View Full Version : Official Time Of the Day Thread (Good Morning Good Night)
Good Morning I'm here by my lonesome :(
This lonely bat flies off into the night :( that no-ones around
:D Morning Dottie, 8O you was around early/late which ever the case maybe :wink: Hope all is well with you!
Morning everyone, wishing you all a great weekend :wink:
native texan
31 Jan 2004, 16:09
same to you, Terri! Hope everyone has a great weekend and stays warm. It's about 8 degrees (Farenheit) here, supposed to get all the way to 20. Woo hoo, we're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave :wink:
... gooOOOOD AFTERNOON... MORNING.... EVENING... or SUMtink... meatie troops... :!:
02 Feb 2004, 00:33
nite all! take care :D
02 Feb 2004, 02:51
Nighty night all! :))
Goodnight all, see you around. :wink:
03 Feb 2004, 00:48
nite nite all, have a good day tomorrow! :D
04 Feb 2004, 00:51
nite all... again....
Even though I have been up for 3 nights :roll: :roll: :roll: I thought I would say Good Mornign :p
04 Feb 2004, 22:37
hey all! hope u is all havin a good week! :D
goodevening one and all
06 Feb 2004, 00:15
doesnt anyone say goodnite anymore??
Nitey Nites my Forum Friends :)
This tired little bat wings her way back to her cave, to hang upside down for the rest of night. No wonder my back aches so much by the morning :lol:
Dottie wrote:
This tired little bat wings her way back to her cave, to hang upside down for the rest of night. No wonder my back aches so much by the morning
Does the blood rush to your head too Dottie and give you headaches?
Good night all
Dottie wrote:
This tired little bat wings her way back to her cave, to hang upside down for the rest of night. No wonder my back aches so much by the morning
Does the blood rush to your head too Dottie and give you headaches?
Good night all
:lol: :lol: :lol:
07 Feb 2004, 15:38
hey all! hope ya'll is ok
08 Feb 2004, 22:58
evenin, mornin n afternoon, dependin on where u are in the world! :D
hope u is all ok n have had a great weekend!
Rob The Badger
09 Feb 2004, 01:19
. . .waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. . .
09 Feb 2004, 22:35
hey all! hope u've all had a good day! :D
09 Feb 2004, 22:57
Hello T.!
So good to see you, have you been okay - having fun?
Have to go soon - be back though! :lol:
09 Feb 2004, 23:00
hey! day was good thanks! hehe
hope u is ok n have had a good day, cya soon! :P
goodnight :zzz: all cu soon, take care, sleep well. :wink:
13 Feb 2004, 00:21
nite all, take care.
Night T, night Carol, night everyone
:zzz: Sweet dreams :wink:
14 Feb 2004, 01:34
nite folks, take care.
native texan
14 Feb 2004, 03:53
Good night, Testify. Sweet dreams :)
nite all guys :D cu very soon take care love ya all. :wink: :zzz:
15 Feb 2004, 04:19
Sweet loafy dreams! :))
16 Feb 2004, 01:13
g'nite all.
17 Feb 2004, 10:33
morin ppl. have a good day. :)
Morning everyone.
Got a whole week off work so I am just pottering about a bit before i go build some shelves for the kitchen!!!
Morning Chris!!
Just remember, that heavy wooden stick with the funny shaped metal thing on the end is the hammer, and the sharp small pointy sticks are the nails!!! :lol: 8) :wink:
Morning Chris!!
Just remember, that heavy wooden stick with the funny shaped metal thing on the end is the hammer, and the sharp small pointy sticks are the nails!!!
So that's where I was going wrong!!
Cheers heli!! :D
19 Feb 2004, 16:44
hey all, hope u is all well. :)
:D Hi Testify :( looks like I've missed you again, hope u is well too :wink:
:D Hiya all hope you are having a good week!!
19 Feb 2004, 18:15
hey T, im here chuck :) hope u is ok. sent u pm
hey T, im here chuck :) hope u is ok. sent u pm
:D Hey u is here, but me gotta dash :( sorry, catch u later :wink: Take care hun!
