gota go out!! bye

original sin
01 Jun 2003, 13:21
just a flying visit back later........

01 Jun 2003, 13:33
Good morning everybody.

the weather aint too good here today, its been raining overnight abd its a little overcast at the moment! :(

01 Jun 2003, 15:57
Hi Ben ,how are you?

Good afternoon everyone

01 Jun 2003, 18:16
hi bren, i fine thank you. hope ur ok! :D

01 Jun 2003, 19:53
Think we got your good weather Ben... bit of a change from all the rain and thunder...

01 Jun 2003, 21:10
looks like weve had ur rain this afternoon! lol :lol:

01 Jun 2003, 22:28
its actually late evening here but it seems a bit daft to post on goodnight when i want to say hi because i've just come on (if you follow me?) :? :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

so hi good morning late evening night thing take your pick (help im confused)!!! :?

01 Jun 2003, 23:17
Know what you mean it is no longer morning but I would just like to say Hi too!!!!!! :lol:

01 Jun 2003, 23:21
Well then, hello to the both of you...and a good morning/afternoon/evening/night.


02 Jun 2003, 00:48
Night everyone :) gotta go busy day tommorow :(

original sin
02 Jun 2003, 01:43
night night sweet dreams

02 Jun 2003, 01:47
Sleep well

The Flying Mouse
02 Jun 2003, 03:47
:twisted: Hi everyone.
This is the first time i've logged on since friday evening :( .
Carol and I have just done a nine hour show.Very drunk now :mrgreen:
Hope everyones well.
Goodnight god bless.
I'll catch up with you all tomorrow.

02 Jun 2003, 06:59
I seem to be the only one here! :cry: (OK, maybe that fact that it's 5AM in the UK is a good reason- no early risers around here?) Off to bed, midnight here in Florida.


02 Jun 2003, 07:37
Hello, one early post from me. Now off to work!!!

02 Jun 2003, 11:12
and a Good Morning from me too...

02 Jun 2003, 12:47
Good morning everyone!!!

It is absolutely P**sing down here and I am off to Leeds and York. So if anyone sees a Red Smart car driven by a nutter singing CHSIB, wave and smile!!!

02 Jun 2003, 14:54
Hello, one early post from me. Now off to work!!!

Goodmorning Tim ..you have been very quiet of late,it has been too quiet without you about,i get back from holiday to find everyone else has dissapeared!

hope all is well

02 Jun 2003, 14:55
Hiya All :D

I know it's no longer morning, but hey!!! what the hell!!!! :lol:


02 Jun 2003, 14:56
Hello Dottie
Hello Chris
Hello Heat :lol:

02 Jun 2003, 14:59
Hiya Bren,

Hows you this fine day??? Good, i hope :D

I'm just cruising fer a bit before i head off into town to pay a few bills :evil:


The Flying Mouse
02 Jun 2003, 15:02
:twisted: Morning all. :D

02 Jun 2003, 15:04
Morning Mousie, Hun :D

Ain't seen ya fer ages hun - is you well???


02 Jun 2003, 15:06
Hi Flying Mouse,how are you?

The Flying Mouse
02 Jun 2003, 15:11
:twisted: Hi Heat.
Forget death warmed up,today I feel like death cooled down :lol: .
Nine hour show yesterday 8O .Considering the avarage show is three hours it was a long day.
But hey,nice to be back here :D .

P.S. Don't you just love these smilies.No matter how bad you feel and look when you wake up,all you have to do is click the right button and show everyone a nice happy smile.
Right now it's a long way from reality :lol:

edit:Hi Bren.
I missed your post because we were writting at the same time :lol: .
I'm fine.Knackerd,but fine.(see above :lol: )
How was your holiday?

02 Jun 2003, 15:14
Aww Mousie hun - You sound bloody knackered hun - you make sure you get plenty of rest today - and have the other half wait on you hand and foot - that'll soon make you feel better :D

And you're right about the smilies - they are fab :lol:

Anyways -im off now -bills to pay :cry:

The Flying Mouse
02 Jun 2003, 15:20
:twisted: I should be waiting on Carol hand and foot :lol: .
She was in work with me yesterday,then by the time we packed up and dropped off all the equipment,had some food,chilled out with a ciggie,we finally got to bed about 3.00 this morning.The problem is that Cal had to be up at 6.00 this morning to get ready for work 8O
I don't know how the hell she does it :? .

02 Jun 2003, 15:22
Hi Mouse,i agree ,it is good to be back here!i was pining for the forums while i was away...i just kept wondering how you all were 'what you were doing etc..mad ,i know but i really missed the company of you lot..not the same without you all to brighten my day..true(go see little poets)

had great holiday ,until the end bit when i got a bug :( ,came home early as result but am on the mend. :D
i'm at home on the forums..happy batty :lol: :lol: :lol:

02 Jun 2003, 20:47
night sherrie,

mouse what do you do??

