View Full Version : Official Time Of the Day Thread (Good Morning Good Night)

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10 Jun 2003, 15:35
im alright suppose. howz you??

You read postwhores yet??

10 Jun 2003, 15:36

I wish dottie would stop scarin me!!

The Flying Mouse
10 Jun 2003, 15:38
:twisted: Not to bad thanks :D .
I'm trying to motervate myself into going out on a few messages :( .
I'll go over to postwhores now and haver a look around :lol: .

10 Jun 2003, 15:42
good good. Cya in a mo.

10 Jun 2003, 16:46
hey mouse, where is everybody?? im lonely!!!

The Flying Mouse
10 Jun 2003, 16:51
:twisted: I disapeared for a while because my computer crashed :( .
Sounds like one of Chris's accident reports :lol: .

10 Jun 2003, 16:53
lol. so what ya bin upt to l8ly?? cos i aint bin here and theres soooo much to read.

The Flying Mouse
10 Jun 2003, 16:58
:twisted: Same old same old :lol: .
There's always a lot of reading to do when you come back to the forum when you've been away for a while.

10 Jun 2003, 17:03
it was only one day!! god knows what its gonna be like when i go on holiday for a few weeks!!

10 Jun 2003, 23:17
Testify - dont worry hun - i'll keep a track on things for ya, and let you know all the gossip... :D

10 Jun 2003, 23:32
Well folks, I am going to have to love you and leave you. (except for you, I am just going to leave you!!)

Time for all the little newsagents to be tucked up in bed dreaming of new ways to fleece the public. Sorry, that should be new ways to offer bargain prices to our beloved customers :twisted:

Night night

10 Jun 2003, 23:40
Night Night, Chris - i'll be up to read you a story in a bit....lmao :lol:

10 Jun 2003, 23:44
promises promises.......

10 Jun 2003, 23:45
Hun that aint a promise...it's a threat :twisted:

11 Jun 2003, 13:59
thanx Heat!! your a star!!! :D

The Flying Mouse
11 Jun 2003, 14:42
:twisted: Morning :D .
Well :? Afternoon.

11 Jun 2003, 14:58
hey mouse, agen!!

The Flying Mouse
11 Jun 2003, 15:05
:twisted: Hi Testify.

11 Jun 2003, 15:07
you hide agen!!

i gtg in a mo, gota meet a friend! amazin aint it!! I 'have' a 'friend'


11 Jun 2003, 15:12
cya later guys!! bye mouse

The Flying Mouse
11 Jun 2003, 15:28
:twisted: Later.

11 Jun 2003, 18:22
yeah...amazing, Testify :P

Hope everyones well this fine day :D

11 Jun 2003, 19:12
helllooooooooo. well she took 2 hours to meet me cos she got exams times muddle, i looked like a right muppet!!

11 Jun 2003, 22:00
Gotta go now c u later darlinks :lol:

11 Jun 2003, 22:03
ohhhhh :cry:

bye bye, cya agen soon dottie, well at least i beta do!! remember im watchin you!!

Night night, c y'al soon.

11 Jun 2003, 22:31
It is not morning but s*d it, i am having one of them days - Hello everybody!

11 Jun 2003, 23:57
I don't want to go but Ellis will chuck me off in a moment supposed to be having a bath etc., Nitey Nites darlinks - especially Heat u know why! :lol: Enjoy your sleep I know I will :lol:

11 Jun 2003, 23:58
Nite dottie - you enjoy hun :D :twisted: :wink:

12 Jun 2003, 06:16
Night all- it's quarter after 4 in the UK, but only 11ish in the US- I'm here all by myself! I'm off to the zoo in the AM so it's off to bed for me!


12 Jun 2003, 14:49
have fun Sherrie!!

well im off, cya later guys!!

12 Jun 2003, 15:05
hello n e one whos on!!

12 Jun 2003, 15:17
Hiya Testify :D

12 Jun 2003, 15:23
hello Heat.

12 Jun 2003, 19:32
helo everyone! howz you lot on this fine day?? :D

The Flying Mouse
12 Jun 2003, 19:38
:twisted: Hi Testify :D .

12 Jun 2003, 19:39
hey mouse, u like my donut??

The Flying Mouse
12 Jun 2003, 19:47
:twisted: Yep.Very nice :D .

12 Jun 2003, 19:56
take it you didnt save me abit??

12 Jun 2003, 21:15
Gotta go darlinks - c u later - joys of cooking await me with a pile of ironing - Nitey Nites

12 Jun 2003, 21:17
Gotta go darlinks - c u later - joys of cooking await me with a pile of ironing - Nitey Nites

Take no notice - she's sozzled and cant type!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

12 Jun 2003, 21:18
Gotta go darlinks - c u later - joys of cooking await me with a pile of ironing - Nitey Nites

Take no notice - she's sozzled and cant type!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh yes I can - sobering up now - good while it lasted :lol:

