View Full Version : Official Time Of the Day Thread (Good Morning Good Night)
Hi everyone, hi Bren how are you feeling today?
fine thanks:D ...have recovered
Good evening everyone, should no-one read this tonight then....good morning everyone!!
Hi Bren how are you on this cold evening??
good night all..have a good sleep
Good morning Bren..have a nice day..
good morning everyone:D
Hi Caelan...thanks:D
good afternoon all...
20 Dec 2005, 20:16
Good Evening All :D
Evening all.
Decisions, decisions in ChrisWorld tonight - what do i want for my tea??
Evening all.
Decisions, decisions in ChrisWorld tonight - what do i want for my tea??
:roll: food:lol:
or Earl grey, assam, English breakfast, Lady Grey,..........etc:lol:
Goodmorning everyone- have a nice day
GoodMorning All:coffee:
Have a great day today, are you all getting excited for crimbo?!:bunny: :yay:
21 Dec 2005, 12:24
Evening all! It's the end of another belting hot day here Downunder. Over 40C degrees! That calls for lots of cool drinkies!!! And just in time for Chrissy with the relos. Oh what joy and what fun - NOT!
Does anyone else dislike the silly season? Hot roast chook dappled with beads of salty sweat! Just peachy!
Bah, Humbug! Bring on the seafood platter.
good night every one...just got back from work..what a day..and it's really late to get home
good morning all....quick hello, must go to work in few mins..
goodnight everyone of you around here...
Night everyone, see you soon x
GoodMorning All!
Hope everyone had a good day yesterday and gots lots of prezzie's!!:bunny: :mrgreen:
good morning to you all..:D
26 Dec 2005, 17:33
Good Afternoon All....:D:D
Hope you all had a good day yesterday
Merry Christmas for yesterday too ;)
26 Dec 2005, 18:19
merry xmas Ross and all :-)
Hey everyone, hope you're all ok this day...might get snow tomorrow! Hope you all had a merry christmas x
26 Dec 2005, 18:36
merry xmas Ross and all :-)
Same to you my friend...Hope you had a great day ;)
Hey Ross, good to see you :D x
Goodmorning to everyone...hope you all had some nice Christmas days...
and now countdown to the new year..
I wish you all a very nice day..:D
GoodMorning Everyone....hope you have a nice day ahead of you...:D
White rabbits:shock:
Morning all.
02 Jan 2006, 15:17
Good Afternoon All...:D
How are you all??
good afternoon to you too SLM..
and everybody on the board:D :D
02 Jan 2006, 21:11
Evening all! :wave:
02 Jan 2006, 21:25
Or8 DJ....How are ya bud??
02 Jan 2006, 21:59
Fantastic SLM i can feel my baby kick now. It's fantastic! :yay: Best present ever! :cheer:
Hope your Xmas was just as good! :lol:
03 Jan 2006, 14:31
Fantastic SLM i can feel my baby kick now. It's fantastic! :yay: Best present ever! :cheer:
Hope your Xmas was just as good! :lol:
Thats fantastic, and a Big Congrats :D
Xmas was great thanks, just had to work through the week between Xmas and New Year, otherwise Fab
Afternoon All :D
Howdy folks.
All well i trust
good evening to you all..have a nice one..:-P
good evening to you all....
Good evening to you Loafers around on this board:D
or should i say good night..
The Flying Mouse
12 Jan 2006, 03:08
:twisted: Evenin all :D
Good evening one and all :D
good evening to you too Bren and all Loafers around the net..
Avery good day to you Fire Ball.
a good evening to you Caelan :D
GoodEvening Caelan and Bren and to everyone else too :D
good evening to you too Leah..
Nan Nite All
Sleep Tight :wave:
1 more cigaret and then off to bed..
good night all
And a very good morning to you all............:-)
good morning....hope you all have a good least it's Friday!
good morning everybody..have a nice weekend :D
I'm back online after almost a week without the computer..
i missed that thing..:roll:
20 Jan 2006, 13:36
Morning All...well if you can call it that, more like Afternoon now!!