22 Feb 2004, 22:33
hey all! hope u is all ok :D
23 Feb 2004, 00:37
...and agen.... nite all.
Night Testify, gonna make tracks myself night all!
23 Feb 2004, 06:36
Goodnight all! (Though, as per usual, I am going to bed in the US right around daybreak in the UK- so everyone is likely either snoring away or just waking up.) Either way, best Monday wishes for everyone. Mondays must only be survived to be successful!
native texan
23 Feb 2004, 16:19
Mondays must only be survived to be successful!
Oooh, I like that :lol:
23 Feb 2004, 23:23
hey all, hope u is all ok. :D
23 Feb 2004, 23:28
Hello T. - hello everyone!
I am doing Great! You too, I hope!
23 Feb 2004, 23:31
im good thanks. Glad u is great!! :D
Take care
24 Feb 2004, 00:40
nite all! take care n have a good day tomorrow. :D
24 Feb 2004, 12:32
morning, where are you all? im lonely :(
native texan
24 Feb 2004, 14:10
Good morning, Testify, and anyone else who's here :)
Good morning! have a good day
poor testify is lonely! we are all here with ya
love colleen :twisted:
Sweet dreams everyone
25 Feb 2004, 00:55
nite all, take care.
:D Morning All!
:D We have a snow day today, no work, no school 8) Long weekend woohooooo :wink:
Enjoy the day folks :wink:
<Priscilla the song in background>
Good Morning All, I was up all night :roll:
minor headache, but nothing advil can't help. :twisted:
off to school in a few, TC, & have a rockin day
27 Feb 2004, 14:46
Hello everyone
What a lovely day - for sitting in an office - listening to work collegues talking about naughty things and thinking about how Meat is getting on down under :roll:
The sun is shining - the snow is crisp and I am in good health today.
Been looking for my holiday in Florida in June - AAAAAARRRRRR 8)
No I haven't been drinking :lol: :lmao:
Rob The Badger
27 Feb 2004, 15:18
'Good Morning' is the mother of all oxymorons. . .
whats up Rob. this morning was good :)
Rob The Badger
27 Feb 2004, 22:42
whats up Rob. this morning was good :)
I'm being cynical in a nonchalant kind of way.
black dog
27 Feb 2004, 22:49
'Good Morning' is the mother of all oxymorons. . .
Hi Rob. How you feeling today. I know you've had a bad week but try to keep positive.
Rob The Badger
27 Feb 2004, 22:58
'Good Morning' is the mother of all oxymorons. . .
Hi Rob. How you feeling today. I know you've had a bad week but try to keep positive.
I'll do that. . .
27 Feb 2004, 23:33
elo all, have a good weekend.
28 Feb 2004, 01:29
...nite all...agen..... have a good weekend :D
Night T :D .............Nighty night all :zzz:
28 Feb 2004, 02:51
Fallen Angel said: Been looking for my holiday in Florida in June - AAAAAARRRRRR
Where will you be going in Florida? I've lived in or near Clearwater for 26 years (16 in, 10 nearby) let me know if you need any suggestions of good places to visit.
28 Feb 2004, 15:13
elo everyone :D hope u is all ok
02 Mar 2004, 01:01
nite all, have a good nite n dont drink all the bud! :P
02 Mar 2004, 14:00
elo everyone, hope u is all havin a good day. grrrr trying to type my coursework n the comp keeps goin funny! :evil:
erm... elo again... no one seems to say good morning anymore :(
black dog
10 Mar 2004, 01:22
Night everyone. See you all tomorrow.
:D Good morning Testify
Good morning everyone :D
good night all
pleasant dreams :D
11 Mar 2004, 00:39
*fell asleep in forum*
black dog
13 Mar 2004, 10:18
Morning everyone.
The start of another weekend at last. I'm going to have a nice quiet day today as Tony is off to watch Plymouth Argyle play football with his football team.
13 Mar 2004, 14:01
hey all, hope you've all had a good start to ya weekend. :D
Rob The Badger
13 Mar 2004, 14:24
Good morning.
black dog
14 Mar 2004, 00:28
Good night all. Got to get up early as Tony's got a football match.