The Flying Mouse
02 Jun 2003, 20:50
night sherrie,

mouse what do you do??

Yesterday was disco/karaoke

02 Jun 2003, 20:50
hey everybody.

feel beta mouse!!

02 Jun 2003, 20:53
Mousie - sounds like Carol is a complete star!!! Wouldn't like to hire her out for a few hours would ya???? :lol:

Completely echo what Bren says - it's sooo good to be back!!!! :P

The Flying Mouse
02 Jun 2003, 20:59
Mousie - sounds like Carol is a complete star!!! Wouldn't like to hire her out for a few hours would ya???? :lol:

She is :D .The most amazing thing about her is that she actually puts up with me :lol: .
I can't hire her out because she's priceless :wink:

02 Jun 2003, 21:01
Mousie - sounds like Carol is a complete star!!! Wouldn't like to hire her out for a few hours would ya???? :lol:

She is :D .The most amazing thing about her is that she actually puts up with me :lol: .
I can't hire her out because she's priceless :wink:

You big suck, you :D

02 Jun 2003, 21:17
oh rite, cool!! well feel beta!! im not tired no more cos i had a sleep in this morn before my exam, n i have a day off tomorrow, but then exams all week after that, i finish on the 12th with two exams on the same day!! :(

02 Jun 2003, 22:33
well im off cos ppl aint tokin!! bye

03 Jun 2003, 00:17
Goodnight one and all, the bat must fly

03 Jun 2003, 00:18
Nightie-night, Bren :D

Sleep well hun :P

So who's left for me to play with????? 8O


03 Jun 2003, 00:21
Go play with Your parcel Heat... :wink:

03 Jun 2003, 00:22
Ooohhh-eeerrrrr Bren 8O

I would hun, but i aint got me nails on at the moment and i can't quite snag the tape..... :evil:

03 Jun 2003, 00:24
I hear scissors are quite a handy invention... :lol:

03 Jun 2003, 00:26
D'oh.. :oops:

I never thought of that!!!

But then again - i don't wanna catch poor Tim - i think he's been through enough already... :D

03 Jun 2003, 00:29
:lol: :lol:

03 Jun 2003, 00:31
And I ain't even stated with him yet, Bren :D :twisted: 8O

03 Jun 2003, 00:34
Poor Man wont stand a chance... :lmao:

03 Jun 2003, 00:42
I AM going Now!..

Bat flies away in search of a pair of scissors for Heat.

Oops, Did I say that??? I meant in search of My roost...

03 Jun 2003, 00:52
Night hun - don't let the bedbugs bite and all that..lmao :lol:

03 Jun 2003, 00:59
Anyways people - better go :(

I just had a call on my mobile - from hubbs. He said ' it's the only time i ever get to talk to you...' so i think i better get going :oops:

Talk to you all tomorrow :P

:zzz: night all :zzz:


03 Jun 2003, 01:28
Hello all,

I have been laid in bed for an hour and a half and cannot sleep. Taken the maximum dosage of nightol and still awake so i thought i would see what was happened here!!

03 Jun 2003, 02:15
Well, I am starting to feel tired now so I am off to bed.

Night Night


03 Jun 2003, 02:21
Sleep well Chris.

Going of to bed as well, busy day tomorrow.
CYA all then


03 Jun 2003, 02:29
I'm off too, night all

03 Jun 2003, 09:34
Morning all :D

Hope all my Meaty pals are ok today :D

Chris - hope you got some sleep last night, hun. i know what kept you awake - you was thinking of ways you could make things up to Kirsty, wasn't you?? :lmao:


The Flying Mouse
03 Jun 2003, 11:21
:twisted: Morning all :D
(WOW,i've managed to say good morning while it is still actualy morning.What's going on? 8O )

03 Jun 2003, 11:38
goodmorning Mouse,how are you?

03 Jun 2003, 23:44
The forums are empty,
so the Bat will fly,
I'm going now,
so bysie-bye...

04 Jun 2003, 00:12
bye everyone that has left already b4 i sent this, so why i sent it i dont know!! :D

04 Jun 2003, 00:32
night guys speak to ya all soon, must sleep, have an exam.

04 Jun 2003, 00:58
Sleep well, all...good luck tomorrow, Testify :D

original sin
04 Jun 2003, 01:41
night all........good luck in the exam Testify

04 Jun 2003, 02:10
Good luck on your exam Testify.

Sleep well, all


04 Jun 2003, 11:17
goodmorning everyone,how are you all this fine day?

04 Jun 2003, 12:19
Hey everyone!! howz u all??

im great thanx Bren

04 Jun 2003, 12:21
arrrr you lot r sooo kind!! hehe, only got what erm 2hours and 35 min till exam time! :(

04 Jun 2003, 13:14
im back agen, computer was bein annoying!! its gota mind of its own!!

04 Jun 2003, 13:17
Morning all :D

Hope all's well with everyone today :P


04 Jun 2003, 13:40
Bye guys cya later.

The Flying Mouse
04 Jun 2003, 14:01
:twisted: Mornin' all :D

The Flying Mouse
04 Jun 2003, 14:07
:twisted: Good luck Testify :D .