Any how....Hi...:D
good morning everybody..have a nice weekend :D
I'm back online after almost a week without the computer..
i missed that thing..:roll:
a week without a computer, i can barely manage 5 hours. ;)
a week without a computer, i can barely manage 5 hours. ;)
It's the same over here.. but I'm glad i could use the computer of a friend of mine...
good evening Bren..and all around
have a nice weekend
20 Jan 2006, 21:09
Evening All :D
Evening Caelan....How are you??
Evening All :D
Evening Caelan....How are you??
Evening SLM..I'm doing quit fine at the i can read this forum :-P again..and a nice weekend to look forward too
and how are you SLM?
20 Jan 2006, 23:56
Good to hear Caelan.....I am well thanks, a day break in Barcelona coming up at the weekend...but very good thanks....
Its good to be back on the forum...been away for a few days :D
Good to hear Caelan.....I am well thanks, a day break in Barcelona coming up at the weekend...but very good thanks....
Its good to be back on the forum...been away for a few days :D
Good morning all around..
Have a nice weekend in Barcelona SLM..
21 Jan 2006, 10:37
21 Jan 2006, 19:55
Hi guys haven't been able to get online all week so glad to be back :cheer:
21 Jan 2006, 20:15
Good morning all around..
Have a nice weekend in Barcelona SLM..
Thanks, I will do :D:D
Evening All....How are we...
Welcome back DJfierce ;)
21 Jan 2006, 22:55
Thanks SLM :D
Sorry i missed ya, hope all is well
Enjoy your hol mate! :wave:
Hey DJ.
How is you and the future MiniYou??
21 Jan 2006, 23:16
Fine thanks Chris
Mini me is a little too energetic for my liking but maybe i have a future Rooney!! :cool: (as long as he doesn't play for Man U :grin: )
Can't think of a female equivalent (answers on a postcard! )
Hope all is good with yourself!
All is fine thanks.
Glad MiniYou is doing well, just don't forget babies are supposed to be able to hear in the womb so keep playing lots of meat at it - Never too early to get them started on Bat!!!
21 Jan 2006, 23:51
Most definately!!
When i put Meat on the kicks get stronger (approval or the unimaginable dissaproval :tard: )
Anyway if it's the latter i've got plenty of time to brainwash the poor little mite ;)
good morning all...have a good day...
Good morning Bren..have a nice day:D
Good morning all around..have fun:-P
24 Jan 2006, 22:45
Good evening all....How are you...
Good news to hear about your baby kicking more when Meat is on, That baby is definitely going to be a rockin' Loafer DJFierce :D:D
25 Jan 2006, 13:48
Hi All :D
hey Bren..have a nice evening
Hi all around have a nice evening also
27 Jan 2006, 20:19
Good news to hear about your baby kicking more when Meat is on, That baby is definitely going to be a rockin' Loafer DJFierce :D:D
:p Most definatly.
umm... baby's first tooth
first curl
first steps
oh and ...
Baby's first Meat concert here we come!! :))
27 Jan 2006, 20:59
Baby's first Meat concert here we come!! :))
:lmao: Absolutely
Hi All...How are you all this evening :D
himself is out on a builders night out, ellis is due out shortly - yipee - I'll have the bungalow to myself:D
Hello you.
Long time no speak!
Hows things?
I was just contemplating giving you a ring!!
well in that case good evening my prince of the night:lol:
Good afternoon all...have a nice weekend..
29 Jan 2006, 18:07
Good Afternoon....:D
Hey SLM..hope you're ok
have a nice evening all
Hi Caelan, hi SLM:D
evening all....
30 Jan 2006, 08:32
Good morning.. :D It´s getting brigher and brighter.. Spring is coming! :lol:
GoodEvening Fellow Loafers!
good evening Leah..have a nice one
good evening all around this lovely place
hello Leah and Caelan
good evening all....