Em wrote:
still sleepless
Heli wrote:
Aww, well if you stay on here long enough you might be able to fall asleep!
Guess it worked. Goodnight all, pleasant dreams.
black dog
15 Mar 2004, 01:20
Night everyone. Sweet Dreams
Rob The Badger
15 Mar 2004, 01:42
Night all.
15 Mar 2004, 17:17
hey all! :D hope u all had a good weekend :P
Good morning all
Good morning Tink, hope all is well :D
18 Mar 2004, 12:27
mornin all. hope ur all well. have a good day :D
Good morning everyone. Hope you have a great day! :lol:
Louise x
dottie says goodnight to one and all,
dottie has sure had a ball,
post count up - 6,000 now,
I take my final bow.
Nitey Nites lovely people :D
black dog
22 Mar 2004, 09:32
Good Morning everyone. It's looking a bit miserable out there today
22 Mar 2004, 22:41
hey all, may not be morning here but somewhere it is. hope your all ok. :D
Goodnight all
The Bat must flee, The Bat must fly,
She wings her way across the night sky..............Bye
24 Mar 2004, 00:59
nite all :)
black dog
25 Mar 2004, 10:41
Morning everyone. I'm busy catching up on all the posts I missed last night.
Ageing Bat
26 Mar 2004, 10:24
Good morning all! :D It's Friday ..... the weekend starts at 5pm! Getting away from it all this weekend - going camping! Hope we don't get another frost tonight like we did last night! Brrrrr!
27 Mar 2004, 22:28
hey all! :D hope u is all havin a wicked weekend!
28 Mar 2004, 15:46
well i've only just got up so its mornin to me!! :P :D
hope your all ok n are havin a great weekend! :D
black dog
28 Mar 2004, 16:16
Morning Testify. Wish I'd had a lie in today
black dog
30 Mar 2004, 10:35
Morning all. It's quiet in here this morning
I'm soo tired!! I wanna go back to sleep but i'm awake now and i cant!!!
Morning! I'm tired too Heli - one of my housemates (the annoying bloke with the room next to mine) turned his radio on at full volume for some reason at 7.30AM and woke me up.... :evil: I wasn't happy :evil:
Well he's stoopid! put something very hard and very solid inside his pillow case!! :twisted: :twisted:
heehee, my bedtime revenge!! :twisted: :twisted:
30 Mar 2004, 23:51
hey all :) hope ya'lls ok
black dog
31 Mar 2004, 10:46
Morning everyone. Looks like it should be a nice day today
Morning All!!
It looks like a good day here too! It was a little nippy this morning on the way to work but it's getting warmer!
Right i think i'm gonna get a coffee! :wink:
31 Mar 2004, 22:39
hey, hope ya'll have had a good day :D
Gonna try going back to bed
Goodnight out there, whatever you are!!
I woz here and now I'm gone
black dog
02 Apr 2004, 10:30
morning everyone. Don't know what the weathers going to do today. It was a bit cloudy earlier but the sun is trying to come through
Bit late but morning, we're getting patchs of sun shine my end.
it's rainin here!! It's soo darn drizzly!!
He he, down here it looks like spring is going to win and winter is finally over(better cross my fingers) might as well put on some happy music then.
02 Apr 2004, 21:03
hey all! NO MORE COLLEGE FOR 2 WEEKS!! hehehe :D
hope you is all ok
:D It looks like spring is here 8) Enjoy the weekend everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you on easter hols, hope you have a great time :wink:
black dog
03 Apr 2004, 15:40
I wish I was on Easter Holidays. Oh well Good Morning to everyone. Seems to be much windier today and trying to rain
03 Apr 2004, 22:40
I wish I was on Easter Holidays. Oh well Good Morning to everyone. Seems to be much windier today and trying to rain
i got slightly wet! hmph :evil:
hey everyone btw
I've been on Easter Holiday for a week now and still have two or so weeks left.
black dog
04 Apr 2004, 01:05
I've been on Easter Holiday for a week now and still have two or so weeks left.