12 Jun 2003, 21:21
nitey nites my lovely friends - adieau till we meet again xxxxxxxx

12 Jun 2003, 21:24
Gotta go darlinks - c u later - joys of cooking await me with a pile of ironing - Nitey Nites

Take no notice - she's sozzled and cant type!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh yes I can - sobering up now - good while it lasted :lol:


see ya later huun :D

12 Jun 2003, 21:48
Well, my tea is almost ready (Shark Steaks on a bed of garlic mash with Green Beans)

So adios folks

"Goodnight Sweetheart
I'll see you in the morning
Goodnight Sweetheart
I'll goose you without warning!" :P

original sin
12 Jun 2003, 21:50
8O @chris

I'm off now catch ya all later and watch out Chris don't sneek up on ya after that last post! 8O

12 Jun 2003, 22:12
Well, my tea is almost ready (Shark Steaks on a bed of garlic mash with Green Beans)

So adios folks

"Goodnight Sweetheart
I'll see you in the morning
Goodnight Sweetheart
I'll goose you without warning!" :P

Garlic breath no way :lol:

12 Jun 2003, 23:00
Gotta go darlinks - c u later - joys of cooking await me with a pile of ironing - Nitey Nites

going again Nitey Nites-

13 Jun 2003, 00:07
I thought this was Good Morning - the clock says different - I'm confused here

13 Jun 2003, 00:18
I believe, if you read back through the history of french literature, from Les Miserables to Martn Guerre, you will find one of the great universal truths of life.

One of the most profound philosophical statements of the modern world and very appropriate for this post:

"'Time for bed' Zebedee said!"

Night all

13 Jun 2003, 00:29
Nighty Night Chris - don't forget your teddy bear to snuggle up with!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

13 Jun 2003, 00:40
I thought this was Good Morning - the clock says different - I'm confused here

It's all that alcohol thats made you confused, Dottie :lol:

13 Jun 2003, 01:44
Well peoples - guess it's sleep time for me too :(

See ya all tomorrow :P


13 Jun 2003, 02:54
Things are starting to look blurry... guess I need some sleep :wink:

Night all

The Flying Mouse
13 Jun 2003, 03:01
:twisted: I'm off to bed myself soon.
Sleep well,hope to see you all tomorrow.

13 Jun 2003, 10:38
I thought this was Good Morning - the clock says different - I'm confused here

It's all that alcohol thats made you confused, Dottie :lol:

Good Morning All - Oh What a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day, I got a funny feeling everythings going my way today

Sapphire Lady
13 Jun 2003, 11:09
Good Morning All - Oh What a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day, I got a funny feeling everythings going my way today

But it's Friday the 13th dottie :lol:

13 Jun 2003, 12:09
arggg it is isnt it!! oh no!! im always unlucky on these days. i always manage to break something!! beta get off the computer!!

Hello everyone!

The Flying Mouse
13 Jun 2003, 14:07
:twisted: Hello everyone :D .

13 Jun 2003, 16:46
Hello to all my Meaty mates :D :D :D

13 Jun 2003, 17:19
Dottie said
Good Morning All - Oh What a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day, I got a funny feeling everythings going my way today

Hey Dottie, as you probably know that song is from one of Meat's favorite Broadway soundtracks! Now I'm going to have that running through my head all morning! (Not a bad one, though.) 8)


13 Jun 2003, 17:21
Morning Sherrie - hows you this fine day???

13 Jun 2003, 19:47
Very well Heat, on my way to the movies with my son in about an hour. I hope you are doing well today too!


13 Jun 2003, 19:49
I is good, thanks Sherrie :D

What movie you going to see?

13 Jun 2003, 20:29
Good Morning All - Oh What a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day, I got a funny feeling everythings going my way today

But it's Friday the 13th dottie :lol: and its a l ovely day its actually been so good today - worked extremely hard and happy now

13 Jun 2003, 20:35
Well its 6.31pm contrary to the clock and I've gotta go -cna u help me make it too 2,000 posts by tomorrow night - I might do it - who knows. Nitey nites mind the bed bugs don't bite, watch clowns and keep your arms and legs inside the covers so the bogey man doesn't slime you :lol:

13 Jun 2003, 21:03
Hello all,

I ahve been short-staffed today so i have worked my littel behind off trying to complete all the jobs before the boss returns from his holidays tonight (grovel grovel grovel!!)

I have just done 13 and a quarter hours at work and am here to chill out relax and contemplate what chinese dish to have for tea.


13 Jun 2003, 22:06
My stomach thinks my throat ahs been cut so i ahd better go get food!!!

Bye Bye folks

Remember be nice to each other (and right b*****ds to anyone who isn't a fan!)

13 Jun 2003, 22:08
bye chris, save some chinese!!

13 Jun 2003, 22:19
hello everyone!!

13 Jun 2003, 22:32
Hi testify, how are you, feeling better? after the tumble you had the other day?


13 Jun 2003, 22:35

Im feelin beta from that, but because its Friday 13th i had another accident. hehe

howz u??

13 Jun 2003, 22:43
I;m not feeling teriffic, have a splitting headache.

but otherwise I'm well.


13 Jun 2003, 22:51
oh sorry to hear bout dat. Hope you feel better soon!!

13 Jun 2003, 23:20
night everybody,
see you sunday!!

dont write too much, i have to read thru it all!