Evening All - just flying through...........
please stay for a postwhore ;)
please stay for a postwhore ;)
If you insist;) :lol:
hi dottie my little pipistrelle :D ...long time no chat, nice to see you
*big grinning smilies* editor keeps changing the Ds to lowercase... :(
ditto ditto my parent bat Bren and Keab
dottie turns her potting wheel to produce some postwhoring tis evening:lol:
goodnight all....
the bat flies away in to the night.....
de vleermuis vliegt weg in de nacht.......
Goodnight my parent bat Bren, will have time to chat this coming weekend..
Goodnight Keab its been a pleasure postwhoring with you.........;)
Goodnight Keab its been a pleasure postwhoring with you.........;)
Indeed it has.
i must also fly away the early lectures beckon me...
Cannot sleep - As the old Searchers song goes "****in and Turning" easier just to get up:tired: :zzz: :roll:
01 Feb 2006, 08:48
Good morning to everyone! :D
good morrning to all loafers
Good afternoon to all...have a nice day
03 Feb 2006, 08:51
Morning! :D
good morning.....quiet here...
06 Feb 2006, 11:28
Good morning! :zzz:
I spent whole night watching Super Bowl.. From 1 a.m to 5 a.m :lurk: And now I´m little tired :zzz
good morning skeleton..:D
morning all...
Welsh Rocker
06 Feb 2006, 13:03
Good Morning:D
Not that anyone knows me here:(
hi welsh rocker
afternoon all
morning all...:D
the sun is shining here for a change :D cold though
10 Feb 2006, 13:00
Morning. I have I day off from work.. :coffee:
good olympic evening to all...
17 Feb 2006, 10:16
goodmorning ladies and gentleman
17 Feb 2006, 11:48
Just cooking a late dinner downunder. Evening all!
17 Feb 2006, 19:03
Afternoon all...
Good morning to all, haven't been on for a while but I'm back...
hi caelan :D
good morning all ..
.........pulling braces out.............Evening all :D
good evening to one and all
Hi Bren..
Goodnight's bedtime here..well way past bedtime hmm
23 Feb 2006, 04:04
It's lunchtime on Thursday here Downunder. Hmmm, what to chow down on??
23 Feb 2006, 12:10
Morning.. :D
good morning all......
another cold, grey day here..
good morning all......
another cold, grey day here..
Goodmorning to you too Bren.
Here itr is cold but very sunny :D
Goodmorning Loafers
Hi Caelan :D
evening one and all :D
good morning to you too Bren..and to all Loafers around this place
good morning all...
snowing here :D
28 Feb 2006, 20:08
Good Evening All....:D
Is it still snowing Bren, Wish it was here....:(
Hi SLM :D ...long time no's things with you?
snowing off and on....but not settling...
good evening one and all :D
04 Mar 2006, 23:03
Goodnight all... no snow here in amersfoort.... im off to bed, bye ;) sweet dreams all
Goodmorning :D
way too early a start to the day for a sunday..:lol:
Good Morning my fellow loafers:-) nice to see you to see you nice...
GoodBye all, I have to go now :( Off to pick my sister up from work at wilko's, wishing y'all a goodnight!:wave:
Hi I'm back :D Pixie's been away with the fairies, but great to see you all again :lol:
I'm going to be on and off all evening - makes a change:lol:
06 Mar 2006, 22:26
I'm going to be on and off all evening - makes a change:lol:
On & off what Dottie :shock:
Miss ya girl - I hate not having time for you all now :oops:
06 Mar 2006, 23:01
goodnight all, sweet dreams!
On & off what Dottie :shock:
the lap top you silly billy:lol:
Miss ya girl - I hate not having time for you all now :oops:
Miss you too FA but your here now thats what's important;)
If you gotta go go now, go now...........