Stop bragging Keb :lol: I bet you'll be laughing when you think of me hard at work
Sorry I'm not bragging really, I hate being at school but then I hate not being at school, I can't stand not having something to do.
I'd rather be working, then people wouldn't ave anything to moan about.
04 Apr 2004, 13:02
mornin all, hope ur all ok. :D
mornin all, hope you are all well today. :)
Likewise everyone....wee Mousey 8) . Remember to go to your churches etc today :wink:
black dog
04 Apr 2004, 14:38
Morning everyone. Sorry it's a bit late but just got in from watching a youth football match
Goodnight all
The Bat flies sadly away in to the night................bye
08 Apr 2004, 01:00
its gota b mornin somewhere.... sooo... good mornin
08 Apr 2004, 01:11
nite all, have a good day tomorrow :D
black dog
08 Apr 2004, 01:34
Night all.
Good evening Testify, how are you?
Good evening all
09 Apr 2004, 21:36
Hey Bren :D im good thanks and you?
hey everyone :P
me i'm fine thanks Testify :D Happy Easter
09 Apr 2004, 21:55
happy easter to you to. Hope your havin a good week :D
10 Apr 2004, 02:22
nite nite all, take care, have a good weekend :D
11 Apr 2004, 01:53
nite nite all, take care :)
16 Apr 2004, 17:10
hey all, hope ya havin a good day!
Modern Girl
16 Apr 2004, 17:16
Hey Testify
not going too bad :)
will be better when I get home from work :lol:
16 Apr 2004, 17:27
hey modern girl,
i havent got college until tuesday so i've got a nice relaxin day at home hehe
have fun at work :wink: :P
Modern Girl
16 Apr 2004, 17:47
Testify wrote -
have fun at work
Thanks :lol: I think :cry:
Have a good one yourself :wink:
black dog
19 Apr 2004, 10:18
Good Morning everyone. Looks like it should be a lovely day. The sun's shining.
Crystal Eyes
19 Apr 2004, 12:21
I've been on Easter Holiday for a week now and still have two or so weeks left.
Just read this. 8O Does that mean you have three weeks for Easter Hols? We get two! It's not fair!
Oh well, morning everyone.
22 Apr 2004, 12:10
mornin all :) hope u have good day
Modern Girl
22 Apr 2004, 15:57
Afternoon All
Its a beautiul sunny day here in South Wales 8)
Whats it like elsewhere ???
22 Apr 2004, 16:04
Afternoon All
Its a beautiul sunny day here in South Wales 8)
Whats it like elsewhere ???
Well..its actually still morning (9am) here in my neck of the woods but already its a gorgeous day! 80 degrees predicted as our high and lovely carolina blue skies! A great day to be outside -a horrible one to be stuck inside working! :(
Modern Girl
22 Apr 2004, 16:08
RoknRollJesus wrote-
Well..its actually still morning (9am) here in my neck of the woods but already its a gorgeous day! 80 degrees predicted as our high and lovely carolina blue skies! A great day to be outside -a horrible one to be stuck inside working!
I know what you mean Jo, especailly as where I work we have a pub just across the road which is just begging to be visited :wink:
might have to make the effort later :D
Night folks...
The Bat must fly...........
05 May 2004, 10:02
mornin all, hope ya have a good day :D
Morning People!!! Hope you are all having a good day. Still not awake yet and have a whole day of english lessons ahead of me... :?
07 May 2004, 14:32
hey all hope u is havin a good day :D
07 May 2004, 16:03
Morning all! (At least it is still morning here in the States). I have today off of work, but my husband has work and my son has school. Hey yeah, it's just me, the dogs, my computer and lots of loud music for the rest of the day! (Kasim's "Don't Hold Me Back" is blaring right now.) Now THAT's a good day!
08 May 2004, 02:18
nite folks, have a great weekend
:D Morning All
Have a great weekend 8) Enjoy :wink:
Morning all!!