14 Jun 2003, 02:12
Heat said:
What movie you going to see?

Most movies that I have gone to in the last few years are chosen by my son, who is only 6. So, today we saw "Rugrats Go Wild". (Are the Rugrats or the Wild Thornberrys seen over there? This film is a combination of those two TV shows.) I haven't seen a "grown up" film (in a theatre) since "You've Got Mail" probably 4 years ago. I have got to get out more! 8O


14 Jun 2003, 02:29
It is officially morning - Good Morning 12.25am I should be in bed :zzz:

14 Jun 2003, 02:46
I'm going to bed now - sweet dreams of lollipops, red ribbons, mary poppins, on second thoughts scrub mary poppins she might just whisk me away up, up and away. Um suppose I could always hitch a ride on the bed from Bedknobs and Broomsticks now that would be fun. I think I'm gonna have some weird dreams tonight - Nitey Nites Folks :zzz:

The Flying Mouse
14 Jun 2003, 03:56
:twisted: Night all.
Sleep well.I'll see you all tomorrow. :D

14 Jun 2003, 04:37
Yes Dottie, get to bed for goodness sake! (Y' know, you wouldn't be so darn hesitant to get in bed if Meat was in there!) :lol: :lol:

14 Jun 2003, 06:05
Wish i could sleep..... :roll:

14 Jun 2003, 06:12
Yes Dottie, get to bed for goodness sake! (Y' know, you wouldn't be so darn hesitant to get in bed if Meat was in there!) :lol: :lol:

if that were the case, then i'd never get out of bed at all!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good morning all :P

14 Jun 2003, 06:26
Heat said:
if that were the case, then i'd never get out of bed at all!!!!!!

Amen to that, Heat! Although, you know you gotta get a Coke or something every once in a while- you wouldn't want to get dehydrated!

Sherrie :lol: :oops: :P

14 Jun 2003, 06:28
Heat said:
if that were the case, then i'd never get out of bed at all!!!!!!

Amen to that, Heat! Although, you know you gotta get a Coke or something every once in a while- you wouldn't want to get dehydrated!

Sherrie :lol: :oops: :P

What do you think i have slaves for????? :lol: :lol: :lol:

14 Jun 2003, 06:33

I wish you could sleep too! :cry: Sorry to leave you alone here, but I must get to bed- we're coming up on midnight here in the US and we're all so tired here the dogs are even snoring! :lol:

Night all (Actually I guess sunrise in the UK is only an hour or two away- perhaps Good Morning is more accurate!)


14 Jun 2003, 06:35
Sleep well, Sherrie :D

14 Jun 2003, 11:46
Good Morning u lovely people :D

original sin
14 Jun 2003, 13:20
Goooood Mornnnnnnnnnnnnnnning! everyone

14 Jun 2003, 14:12
i have an hour or so to spare so i thought i would come on here.

Hello everyone!!

14 Jun 2003, 14:34
Morning everyone..or is it afternnoon..body clock aint working.... :roll:

14 Jun 2003, 14:37
how are you Heat?? Its a terrible time i know, Keep your chin up!!

14 Jun 2003, 14:44
I'm good, thanks Testify...a little stressd, ok a lot stressed :lol: , and a bit knackered from lack of sleep, but apart from that, i is fine :P

14 Jun 2003, 14:50
good good!!

im off bowlin today!! last time i went i got 130 hehe!!

im gona cream em!!

14 Jun 2003, 15:10
800 posts!!

Cya you guys in sunday, if ya there!! bye bye

14 Jun 2003, 16:00
800 posts!!

Cya you guys in sunday, if ya there!! bye bye

I'm going shortly too - c u later

15 Jun 2003, 01:06
Whislt looking for somehting witty to say goodbye with, I thought I would post "To sleep perchance to dream" which is what my Granddad used to say to su when we wne tto bed. I was wondering what speech it is from so I looked on Google and I discovered it was from Hamlet as reproduced below. The things I do when a simple goodnight would have done!!!

"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.--Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.

Never knew it was about death either!!! What a morbid post to end the day with! I'll try and find a better one for tomorrow! Night Night

15 Jun 2003, 03:16

I had to memorize that bit of Hamlet when I was 16 in school, it took forever to remember it all. But- I still know most of it, and could recite it in a pinch. (Big lot of good that does me!)


15 Jun 2003, 14:25
A belated good morning to you all. Hungover everso slightly on purpose.
Got the shakes too. What started out as small intimate bbq for 7 turned into a beer bashing contest, we finally went to bed at 4am, and I'm shattered, but it was good :lol: c u later

15 Jun 2003, 14:54
A good morning to you Dottie.

my advice: very strong coffee


15 Jun 2003, 14:58
Hey everybody.

Feel beta dottie!! hehe.

I won bowlin hehe.

Hey mouse

15 Jun 2003, 15:00
CG Testify, how much you score?


15 Jun 2003, 15:02
it was abit pants cos i had pulled a muscle in my back when i slid over comin out of the door in the hallway, im so clumsy!

score was 105 and 99. i had 3 strikes 2 1/2 strikes.

Howz you??

15 Jun 2003, 15:15
Fine, no more headache, feel pretty good

Hope your back not to sore?


15 Jun 2003, 15:32
Hello all,

Anyone miss me?