04 Jun 2003, 14:09
Hello all,

Just on a qucik lunchbreak!!!

The Flying Mouse
04 Jun 2003, 14:15
:twisted: Hi Chris :D .
How are you today?

The Flying Mouse
04 Jun 2003, 17:56
Hey Tim,long time no see.How are you?

edit:Damn :evil: ,too late posting again :cry:

04 Jun 2003, 19:49
I'm signing off now, not going to bed yet :lmao: but so busy at home and work I just wanted to make sure you all realised I am still alive and kicking and not to start making funeral arrangements yet :lol:

04 Jun 2003, 19:52
After all that work we did with the arrangements..... :lol:

04 Jun 2003, 20:17
Hey where is Tim?? where he bin?? hmmm time to investigate!! wheres Bergerac??

Hey mouse, howz you?? u able to open postwhores??

The Flying Mouse
04 Jun 2003, 20:23
:twisted: I seen Tim on line before,but he had left by the time I said hello :( .

Had no problem with the postwhores topic since Shane's posts were deleted.There must have been too much information on the posts.

04 Jun 2003, 20:26
must have been cos i can get on it now.

04 Jun 2003, 21:07
After all that work we did with the arrangements..... :lol:

I know K. its a bummer isn't it :lol:

04 Jun 2003, 21:33
hehe, yup after all that money we had saved up to, and i'd got some lovely flowers from Interflora!! lol, dont mean it Dottie, i think ya great!!

original sin
04 Jun 2003, 21:39
I'm signing off now, not going to bed yet :lmao: but so busy at home and work I just wanted to make sure you all realised I am still alive and kicking and not to start making funeral arrangements yet :lol:

Don't you read the obituary column before getting out of bed just to make sure!!!!!
Mind you after being in bed with a certain someone :wink: I bet you think you've died and gone to heaven anyway :lol:

04 Jun 2003, 21:41
good one sin!! :lol:

04 Jun 2003, 22:22
Bye for now all

04 Jun 2003, 22:25
Bye bye Jen

original sin
04 Jun 2003, 22:30
see ya Jen

I'm off now too........bye all

04 Jun 2003, 22:47
Bye Sin.

Im off to, night guys!! cya later!!

05 Jun 2003, 00:15
The bat needs her sleep,

goodnight all....

bat flies off into the night

05 Jun 2003, 01:22
Night all

05 Jun 2003, 01:38
Hi goodnight to all AGAIN - beginning to feel like Lazarus here :lol: Have to make use of every second as I don't know how long I've got until I next post on here or depends on hubby laying new floor and decorating.

05 Jun 2003, 02:08
It's definetely morning 12.02am Thursday - Good Morning to you all :D

05 Jun 2003, 02:24
Well this time I am going to bed. and no I'm not changing my name to Lazarus :lol: Night Nite sleep tight - don't let the bed bugs bite, or the clowns GETTCHA :!: :!: Remember always check under your bed before you retire, you never know whats lurking there, and once your in bed don't get out just in case a hand grabs you as you put one foot down. Now your're suitably scared I can go to bed, cous nothing scares me :lol:

05 Jun 2003, 04:22
Way to jump right on it Dottie!


05 Jun 2003, 10:33
Morning All :D

Tis a fine day - 'cept fer one thing - SOMEONE'S LOCKED POSTWHORES!!!!! AGAIN!!!

Was it you, R?

Please can ya unlock it??? :D


05 Jun 2003, 11:27
Morning All :D

Tis a fine day - 'cept fer one thing - SOMEONE'S LOCKED POSTWHORES!!!!! AGAIN!!!

Was it you, R?

Please can ya unlock it??? :D


I know I tried to log in thought it was my computer for a moment :(

The Flying Mouse
05 Jun 2003, 13:19
:twisted: Morning everyone :D .

05 Jun 2003, 19:16

DOTTIE!!! you muppet how am i supposed to sleep??

05 Jun 2003, 19:18
I WANT POSTWHORES!!! pppllleeeaaassseee!!!

hi by the way!!

05 Jun 2003, 19:49
must go for tea be back later!

05 Jun 2003, 19:53

DOTTIE!!! you muppet how am i supposed to sleep??

Sleep the Sleep of Beautiful Dreams :D

05 Jun 2003, 21:04
ok i figured how i will sleep i will just look at my photo of me n meat and that will settle me, well sort of, n then i dream dreams of him!!