Ahhhh theres nothing like a good Kasim sesh in the morning!! :D :D
Goodnight all, I am so tired, see you tomorrow.
nite keb hun, :D take care cu soon, :wink: going myself now soooooooooooo tired :zzz: cu all very soon guys. :wink:
Well I haven't been here for quite a while, so thought I'd pop in and say nitey nite, mind the bed bugs don't bite, sweet dreams as you fly off into the night.............
this little pipistrelle needs to rest upside down from the nearest eave.........
Good Night everyone :wink:
Hey Dottie, thanks for the CD, watched it first second i got it, well more like a minute had to plug in the DVD player :wink:
thanks bunches :D !
04 Jun 2004, 20:21
hmm gota b mornin somewhere hehe :D mornin! :P
Well its roughly 4.30am Saturday where my sister lives :roll:
Morning Pat you old cobber :lol:
Well good morning all, had a great bbq last night,
finished at approximately 2.00am!
I'm the only one whose surfaced so far!:))
Goodbyeeeeeeeee, Goodbyeeeeeeeeeeee wipe a tear from my eyeeeeeee............
must go now see you all tomorrow sometime....... :)
night night Dottie
sleep well
02 Jul 2004, 00:06
Goodnight Dottie - hope your day goes well tomorrow!
good night all.....
The Bat flies away on to the night................bye
this little pipistrelle needs to rest her weary head upside down somewhere
preferably under someones eaves.........
flap, flap off into the night she wings her way straight into a roof.........
damm should have known my radar needed a service :lol:
Nitey Nite :zzz:
06 Jul 2004, 23:47
Night all God bless
Feleena x
good night all......
The Bat flies away into the night.................bye
flap, flap..................
night Dottie :D
This Bat is ready to fly away in to the night too......bye
Good night my lovely friends..........
this :zzz: flaps her wings and flies off into the night for a good night sleep I hope :)
God Bless
lonely Bat flies away..........bye
Rob The Badger
01 Aug 2004, 01:29
. . .
18 Oct 2004, 23:50
nothins bin posted here so mornin to ne one where tis mornin heh :)
19 Oct 2004, 23:39
and still.... does no one like sayin mornin????
20 Oct 2004, 00:13
Morning? Its 10:39pm and i prepare to join my cushion!
But have a nice day though. I spended mine with watching the new dvd 3 times.
20 Oct 2004, 00:22
was jus checkin the topic ta c if ne one had written ne thin cos i dont get a chance to look in mornins, plus im doin overtime this week as well as workin at nite so was jus checkin seins as tis my topic hehe
Missed it.....but......Good after-Morning :0mghi2u:
Good Morning only a few hours late :lol:
20 Oct 2004, 23:50
yay ppls postin hehe....evenin
21 Oct 2004, 00:24
nite all, enjoy ya evenin
goodmorning one and all :D
Good Morning Bren and All - my word you were early Bren..........
farewell she calls,
goodnight, and bye
and flies away
into the sky :lol:
...The Bat flies away in to the night vleermuis vliegt weg in de nacht
23 Oct 2004, 00:30
nite all ...sweet dreams...
23 Oct 2004, 10:11
Good Morning
Have a great weekend - one & all :0mghi2u:
Morning All - Flying through "Faster than the speed of Light" - Like a "Bat out of Hell"
goodnight all.....
....The Bat flies away.....
27 Oct 2004, 08:16
Morning everyone - hope you have a good one :D
:zzz: Nearly there :zzz: .........Morning
29 Oct 2004, 14:41
Sorry was that too loud for you :wtf:
Only 3 hours to go - then the weekend :hic: :hic: :hic:
You need an excuse for a drink................ :nope:
29 Oct 2004, 23:01
Gerry -
You're the Scot :wink:
good night all
good night all
Bye bye bren!!! Have a good weekend, despite of your work
30 Oct 2004, 00:03
nite all, enjoy ya evenin n weekend
Good morning!
....somewhat quiet here at this hour :lol:
Bye bye bren!!! Have a good weekend, despite of your work
Thanks Tim :D
.......well must away to work now...not that i want to, have a splitting headache this morning :(
.....have fun!!