See you all tomorow:D
Hi Pixie, Dottie, FA, sunneke, Gerry nice to see you all l :D
good evening all :D
07 Mar 2006, 00:57
Good morning from Downunder
good evening or /morning to you then rockette ...:lol:
07 Mar 2006, 01:01
Thank you. Can you come over here and throttle an errant rooster for me?
07 Mar 2006, 09:47
goodmorning!!!!!! i hope you all sleep well, today is for the dutch people voting day ;) Don't forget to vote dutchies!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a nice day all!
Good morning Ellen and all felow Loafers
07 Mar 2006, 12:05
Good evening, Caelan, on this very confusing evening indeed.
07 Mar 2006, 12:06
You vote midweek???????
You vote midweek???????
good evening to you dear...have a good night sleep..see you back next time
midweek ain't bad..:D
good evening one and all...
;) good evening one and all...
Good night Bren..and all around..
or to the otherside of the world good morning;)
Good morning
Guten morgan
Bonne Matinee
Maidin mhaith
Hi y'all
I think that takes care of most of you!!
good night all.......
the bat flies away........
09 Mar 2006, 07:51
:wave: good afternoon all.
Hi are you today?
09 Mar 2006, 09:56
Good morning all! have a nice day!!!!!
Hi Sunneke..all ok?
Hi all have a nice evening
Hi Caelan :D
evening all :D
hello everyone!!! 2000 post!! yay!
09 Mar 2006, 23:56
sleep well all!!!
10 Mar 2006, 11:30
Evening all!!!!! from the well overheated land downunder
good morning to you too...
wanna trade a bit of heat for some cold??
hello everyone!!! 2000 post!! yay!
congratulations Ben! :D
12 Mar 2006, 03:42
Afternoon here too - just. :D
Goog afternoon Anne.. and all Loafers a good morning and day
14 Mar 2006, 05:38
And good afternoon again! Must start getting up earlier.
good morning...have a nice day
good morning to you all...:D
.i do believe the sun is trying to shine here....
good morning Bren and all around
15 Mar 2006, 14:25
Nighty Night, don't let the bed bugs bite!
Nighty Night, don't let the bed bugs bite!
good night to you..sweet dreams
im off to bed
goodnight all
good morning ....she says sleepily..
i'm off in search of a cup of tea .......have fun
Goodnight all.
Especially you.
hello benny
good evening all....:D
20 Mar 2006, 03:00
Umm. Happy midday to you all!
well more like a tatty bye for now, but see you later......
23 Mar 2006, 12:54
Good grief! It's nearly 10pm here.
good evening to you...and good afternoon to everyone else around
25 Mar 2006, 06:57
Afternoon cuppa time. Feel free to join me.
good afternoon to you ....and all on other sides of this planet goodmorning or goodnight ..
25 Mar 2006, 09:43
Evening to you, Caelan
25 Mar 2006, 10:08
You're more than welcome, pet.
25 Mar 2006, 10:25
Would you prefer being called a doll?
Good morning Caelan :D
morning all....
goede morgen Bren..prettig weekend
25 Mar 2006, 10:36
Evening from Downunder, Bren.
Good evening one and all....
good morning Bren...and all around
Hi Caelan:D
evening all..
Howdy Bren.........Howz being Batty Bat :shock:
31 Mar 2006, 08:55
Morning my Batty friends - hope you are all well :cool:
Morning my batty friends, well anyone who is up and cann't sleep...;)
Good morning to you all..have a nice weekend;)
Hey there Bren, haven't seen you in ages! Had to avoid forum while at uni cos wasn't getting any work done! Hope you're ok hun x
i'm fine thanks cathie :D
03 Apr 2006, 00:15
Good Evening All :D
How are we??
Just about bedtime.
Night all
Hey Ross, sorry I missed you, been to long. Hope you're OK.
03 Apr 2006, 21:31
Hey Ross, sorry I missed you, been to long. Hope you're OK.
Hi Cathie, :D
Yeah it has, We need to catch up....;) I am good thanks, yourself?? Speak soon, take care!
Evening All!
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