15 Jun 2003, 15:37
we would miss you because???......

i did, no one to talk to cos i always miss everyone!

15 Jun 2003, 15:41
we would miss you because???......

a. Because I wasn't here


b. You might have the shakes like Dottie and not be able to aim properly!

15 Jun 2003, 15:43

Howz you??

Asha, i have took some pain killers, and its seems to of gone off abit now.

15 Jun 2003, 17:41
A good morning to you Dottie.

my advice: very strong coffee


Had tons of the stuff and do feel very much better now, its the lethargy that gets me :lol:

15 Jun 2003, 19:53
I really have to go now but promise I will be back later o.k.

15 Jun 2003, 20:21
well im off tea time!! sunday roast in this weather!! i must be crazy!!

original sin
15 Jun 2003, 20:58
gotta go sort some stuff back later

15 Jun 2003, 22:00
Going for good now - c u tomorrow - in Dreamtime

original sin
15 Jun 2003, 23:49
giving up now gonna chuck the computer out the window :evil:

15 Jun 2003, 23:49
Goodnight,one and all
see you some time in the distant future

Bat flies off in to the night

16 Jun 2003, 00:36
Well folks time for my shower and then bed

Anyone wishing to help soap my back, form an orderly queue <beautiful ladies only> !!!! (always wanted to say that)

16 Jun 2003, 00:42
Well folks time for my shower and then bed

Anyone wishing to help soap my back, form an orderly queue <beautiful ladies only> !!!! (always wanted to say that)

Um well I wouldn't mind Chris - :oops:

16 Jun 2003, 00:43
c u tomorrow =One happy old girl trots to bed now a song in her heart and a smile on her lips :D

16 Jun 2003, 11:27
Good Morning folks -lovely day apart form invigilating later :(

16 Jun 2003, 11:41
good morning nanna dottie

16 Jun 2003, 11:45
we would miss you because???......

a. Because I wasn't here


b. You might have the shakes like Dottie and not be able to aim properly!

Only just noticed this Chris - had to reply - see R.'s game :lol:

16 Jun 2003, 11:46
good morning nanna dottie

morning Cerys - do u live anywhere near Llanelli - have brother in law there

16 Jun 2003, 11:54
um kind of but i live more near cardiff

The Flying Mouse
16 Jun 2003, 11:55
:twisted: Mornin all.
And after reading Meat's post about his set list last night,what a morning :mrgreen: .
Glad to hear you won your bowling Testify 8) ,although I am getting the impression that you are just a little bit accident prone :lol: .
Anyway,lots to do.
Got to send Meat's get well card on to Heat (you wanna sign?tell Heat TODAY),and try to remember how meat the musical went :lol:

16 Jun 2003, 12:30
i am accident prone!! i seem to have alot of bad luck, just of late!!

Good mornin everyone!

16 Jun 2003, 12:54
im off, cya when ever as the case may be.

16 Jun 2003, 21:39
Gotta go my lovely friends adieau, farewell, goodbye, adios amigos

16 Jun 2003, 21:47
Hello everyone!!!!!!

Hows tricks?

Mousie, was the new member who joined yesterday calle dMrs. Mouse, Carol?

16 Jun 2003, 21:48

16 Jun 2003, 22:00
Well, I ahve caught up with my messages adn am off for a shower before Spooks is on.

Well folks time for my shower and then bed

Anyone wishing to help soap my back, form an orderly queue <beautiful ladies only> !!!! (always wanted to say that)

Um well I wouldn't mind Chris - :oops:

Dottie, I have been stood holding the soap but you ahven't arrived yet. Should I presume you are on your way? Front door key is under the stone that looks like buddha if you turn sideways and squint at it!!!

16 Jun 2003, 22:00
Hello everyone!!!!!!

Hows tricks?

Mousie, was the new member who joined yesterday calle dMrs. Mouse, Carol?

Morning! :? Chris feeling a litle schizo today

16 Jun 2003, 22:01
hey chris, im good!

Howz u?

hey nanna dottie

16 Jun 2003, 22:03
Hello everyone!!!!!!

Hows tricks?

Mousie, was the new member who joined yesterday calle dMrs. Mouse, Carol?

Morning! :? Chris feeling a litle schizo today

Not quite with you on taht one Dottie dear. :??:

Will rephrase psot:

Mousie, Has Carol joined the site under the name Mrs Mouse?

16 Jun 2003, 22:05
Hello everyone!!!!!!

Hows tricks?

Mousie, was the new member who joined yesterday calle dMrs. Mouse, Carol?

Morning! :? Chris feeling a litle schizo today

Not quite with you on taht one Dottie dear. :??:

Will rephrase psot:

Mousie, Has Carol joined the site under the name Mrs Mouse?

No, No, No Chris :lol: Good Morning topic :!:

16 Jun 2003, 22:06
Well, I ahve caught up with my messages adn am off for a shower before Spooks is on.

Well folks time for my shower and then bed

Anyone wishing to help soap my back, form an orderly queue <beautiful ladies only> !!!! (always wanted to say that)

Um well I wouldn't mind Chris - :oops:

Dottie, I have been stood holding the soap but you ahven't arrived yet. Should I presume you are on your way? Front door key is under the stone that looks like buddha if you turn sideways and squint at it!!!