30 Oct 2004, 14:21
mornin afternoon whateva only jus got up sorta hehe
Good night Tim
good night all....
the Bat flies awaay in to the night........... vleermuis vliegt weg in de nacht
Good night Keab :D
good night all.....byeeeeeeee
Good Night......
...have fun...she says to the emptiness :lol:
Good morning :D
..on this dull grey cold November morning :lol:
06 Nov 2004, 20:20
I woke up at 3 a.m but thank heaven I fell asleep and woke up next time at 8 a.m...
07 Nov 2004, 10:07
Good Morning one & all.
Weather not good here - it's damp - dark & misty - but my spirits are high - so going to have a good one :wink:
Goodnight Batty Friends everywhere - sleep tight, hang tight, else you'll crash to the floor :lol:
What a night so :D time for :zzz:
17 Nov 2004, 11:46
mornin everyone, have a nice day
tired now, exam in the morning... night everybody!
don't let the bedbugs bite ya :D
Damn... got bedbugs hahaha. I need sleep, but browsing this forum is more fun haha.
Time for the bat to fly away home..........flap flap, flutter flutter.....hahaha
night all.............
Not exactly flying....but falling away soon... :hic:
01 Feb 2005, 23:40
Night all - feel rough - so off to try & catch some zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sorry Gerry :cry:
the Bat bids you all goodnight and farewell.........
have fun :D
flies quietly away in to the night.............
sooo tired, why must lectures start sooooo early?????
Night all.
off to watch the film, back later.
In a while time to watch the movie from my bed :D So.... later people :D
Describe your surroundings. :-) What people?
Describe your surroundings. :-) What people?
hahahah, that is not nice to ask fred!!! :D
well...... :roll: .....will go now..
night night......
The Bat flies away in to the night..........
Bye Bren.... ohno for me it is allready goodmorning :D
The Archangel Gabriel
07 Feb 2005, 19:33
Good night and sleep well.
Yours Faithfully
Thanks for the compliment. Does "it" still refer to so very beautiful? I like the way you talk.
The Archangel Gabriel
07 Feb 2005, 19:37
Thanks for the compliment. Does "it" still refer to so very beautiful? I like the way you talk.
Thou rememberest that i said the song" Heaven can wait" , was "so very beautiful"
Thou art clever Fred.
Bye Bren.... ohno for me it is allready goodmorning :D
Good night Tim....or good morning if you're about early again tomorrow :lol:
good night........ :zzz: ....slaperige vleermuis vliegt weg in de nacht....
Damn... also put together. This is horrible. I understand you are cleaning the forums R., but i don't like this :D
will fly away for a bit.......
might be back be warned hahaha :lol:
bye for now..... flies away in search of a cup of tea....
mmm... time to go to bed i think... very tired, but want to watch a movie and listen to some music :D
Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's. Pleasant dreams, Tim Okay. :-) Perhaps. Maybe you should get some rest.
Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's. Pleasant dreams, Tim Okay. :-) Perhaps. Maybe you should get some rest.
Hahhahah. this is a very funny answer!!!
good night Tim,
i must tomorrow.......
good night all......
Thanks for the compliment. Oh, you are a poet. "Maybe you should get some rest"? work? Thanks for the compliment. I've lost the context, Bren. Are we still on work?
13 Feb 2005, 09:35
Mother earth says hello to you!! :D
good afternoon... :D
you were about early Tim...i was barely conscious then :lol:
Good morning Tim :D
good morning all, she says to the silent empty forum :lol:
time to fly........
good night from me...........
The Bat flies away in to the night......flap , flap, flit , flit, .... :lol:
The Bat flies away in to the night......flap , flap, flit , flit, .... :lol:
Hahahah, flap, flap, flit, flit??? Nice way to describe that. Want to hear you say that some day hahaha.
But indeed, time to go :D
The Bat flies away in to the night......flap , flap, flit , flit, .... :lol:
Hahahah, flap, flap, flit, flit???
....flap flap, of little batty wings
flit, flit, in To Flit = to fly away,to move quietly and unobtrusively
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