HA DOTTIE, your plan back fired!! hehehe

05 Jun 2003, 21:53

05 Jun 2003, 22:35
Well goodnight until 10 00pm that is , somethings coming, don't know where, don't know when, its only just round the block Um :!: :arrow:

The Flying Mouse
06 Jun 2003, 01:24
:twisted: I'm off back to my belfry :lol: .
Sleep well and i'll see you all tomorrow.

original sin
06 Jun 2003, 01:49
see ya Mouse .......I've gotta get some sleep...can't take all the excitement :lol:

06 Jun 2003, 03:05
I'm here on my lonesome again :!: :( and I probably wont be able to post now for 48hours whilst hubby fixes the floor.. How will I get through this :??: I'll just have to dream the dream and not wake up until Sunday Night (unless of course I find an internet cafe sometime over the weekend.) :P

Nitey Nites pull the sheets up tight so all things ghostly, crawling, howling, and furry don't decide to spend the night with you :twisted:

06 Jun 2003, 22:16
oh dottie stop scarin me!! i need me beauty sleep!! trust me i do!!

06 Jun 2003, 22:20
hey everybody!! howz u all on this fine day??

original sin
06 Jun 2003, 22:51
gotta go back later hopefully

06 Jun 2003, 22:53
well im off so i'll speak to you later!! bye bye

06 Jun 2003, 22:57

The Flying Mouse
07 Jun 2003, 04:08
:twisted: Night night :zzz:
See you all tomorrow :D .

The Flying Mouse
07 Jun 2003, 04:12
:twisted: Just said goodnight,but it's technically morning so,good morning :D .
Either way i'll see you all later :lol: .

07 Jun 2003, 12:08
morning all :D

original sin
07 Jun 2003, 14:59
:twisted: Night night :zzz:
See you all tomorrow :D .

Do you mean today?? posted at 2am so it is tomorrow 8O :mrgreen:
not that I'm being picky or bored or anything :mrgreen:

07 Jun 2003, 16:41
no...not at all, Sin :D :D :D

07 Jun 2003, 23:06
helloooooooo everybody!!

07 Jun 2003, 23:16
well i've posted some, night guys im nkrd!!

07 Jun 2003, 23:18
Nighty Night, Testify

08 Jun 2003, 00:06
Well ladies and gents, boys and girls..i'm off to watch American Beauty on BBC2...

See ya all laters


08 Jun 2003, 20:34
Bye for now all, gettin' chucked off the computer :cry:

08 Jun 2003, 20:52
bit of a bummer Jen.

original sin
08 Jun 2003, 23:51
tired gotta go busy day tomorrow. take care all

09 Jun 2003, 00:47
I'm off now too - see ya all soon

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :D

09 Jun 2003, 08:14
Morning all :)

As you can see by the time (6.10am) i'm up early :evil:

Don't ya just love teething babies????? 8O

Hope everyone's well this morning. Looks like i'm here all on my lonesome... :roll:


09 Jun 2003, 11:17
Well good morning all seems like an eon since I've been here, its good to be back if only for a short while

09 Jun 2003, 11:23
Goodmorning Dottie, and everybody!!

Glad to see you here.



09 Jun 2003, 11:46
Goodmorning Heat,Dottie,and Mariella,hope all is well

09 Jun 2003, 12:30
Morning ladies!!! :D :D :D

09 Jun 2003, 14:07
What we have in mind is breakfast in bed for 400,00!! 8)

09 Jun 2003, 14:23
Sounds good to me, Kat :D

original sin
09 Jun 2003, 20:26
Gotta go, just a flying visit ...hope to be back later

09 Jun 2003, 20:28
Byes Sin - see ya later xxxxxxx

09 Jun 2003, 22:01
Gotta go now - lovely to see you all again my friends - might see you later - if not pull the covers up tight in case you get bit by an alligator - you see later rhymes with alligator :lol: nitey nite

10 Jun 2003, 00:42
I'm off to bed now peoples, see ya all in the morning!!! :D

10 Jun 2003, 00:44
Night Heat, sweet dreams :D

10 Jun 2003, 00:46
I am now going to go and impersonate Arnold Swatchnegger in a film about a famous composer:

Thats right folks

I'll be Bach!!!!!!

E flat - and on that note, I'm off


The Flying Mouse
10 Jun 2003, 13:38
:twisted: Mornin all :D .
It's pretty quiet at the moment :? .

original sin
10 Jun 2003, 13:43
tis indeed I just flew home from work 'cos I picked up my emails there and found out about the new Wembley date

The Flying Mouse
10 Jun 2003, 13:45
:twisted: Hi Sin :D .
How are you today?

10 Jun 2003, 15:25
hello everybody!! how are you all on this sunny day??

The Flying Mouse
10 Jun 2003, 15:31
:twisted: Hi Testify :D .
How are you?