Chris I'm coming I'm coming hold on there :lol: :oops:

16 Jun 2003, 22:07
i'll talk to myself.

hi testify!!
howz you?
im good.
how are you?
not too bad thanks.....

16 Jun 2003, 22:08
i'll talk to myself.

hi testify!!
howz you?
im good.
how are you?
not too bad thanks.....

Thats it a girl after my own heart :lol:

16 Jun 2003, 22:10
huh? in english plz nanna.

u gona reply to my PM?? pritty pritty plz

16 Jun 2003, 22:14
OK Dottie, i understand. When you ahev been up since 4 am and had numerous arguements with mad smelly pensioners and snotty nosed kids etc etc, you lose all track of time!!!!!

Pretend I wrote this tomorrow morning!!!!!

Hello Testify, Hope you are OK, sorry to hear about your poor spell at bowling. I am useless at bowling (thinkt hat is why everyone likes to paly against me!!) What exciting stuff ahve you been up to today?

16 Jun 2003, 22:18
not alot, im at home, finished all my exams nad have nothing to do. im lookin for a job also. Been cleanin the house n stuff, not v excitin.

i was on here earlier but no one was sayin n e thin, i must have some sort of strange effect on ppl.

has dottie left to go to yours?? hehe

16 Jun 2003, 22:28
im off.

cana be arsed with this n e more!! :x

i think im stressed, i have my reasons!

chocolate will cheer me up.

The Flying Mouse
17 Jun 2003, 00:11
:twisted: Hi Chris.
Sorry i'm late replying.I've only just read this.
Yes,Carol has joined the forum as Mrs Mouse.She's looking forward to logging on and talking to everyone :D .
Unfortunatly,Mr Mouse is an idiot :oops: .I've entered an email address that was set up for my by my agent (who has a brain) but for some reason I can't access it :? .So I can't activate her confirmation e mail.
I'm gonna talk to him tomorrow and see if we can sort it out. :D
I'll hand over to Carol to say hi for now until her accout is sorted out...

Hi,Chris hello everyone thanx for all your lovely welcomes here and on new members you are all soooooooo nice, I am really glad i am able to talk to everyone now.i will be a bit nervous at first but i hope i get to be a natural like everybody else on here. Anyway thanx again for your kind words,and encouragement best wishes to everyone ,Carol aka Mrs Mouse .

original sin
17 Jun 2003, 00:36
Unfortunatly,Mr Mouse is an idiot
:lmao: :lmao:

Welcome Mrs Mouse :!: Nice to see that your joining has brought the truth out :lol:

17 Jun 2003, 05:01
Chris said: mad smelly pensioners :lol:

I love your way with words, Chris! Here in Florida we have a saying- "It smells like old people", because we are the retirement capital of the world and it seems they are everywhere, often smelling rather odd. (Mainly on the road in front of me, going VERY slowly!) I have definately met some mad smelly pensioners in my day! (Though we call then crazy stinky retirees). You job sounds like it can be a ton of fun some days!


17 Jun 2003, 06:07

Chocolate cures most every stress, I hope it is successful with yours!


17 Jun 2003, 10:42
good morning to every one who is up how is every one today

17 Jun 2003, 10:42
huh? in english plz nanna.

u gona reply to my PM?? pritty pritty plz

I haven't received a pm yet K. probably fallen into a black hole :lol:

17 Jun 2003, 10:45
OK Dottie, i understand. When you ahev been up since 4 am and had numerous arguements with mad smelly pensioners and snotty nosed kids etc etc, you lose all track of time!!!!!

Pretend I wrote this tomorrow morning!!!!!

Hello Testify, Hope you are OK, sorry to hear about your poor spell at bowling. I am useless at bowling (thinkt hat is why everyone likes to paly against me!!) What exciting stuff ahve you been up to today?

Morning Chris - sounds like my day with the snotty nosed kids :lol: and pretend I wrote this last night :!: Couldn't find the key :??: u sure the buddha didn't just get up and walk away - Ah well next time maybe :wink:

17 Jun 2003, 10:46
good morning to every one who is up how is every one today

Morning cerys - must have just missed you - have a good day

17 Jun 2003, 10:47
thats ok nanna dottie lol

17 Jun 2003, 10:49
Chris said: mad smelly pensioners :lol:

I love your way with words, Chris! Here in Florida we have a saying- "It smells like old people", because we are the retirement capital of the world and it seems they are everywhere, often smelling rather odd. (Mainly on the road in front of me, going VERY slowly!) I have definately met some mad smelly pensioners in my day! (Though we call then crazy stinky retirees). You job sounds like it can be a ton of fun some days!


Good morning sherrie - just had a thought I'll be drawing my old age pension in just over 6 years time. Oh my God :!: Evil

17 Jun 2003, 10:51
Unfortunatly,Mr Mouse is an idiot
:lmao: :lmao:

Welcome Mrs Mouse :!: Nice to see that your joining has brought the truth out :lol:

Welcome Mrs mouse - It helps if your're mad to come here to the forum :lol:

17 Jun 2003, 10:58

Hope everyone's well today - i'm good but with a touch of sunburn....

Missed you all loadses yesterday :P Hope i didn't miss owt important!!!

Hubbs said he'd frogotten what i look like...said he's more used to seeing the back of me when im on the puter.... :oops:

17 Jun 2003, 11:01

Hope everyone's well today - i'm good but with a touch of sunburn....

Missed you all loadses yesterday :P Hope i didn't miss owt important!!!

Hubbs said he'd frogotten what i look like...said he's more used to seeing the back of me when im on the puter.... :oops:

Excuse me :!: :oops: wondered what u meant for a moment there Heat

17 Jun 2003, 11:05

Hope everyone's well today - i'm good but with a touch of sunburn....

Missed you all loadses yesterday :P Hope i didn't miss owt important!!!

Hubbs said he'd frogotten what i look like...said he's more used to seeing the back of me when im on the puter.... :oops:

Excuse me :!: :oops: wondered what u meant for a moment there Heat

:lol: :lol: :lol: What are you like, eh Dottie??? :lol:

17 Jun 2003, 13:16
Good morning all.

17 Jun 2003, 15:05
i did send one nanna dottie. must of got lost in the post!! im tellin ya, you just cant get the staff these days!

i'll send it agen.

Hello to everyone!! :D

17 Jun 2003, 15:30
Hello everyone.

Just on a quick lunchbreak and thought I would retreat to the sanity of the forums!!!!!


17 Jun 2003, 15:37
I ahve eaten my sandwiches so now I am off. back to face teh rampaging hordes whose littles lives are being messed up by trivialities such as the paper being pushed through the fornt door and not the abck door!!!! :evil: !

Yes, I am having one fot hose days. life would be so much easier if i went to work and didn't unlock the shop door/answer the phone.

Bye folks

PS, not on later as I have a date (See Chat Up Lines Post)

17 Jun 2003, 15:44
Cya later, off to get messages.

Bye Bye

The Flying Mouse
17 Jun 2003, 15:45
:twisted: Hi everyone.
Hope everyone's well :D .

White of High
17 Jun 2003, 16:04
I'm not!
I have to learn a lot!
Next exam at Thursday...

17 Jun 2003, 16:31
Dottie said: - just had a thought I'll be drawing my old age pension in just over 6 years time. Oh my God Evil

Maybe so, Dottie- but keep listening to Meat's music and you will be a rockin' cool pensioner and never sink to mad smelly pensioner status! :lol: Meat knows the secret to staying young no matter what your age- Never Stop Rockin!


17 Jun 2003, 16:35
Chris said: PS, not on later as I have a date (See Chat Up Lines Post)

Best of luck Chris!


17 Jun 2003, 18:31
Chris said: PS, not on later as I have a date (See Chat Up Lines Post)

Best of luck Chris!


Yeah..best of luck, hun :D

I do expect a full report in the morning :lol:

17 Jun 2003, 18:35
Hey all...

how are we all today?

17 Jun 2003, 18:47
Hey heat, im fine

howz jooz?

17 Jun 2003, 18:50
I is good, ta, Testify.

Whatya been up to today?

17 Jun 2003, 18:52
bin playin tennis, football. Sat out in the sun till the thunder n lightenin came, cleaned the rabbit, and played with the dog. oh and takin messages for the meat card.

What bout you?

17 Jun 2003, 18:55
Had the paddlin pool out the back for the boys - jumped in with them and splashed about a bit. :D

They are fasto now, and hubbs is reading paper, so thought id just come and have a browse here till it's time fer tea :D

17 Jun 2003, 18:59
i got ages till my tea cos mum aint back till 8, and dad will probably burn the pies that were supposed to have.

i managed to get grass stains on my trousers cos i fell over playin tennis in the back yard!! hehe, dont think she will be too pleased!!

17 Jun 2003, 19:05
i managed to get grass stains on my trousers cos i fell over playin tennis in the back yard!! hehe, dont think she will be too pleased!!

Playing tennis, eh??? :lol: Thats the excuse i used to use, too :wink:

17 Jun 2003, 19:10
hehe, u funny!!

Im not v good at it, think i will stick to football! i can do that.
you decided on the chocolate you want?

17 Jun 2003, 19:13
Chris said: PS, not on later as I have a date (See Chat Up Lines Post)

Best of luck Chris!


Yeah..best of luck, hun :D

I do expect a full report in the morning :lol:

Have a great time then Chris - some else to wash your back :cry:

17 Jun 2003, 19:18
Dottie said: - just had a thought I'll be drawing my old age pension in just over 6 years time. Oh my God Evil

Maybe so, Dottie- but keep listening to Meat's music and you will be a rockin' cool pensioner and never sink to mad smelly pensioner status! :lol: Meat knows the secret to staying young no matter what your age- Never Stop Rockin!


Now that could be why I love Forever Young so much, just about says it all.

Believe me
sherrie I will never ever be one of those (don't stand to close to her )golden oldies - I aim to be still rocking in my 70's :lmao:

17 Jun 2003, 19:19
hey nanna!! how are you??

17 Jun 2003, 19:21
hey nanna!! how are you??

I'm back again and feeling very hot, bothered tired and crassy. I need you K. to cool me down and get me thinking straight again, apart from that I'm o.k. :lol:

17 Jun 2003, 19:23
you want a glass of lemonade with ice cubes?? i would come to your house with my big fan thingy but its sooooo far away!! get ellis to do the chores!! (is that how u spell it?)

17 Jun 2003, 19:35
you want a glass of lemonade with ice cubes?? i would come to your house with my big fan thingy but its sooooo far away!! get ellis to do the chores!! (is that how u spell it?)

Brilliant idea K. I can almost taste the lemonade now slurp slurp

17 Jun 2003, 19:38
hehe, nice in it!! u wanna magnum?? i got some in the freezer, i think there white ones?? u cooled down yet?

17 Jun 2003, 19:39
hehe, nice in it!! u wanna magnum?? i got some in the freezer, i think there white ones?? u cooled down yet?

Much better now K. just needed a minute where I wasn't seeing to someone else's needs for a change

Shock Horror Wheres my avatar :o :? gone :!:

Oh my god its back again -is someone trying to send me mad or what :evil:

17 Jun 2003, 20:00
is it ok?? my interent just went funny to, had to reconnect!! freeserve is a mystery to me!!!

17 Jun 2003, 20:13
good luck chris n have fun.

Cya all later!! bye bye

oh nanna dottie, say hi to Ellis for me. bye bye

17 Jun 2003, 20:27
Goodbye farewell my friends - c u all tomorrow - "and may your god go with you"

17 Jun 2003, 22:05
u back agen dottie?

17 Jun 2003, 22:21
guess not!

cya later, mum needs the computer! bye bye. cya all in da mornin.

18 Jun 2003, 02:05
Good Night all have pleasant dreams - Lets have a night wish in Dream Time for Tim to come back please :!:

18 Jun 2003, 11:37
Top of the Morning to you all :D

18 Jun 2003, 12:17
morning everyone!!

18 Jun 2003, 12:42
im not even gonna bother sayin what i think about what Tim said.

speak to you all later bye bye

18 Jun 2003, 12:58
Morning all :D

Hafta admit - i am bloody knackered this morning - soooo tired :twisted:

Hafta go into work this afternoon unfortuneatly, and theres no way i can throw a sickie... :(

Hope everyones ok today - see you guys later :D

18 Jun 2003, 13:43
Hi Heat,
hope you feel a bit better before going to work....

Morning to all...

18 Jun 2003, 14:11
morning all and hos the morning for you im off to hopfully grt a scotter to day so i can get my self to work what is evey one eles doing to day

The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2003, 15:12
:twisted: Hi everyone.
Hope your all well.
I'm not in work until 9.00 Friday night :P

18 Jun 2003, 15:15
i dont work so i have all the time in the world!!

nice one mouse!

Howz you?

The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2003, 15:22
:twisted: I'm fine thanks Testify.But my computer is working really slow at the moment :? .
How are you?

18 Jun 2003, 15:24
so is mine!!

im ok. im bored but im ok. i have a dog n rabbit for company, what more could you ask for! :wink:

what you bin upt to??

18 Jun 2003, 21:10
Hello all

18 Jun 2003, 21:11
Hello all

Hello Chris :D

The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2003, 21:18
:twisted: Hi Chris :D .
How was your day?

18 Jun 2003, 23:10
hewo everybody!!! howz you?

im happy cos i was able to download my freeserve connection kit so i will have no problem connecting to the net!! haha :D

18 Jun 2003, 23:22
Hope to talk to all of you later. Have to go (don't want to) my son is having a fever after school-camp and I will not be here a lot until Saterday.

Busy, but am going to see Marco Borsato on Friday, that should at least be fun! :lol:

I know you will 'be good', you always are! :lol: :lol: :lol:



18 Jun 2003, 23:23
I'll behave, promise :lol:

Have Fun Mariella.


18 Jun 2003, 23:25
yeh right!! as if!!


im always mischevous :!: (have i spelt that right)

have a nice time

19 Jun 2003, 00:10

Did your date go well? Just bein' nosy!


EDIT: Oops, sorry, just saw your answer in Postwhores!

19 Jun 2003, 00:14
Sherrie - your new avatar is fantastic!!!! :D :D :D

19 Jun 2003, 00:27
Thanks Heat! (You know yours ain't half bad at all!) I was the first one to have my old avatar, but as 4 or 5 other people chose it it was making me crazy and getting confusing so I had to switch it. Hopefully I can stay solo on this one.


19 Jun 2003, 00:37
i'm off to bed, so nite nite all :D

19 Jun 2003, 11:47
Morning All - Happy Happy Joy Joy

19 Jun 2003, 11:59
Moring all.....

not quite woken up as yet, but getting there slowly...

The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2003, 12:46
:twisted: Mornin fellow Meat heads

19 Jun 2003, 14:23
Morning peeps

Dottie, you seem cheerful, Have you been playing with the home brew again?

19 Jun 2003, 14:25
Morning Mousie and Chris

How the devil are ya both??? :D

The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2003, 14:28
:twisted: Fine thanks Heat.
How are you?

19 Jun 2003, 14:31
Good morning,
How is everyone


The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2003, 14:31
:twisted: Gotta log off a minute.
Back in 2 secs.

19 Jun 2003, 14:32
Fine thanks Heat

Fine thanks Asha

:lol: :lol:

(wouldn't it confuse everyine if i gave you both different answers!!)

The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2003, 14:41
:twisted: Hi Asha.
How are you?

19 Jun 2003, 14:47
Fine thx.
bit of a late night, but thats my own fault right, hehe


19 Jun 2003, 14:51
Well, lunch is over so it is time for em to go face the mad hordes once more. I cna just picture all the old dears storming over the hill!!!!

Makes me feel a bit like Michael Caine in Zulu when the appear atop the hill!!!!!!


wanders back to work singing "Men of Harlech.......

19 Jun 2003, 15:42

i've not been around lately,what's been happening?

The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2003, 15:55
"Bren The Bat"
Our favourite Mods not back then?.....i've not been around of late.

Of course i'm here Bren :D .
Oh! 8O .
erm,I see :oops:


19 Jun 2003, 15:58
Hi Mouse good to see you,what's been happening,

The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2003, 16:00
:twisted: Hi Bren.
Nice to see you again :D .
You know what it's like round here.Same old same old :lol: .

19 Jun 2003, 16:43
:twisted: Fine thanks Heat.
How are you?

Apart from a rash - dont ask - i'm good, ta :D

19 Jun 2003, 16:47
Hi Everyone
How's it going?

19 Jun 2003, 16:49
Hi Everyone
How's it going?

Hiya Cathie :D

Glad you found your way here hun. We is all just one big hapy family here :lol: You'll get used to us....eventually 8O

Hope you is ok, hun :P


The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2003, 16:50
:twisted: Hi Cathie :D .
Welcome to the forums.

19 Jun 2003, 16:53
Cheers all
i've wanted to join for a while - it was a case of persuading my dad. thanks for all the welcomes. hope u're all okay.xx

The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2003, 16:55
:twisted: Tell your dad to join too then :lol:
Have fun.

19 Jun 2003, 16:56
:twisted: Tell your dad to join too then :lol:

Yeah...the more the merrier :D

19 Jun 2003, 16:59
My dad is the reason I got into Meat in the first place (by stealing his tapes when I was younger). now he thinks i've gone all obsessive. he lives in Germany though so now I'm bugging him to get me Meat Loaf CDs from there!!

19 Jun 2003, 19:30
ok now cathie this is strange!! u live in the same town as me, i got into meat cos of my mum, n u cos of your dad. i had to pursuade him to let me on here to!! i even got a new computer!! hehe, i was the same, watchin this place for ages!! now im here i have some great mates and an adopted nanna!! thats Dottie, now doubt she will adopt u to! hehe :D

19 Jun 2003, 19:33

19 Jun 2003, 19:36
shez v nice!! oh n also famous, n if you dont know about that u soon will do!! trust me! :D :lol:

19 Jun 2003, 19:38
i've been doing my reserch. I know all about Graham Norton. Taped it when it was on. I luv dottie. she's so cool.

19 Jun 2003, 19:43
oh u done ur hmk!! ok, dottie is FAB!!! she was the one who helped me find my feet, and is still doing so

19 Jun 2003, 19:44
she's a great lady. do u think she will adopt me too?

19 Jun 2003, 19:49
no doubt!!

19 Jun 2003, 20:44
Hello all, how's everyone today?

19 Jun 2003, 20:59
Hi, everyone at last i can finally speak to you all :lol:
how is everyone ?well i trust . Iam shattered been to work all day packing loreal kids shampoo every colour there is. :roll: I dont think Mr Mouse will get a look in now i am on here :cry: , i just thought id let everyone know i can come on and join the happy family best wishes to all Carol aka Mrs Mouse.

19 Jun 2003, 20:59
Evening everybody.

How are we all this fine evenign?

19 Jun 2003, 21:47
Hi Chris hope you have had a good day :D glad the date went well the other night :wink:
i am soooooo happy to be online at last i hope everyone talks to me :D

19 Jun 2003, 21:51
Hi Carol,

The problem isn't getting us to talk to you, it's getting us to shut up again!!!!!!

19 Jun 2003, 21:56
Hi Carol :D

Hi Chris... so any more dates planned :wink:

19 Jun 2003, 21:59
Hi jen,

Yes, she ahs never seen Rocky horror so she is coming around to watch it next week. I will have to go invest in soem rice and things to make in authentic!!!! Wonder if i can get her round in costume ( mental note: Ask her if she owns corset and fishnets??)

19 Jun 2003, 22:05
Costumes... on what, the second date :twisted: :lol:

Have fun

19 Jun 2003, 22:12
Hi jen being on here is really cool 8) thank you for a warm welcome,

19 Jun 2003, 22:16
Well, I am afriad that i will ahve to now visit Siansburys and do some shopping!!!!

Adios Amigos

and remember Be Careful out there!!!

19 Jun 2003, 22:17
Hi Mrs Mouse, and welcome. :D

Hi all

19 Jun 2003, 22:43
Hi bren thanx carol :D

19 Jun 2003, 23:21
Chris said:

Yes, she ahs never seen Rocky horror so she is coming around to watch it next week.

Now Chris, that is a very cool second date! Big points for you, I would say! :lol:
